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Police seek warrant to arrest protest leader Suthep


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Court approves arrest warrant against Suthep for Finance Ministry intrusion

BANGKOK: -- The Criminal Court Tuesday approved a warrant for arrest of protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

Suthep was charged with violating Article 215 and 365 of the Penal Code by leading more two persons to intrude into the compound of the Finance Ministry on Monday.


-- The Nation 2013-11-26

Does anyone have that law to hand. It is illegal to ask 2 people to intrude into a government compound? How about 1?

What is the charge? Trespass on public property? My lord, how on earth does every single food vendor in the country reconcile that one?

here you go - seems the second charge is trespass but of the aggravated kind

Under this law, conspiring to help anyone illegally gets punished. So how come all of these politicians get away with everything. Why is it apparenlty legal to aid and abet a family member in illegality?

I get a feeling that half the police and prosecutors don't know half the laws on the books and if they did they would have dumped so much crap on top of the organisers of these public protestors no one would do it again. Thailand has a law for everything and no one to enforce it.

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There should have been not one moment's hesitation in issuing a warrant for this man's immediate arrest. Give some people a microphone, a mob, and a platform and they get all carried away with themselves.

Book him.

I'm afraid you're falling over yourself with hypocrisy again Frank. Now if only the police had done this in 2010........

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It now seems clear that Suthep and his followers now don't intend to respect the law. "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty". To be honest that seems fair enough. The problem is that this is a very dangerous direction to take. Where does it stop? Which laws should be enforced and which should not? Who decides? This is the point where the promised reconcilliation becomes absolutley essential. And yet what does Yingluk do? She issues a warrant for the arrest of the protest leader, therefore guaranteeing that reconcilliation can not happen.

To me this action seems clear grounds for a vote of no confidence in the sitting government. Is there even such a process for that in Thailand? Does anyone know?

If the worst should happen and there were to be a military cooe (just hypothetically) then who can we expect the army to support? Anyone have any thaughts? It seems clear that the Police will support the current government? Or are they just trying to appear impartial and to support the law as it stands?

Lets hope this can be settled peacefully and without the international humiliation that this country historically sufferes whenever protest take place.

Edited by Captain Jack
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All you Thaksinistas on here saying that he should arrested immediately have to go and finish your education.

It is almost as though you want to see this devolve into a repeat of 2010 while you lick your lips and the prospect of a nice large body count, hopefully upstaging the red count.

Then you can have your red celebrations in the background, while periodically returning to your keyboards to type out how distressed you are at what is happening.

So let them come and arrest him, then you can get what you want.

But I warn you.... Once this is all over and the bodies are counted and the government are out of power. Suthep will walk free looking the most innocent.

Be very very careful of what you wish for.

Edited by Thainy Tim
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..too predictable....that's what happens when tyrants run a country....

...they will stop at nothing....never admit their errors.....never accept defeat.....

...but slander....trumped up charges.....or worse....are THEIR order of the day......

...hopefully the Thai people will not stand for another blow to democracy by targeting strong leaders against corruption...

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RT @tulsathit: Criminal court has approved warrant for Suthep arrest. via @jin_nation

Well, we can now wait for the moment when the BIB try to put handcuffs on the guy. Should get interesting to say the least.

The question should be, who dare to walk into the crowd and drag him out. I'm certain that wouldn't be a nice affairs don't you think?

Don't bet on it ! The man in the middle hasn't played any cards yet?

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Yes, arrest that idiot.

And the Idiots on this forum that have supported the scum bag.

Uhm... You think they should do that too?

Uuuuhm... Maybe the posters on this forum, and all those naive people who supported this new round of silly and destructive protests were not that bad.

Even if they still supported the protests once these were "upgraded" to overthrow nearly everything and everyone not agreeing with the Dems.

Probably they were just too naive to imagine that it would escalate and did not see that these protests were in no way bringing any solution and peace to the country. Maybe they were just writing the wrong things out of frustration in their own lives. Some have a difficult time in Thailand you know? It's a great difficulty for them to understand what is really happening around them when relying only on very biased English news sources (or a wife that they also can't understand). Some don't even actually live in Thailand but have difficult times and frustrations at home and discharge their anger on forums. Maybe some were just ranting out of jealousy. Many have a tendency to quickly hate people with money and power, like most politicians here. A lot have a tendency to simply hate a billionaire family, like the PM's family, only because they themselves never achieved anything much in their lives. Maybe a few were just drunk (again) while writing, or maybe drank a brand that was really too cheap that time. Maybe they felt better to write some bad things about the government because they saw that it is more "trendy" to write such things on this forum. Maybe they associate the Dems and the yellows to an upper class in the society to which they would like so much to be identified. Maybe they just like to look down at the lower middle class and the government which the people of Thailand democratically elected because they consider themselves as "educated" and so much above that "lower" class (now that they earn 29.000b from their new teaching job).

So, you see, you should forgive these scum bags (to use your own words) for what they did. They have their own reasons to support an man as insane as Suthep, and the criminal actions that this former Democrat MP advocates. I, of course, do not agree with all these naive people who support Suthep and the yellow/Dems street mobs, but it is useless to argue with such people.

Give them a chance. Forgive them. Do not wish that they get arrested.

Or, ...

Do you really think it would help???

I hate to think that you could be right rolleyes.gif width=20 alt=rolleyes.gif>

so ?? what are those who are totally fed up with this corrupt bunch and their red thugs totally controlled by one megalomaniac meant to do. They openly say they wont accept a court ruling. They push through in most vile way a bill to absolve a convicted criminal. They openly say they are able to do anything they want. So answer me that. Wait until Taksin and his cronies take over complete control of all checks and balances and then by some made up excuse introduce a police state. IMO it is very unlikely if anything was not done that their would be no real election since by then Taksin would have been back and having total control able and willing to put in his own one party dictatorship. This government has proved time and again they have no interest in anything but getting Taksin back at any cost.

Sure not ideal way to get rid of a mad megalomaniac but Taksin and his cronies have given no other choice and I for one support it 100% since its the only way to stop Thailand descending into a dictatorship.

I simply do not believe anything or almost anyone would be any worse than this curse which for years has been hanging over Thailand. IF they dropped Taksin totally and his clan while I may hate red thugs and cronies in this government at least their would not be one person controlling it all.

What you are meant to do if you are 'totally fed up with this corrupt bunch' is to write to your MP, write to the newspapers, join demonstrations if they are peaceful and dont go on and on. What you also have to accept is that others have a different view to yours and that those views were in the majority 2 years ago and the government that people elected has another 2 to 3 years to go. what you do NOT do is to occupy ministries and try to overthrow the elected government by undemocratic means. That is what living in a democracy means - respecting the others point of view, no matter how repugnant you find it.

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What I'd really like to see is an unbiased perspective on what is happening within the Thai government, the various parties reactions, and what is fomenting the protests this time. Anybody got a clue? And please dispense with any sarcasm, inaccurate information, or bias. I really think that the foreign community should understand what is going on and why -- from an outside point of view.

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By the way...regarding 'Democracy'.

When I first came to LOS in 2007, I had a man tell me he 'just wanted a democracy' like we had (in the West). This was near a protest site by Democracy Circle.

I replied, "Why do you think we have a democracy, and you don't?" I didn't get an answer. He just thought we all had these 'perfect' democracies. Yeah, maybe in Switzerland.

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What I'd really like to see is an unbiased perspective on what is happening within the Thai government, the various parties reactions, and what is fomenting the protests this time. Anybody got a clue? And please dispense with any sarcasm, inaccurate information, or bias. I really think that the foreign community should understand what is going on and why -- from an outside point of view.

Thaksin runaway to Cambodia after the major incident 7 years ago. Now he's passport and staying there is near end, so his sister, current Prime Minister made a paper without asking anyone maybe one month ago to let her brother come back to Thailand (so called Amnesty Bill). After people find out about that yellow people start gathering in Bangkok and make protest with speech that last all night one night in Bangkok. 2 days after that Amnesty Bill is declined (they withdraw all signatures) and she was crying like a baby on national tv (Prime Minister who cries, very nice), and she was hoping that everything will be ok. But Amnesty Bill is not actually rejected, its just prolonged for 3 months until be voted again. And her elections are coming this Thursday, so now people want to destroy Thaksin regime (his sister). And red people are now getting money from government so they can destroy yellow one, also the police, military and everyone, so Thaksin regime can stay in Government (his shadow sister). Understand ?

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What I'd really like to see is an unbiased perspective on what is happening within the Thai government, the various parties reactions, and what is fomenting the protests this time. Anybody got a clue? And please dispense with any sarcasm, inaccurate information, or bias. I really think that the foreign community should understand what is going on and why -- from an outside point of view.

Thaksin runaway to Cambodia after the major incident 7 years ago. Now he's passport and staying there is near end, so his sister, current Prime Minister made a paper without asking anyone maybe one month ago to let her brother come back to Thailand (so called Amnesty Bill). After people find out about that yellow people start gathering in Bangkok and make protest with speech that last all night one night in Bangkok. 2 days after that Amnesty Bill is declined (they withdraw all signatures) and she was crying like a baby on national tv (Prime Minister who cries, very nice), and she was hoping that everything will be ok. But Amnesty Bill is not actually rejected, its just prolonged for 3 months until be voted again. And her elections are coming this Thursday, so now people want to destroy Thaksin regime (his sister). And red people are now getting money from government so they can destroy yellow one, also the police, military and everyone, so Thaksin regime can stay in Government (his shadow sister). Understand ?

Reality is a General Election! So lets have one.

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What I'd really like to see is an unbiased perspective on what is happening within the Thai government, the various parties reactions, and what is fomenting the protests this time. Anybody got a clue? And please dispense with any sarcasm, inaccurate information, or bias. I really think that the foreign community should understand what is going on and why -- from an outside point of view.

Reality is a General Election! So lets have one.

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Suthep's only card is getting the army involved as the Democrat Party are unable to win an election. He was last time upset already that Chuan Lekpai give his blessings to Ahbisit and not to Suthep.

If the army takes over one day, rest assured that Suthep will this time take the PM post and Abhisit might be in some kind of advisory role.

He will run down the country in no time and I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out to be worse as Thaksin.

Any way, if a coup comes in the PTP will once again win the election as you can't change the demographics.

The Democrats can only win with the backing of the army. I am confident this time the army stays out of it.

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I just can't relate with this, I really can't.

Here he is wanting to "storm the ministries". Now, his lawyer is making statements about him "not leading any demonstrators" into the ministries.

Honestly, is it just me? If you believe in something, stick to your guns. Why does everything have to be so half arsed here. This stuff, along with things such as the Thai "men" who blatantly ask for money from foreign husbands. Are there any actual men in Thailand?

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Remember, this man also has a murder charge hanging over him. Not a nice man.

You joking right?

Reality is a General Election! So lets have one.

Yes. Come on Yingluck, let's have an election. Even your supporters are calling for one.

But that needs the Ok from the fugitive, maybe he has an idea for an erection opps election at sometime but it will be entirely at his direction unless of course it comes to follow that he is outgunned by others who have more claim to the running of Thailand.

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I just can't relate with this, I really can't.

Here he is wanting to "storm the ministries". Now, his lawyer is making statements about him "not leading any demonstrators" into the ministries.

Honestly, is it just me? If you believe in something, stick to your guns. Why does everything have to be so half arsed here. This stuff, along with things such as the Thai "men" who blatantly ask for money from foreign husbands. Are there any actual men in Thailand?

Well, maybe he was smart enough to suggest that a few people should pay an educational visit to all these ministries to see how they function in the interests of the Thai people, now if some of these nice folk decided to stay on, how can he be charged with leading demonstrators into these places?

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