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GF's brother stole my camera


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Like others I would use the gf as a mediator. My first reaction would be to cut him off forever however the family may see that as a big loss of face and who knows if it could cause a bump in the road further down.

Forgive him and buy your camera back. Keep an eye on him in future though.

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I'd just go get it back myself.

Then he is forever OUT of the circle of trust. You do not want to be out of the circle of trust. There's no coming back. Ever.

Yeah I agree. It would have been pawned for almost nothing. Just buy it back and be done with the brother in law

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And then quick update where we are now.

My girlfriend went to police station and report him. Police tried to tell her to talk with her brother, not to put her own family to jail, but she told them that she tried already. They agreed with police that BIB will not make any papers yet, since after warrant is made, it can't be taken back (is this true?). Anyway, police told her that they will try to contact her brother and hopefully he get scared and go take the camera back and we all can take group photos together.

If not, my GF was actually ready to put her brother in jail (he have done similar things to her before), but I told her that just better to go get the camera back and tell police to go get coffee. No need to put anyone to jail because of one stolen camera. And anyway, it's only 1600 baht to get it back, so far brothers word can be trusted.

I'd already posted before I read your update. 1600 Baht, just get it back and pay yourself. You know the brother is a thief now so cheap lesson learnt

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Tell the BF thingy that it`s going to be very difficult for him to smile for the camera without any teeth and will a lot healthier for him if he returns it.

If I was the OP I would certainly have second, third and fourth thoughts about becoming part of that family, but reading in between in the lines of this story, the whole setup stinks.

Does the OP really know his girlfriend well and her true feelings towards him?

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OP, just go to the pawn shop and buy it back (if it is there) and chalk the whole thing up to experience.

After that, think long and hard about whether or not you want to stay with the gf, or in Thailand for that matter. Get used to this type of behavior because you will be dealing with it as long as you are here, no matter what gf you have. Thais are Thais.

Tell me, have you ever actually been to Thailand ? blink.png

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I'm confused, why the brother was helping with the move in the first place. Did his sister not know him, his habits, his values?

Why would she allow such a thing to happen?

Just saying. smile.png

If the OP had been doing what many posters do here and photo document the move and post all the snaps on TV forum he would not have a chance to steal the camera.


Good to see that you are getting your camera back and if your gf is as pretty as you say take lots of photos.

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And then quick update where we are now.

My girlfriend went to police station and report him. Police tried to tell her to talk with her brother, not to put her own family to jail, but she told them that she tried already. They agreed with police that BIB will not make any papers yet, since after warrant is made, it can't be taken back (is this true?). Anyway, police told her that they will try to contact her brother and hopefully he get scared and go take the camera back and we all can take group photos together.

If not, my GF was actually ready to put her brother in jail (he have done similar things to her before), but I told her that just better to go get the camera back and tell police to go get coffee. No need to put anyone to jail because of one stolen camera. And anyway, it's only 1600 baht to get it back, so far brothers word can be trusted.

1600 baht to get the camera back?

you said it was a 20,000 baht camera !!

pawn shops check the price of things online before they sell them.

maybe your camera was 20,000 baht 5+ years ago!!

if its 1,600 baht, then i'm surprised you are even at the police station wasting time!!!

yes,, its true that police "take on the case themselves" if you file a report.. (its no longer in your hands).

you should have just got the camera yourself and let your sister tell off her brother in her own way.

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My personal abstract solution / advice;

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Dont get into relationships with people that have "low life" family members / friends that are likely to look for money or steal.

Yeah I know so many of us are enthralled with the apparent abundance of women that seem to like us so much but the bottom line is integrity is a scarce commodity in thailand.

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OP, just go to the pawn shop and buy it back (if it is there) and chalk the whole thing up to experience.

After that, think long and hard about whether or not you want to stay with the gf, or in Thailand for that matter. Get used to this type of behavior because you will be dealing with it as long as you are here, no matter what gf you have. Thais are Thais.

First part, agreed. Second part, what the f!? I don't really see why I should think long and hard about leaving my GF or Thailand because someone stole something? There's a lot of people ready to abuse you, no matter where you go on this planet, that doesn't mean I shouldn't go anywhere. People are people, suicide my only option?

where are you from ?

Interested to know why you are asking, I'm from Finland.

you have MANY replies!

my advice is DONT involve the police!!! he could get punished and (if he is the kind of guy that 'steals' from his own sisters boyfriend and actually pawns the goods for cash for himself, then it was no mistake. its pure intention bad action.


- he sounds like the kind of person that might get you wiped off the face of the earth (via his friends) if you call the police to him !!

i would allow his sister to sort it out for you.

call it her "test".

see how she acts in the situation.

i would heavily judge this situation as a preview to what 'family life' could be if you ever settle down with this girl.

if I was you, I would change the dynamic of this relationship to casual. because it could mean future problems and issues if you end up permanently with this girl.

i do appreciate that her brothers actions is NOT a reflection of your girlfriend, but its definitely something that will plague you in the future.

also: he may call his "friends" to 'teach you a lesson' if you ever had an argument with your girlfriend and she tells her family all the bad things that she believes you have done.

personally, its a GREAT preview into the family.

the more you involve with this girl, the more her family will be more apparent and near to your doings.

about the camera: I would ask your gf to get as much money from him as he has.. and then you contribute the rest adn buy back the camera.

between you you can buy it back.

if sure he hasnt spent the whole lot already!!

so,, get back what you can and add the remaining money yourself.

act nice to him, show him you are a "wise nice man" maybe he learns something. (or perhaps he doesnt!!) Lol!

dont go to the police.

and,,, start the beginning of the end of your relationship with this girl and find a new girlfriend.

(basically,,, dont allow yourself to fall any more deeply in love with her). be on your guard and protect yourself.

if you plan to move (with her) to your home country, then you will be somewhat better off because you will never have to see or deal with her brother again.

and she will get more westernized and more gap from her family.

that is the only way I can see things be ok for you.

anyway. dont force him to buy back the whole camera. just get from him what he has remaining.

Moving back to my home country with my GF would be only way things be ok for me? What is wrong with this forum 555. I don't know what's your experience in Thailand, but I kind of feel sorry if something have made your attitude towards this country so negative. Thailand for sure have those side I hate also, those sides that sometimes drives me crazy - but so have my home country. For me it's still perfectly clear if I want to stay here or not. Good things easily outweigh the bad.

People are advising "let the girlfriend handle it" and "do not involve the police". In the opening post, it was stated that the girlfriend was threatening police involvement.

What would I do? I would go to the pawnshop and retrieve the camera, shame the boy as much as possible, and have no further involvement with him, ever.

Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Thank you for reading my original post! Yes, police was completely GF's idea and she is the one who is handling the situation, maybe asking bit of advice from me once in a while. And I agree with your advice.

Gf is not handling it at all,nothing is happening.The game has started,your move.

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