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Government offices in 33 provinces now besieged by protesters


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Don't worry, they have just a few hands of voters, they depend on people in pampers, young and old and a handful of fanatics. Suthep is treating the protests as the business of certain execs of the Democrat Part, like a Pyramid Scheme. It is unsustainable. And Suthep a loser since 1992 when it comes to elections, will work out to be another loser who will spend the rest of his days in jail for murdering over 90 protesters and wounding 2000 plus.

clutching at straws aren't we cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif whatever happens your hero has had it. No way will he be able to come back here now unless he manages to turn Thailand into a complete police state vis a vie North Korea. For first time in many years I feel confident of a better future here in Thailand and as your hero said he does not believe in democracy so if its a coup or whatever I for one will feel much better. This time it will end one way or other. Either Taksin will be once and for all totally defeated or we will have a one party dictatorship. THeir simply is no longer any room for talk or compromise your red shirts and the shin clan and their hangers on have made sure of that.

For all their talk and rhetoric the red shirt thugs are total cowards. If they act to form their will be civil war and one side will win or other or Army will take over properly this time. It seems they simply can't get numbers so will wimp out and run back to their holes like the cowardly lot they are.

Im very surprised the Thais have had it in them to say enough is enough and you can watch gloomily as the rats leave the sinking ship.

Of course if Taksin decides to pour enough money in for mercenaries like before anything is possible but unless he has managed to buy the army he has had it thank goodness.

I would prefer for my this family and so would they anything as better than this lot of cowardly despicable excuses for humans. And my family came from very poor background in Issan with difference being they worked hard and dragged themselves out of the gutter or at least most of women did including my wife.

Best thing for anti Taksin of us is if Yingluk clings to power as long as she can as a total lame duck. Taksin could dump her and put her sister in her place but that would IMO be like pouring petrol on fire although he might try it in his last desperate attempts.

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It's a well known fact that protestors are paid for their time,

just as they are paid for their vote of politicians.

Proof isn't necessary.

It's a fact!

The people of Thailand do nothing for free,

besides sleep...

Not these protesters. They get free food, but are not being paid. I know some that are doing this and they are not getting 1 baht.

If you have proof, like the video showing the red shirts being paid, please post it. Seriously, I'd like to see it.

Free food. No different to being paid. They now save money as they do not have to buy food.

No actually... That is where all you on here accusing the free food as a payment in kind from the Dems in return for protesting efforts are totally wrong.

If you bother to watch the bluesky coverage, every now and then they announce a donation from benefactors that support the protests. People from the private commerce sector and plain old citizens. That is where the money is coming from to feed the protesters.

So get your facts right.

Don't tar these protests with the same brush as the red protests, it's not in the same league. These people are coming out 'for Thailand' hence the national flag as their symbol..... Not the red communist flag like the 'other lot'.

my family although not well off would happily donate 10,000 baht to help the protestors and that for them would be more than 1 months living budget and wed happily add another 10,000 from us since were much better off. Ill ask my wife to check how we can donate

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It's funny to read all this excitement regarding the anti-government protesters storming ministries and city halls... Thaivisa members seem to love it and draw the conclusion that the whole country is against Yingluck.

But the view of the Thaivisa members, and so many farangs in general, is unfortunately based exclusively on what they are served by the biased English speaking media. It may be the only media they can understand... but, thank God, not the only news sources available for the rest of the people.

There is not a single word in these biased English language news sources about the people who support the government and are against the criminal actions advocated by Suthep. There are millions of such people in the north, of course, but also in the south, as far as Yala...

People criticizing the storming of city halls in the Deep South? In the turf of the Dems? In Yala?

Impossible, will reply all the naive Thaivisa members.

Apart from the (insert the usual insult here) red shirts, everyone else is revolting !


Not the ones on these pictures... Posted Image

If you can't read Thai, ask me, I will translate Posted Image

Posted ImageImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645791.008254.jpgPosted ImageImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645828.956995.jpgPosted ImageImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645883.157754.jpgPosted ImageImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645931.757261.jpg

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This is exactly what I've been wondering about.


People seem to have forgotten so quickly the huge support that swept her into power, originally, and where that power base was geographically located.


I could never believe all these people would have turned against her so quickly


There is still a huge support.

The whole north of the country, half of Bangkok and... surprisingly also some in the south support Yingluck.

I think that at this time the supporters of the government are in the "wait and see if they get bored" mode.

The protesters may feel euphoric because they could "seize" government offices, but soon they will probably come back to the reality. And the reality is that they turned into criminals who want to topple democracy but have no clue on where their silly actions are bringing them and the country.

What is certain is that the majority of the people will not allow the same people to, again, topple the government that was democratically elected.

Sent from my iPhone...


Oh God.... he's STILL banging on about a democratically elected government.  For crying out loud man, there is nothing democratic in paying people to vote. That is corrupting the system... CORRUPTION....Get it?  Posted Image   Any group of people who do such a thing deserve to face the wrath of the people.


Why do you cling to your fantasy of democracy when the government is being steered / influenced by a fugitive convicted criminal who lacks the cojones to face up to the consequences of his own actions? Even one of his own ministers is now talking of the need to reduce the influence of the man in Dubai.  Posted Image


The Dems are not snowy white either, I grant you, but in the cesspit of Thai politics, they are going to have to try to get the least tainted people to help run the country, and work up from there (given that it's still a pretty low starting point).

You should cool down a bit. You seem tensed :rolleyes:

I don't want to emphasize the fact that you come back with the same rant, but we also read your type of opinion countless times :)

By the way, the southern people you can see on the pictures hold a board saying that they support the government that has been elected (in large red characters) by the people (in large red characters).

Just so that you may consider that I am not the only person on this planet who thinks that a democratically elected government should not be overthrown by dirty tricks (and an insane leader).

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It's a well known fact that protestors are paid for their time,

just as they are paid for their vote of politicians.

Proof isn't necessary.

It's a fact!

The people of Thailand do nothing for free,

besides sleep...

If that is the case, surely Thaksin could just outbid the opposition?

While payments definitely do happen, the idea that the majority of protesters are paid is false. There's a lot of genuinely pissed off people out there on both sides.

Why do you waste your time feeding these idiotic trolls, all mouth and no brains.

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It's a well known fact that protestors are paid for their time,

just as they are paid for their vote of politicians.

Proof isn't necessary.

It's a fact!

The people of Thailand do nothing for free,

besides sleep...

Not these protesters. They get free food, but are not being paid. I know some that are doing this and they are not getting 1 baht.

If you have proof, like the video showing the red shirts being paid, please post it. Seriously, I'd like to see it.

Free food. No different to being paid. They now save money as they do not have to buy food.

Right. A 30 Baht equivalent of free food is equal to the thousands of baht truck drivers were paid to transport red shirt protesters to Bangkok in 2010. I don't think so.

The current protesters are not poor farmers. They are middle class Thais yearning for a less corrupt government. With that being said, neither political party is free of corruption. But the current one has (obviously) gone too far.

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as for the shirt color in Thailand, I also assumed the well known political attitude, but it's misleading. As I dug deeper into the subject, the clashes between the two sides, they have little to do with the east/west struggles our farung nations were exposed to. In Thailand, it's far more complex and rather a breed of their own, both promising democracy and taking turns with failing to do so. Well, what else to expect from politicians anyway except filling their pockets, egos and power.

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Cue all the TV " I know all the behind the scenes secrets of what is REALLY going on with the Thai government" brigade....

Even though I have lived here ten + years and don't speak 50 words of Thai.....

Imagine a Thai person living in the USA that speaks 1st grade level of English trying to watch and read the news and then declare themselves an expert on American politics? He'd be laughed out of town.

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Only one way to deal with protestors in government offices - hire them. What's that? They've already been paid? tongue.png

Red shirts get paid. Red shirts have been exposed many times. There are videos on YouTube of them lining up to receive 500 baht a day etc

These protesters are not red shirts, they don't protest for money. They protest because they love their country and they are fighting against the corruption and nepotism that is strangling their democracy.

I find it very ironic that most people on this forum are so cynical about Thailand because of its corruption but still criticize Thai people when they try to do something about it.

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Cue all the TV " I know all the behind the scenes secrets of what is REALLY going on with the Thai government" brigade....



Even though I have lived here ten + years and don't speak 50 words of Thai.....


Imagine a Thai person living in the USA that speaks 1st grade level of English trying to watch and read the news and then declare themselves an expert on American politics?  He'd be laughed out of town.

That is the main problem of the Thaivisa members who post about politics.

The very vast majority don't understand even 10 words of Thai.

They think they understand the people around them, but in fact they do not have a clue of what is happening.

They think they understand the political situation, but they naively base their opinion on the few things they can understand, the comparison with their own country, and the biased anti-Thaksin English news sources.

I can believe that when you read The Nation everyday for a few years your opinion naturally becomes influenced and flawed, to the point where is starts to be difficult to reason rationally. It is a kind of brainwashing that blinds many people, who then start to think that there is only their "good" side and the others' "bad" side.

I read posts from people who have been in this country longer than me but still can't put two words of Thai language together or read the (real world) news. After years they still have to rely a "wife" to confirm what they think they may understand. Many times these wives will prefer the farang to stay ignorant. He can't understand anyway :)

When these passionate Thaivisa members, who believe they understand everything, see people holding banners in support of the government, they will take it as a proof of a general uprising. Funny. :)

But we cannot ask people who can't understand a word of the language to understand what is really happening around them... It's just not possible.

What is strange though is that, even if they can't understand a word of Thai and what is really happening around them... they still support the criminal activities advocated by Suthep. In their own country they would be the first to call the police to help :)

Sent from my iPhone...

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It's a well known fact that protestors are paid for their time,

just as they are paid for their vote of politicians.

Proof isn't necessary.

It's a fact!

The people of Thailand do nothing for free,

besides sleep...

Not these protesters. They get free food, but are not being paid. I know some that are doing this and they are not getting 1 baht.

If you have proof, like the video showing the red shirts being paid, please post it. Seriously, I'd like to see it.

Free food. Thanks.

Paid in kind, not in cash.

They are provided with transport to the capital (unless they decide to go by themselves - which I believe is a small minority) food, and other support. Some may receive cash, but I suspect that free food, a bus trip, and a party atmosphere is inducement enough for most. And yes, that DOES amount to paying them.

Some of my neighbours went, openly admitting that they don't know much about the cause, but they've got nothing to do now the rice harvest is in, and it sounds like a fun trip.

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Cue all the TV " I know all the behind the scenes secrets of what is REALLY going on with the Thai government" brigade....

Even though I have lived here ten + years and don't speak 50 words of Thai.....

Imagine a Thai person living in the USA that speaks 1st grade level of English trying to watch and read the news and then declare themselves an expert on American politics? He'd be laughed out of town.

That is the main problem of the Thaivisa members who post about politics.

The very vast majority don't understand even 10 words of Thai.

They think they understand the people around them, but in fact they do not have a clue of what is happening.

But the small number of ThaiVisa members who can speak Thai and do talk to Thai people usually have views that are diametrically opposite yours.

And their experience has more credence than the red diatribe that is spouted daily.

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Cue all the TV " I know all the behind the scenes secrets of what is REALLY going on with the Thai government" brigade....



Even though I have lived here ten + years and don't speak 50 words of Thai.....


Imagine a Thai person living in the USA that speaks 1st grade level of English trying to watch and read the news and then declare themselves an expert on American politics?  He'd be laughed out of town.

That is the main problem of the Thaivisa members who post about politics.

The very vast majority don't understand even 10 words of Thai.

They think they understand the people around them, but in fact they do not have a clue of what is happening.



But the small number of ThaiVisa members who can speak Thai and do talk to Thai people usually have views that are diametrically opposite yours.


And their experience has more credence than the red diatribe that is spouted daily.

You are entitled to assume whatever you want, of course. Up to you.

It is clear that if you compare my own perspective with the perspective of the one or two Thaivisa members who speak fluent Thai, can read Thai language press and post on these kind of threads, ...there might be differences.

It does not eliminate the fact that the very vast majority of posters don't understand much about the world in which they live, can't communicate well with the Thai people surrounding them, rely on their own interpretation of what is happening around them, and base their posts on English language anti-Thaksin propaganda.

Giving an opinion while not being able to understand all the facts can't be a very valuable opinion.

But be welcome to disagree. :rolleyes:

By the way, I would appreciate if you quote my entire message, rather than just a small part of it. Thanks.

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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