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Suthep declares December 1 as "People's Victory Day"

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Thaksin might as well come home now. No one seems to be following any laws...

I may be wrong , but you have no idea just how true that statement is. There is an ISA in place in Bangkok and yet people are gathering in their thousands wherever they want. He could come back now but...........?

If I was Thaksin Shinawatra, I would fly to Thailand, land in Korat hijack a chopper, fly down to Bangkok and parachute into Rajamangal Stadium to tumultuous applause and the sight of the Red Sea and thousands of lovely Isaan ladies wetting their pants with sheer joy. And then tell Suthep to go and do the physically impossible with himself.

But thankfully I am not.;

Be happy to prepare his parachute for him :P

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When people talk about Thaksin and PTP "buying votes" they are merely showing how "dumb" they are.

All political parties all over the world "buy votes".

For example in the UK the Labour Party will always give away more "benefits" to anyone and everyone - because free money via benefits buys votes.

Abhisit and the Democrats done the same thing in 2009 with their "Economic Stiumulus" - in effect buying the civil servants and government workers by giving them 2000 baht free. ( http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/ginola/2009/01/25/entry-1 )

When people realise that Thai's take the 'gifts" from the Dems and PTP and then they vote for who they want to. So if the Dem canvasser comes around and hands out 500 baht, they take it. Then if the PTP canvasser comes around and gives out 500 baht, they take it. And then they vote for who they want.

This nonsense that Abhisit or the Dems never attempt to buy votes is stupid - they try - but most people hate them.

I think you are wrong when you say 'They vote for whoever they want'. There is always someone at the polling booths ensuring that they vote for the donor, or should I say crook.

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It would be funnier if both the anti and pro-government compete in football. They all love the sport.

Their groups will occupy the opposite sides as cheerers!

The money that they are spending in protest and vote buying will be the prizes.

In case any team is lost, they can protest to have another game with another prizes at stake.

That's a good one. Everyone can enjoy a game and not worry about anyone getting hurt. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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First person to become a member of the glorious people's council? My money would be on old fart Prem

Your comment about Gen. Prem aside, it isn't about who might be in this counsel, but rather who would lead it?

In my opinion it won't be either Suthep or AV. I don't know who, but it would be someone in it for the long haul (I.e. elections won't be around the corner).

Any ideas?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Before I write my post let me first state my absolute dislike for Puea Thai and as someone who has lived in Bangkok for 6 years I will never forget the mayhem their hired thugs caused in 2010. I still feel hatred when I see the family across the street going out to a protest all dressed up in their red shirts.


How in god's name can any foreigner even pretend to support this mob going around at the moment? Let's be very clear on this - they want to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a council of UNELECTED people of their own choosing to write a new constitution for the country. Can you imagine this happening in your own country and not being outraged?

Protest peacefully against the disgraceful amnesty bill? Brilliant

Protest against the corruption riddled rice scheme? Fantastic

Protest against the attempt to fiddle with the senate to consolidate power into fewer families? Superb

And you can even protest to put pressure on the government to dissolve the house and call a snap election, but when you refuse to even consider a snap election that is going against all of the ideals of democracy. All of the points that Suthep laid out in his six point plan can be achieved through a democratically elected parliament but the Democrats have never had the balls or the intelligence to get out there and win the working class vote.

Do people really want to see this country set back to zero by a bunch of old men with ideals more suited to 100 years ago? The government at the moment has many flaws but they were elected by the people. The thought of some council of old farts dictating a new constitution and acting like a bunch of feudal lords makes me sick to my stomach.

well I'm a forang and have been for last 30 years here and I support them 100%. I would say in reply how can any foreigner support or excuse Taksin and his reds thugs in any way. Dont give me that democracy crap elected. Call it what is it bought but not mainly by measly 500 baht given to deluded poor. Taksin is clever and buys the head of village and others who then tell their locals what is best for them. Hear of village scene ?? probably not. The government give money to head of each village for so called good works for village. IT was 1 million baht but Taksin promised to increase it to 2 million. NOw it might be possible their is somewhere a village head who uses this for good village projects but here in red village land it goes to those favoured by head of village as business loans or more simply for much needed things for village like new pickup for use by village head in his duties. Even if some little project is done it costs 20 times what it should and poor village brainwashed are so poor they have no idea what it should cost. Even if they did they would not dare go against head of village. This is not a democracy anymore than at least here in issan red land middle ages were a democracy. Its very feudal.

I would support anyone and anything that would remove Taksin and his evil clan since almost anything is better. THeir is some hope though in that a lot of young people are getting better educated even in red land villages and not so willing to just cow toe down to old ways. They are small in number at moment but with the Internet and social media the ugly truth about Taksin and notion they live in any form of democracy is slowly coming to surface.

Taksin dare not call and election since then the amnesty bill would be dead and even if he won again he would have to start all over again. If he manages to buy it again by a large margin I doubt he would dare come back.

Those Taksin brainwashed are totally clueless as to what is reality on the ground and I suspect most don't even live here or if they do have been also totally brainwashed.

Yingluk is totally irrelevant. Taksin has stated he does not believe democracy. IF they were not so scared why not just call an election but then the amnesty bill would be dead and that was probably the last chance to get their master back. This government have made it 100% clear that is only policy and thing they are interested in. That and plundering Thailand dry.

The 1 million Baht was invested for each Tambon (One Tambon One Product) and not for every Isaan village. A tambom covers sometimes up to 30 villages and certainly not one village as you try make it sound. The village head has absolute nothing to do with this but it is the kamnan or head of the Tambon.

Also it should be noted that the OTOP Coop's have been setup all over Thailand and not only in the North and Northeast but you find them throughout Thailand.

Thaksin didn't needed to buy the village head as each political party has a canvasser in each tambon that tries to secure the votes. The canvasser appoints two to three local villages and distributes money to them. In the last election four political parties gave money to the villagers in our village. The villagers took from all 4 canvassers money and surprisingly PTP only gave 100 Baht and all the other parties gave between 200-300 Baht. They still voted for PTP because PTP burns money in infrastructure.

The Northeast economy currently has a very high growth rate from which Bangkok, Phuket and the South can only dream. This goes back to the Shinawatra clan and certainly not to the Abhisit or Chuan Lekpai government.

Yingluck doesn't need to call a snap election as the next election is in 2015.

The problem is Abhisit can't wait that long and Suthep's time is running out.

The protest leader also announced formation of a new group called People's Committee for Changes of Thailand into Complete Democracy under Constitutional Monarchy. Suthep serves as secretary-general of the new group. The Government Complex, which has been occupied by the anti-government protesters, would be used as the command centre for the new group, he said. Suthep introduced the 37 committee members one by one to the protesters

Suthep appoints himself already as the Secretary General

Somsak Kosaisuk - Leader of the PAD (Yellow Shirts)

Suriyasai Katasila - Coordinator of the PAD (Yellow Shirts)

Nitithorn Lamlua - Lawyer for (PAD) (Yellow Shirts)

Admiral Chai Suwannaphap - Leader of the People's Army

Somkiat Pongpaiboon - Former co-leader of PAD (Yellow shirts)

The democrats want to have the same scenario once again. The yellow shirts do the dirty jobs to get the democrats once again into government.

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Suthep is raising a clenched fist Communist style. Reminds me of Mandela. The government and military are charged with enforcing the law and maintaining peaceful order in society. Allowing protesters to enter and occupy their buildings is a FAILURE. Using force to prevent this is justified and warranted. Protesters have "crossed the line." The government is committing suicide. Perhaps this is a good thing. Time will tell. I wish the US government would commit suicide too...

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Before I write my post let me first state my absolute dislike for Puea Thai and as someone who has lived in Bangkok for 6 years I will never forget the mayhem their hired thugs caused in 2010. I still feel hatred when I see the family across the street going out to a protest all dressed up in their red shirts.


How in god's name can any foreigner even pretend to support this mob going around at the moment? Let's be very clear on this - they want to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a council of UNELECTED people of their own choosing to write a new constitution for the country. Can you imagine this happening in your own country and not being outraged?

Protest peacefully against the disgraceful amnesty bill? Brilliant

Protest against the corruption riddled rice scheme? Fantastic

Protest against the attempt to fiddle with the senate to consolidate power into fewer families? Superb

And you can even protest to put pressure on the government to dissolve the house and call a snap election, but when you refuse to even consider a snap election that is going against all of the ideals of democracy. All of the points that Suthep laid out in his six point plan can be achieved through a democratically elected parliament but the Democrats have never had the balls or the intelligence to get out there and win the working class vote.

Do people really want to see this country set back to zero by a bunch of old men with ideals more suited to 100 years ago? The government at the moment has many flaws but they were elected by the people. The thought of some council of old farts dictating a new constitution and acting like a bunch of feudal lords makes me sick to my stomach.

well I'm a forang and have been for last 30 years here and I support them 100%. I would say in reply how can any foreigner support or excuse Taksin and his reds thugs in any way. Dont give me that democracy crap elected. Call it what is it bought but not mainly by measly 500 baht given to deluded poor. Taksin is clever and buys the head of village and others who then tell their locals what is best for them. Hear of village scene ?? probably not. The government give money to head of each village for so called good works for village. IT was 1 million baht but Taksin promised to increase it to 2 million. NOw it might be possible their is somewhere a village head who uses this for good village projects but here in red village land it goes to those favoured by head of village as business loans or more simply for much needed things for village like new pickup for use by village head in his duties. Even if some little project is done it costs 20 times what it should and poor village brainwashed are so poor they have no idea what it should cost. Even if they did they would not dare go against head of village. This is not a democracy anymore than at least here in issan red land middle ages were a democracy. Its very feudal.

I would support anyone and anything that would remove Taksin and his evil clan since almost anything is better. THeir is some hope though in that a lot of young people are getting better educated even in red land villages and not so willing to just cow toe down to old ways. They are small in number at moment but with the Internet and social media the ugly truth about Taksin and notion they live in any form of democracy is slowly coming to surface.

Taksin dare not call and election since then the amnesty bill would be dead and even if he won again he would have to start all over again. If he manages to buy it again by a large margin I doubt he would dare come back.

Those Taksin brainwashed are totally clueless as to what is reality on the ground and I suspect most don't even live here or if they do have been also totally brainwashed.

Yingluk is totally irrelevant. Taksin has stated he does not believe democracy. IF they were not so scared why not just call an election but then the amnesty bill would be dead and that was probably the last chance to get their master back. This government have made it 100% clear that is only policy and thing they are interested in. That and plundering Thailand dry.

The 1 million Baht was invested for each Tambon (One Tambon One Product) and not for every Isaan village. A tambom covers sometimes up to 30 villages and certainly not one village as you try make it sound. The village head has absolute nothing to do with this but it is the kamnan or head of the Tambon.

Also it should be noted that the OTOP Coop's have been setup all over Thailand and not only in the North and Northeast but you find them throughout Thailand.

Thaksin didn't needed to buy the village head as each political party has a canvasser in each tambon that tries to secure the votes. The canvasser appoints two to three local villages and distributes money to them. In the last election four political parties gave money to the villagers in our village. The villagers took from all 4 canvassers money and surprisingly PTP only gave 100 Baht and all the other parties gave between 200-300 Baht. They still voted for PTP because PTP burns money in infrastructure.

The Northeast economy currently has a very high growth rate from which Bangkok, Phuket and the South can only dream. This goes back to the Shinawatra clan and certainly not to the Abhisit or Chuan Lekpai government.

Yingluck doesn't need to call a snap election as the next election is in 2015.

The problem is Abhisit can't wait that long and Suthep's time is running out.

The protest leader also announced formation of a new group called People's Committee for Changes of Thailand into Complete Democracy under Constitutional Monarchy. Suthep serves as secretary-general of the new group. The Government Complex, which has been occupied by the anti-government protesters, would be used as the command centre for the new group, he said. Suthep introduced the 37 committee members one by one to the protesters

Suthep appoints himself already as the Secretary General

Somsak Kosaisuk - Leader of the PAD (Yellow Shirts)

Suriyasai Katasila - Coordinator of the PAD (Yellow Shirts)

Nitithorn Lamlua - Lawyer for (PAD) (Yellow Shirts)

Admiral Chai Suwannaphap - Leader of the People's Army

Somkiat Pongpaiboon - Former co-leader of PAD (Yellow shirts)

The democrats want to have the same scenario once again. The yellow shirts do the dirty jobs to get the democrats once again into government.

Shhhh...you really want all the TV members who want an unelected council to tear you apart?

The democrat want their own democracy which is not democracy and this movment, they will tell you, is not a yellow movment, it is not a democrat backed movment, it is not an undemocratic movment, it is not only less than 1% of the thai people but all of them, it is not a crowd which is paid but only angels who want to have true freedom for the country...well at least the freedom to keep a feudal system in place.

You will be accused to be a pro thaksin whatsover, even if you try to explain them that you like democracy and opponents have the right to manifest but in the respect of democracy.

You will be a bloody red who like blood, who support violence and who are not aware of thai politics...

I hope you will survive to this

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Before I write my post let me first state my absolute dislike for Puea Thai and as someone who has lived in Bangkok for 6 years I will never forget the mayhem their hired thugs caused in 2010. I still feel hatred when I see the family across the street going out to a protest all dressed up in their red shirts.


How in god's name can any foreigner even pretend to support this mob going around at the moment? Let's be very clear on this - they want to overthrow a democratically elected government and install a council of UNELECTED people of their own choosing to write a new constitution for the country. Can you imagine this happening in your own country and not being outraged?

Protest peacefully against the disgraceful amnesty bill? Brilliant

Protest against the corruption riddled rice scheme? Fantastic

Protest against the attempt to fiddle with the senate to consolidate power into fewer families? Superb

And you can even protest to put pressure on the government to dissolve the house and call a snap election, but when you refuse to even consider a snap election that is going against all of the ideals of democracy. All of the points that Suthep laid out in his six point plan can be achieved through a democratically elected parliament but the Democrats have never had the balls or the intelligence to get out there and win the working class vote.

Do people really want to see this country set back to zero by a bunch of old men with ideals more suited to 100 years ago? The government at the moment has many flaws but they were elected by the people. The thought of some council of old farts dictating a new constitution and acting like a bunch of feudal lords makes me sick to my stomach.

Excellent points. The man should be clapped in irons, and thrashed to within an inch of his life.

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Suthep is raising a clenched fist Communist style. Reminds me of Mandela. The government and military are charged with enforcing the law and maintaining peaceful order in society. Allowing protesters to enter and occupy their buildings is a FAILURE. Using force to prevent this is justified and warranted. Protesters have "crossed the line." The government is committing suicide. Perhaps this is a good thing. Time will tell. I wish the US government would commit suicide too...

Even mentioning Suthep in one sentence with Mandela should be an offense to every thinking person!

Edited by DocN
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So many repetitive posts here - many utter drivel. So many new posters speaking in very similar language and in small batches until the button is passed - patting each other on the back and ignoring any argument to their statements and assertions. I hope the mods are checking ip addresses of these new sign ups, as right now there is a serious danger of this forum being blitzed by the same two or three people using several lodgings to flood it with bs that has been regurgitated and very successfully poopooed time and time again.

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Have any readers noticed the striking resemblance between the speeches of Mr. Suthep and equally rousing (and worrying) speeches by the late Fuhrer: Adolf Hitler? I wonder if perchance, they are related?

Can't say I have. Perhaps you could provide links to the Hitler speeches and Suthep speeches which you think bear a striking resemblance?

The we can decide for ourselves.

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If Suthep would throw in some free Chang then he could change his Dec. 1 rally from "People's Victory Day" to "Beer Hall Putsch".

Actally the latest issue of Time magaine online, World Edition, beat me to the punch. One Thailand article subhead is "Don't believe Yellow Shirt talk of a "people's revolution" — what's being demanded is nothing short of a putsch."

The outside world is looking in this murky fishbowl.


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Have any readers noticed the striking resemblance between the speeches of Mr. Suthep and equally rousing (and worrying) speeches by the late Fuhrer: Adolf Hitler? I wonder if perchance, they are related?

Can't say I have. Perhaps you could provide links to the Hitler speeches and Suthep speeches which you think bear a striking resemblance?

The we can decide for ourselves.


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To invade nodes in Thailand's communication network is the act of a Traitor because he threatens not the Government but Thailand and her security itself. Time for the P.A.R.U. to take this terrorist out now!

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So many repetitive posts here - many utter drivel. So many new posters speaking in very similar language and in small batches until the button is passed - patting each other on the back and ignoring any argument to their statements and assertions. I hope the mods are checking ip addresses of these new sign ups, as right now there is a serious danger of this forum being blitzed by the same two or three people using several lodgings to flood it with bs that has been regurgitated and very successfully poopooed time and time again.

Please enlight us, young and ignorant posters, with your arguments in favor of an unelected council ?

Enlight us with what the democrat achieved for Isaan and poor people?

Enlight us with your knowledge of thai culture and why 1% of the country should have the right to get rid of an elected government and why the democrats were unable to win any election for more than 20 years and need the army to achieve their goal each time?

Tell us why us, young and ignorant posters should agree with a full reversal of democracy concept and why being in favor of election make us pro thaksin.

OF course i have Thaksin face tatooed on my shoulder, Yingluck on my heart and Abhisit on my bum as i do not agree with you..

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This guy is not one bit less dangerous, than the red criminals of 2010!

...and that shows, that the people who follow him are as "stupid" as the ones who cheered on Jatuporn!

Call him what you will but don't forget the most accurate description which is that he is correct.

Thailand has been led by convicted criminals (and those yet to be convicted) for what seems like 'forever' and is still being led by the same factions.

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The 1 million Baht was invested for each Tambon (One Tambon One Product) and not for every Isaan village. A tambom covers sometimes up to 30 villages and certainly not one village as you try make it sound. The village head has absolute nothing to do with this but it is the kamnan or head of the Tambon.

Also it should be noted that the OTOP Coop's have been setup all over Thailand and not only in the North and Northeast but you find them throughout Thailand.


I will start at the beginning .....

You are incorrect about the Village loan fund. It was 1million baht/village. The following from AWSJ and sourced here http://www.carecprogram.org/uploads/events/2011/3rd-ELDP/Case-Analysis-Thai-Loan-Project.pdf

With no pilot project nor partnership with development agencies, Mr. Thaksin set out to

show that giving cash to the country's 74,881 villages can get rural Thailand "on its feet
again," spark a consumption boom and cut the country's dependence on foreign
investment as its growth engine. The idea: each village gets a million baht ($23,691) to
lend out; borrowers are supposed to repay their local lending committee, with interest, to
create a growing pool that others can tap later. Since late last year, 59.3 billion baht has
been lent out .....
Village committees decide, for instance, what interest rates to charge on their loans, and
how they are to be repaid -- in one lump sum or in installments. Committee members are
free to extend loans to themselves, and even to award themselves bonuses for their work
from interest earned on the loans they make. And in theory, they will continue this
activity indefinitely, because repaid loans and earned interest is then used to fund new
loans down the road. The result is that, more or less overnight, each village has become a
finance company run by untrained financiers.
Thai Loan Project Benefits Villages But Creates Rifts
By Richard Borsuk and Montira Narkvichien
20 June 2002
The Asian Wall Street Journal

That fund was later doubled and is one of four sources of funding for OTOP. The fund is not limited to OTOP at all though. Each village still has control. Read the AWSJ source and you will find some great info.

This next tells about OTOP -- and is dated 2011 from the Thai government website


She said that the Government now has four financial sources to support the OTOP program and assist entrepreneurs. The first one is called the Village Fund project, under which the Government earlier offered a revolving fund of one million baht to each village nationwide. Since then, the Government has decided to provide each village with an additional one million baht.

The second project is the distribution of funds to “SML” – small, medium, and large – villages, so that villagers will use them in response to local needs. The third one aims to encourage communities to set up a fund, worth 100 million baht, for enhancing the role of women in each village. The fourth project is a 1,000-million-baht fund for new graduates and small entrepreneurs who want to develop their occupations.

So you can see ... the village loan project was certainly a money maker for the headman of the village ... and due to the incredibly lax regulations on it, it ended up creating debt in many instances.

Strangely it would have been far far better to expand and add that money into something that already existed. The Thai Credit unions --- organized under the ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. It would have taken adding a lot of staff to help organize that many new credit unions but they have structure and rules yet are still available as sources of micro-lending and for savings. www.cultthai.coop

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