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Hiding your western culture, moral and mindset...

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I will always respect thai culture in everyway however some things they do wrong are put down to culture by them and others but the truth is are really going against their true culture.

I will respect their true culture but I cannot change the aussie in me.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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My moment was watching the mother of the bride and the mia noi arguing about how much of the sin sot they were entitled to.

WOW ... blink.png and some of facepalm.gif

Not one I've seen and don't know how I would have reacted.

Probably too dumbfounded to actually comment!


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My moment was watching the mother of the bride and the mia noi arguing about how much of the sin sot they were entitled to.

WOW ... blink.png and some of facepalm.gif

Not one I've seen and don't know how I would have reacted.

Probably too dumbfounded to actually comment!


It wasn't my bride. I was best man. Lol

No one knew I could speak Thai. I heartily recommend anyone living long term to work hard at learning Thai. It's very very enlightening.

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To adapt is to know 1self and its surroundings. Living in thailand it is very handy to learn the language. Everyone expects you dont know thai. Use that advantage. The people with a i dont care mentality can have a good life. My eyes truly opened when i became a father and lived in the province of wifes birth. Well i choose the wrong circles because the things i mentioned about the wrongs were only little taken in account. Not having kids gives an easier life in LOS. Up to them ! Having kids and learning them things, thinking, 1 cannot close 1s eyes. This said however it doesnt mean that we dont critisize the mentality of many people in our own countries. Good is good, bad is bad. Regardless of country.

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The Op mentioned about "accepting close to anything here", and being scared.

I think the difference for some if not many here is that they know and have heard and perhaps been almost brainwashed into being "careful" about what they do, as the repercussions for a "ferang" are different and often costly.

Things in this and other countries are not the same for a visitor as they are for a local. This forum is littered with such experiences. I would suggest the restraint exercised is based on the fear of whatever "might happen" when you cant speak the language, the local police are biased, and you push to hard in the wrong direction and you may even impact your visa status etc.

That isnt the same as many western countries where you have a degeree of confidence and faith in both the Police and legal system. That usnt the case here, anything can happen and potentially having your freedom and possibly your home and family in the balance if you are retired here etc is naturally going to make you tread more carefully in some situations and react differently to what you otherwise would because the consequences are far different and often uncertain.

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I don't know about this "hiding" my cultural mores or beliefs. I think there is a compromise that you make as you recognize that you are in a foreign country. You change the way you do things to a certain extent so you can live here. I certainly expect it from people who go to live in my country of birth. So, you pick your battles. A lot of stuff really can just be dropped or maneuvered around, minimizing conflict.

However, there are times when you have to draw a line. Every person has to decide where their lines are based on how much trouble something is worth. To take the haircut case as an example, I seriously wouldn't call the police. I would either A)get the kid a haircut (it looked like a quick go-over with the clippers would have cleaned up his hair) or B ) gone down to the school in a calm mindset and tried to figure out why this was done. That has more to do with getting the police involved anywhere, though.

Like other things in life, you face each situation one at a time and deal with each one accordingly. No need to "hide" anything from anyone.

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My moment was watching the mother of the bride and the mia noi arguing about how much of the sin sot they were entitled to.

WOW ... blink.png and some of facepalm.gif

Not one I've seen and don't know how I would have reacted.

Probably too dumbfounded to actually comment!


That would be awesome to watch and see how it was divided up.

It raises the question of heirachy Thai style. I would guess 80% to mil, 20% to mia noi.

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Khunpa states......However, what I have also noticed (also on this forum), is that many expats and foreigners connected to Thailand simply say... "This is the Thai way, just live with it...". And in many situations, that is also the best way to handle a situation here. BUT sometimes, I also see situations where it in my opinion is used completely wrong. Like e.g. the latest tread with the horrible haircut of the young boy at school. Some people say... "This is Thailand, just accept it" and others warn about trouble, if e.g. the OP goes to the police.


I think you missed the train on this one....you seem to contradict yourself in saying how well traveled you are and how adaptable you are...Apparently your NOT......and then you state the above!

The situation you speak of (boy getting haircut by school director) is not something specific to Thailand (so your analysis "this is Thailand just accept it" is WRONG!

If you thought with your brains rather than your nether regions you'd realize that "discipline" is something the schools, governments, companies etc. need to promote. Without discipline we have ANARCHY (but maybe that's something your promoting....I'm not).......

The director apparently had problems with the boy in the past ....(farther states he would get notice from the school THEN give the boy a haircut) .....well I think the father is the problem by not staying on top to the boys hair style.....and you're encouraging his diliquent behavior by blaming the school director...

All this Politcal Correctness.....must be the youth of today....brought up as mambi pambi's....and coddled.....get over it!....


To quote the OP ..

"First of all, because Thai-people must also learn to respect other peoples ways of thinking and how will they ever learn to respect others .. "

I like your thinking there, I continue to try this, but i can't think of a time in 10 years when it has worked for me.

  • Like 1

I'm so ashamed of myself for putting ice in my beer. I know its wrong and goes against western thinking. I've actually come to like it.

You are one sick man!! Seek help!!


I gotta laugh....cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Khunpa states....."....and then when you ask a Thai-person for advice on the same issue, they will say: "I would just go to the police"..."

Well I have asked a number of "Thai-person" ...and the LAST person they would go to is the police.....WHY....I have been told by them they " do not trust the police"...

Soooo, Khunpa....not sure what country you living in BUT its NOT Thailand.....and if it is (which I doubt)....your not speaking to the "average" Thai.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif


I say ... do what's best for you.

If you like to be a 'Farang Island' ... then great.

If you want to 'Thaier then Thai' ... good also.

If the best compromise for you lays somewhere in-between these two styles ... even better.

My personal opinion, the happiest people are those who are adjustable to their surroundings without compromising their core principles.

That's me ... and maybe you ... thumbsup.gif


Well said, nothing to add to that.


Khunpa states......However, what I have also noticed (also on this forum), is that many expats and foreigners connected to Thailand simply say... "This is the Thai way, just live with it...". And in many situations, that is also the best way to handle a situation here. BUT sometimes, I also see situations where it in my opinion is used completely wrong. Like e.g. the latest tread with the horrible haircut of the young boy at school. Some people say... "This is Thailand, just accept it" and others warn about trouble, if e.g. the OP goes to the police.


I think you missed the train on this one....you seem to contradict yourself in saying how well traveled you are and how adaptable you are...Apparently your NOT......and then you state the above!

The situation you speak of (boy getting haircut by school director) is not something specific to Thailand (so your analysis "this is Thailand just accept it" is WRONG!

If you thought with your brains rather than your nether regions you'd realize that "discipline" is something the schools, governments, companies etc. need to promote. Without discipline we have ANARCHY (but maybe that's something your promoting....I'm not).......

The director apparently had problems with the boy in the past ....(farther states he would get notice from the school THEN give the boy a haircut) .....well I think the father is the problem by not staying on top to the boys hair style.....and you're encouraging his diliquent behavior by blaming the school director...

All this Politcal Correctness.....must be the youth of today....brought up as mambi pambi's....and coddled.....get over it!....

Are you serious? I think you "missed the train"......the person commenting here was referring to a group of people (if I understand correctly, westerners, not thais) who like to use the "yeah, c'mon, it's Thailand, that's the way things are" to explain everything, taking an even more complacent attitude than many Thais. However, it seems you are one of those people....you fail to see that not everyone sees "hair style" to be tied to "delinquency"...and the second he says he doesn't agree, you come in saying he must want ANARCHY.....what?

anyway, my main point is, your statement: "your analysis is wrong" is seriously off base.....the poster did not say "this is thailand, just accept it" nor did they say "this only happens in thailand".....the point was not made whether other countries have these practices or not....the point was the use of the simple explanation "this is thailand, get over it" to explain any kind of issue in Thailand, which totally deflects an opportunity to engage in an exchange of opinion. At least you are expressing your opinion, but you are kind of attacking from a point that seems to have no traction as the poster didn't say what you implied.

  • Like 1

I'm so ashamed of myself for putting ice in my beer. I know its wrong and goes against western thinking. I've actually come to like it.

Would never do it with English Real Ale on pain of death.

I don't really like bottled beers so drinking with ice is my only way, but it does seem to remove a lot of the gas, which is good.


Khunpa states......However, what I have also noticed (also on this forum), is that many expats and foreigners connected to Thailand simply say... "This is the Thai way, just live with it...". And in many situations, that is also the best way to handle a situation here. BUT sometimes, I also see situations where it in my opinion is used completely wrong. Like e.g. the latest tread with the horrible haircut of the young boy at school. Some people say... "This is Thailand, just accept it" and others warn about trouble, if e.g. the OP goes to the police.


I think you missed the train on this one....you seem to contradict yourself in saying how well traveled you are and how adaptable you are...Apparently your NOT......and then you state the above!

The situation you speak of (boy getting haircut by school director) is not something specific to Thailand (so your analysis "this is Thailand just accept it" is WRONG!

If you thought with your brains rather than your nether regions you'd realize that "discipline" is something the schools, governments, companies etc. need to promote. Without discipline we have ANARCHY (but maybe that's something your promoting....I'm not).......

The director apparently had problems with the boy in the past ....(farther states he would get notice from the school THEN give the boy a haircut) .....well I think the father is the problem by not staying on top to the boys hair style.....and you're encouraging his diliquent behavior by blaming the school director...

All this Politcal Correctness.....must be the youth of today....brought up as mambi pambi's....and coddled.....get over it!....

Are you serious? I think you "missed the train"......the person commenting here was referring to a group of people (if I understand correctly, westerners, not thais) who like to use the "yeah, c'mon, it's Thailand, that's the way things are" to explain everything, taking an even more complacent attitude than many Thais. However, it seems you are one of those people....you fail to see that not everyone sees "hair style" to be tied to "delinquency"...and the second he says he doesn't agree, you come in saying he must want ANARCHY.....what?

anyway, my main point is, your statement: "your analysis is wrong" is seriously off base.....the poster did not say "this is thailand, just accept it" nor did they say "this only happens in thailand".....the point was not made whether other countries have these practices or not....the point was the use of the simple explanation "this is thailand, get over it" to explain any kind of issue in Thailand, which totally deflects an opportunity to engage in an exchange of opinion. At least you are expressing your opinion, but you are kind of attacking from a point that seems to have no traction as the poster didn't say what you implied.

Yes....I am expressing my opinion....and the point you miss is that Khunpa refers to another thread (kid who's school director gives him a buzz cut)....and he is outraged at those TV poster's who believe that a more concilatory attitude be taken (TIT attitude) vs the Testosterone, "kick some ass" attitude of other TV posters....

The father in the case in question has had previous problems and notifications of hair violations to which he always waited too long to get the hair cut....Soooo the school took the iniatiative to do it themselves.....and therein lies the crux of the question.....Was the school director out of line or not....My personal feeling ...NOT....discipline was needed and discipline was given....Problem solved!

You on the other hand have decided (without knowing all the facts) to attack my position....fine....but get your facts straight before you do....Always best to know of what you speak....don't you thinkrolleyes.gif

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