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PM Yingluck's 10 year old son targeted by protesters


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This is not just about Suthep. He is a dead man walking, politically speaking.

This is about the middle ground Thais who are sick of the way the country is being run.

Middle ground Thais are maneuvered as the farmers are. They say they are educated, but how educated? Still "puppeted" from the villain in charge...

Until they protested against Amnesty bill, they had all the kudos from me.

When they went occupying government premises and disrupting government functions they clearly made a step too far.

And we sure wouldn't want ultra nationalists rule the country, or I foresee bad times for us foreigners working in Thailand...

But we are clearly going out of topic here...

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So what is support of the people? 10%, 50% 90%? What is Obama at now 37% should he resign?

What is the standard practice in a democracy? Elections every month, 2 years or 4 years?

What are PT so afraid of if they are so popular? Yingluck should show who is the boss and put an end to the chaos before it's too late.

I rent you a house for 4 years. We have a contract for 4 years. After two years I want to change the contract just because I don't like you. I think you may be damaging the house. I can't prove it but I think so. Do you renegotiate the contract?

Not a correct comparision. Here is a better: The majority of the condo shareholders rented a security firm. You did no agree because you dont like the bosses face. Two years later you still not agree and want the contract terminated. The majority do not agree with you so the contract continues.

Yup. The way I see it is I have two alternatives move out or wait till the contract expires. Burning down the condo or any kind of violence is not a legal option.

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This is all fantasy and propaganda, that place would be riddled with cameras and security. Everything would have been captured, yet they present no proof whatsoever. On top of that, the parents who have their children at such a hi-so establishment would be way above heckling as they would also be hi-so people.

None of it has a shred of credibility about it. Just another pawn in the propaganda game..... shame on them!

You lot can be fooled by this, but I certainly am not.

Totally agree I can smell something in the air regarding this

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A unidentified source from the Prime Minister's security team is/was the source of this, 'Rumor'.???? Forgive me for being a 'doubting Thomas', but the history of this family.s "truthful information" proganda groups has about as much credibility as some of the Prime minister and her Cabinet member promises. Assination attempts, beheadings, make you wealthly, no corruption, we have made your life better, etc.

The low point of any humans life is when. they are willing to donate a offspring/sibling for their own gain, be it financial, political, or social. In the Shin family's case they have all three avenues.

I agree that this may just be a sympathy press release. I can believe that the PM and her henchmen would create or exaggerate a situation like this for some sympathy. All the information is vague, and the last part with the "men in black" is just 100% speculation. No proper news source should even publish something that is just being said by a PM and especially this one without proof.

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A unidentified source from the Prime Minister's security team is/was the source of this, 'Rumor'.???? Forgive me for being a 'doubting Thomas', but the history of this family.s "truthful information" proganda groups has about as much credibility as some of the Prime minister and her Cabinet member promises. Assination attempts, beheadings, make you wealthly, no corruption, we have made your life better, etc.

The low point of any humans life is when. they are willing to donate a offspring/sibling for their own gain, be it financial, political, or social. In the Shin family's case they have all three avenues.

I agree that this may just be a sympathy press release. I can believe that the PM and her henchmen would create or exaggerate a situation like this for some sympathy. All the information is vague, and the last part with the "men in black" is just 100% speculation. No proper news source should even publish something that is just being said by a PM and especially this one without proof.

No proper news source would not publish comments of the Prime Minister of a nation fighting an anti government takeover. A proper news source publishes both sides in a democratic press. What you are suggesting is a Pravda like news source in a communist country. Thank God we still have proper news sources that will cover both sides of any issue and not the censored versions so loved by totalitarian dictatorships the world over. biggrin.png

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A unidentified source from the Prime Minister's security team is/was the source of this, 'Rumor'.???? Forgive me for being a 'doubting Thomas', but the history of this family.s "truthful information" proganda groups  has about as much credibility as some of the Prime minister and her Cabinet member promises. Assination attempts, beheadings, make you wealthly, no corruption, we have made your life better, etc.


The low point of any humans life is when. they are willing to donate a offspring/sibling for their own gain, be it financial, political, or social. In the Shin family's case they have all three avenues.



I agree that this may just be a sympathy press release. I can believe that the PM and her henchmen would create or exaggerate a situation like this for some sympathy. All the information is vague, and the last part with the "men in black" is just 100% speculation. No proper news source should even publish something that is just being said by a PM and especially this one without proof. 



No proper news source would not publish comments of the Prime Minister of a nation fighting an anti government takeover.  A proper news source publishes both sides in a democratic press.  What you are suggesting is a Pravda like news source in a communist country.  Thank God we still have proper news sources that will cover both sides of any issue and not the censored versions so loved by totalitarian dictatorships the world over.  Posted Image 


This is why the west needs to protect freedom and democracy as if all countries were communist then the world would be confusaed

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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    This is not just about Suthep.  He is a dead man walking, politically speaking.




    This is about the middle ground Thais who are sick of the way the country is being run.



Middle ground Thais are maneuvered as the farmers are. They say they are educated, but how educated? Still "puppeted" from the villain in charge...

Until they protested against Amnesty bill, they had all the kudos from me.

When they went occupying government premises and disrupting government functions they clearly made a step too far.

And we sure wouldn't want ultra nationalists rule the country, or I foresee bad times for us foreigners working in Thailand...

But we are clearly going out of topic here...

Most of the north seems to be educated now

North is a big place universities in kon kean

Maha suracham


And so on

Yes the older generation might be simple just as they are in the south and in bangkok but I cannot comment on this conflict itself as I do not know the ins and outs just because the media overseas broad cast stuff. They only broad cast what they know. What they know is what they are told based on what they see

What seems to be clear is that Thailand does not seem to give a damn about what other countries think about them

Which has it's pros and cons as if countries all did what they were told then we would all be living in America

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Its ok to go for her son. She is here illegally. Her brother killed thousands and is a fugitive operating her. Get rid of her by any means. She will stoop to any level.

Sent from my GT-I9152 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


No matter what you think of her or her brother ,you do not attack a 10 year old child .

Agreed. It's good that no one did.

Sent from my phone ...

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chooka, on 30 Nov 2013 - 11:26, said:

parents do act like this and take out their vengeance on children for something that their parents may have done. Heard of it many times in Australia with the children of sporting heroes celebrities etc so yes I think this is story is probably true.

The school says it didn't happen. What about that copper?

chooka chooka chooka

Hummm-kind of sounds like a jungle chant

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