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Former PM Somchai leads former People Power executives to join Pheu Thai


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Former PM Somchai leads former People Power executives to join Pheu Thai

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Somchai Wongsawat and former deputy leader of the dissolved People Power party on Tuesday led former People Power executives to apply for Pheu Thai party membership.

Those joining Pheu Thai included Noppadol Pattama, Chusak Sirinil, Prasong Buranapong, and Sutha Chansaeng.

Their five-year political ban expired on Monday.

They were welcomed at the Pheu Thai head office by Pheu Thai leader Charupong Ruangsuwan and Pheu Thai secretary-general Phutham Wechayachai.

Charupong told Somchai that he has been waiting for Somchai for five years.

Somchai said he decided to join the Pheu Thai because it is a party that deserves public faith. He said he has faith in the party leader, its executives and policies so he decided to join the Pheu Thai after completing the ban period.

-- The Nation 2013-12-03

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.............Somchai said he decided to join the Pheu Thai because it is a party that deserves public faith.................

Thai Rak Thai BANNED for electoral fraud. Peoples Power Party BANNED for electoral fraud. Current leader in exile awaiting corruption/abuse of power charges. Convicted terrorists as PMs. 105 politicians banned for fraud coming back.

Yeah, I'd vote for them!

yes that gives me also faith...and the PTP did again massive vote buying....you can really have faith that they always keep their ideology....

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Poor Somchai, he holds the record as the only Thai PM to have never sat in the PM's chair at Government house. The PAD occupied Government House throughout his tenure.

I do hope he doesn't have any ambitions of finally climbing into that chair, to describe him as uninspiring is to be generous.

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Poor Somchai, he holds the record as the only Thai PM to have never sat in the PM's chair at Government house. The PAD occupied Government House throughout his tenure.

I do hope he doesn't have any ambitions of finally climbing into that chair, to describe him as uninspiring is to be generous.

Poor little man, he's only doing what the wife tells him. She;s bigger in every way and is the real govt chief ' whip '.

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Suthep had plans of getting all of Thaksin's cronies out of the picture. Yet today more of Thaksin's muscle men rejoin the scene, the Police show their willingness to avoid more bloodshed and conflict.

Suthep goes on to declare a partial victory. Maybe victory is defined differently in Suthep's dictionary.

He has not come close to getting the government he wanted, his 48 hour deadline given to YL is almost coming to an end.

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So in reality all the rhetoric from Yingluck has the value of a fly's fart,.honesty and sincerity are indeed unknown qualities in the Thaksin clans genes

We can yet again see plainly that whatever the mood of the people is that come hell or high water the Thaksin clan along with their brown nosing acolytes are still in pursuit of complete power and the contents of the states coffers.

The cancer that is Thaksin is it seems spreading unabated and in fact with a new vigour.

Perhaps Suthep and his plan to continue the protest is indeed forward planing or possibly he or others connected to him had inside information as to the new current developments.

Sadly in my view the seriousness of the situation has deepened far more than we care to realise, we could well be headed towards an outright civil war due to the new influx of decidedly dubious politicians indeed the Thaksn clan will have a lot to answer for.

As has been suggested it should be a compulsory read of the article at http://www.activistpost.com/2013/12/a-tale-of-two-protests-ukraine-and.html

Indeed a chilling indictment on the Thaksin clan and Thaksins deceit and his personal aims..

Edited by siampolee
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So Mr. T's brother in law who was the PM in Mr. T's old party has brought Mr. T's lawyer and previously banned former member of Mr. T's old party to join Mr. T's new party where his wife is an MP for Mr. T's new party and the PM is Mr. T's sister.

Just as well Mr. T is no longer involved in politics or things could get confusing!

This was just in the Thailand live thread

RT@pakhead: It seems the military top brass incl Anupong &Prawit negotiated this truce with Thaksin last night. Boys in green will now mediate a deal.

Why do they have to negotiate a truce with a convicted fugitive criminal who is barred from politics in Thailand ?

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So Mr. T's brother in law who was the PM in Mr. T's old party has brought Mr. T's lawyer and previously banned former member of Mr. T's old party to join Mr. T's new party where his wife is an MP for Mr. T's new party and the PM is Mr. T's sister.

Just as well Mr. T is no longer involved in politics or things could get confusing!

Well, now Yingluck can step down and claim that she leaves the position so she can spend less time with her family... whistling.gif

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Isn't it almost hilarious?

Here we have a party in power welcoming 102 corrupt politicians into their party with open arms.

In a decent society, they would be shunned and rejected out of hand, as no party would want to be seen associating with such people of dubious and corrupt character.

But not the PT party. They seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to be seen in cahoots with such a rabble.

Just goes to show, the PT party care nothing about how they are viewed as being a pinnacle of corruption. It just bounces off them. Lets hope that the constitutional court decide to dissolve PT and all its members, I would literally piss myself. This time, put them in prison and ban them all for life.

That is what I think will happen in the newly overhauled constitution.

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So Mr. T's brother in law who was the PM in Mr. T's old party has brought Mr. T's lawyer and previously banned former member of Mr. T's old party to join Mr. T's new party where his wife is an MP for Mr. T's new party and the PM is Mr. T's sister.

Just as well Mr. T is no longer involved in politics or things could get confusing!

This was just in the Thailand live thread

RT@pakhead: It seems the military top brass incl Anupong &Prawit negotiated this truce with Thaksin last night. Boys in green will now mediate a deal.

Why do they have to negotiate a truce with a convicted fugitive criminal who is barred from politics in Thailand ?

RT@pakhead must be wrong. Yingluck has stated very publicly that she runs the country and doesn't listen to her brother. Her cousin, the foreign minister and Plod the water man both stated Thaksin has never skyped or called into cabinet meetings.whistling.gif

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Poor Somchai, he holds the record as the only Thai PM to have never sat in the PM's chair at Government house. The PAD occupied Government House throughout his tenure.

I do hope he doesn't have any ambitions of finally climbing into that chair, to describe him as uninspiring is to be generous.

Somchai also holds the record as the only husband, wife, and daughter team all banned from politics.

Two (husband and wife) for electoral fraud and one (daughter) for lying about declared assets.

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Poor Somchai, he holds the record as the only Thai PM to have never sat in the PM's chair at Government house. The PAD occupied Government House throughout his tenure.

I do hope he doesn't have any ambitions of finally climbing into that chair, to describe him as uninspiring is to be generous.

That's not one for the grand children.

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Isn't it almost hilarious?

Here we have a party in power welcoming 102 corrupt politicians into their party with open arms.

In a decent society, they would be shunned and rejected out of hand, as no party would want to be seen associating with such people of dubious and corrupt character.

But not the PT party. They seem to think it is perfectly acceptable to be seen in cahoots with such a rabble.

Just goes to show, the PT party care nothing about how they are viewed as being a pinnacle of corruption. It just bounces off them. Lets hope that the constitutional court decide to dissolve PT and all its members, I would literally piss myself. This time, put them in prison and ban them all for life.

That is what I think will happen in the newly overhauled constitution.

Agreed but whats even more funny is that both sides are corrupt and you are trying to make it sound as only one side is! Corruption is accepted by the majority of the Thai population and until that changes it will be same old same old no matter who is in office.

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The last major poll on the matter found that 50% of Thais favour an amnesty for Thaksin and others convicted of corruption. Amnesty has been part of the reconciliation discussions for the past 3 years (and not something suddenly snuck in at midnight 3 weeks ago, as some on this forum would have us believe).

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