jikwan Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 hi! the copper will recieve the earths natural frequency--7.32hz through the rubber in my sandles--it'll be the same as walking barefoot cant find a source. im in khon kien issan at present any idea where to look please
NeverSure Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 Why in the heck would you want to ground yourself? That's a good way to get fried. What did I miss? 1
BKKdreaming Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 not going to discuss WHY, but if you are looking for this kind of rivet you might try people that make purses.....or Levi jeans and you will need a tool to bend over the top edge so they do not fall out
jikwan Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 Why in the heck would you want to ground yourself? That's a good way to get fried. What did I miss? energy of the earth is calming, relaxing. if we are constantly near electricity/appliances we accumulate electrical energy which causes many physical problems
jikwan Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 not going to discuss WHY, but if you are looking for this kind of rivet you might try people that make purses.....or Levi jeans and you will need a tool to bend over the top edge so they do not fall out thats a good start. never thought of that. all the hardware shops never even seen a copper rivet
Popular Post cooked Posted December 4, 2013 Popular Post Posted December 4, 2013 Where can I get tin foil knickers? 3
BKKdreaming Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 Where can I get tin foil knickers? At lotus tesco next to the tin foil hats 2
BKKdreaming Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 not going to discuss WHY, but if you are looking for this kind of rivet you might try people that make purses.....or Levi jeans and you will need a tool to bend over the top edge so they do not fall out thats a good start. never thought of that. all the hardware shops never even seen a copper rivet this type rivet is normally hollow and you use a tool to mushroom the end , look at your Levis the shaft is longer depending what you are trying to attach together, a couple pieces of leather or a couple sheets of metal . old airplanes were riveted together (aluminum) some houses have copper roofs that are riveted together..... but if you are just trying to "ground" yourself why not put on taps like you would on tap dancing shoes !
PeterSmiles Posted December 4, 2013 Posted December 4, 2013 I have seen those ant static rubber for cars. Maybe you can tie one of those to your leg. 1
jikwan Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 tips or on the heel are not near the optimum spot to recieve energy KD 1 Acupuncture Pointhttp://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/kd1 a levis type rivet would do the job. has to be copper though
jikwan Posted December 4, 2013 Author Posted December 4, 2013 I have seen those ant static rubber for cars. Maybe you can tie one of those to your leg. man, this copper rivet could alieviate sickness in the body
Chao Lao Beach Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 tips or on the heel are not near the optimum spot to recieve energyKD 1 Acupuncture Pointhttp://www.yinyanghouse.com/acupuncturepoints/kd1 a levis type rivet would do the job. has to be copper though Curious, why does it HAVE to be copper? This is a serious question. Wouldn't the other end of the rivet that touches your foot annoy you? I kind of get, well sort of what your are getting at, with your choice of grounding your self, how ever in Thailand I actually make an effort to avoid puddles and were the thickest rubber sole available to avoid 220V electrocution. You possibly have not seen the live wiring in Thailand at markets etc or chose to ignore it. What about a metal walking stick for a short term solution ? 1
jikwan Posted December 5, 2013 Author Posted December 5, 2013 hi chao, copper is the best of all the metals to transfer earths energy the optimum spot is directly beneath the kidney accupressure point at the centre of the foot. kidneys are the energy centers of the body my understanding is--if youve accumulated a lot of electrical energy from being too near appliances/computers etc - that copper will absorb/neutralize it a walking stick with copper tip and copper handle should help must have a copper wire to connect the two can make the rivet flush/same height as the upper sole reckon its going to take months to find copper rivets in this country i give up. i' ll use a long rectangle of thick copper sheet. cut 2 lines into the flipflop, fold it over and press a bit. that'll do the same job but where can i get 2 pieces of copper sheet? Grounding Earthing Measuring Body Voltagehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuneIaI1vKg
BKKdreaming Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 you could have someone machine you a "rivet" in whatever size you want , many electrical things have copper as a shield , But I must say if this was something that would work the smart guy would be making sandles with this copper rivet and selling them to all the believers for big $$$$
mikebike Posted December 5, 2013 Posted December 5, 2013 Buy heavy gauge copper wire (for outside electrical. Nail it through the sandal, bend the ends to suit with needle-nose pliers. Done and dusted.
jikwan Posted December 6, 2013 Author Posted December 6, 2013 theres many companies manufacturing earthing shoes/sandals all over the world it wont catch on. its only for cranky people like myself thick copper wires and flattened at the base and top. sounds feasible,simple. just take a breif look at the theory behind it all:
jikwan Posted December 6, 2013 Author Posted December 6, 2013 The basic idea of “Earthing” has been with us for a long time. Throughout history, humans have strolled, sat, stood, and slept on the ground—the skin of our bodies touching the skin of the Earth—oblivious to the fact that such physical contact transfers natural electrical energy to the body. Modern lifestyle has disconnected us from the Earth’s energy, making us more vulnerable to stress and illness. Many health-enhancing discoveries are made by regular people who put two-and-two together and come up with an insight that is obvious and simple, but one had thought of before. Clint Ober, who “discovered” Earthing, is one of those guys. He grew up on a farm in the Midwest. As he remembers his early years he ways he chased cows, baled hay, and spent long summer days walking barefoot up and down long rows of beets and beans pulling weeds. When he grew up he worked in the cable T.V. field. He reflected on his years in television and cable and some thoughts began to come together. “Before there was cable, you commonly had lots of flecks (‘noise,’ we call it) in the TV picture. Or you had ‘snow’ or lines of all kinds of electromagnetic interference. In the cable industry, you have to ground and shield the entire cable system in every home to prevent extraneous electromagnetic signals and fields from interfering with the transmission carried through the cable. That’s how you provide the viewer with a perfect signal and a crisp picture.” Like many discoveries that revolutionize how we see ourselves and the world, this one was sparked by one of those “aha” experiences that seem to grab our hearts. “My ‘lightbulb’ went off one day in 1998,” Ober recalls. “I was sitting on a park bench and watching the passing parade of tourists from all over the world. At some point, and I don’t know why, my awareness zeroed in on what all these different people were wearing on their feet. I saw a lot of those running shoes with thick rubber or plastic soles. I was wearing them as well. It occurred to me rather innocently that all these people—me included—were insulated from the ground, the electrical surface charge of the Earth beneath our feet. I started to think about static electricity and wondered if being insulated like that could have some effect on health.” After years of research he teamed up with cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. and health writer Martin Zucker to write the book, Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? James L. Oschman says that “Earthing seems to do away with or dramatically improve so many health challenges common in this day and age: Insomnia, the chronic pain of multiple diseases and injuries, exhaustion, stress, anxiety, and premature aging.” How can Earthing help with so many chronic illnesses? One answer seems to be that it helps reduce inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is now believed to be the underlying cause of more than 80 chronic illnesses, and more than half of Americans suffer currently from one or more of them. “Inflammation may turn out to be the elusive Holy Grail of medicine—the simple phenomenon that holds the key to sickness and health,” says William Meggs, M.D., Ph.D. of East Carolina University in his book The Inflammation Cure: How to Combat the Hidden Factor Behind Heart Disease, Arthritis, Asthma, Diabetes & Other Diseases. Earthing May Be the Original Energy Healing Power Tool We live on a planet alive with energy. Ober, Sinatra, and Zucker describe it as a “six sextillion (that’s a six followed by twenty-one zeroes) metric ton battery that is continually being renewed by solar radiation, lighting, and heat from the molten core at the center. Just like the Earth, your body is mostly water and minerals, and both are excellent conductors of electrons. As we move upon the Earth our bodies are able to transfer these electrons from the Earth to our bodies. Our ancient ancestors knew nothing about the science of how this works, but they had a firm understanding of the importance of being in connection with the Earth. For them the Earth was sacred. It was the Mother that brought life to all. Throughout human history we have tuned into the cycles of Nature for survival and health. Qi (pronounced chee) is a central principle in the long history of Chinese wisdom and is seen as the energy or natural force that fills the universe. From India’s Vedic tradition the equivalent concept is prana, or “vital force.” All natural things, plants, animals, and humans, grow and are influenced by the natural cycles of energy coming from the Earth. Native Americans honored and recognized the importance of being connected to the Earth. The late Ota Kte (Luther Standing Bear), a writer, educator, and tribal leader from the Lakota Sioux tradition, described our relationship to the Earth this way: “The old people came literally to love the soil. They sat on the ground with the feeling of being close to a mothering power. It was good for the skin to touch the Earth, and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with their bare feet on the sacred Earth. The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing, and healing.” It is time we reconnected to the power of Earth. What is Earthing? Earthing involves coupling your body to the Earth’s eternal and gentle surface energies. It means walking barefoot outside and/or sitting, working or sleeping inside while connected to a conductive device that delivers the natural healing energy of the Earth into your body. What isn’t Earthing? You are not in any sense being electrocuted. In fact, when you “plug in” the Earthing devices into the electrical outlet, you’re only using the ground plug (for those of us not electrically inclined, that’s the fatter prong at the bottom). So, there’s no electricity at all, just the connection through the ground plug to the earth. Earthing is among the most natural and safest things you can do. What happens? Your body becomes suffused with negative-charged free electrons abundantly present on the surface of the Earth. Your body immediately equalizes to the same electric energy level, or potential, as the Earth. What do you feel? Sometimes you feel, a warm, tingling sensation and often feelings of ease and well-being. Will you feel better? Usually, yes, and often rapidly. The degree of improvement varies from person to person. The important thing is to make Earthing a long-term addition to your daily routine, and to do it as much as possible so as to gain maximum benefit. When Earthing is stopped, symptoms tend to slowly return. What does Earthing do? Observations and research indicate the following benefits from Earthing. We expect many more to emerge with ongoing studies. Earthing: Defuses the cause of inflammation, and improves or eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders. Reduces or eliminates chronic pain. Improves sleep in most cases. Increases energy. Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones. Normalizes the body’s biological rhythms. Thins blood and improves blood pressure and flow. Relieves muscle tension and headaches. Reduces or eliminates jet lag. Protects the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity. Look over the list. Which benefits would you like to have in your life? If this were a new wonder drug, you’d probably be willing to pay a lot of money to get these benefits. But as you’ll see, you can have all of this without the cost or side-effects of “miracle drugs.” Ready to Start Earthing? Here’s What You Do. This may be the simplest Energy Healing tool you can use. But remember I warned you that even knowing the scientific basis for Earthing, you may fall into the trap of thinking “This is too easy. It can’t really help with pain or inflammation.” But hang in there. Once you’ve tried it and see the results produced you’ll be glad you stayed with it. You may not be a world-class professional athlete who will do anything to stay in shape, but you know how good it feels to have all your parts working and how miserable you feel when your body is out of whack. 1. Take your shoes off. We intuitively knew what was right when we were young. As soon as we were out of school we took off our shoes and spent the summer barefoot. Now science validates our youthful wisdom. The late Dr. William Rossi, a Massachusetts podiatrist, footwear industry historian, scientist, and author said in a 1999 article in Podiatry Management, “A natural gait is biomechanically impossible for any shoe-wearing person. It took four million years to develop our unique human foot and our consequent distinctive gait, a remarkable feat of bioengineering. Yet, in only a few thousand years, and with one carelessly designed instrument, our shoes, we have warped the pure anatomical form of human gait, obstructing its engineering efficiency, afflicting it with strains and stresses and denying it its natural grace of form and ease of movement heat to foot.” So, when you can take off your shoes. You’ll walk better and feel better. But shoes aren’t only bad for our mechanics. More importantly our modern rubber-soled shoes, made from petrochemicals, prevent us from receiving the healing energies from the Earth. “The sole (or plantar surface) of the foot is richly covered with some 1,300 nerve endings per square inch,” Dr. Rossi wrote in a 1997 article in Footwear News. “That’s more than found on any other part of the body of comparable size.” Getting our feet back in touch with the Earth may be the simplest and best medicine we can take. 2. When you wear shoes, wear leather-soled shoes. “Why are so many nerve endings concentrated there?” asks Dr. Rossi. “To keep us ‘in touch’ with the Earth. The foot is the vital link between the person and the Earth. The paws of all animals are equally rich in nerve endings. The Earth is covered with an electromagnetic layer. It’s this that creates the sensory response in our feet and in the paws of animals.” Even if we decide to walk barefoot more, there are times when we need to wear shoes to prevent injury and keep our feet warm. What can we do? Get back to wearing leather soled shoes. Dr. Rossi bemoaned the fact that modern shoe soles have separated us from the energy of the Earth and feeling of the ground, which is so important to our health and well-being. He wrote, “the bottoms of our footwear are virtually ‘deadened.’ A cross section of a shoe reveals several layers: outsole, midsole, insole filler material, footbed, cushioning, sockliner. An almost total blockout of sensory response.” We forget that prior to World War II most everyone wore shoes with leather soles. But as cheap oil became available, even shoes were made of oil-based products. Dr. Sinatra notes that even makers of fancy men’s dress shoes are increasingly switching to rubber, plastic, and other non-conductive material, just as casual and work shoes before them. I still remember wearing moccasins when I was a kid. I loved playing cowboys and Indians and much preferred to be the Indian. I recently bought a pair of sturdy moccasins which I can wear. It turns out that I stumbled on to the original “earth shoe.” As Ober, Sinatra, and Zucker say in their book, Earthing, “Leather (processed from hides), a conductive material when moist, has been the traditional source of shoes and sandals. The original lightweight, softsole, heal-less and simple moccasin—a piece of crudely tanned leather that envelops the foot and is fastened on with rawhide thongs—is possibly the closest we have ever come to an ‘ideal’ shoe. It dates back more than 14,000 years.” 3. When you’re at home and work, get “barefoot substitutes.” Another way we can get the health benefits of grounding is by using simple devices that were originally used for research studies on Earthing, but are now available to the public. They provide inside connectivity to the Earth outside. They are connected by a wire to a ground rod placed directly in the Earth or plugged into the ground port of a grounded electrical outlet. They can be utilized during sleep, work, and even while watching TV. There are Universal chair/desk/mouse/bed/floor mats and pads that can be used interchangeably to fit any setting. A pad placed on a desktop conducts through your forearms or wrists, on the floor through your feet, and on your chair through your butt. And on the bed through any part of your body that makes contact with it. Normal perspiration through layers of clothes, such as a dress, pants, socks, or long sleeves, permits varying degrees of conductivity. The pad utilizes a metallic fiber mesh and conductors coupled to a wire connected to a grounded outlet in the wall or an outside rod. I tried it out and it’s pretty nifty. They include a little test devise that insures that the outlets in the house have a proper ground. Then you plug into the ground slot. There’s no connection to the electricity so it’s totally safe. On their site they have a good description of each product and a question and answer section that tells you what you need to know. As a special bonus to those in my community, they offer a 5% discount. Simply type in the word “menalive” when you buy something and you get your discount. Visit: http://www.earthing.com/
orchis Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 do not forget your white sports socks, they go very well with copper-riveted sandals.
Sceptict11 Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 Read all about it ! http://www.skepticblog.org/2010/08/12/are-you-a-grounded-person/ 1
jikwan Posted December 6, 2013 Author Posted December 6, 2013 scientific proof. voltmeter. indisputable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuneIaI1vKg
Naam Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 when i'm at home (i'm at home most of the time) i walk barefoot and that since 24 years. besides the thick hard skin which my pedicurist has to remove once a month i haven't realised any difference being "earthed". 1
noikrit Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 Ive read some shoking threads before , but this one struck me some watt... Shockdee Krup
Gsxrnz Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 I'm reasonably well grounded, so don 't feel the need to earth myself. But if I was so inclined I'd do it with some panache, as is my usual style. Suggest the OP consider the following option - gold being an even better electrical conductor than copper. And this is way cooler IMHO
mgjackson69 Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 I keep an open mind about such things, and do not have any reason to dispute this....but: The OP (jikwan) is talking about grounding your shoes to provide a path for accumulated electrical charges in your body to go to ground. The article that the OP quoted makes no reference to this...what is mentioned there is power/energy from the earth coming into the body. That is a bit of difference. Either way, it might be worth punching a couple of holes in a pair of sandals to try it out. There have been some good suggestions to accomplish what you want.
jikwan Posted December 6, 2013 Author Posted December 6, 2013 I keep an open mind about such things, and do not have any reason to dispute this....but: The OP (jikwan) is talking about grounding your shoes to provide a path for accumulated electrical charges in your body to go to ground. The article that the OP quoted makes no reference to this...what is mentioned there is power/energy from the earth coming into the body. That is a bit of difference. Either way, it might be worth punching a couple of holes in a pair of sandals to try it out. There have been some good suggestions to accomplish what you want. the copper does both-installing calm, comfortable energy and neutralizing excess of accumulated energy if you saw that vid i posted-it shows you that excess is gotten rid of at lightning speed here, again http://www.youtube.c...h?v=AuneIaI1vKg grounding pads or bare earth-same effects
cooked Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 Apart from the time when I am in bed, I guess I walk barefoot about 50% of the time. My son in law works the fields barefoot when he can. This is just one of these weird ideas that has arisen since people started putting barriers between themselves and nature. There are certainly benefits to be had from walking (and running as a new sport fashion In California has shown) barefoot, less strain on the ankles,and improves the appearance of your garden gait. The Kenyans, arguably the best runners in the world, run barefoot.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barefoot_running
jikwan Posted December 7, 2013 Author Posted December 7, 2013 tribal people/poor simple villagers/folk living on the beach should show a noticable quality-earthiness, they feel and look grounded, a calmness that isnt found in sophisticated society. there may be one simple reason they have contact with 7.32 hz
Naam Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 Apart from the time when I am in bed, I guess I walk barefoot about 50% of the time. My son in law works the fields barefoot when he can. This is just one of these weird ideas that has arisen since people started putting barriers between themselves and nature. There are certainly benefits to be had from walking (and running as a new sport fashion In California has shown) barefoot, less strain on the ankles,and improves the appearance of your garden gait. The Kenyans, arguably the best runners in the world, run barefoot.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barefoot_running Kenyans are excellent runners not because of running barefoot but because they grow up 2,500 meters (and more) above sea level and have their lungs adjusted to lower oxygen contents in the air. that's why they have a clear advantage over others who have to resort to doping to achieve similar oxygen levels in their bloodstream. 2
Naam Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 tribal people/poor simple villagers/folk living on the beach should show a noticable quality-earthiness, they feel and look grounded, a calmness that isnt found in sophisticated society. there may be one simple reason they have contact with 7.32 hz how many tribals and villagers did you examine for "quality-earthiness?"
Morakot Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 Who said we never get interesting topics here. To the OP: May I suggest to stop faffing about with cooper rivets! Take your shoes off and start walking the earth properly.
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