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Thailand has had more coups than any other country. This is why.


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Thailand has had more coups than any other country. This is why.
By Max Fisher and the Washington Post Foreign Staff

WASHINGTON: -- Thailand has been engulfed in political crisis for a week now, with street protests pushing to outright topple the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

The crisis is especially serious given that Thailand has experienced more coups d'état than any other country in contemporary history. Scholars sometimes describe the era beginning in 1932 and running up through today as Thailand's "coup season." Since 1932, Thailand has endured an astonishing 11 successful military coups, as well as seven attempted coups.

Thailand-watchers are divided on whether this crisis appears likely to spark successful coup number 12. Joshua Kurlantzick of the Council on Foreign Relations says it could. The Economist's writer in Bangkok argues a coup is unlikely at this point.

To better understand why Thailand has so many coups, whether we should worry about another one and what makes countries susceptible to coups in general, I talked to Jay Ulfelder, a political scientist who specializes in state failure and also works as a consultant. While not a Thailand expert, Jay has done lots of research on coups and the risk factors that can lead to them. A lightly edited version of our e-mail exchange follows. [read more...]

Full story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/12/03/thailand-has-had-more-coups-than-any-other-country-this-is-why/

-- The Washington Post 2013-12-04

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American support this goverment. Amercan Press always support red shirt because of their benefit.

A Tale of Two Protests: Ukraine and Thailand

Western hypocrisy on full display as it backs pro-EU protesters in Ukraine, condemn Thai protests against US-backed regime in Thailand.


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America is on the other side of the world. Hear we have different ethics and morals. Have you ever read the book The invasion of the barbarians? if not get hold of a copy and read it.

You mean : here in Thailand?

Oh yes, you bloody well have!

If you define the terms "ethic" and "moral" very loosely and include treating women as second class human beings, treating "inferior" people as second class citizens, whoring out 13 year old children to your neighbor...and I could continue for hours!

Back in Europe we had other ethics and morals too, you know!

We had a "good ol' tradition" of burning witches!

We learned, that it is not really an "okay- thing" to do.

Maybe you should start and consider some of your "ethics and morals" and adjust them to...let's start with the 20th century!

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"Almost all coup attempts, successful or failed, occur in countries that are relatively poor ..."

More accurately it is a history of poverty among a large segment of the population, with little hope of escaping from it. We have seen coups in many countries where the ruling class had obscene amounts of wealth, but the majority of the populace were poor and uneducated. With no opportunity to escape poverty under their present conditions, revolution/coups appeared to have been their only hope. Unfortunately for them, the new regimes just moved in and took over the role of the oppressors.

Although there is a significant population in America who perceive themselves to be poor (compared to well to do Americans. Not compared to those in other parts of the world who are truly poor), there are possible opportunities to raise themselves out of their present situation and thus have realistic hope of moving up in economic class. It is this possibility which keeps them in check and prevents the probability of revolution. In Thailand, those who are disenfranchised see no such hope, and live in a constant state of desperation. For them it appears that they only will see a change in their oppressors, but very little chance of escaping their poverty. Thus, ongoing desperate times will call for desperate actions, and they will support the overthrow of the present regime in the unrealistic hope that they will miraculously be lifted out of their impoverished lives.

Lack of Opportunity. Excellent as a brief description of the root cause for the disenfranchised in Thailand to consistently vote in a party they believe might ultimately improve their opportunity in a multitude of ways (education, employment, availability of health services, etc).

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Thailand considers itself a democracy because it has elections, but lacks the infrastructure that democracy requires. Politicians are left with very little accountability and almost nothing in the way of repercussions, which leads them to policies like the rice scam and the amnesty attempt. Until corrupt actions have repercussions they will continue until they become so blatant that the people become outraged and the military feel they have no other course than to remove the offenders.

Some serious jail time for corrupt politicians would do wonders for Thai democracy; Thaksin and his pirate crew would be a good place to start.

BTW there is a special court for political office holders. Why is it not active? Starved of funds, relying on the DSI for investigation or simply bought off?

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The most significant line in that article just enforces what I've been saying for months, Thailand democracy is broken or incomplete allowing for it to be abused and therefore creating conflict - corruption - abuse of power - criminal activity - law breaking etc etc

This line says it all

Almost all coup attempts, successful or failed, occur in countries that are relatively poor and have political regimes that mix features of autocracy and democracy.

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America is on the other side of the world. Hear we have different ethics and morals. Have you ever read the book The invasion of the barbarians? if not get hold of a copy and read it.

You mean : here in Thailand?

Oh yes, you bloody well have!

If you define the terms "ethic" and "moral" very loosely and include treating women as second class human beings, treating "inferior" people as second class citizens, whoring out 13 year old children to your neighbor...and I could continue for hours!

Back in Europe we had other ethics and morals too, you know!

We had a "good ol' tradition" of burning witches!

We learned, that it is not really an "okay- thing" to do.

Maybe you should start and consider some of your "ethics and morals" and adjust them to...let's start with the 20th century!

I don't want bash American people, because I know that the most people have a good heart. But about your politicans and multinational companies, sorry. So we should different between normal people and leader.

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America is on the other side of the world. Hear we have different ethics and morals. Have you ever read the book The invasion of the barbarians? if not get hold of a copy and read it.

You mean : here in Thailand?

Oh yes, you bloody well have!

If you define the terms "ethic" and "moral" very loosely and include treating women as second class human beings, treating "inferior" people as second class citizens, whoring out 13 year old children to your neighbor...and I could continue for hours!

Back in Europe we had other ethics and morals too, you know!

We had a "good ol' tradition" of burning witches!

We learned, that it is not really an "okay- thing" to do.

Maybe you should start and consider some of your "ethics and morals" and adjust them to...let's start with the 20th century!

I don't want bash American people, because I know that the most people have a good heart. But about your politicans and multinational companies, sorry. So we should different between normal people and leader.

Nice, that you don't want to bash American- people. I am not one of them anyways!

I am just reacting a bit allergic to "We have our ethics and morals" (therefore we are above criticizim)...

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Thailand has more coups then any other country because:

We like quick fixes when we're fed up with each other.

We don't know how to settle our differences amicably and we take everything personally thus the need for a referee to separate us.

History is not our strongpoint and we have a short memory span. We have never learned the lesson that coups just bring us back to square one and do not fix our problems. The problems just get shoved to the corner until either of us picks a fight.

Our leadership has always been a dictatorship whether it be ruled by the army, by the autocracy, or by businessmen hiding under the shroud of democracy. Dictatorships often end up having their ideology clouded by power and arrogance which will lead to discontent and replacement by other regimes a'la coups.

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In western countries you learn already in school about humanity,about to be patient,you learn how to respect other people and cultures,they teach you also to be responsible for your doing.In western countries they teach you to obey laws and orders.In western countries you have one government who is responsible for all this.In western world we have the yr 2013,Thailand is still in 17 or 1813,Thailand stands still,no development

at all.Nobody obeys laws and orders, in Thailand,every rule has an exception..

The constitution of Thailand is a joke,Could you imagine the constitution of UK would has a passage what says the queen and her family are untouchable?Could you imagine

US army would build a state in a state?Could you imagine high class and rich people

have influence on the daily life in a democratic country?Exceptions like that keep Thailand in democratic stone age.I’m not a Thaksin friend,but he tried to do the right thing,He tried to take the power away from the establishment,his reasons for that are maybe not that great,but my thinking is once the establishment and old rules are away,then the way for development is open.Thailand should get a new westernized

constitution,Thailand should ban all current politicians for future elections,but after all here is Asia and it’s there country,so they can do whatever they like to do,and maybe we as westerners should not put our noses into their business

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In western countries you learn already in school about humanity,about to be patient,you learn how to respect other people and cultures,they teach you also to be responsible for your doing.In western countries they teach you to obey laws and orders.In western countries you have one government who is responsible for all this.In western world we have the yr 2013,Thailand is still in 17 or 1813,Thailand stands still,no development

at all.Nobody obeys laws and orders, in Thailand,every rule has an exception..

The constitution of Thailand is a joke,Could you imagine the constitution of UK would has a passage what says the queen and her family are untouchable?Could you imagine

US army would build a state in a state?Could you imagine high class and rich people

have influence on the daily life in a democratic country?Exceptions like that keep Thailand in democratic stone age.I’m not a Thaksin friend,but he tried to do the right thing,He tried to take the power away from the establishment,his reasons for that are maybe not that great,but my thinking is once the establishment and old rules are away,then the way for development is open.Thailand should get a new westernized

constitution,Thailand should ban all current politicians for future elections,but after all here is Asia and it’s there country,so they can do whatever they like to do,and maybe we as westerners should not put our noses into their business

Oh man...I was with you until the part that I marked.

Thaksin IS the establishment! He just used this kind of "propaganda" to win over the vote of Isan.

He was sucessfull at that and actually pushed trough some of his populist politics (which by the way is more than most of the guys before him ever even tried!) but in the end, he just used "the poor" as pawns in his chess- game!

He is as much "elite" as the "elite" that fights him.

They are all a bunch of power- crazy rabid dogs and the don't give sh1t for "the people" as long as they got, what they came for!

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