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Grandson of Red Bull what was the outcome ?


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All of them are probably partying at Demo Thong Lor or something similar. If not, then they're probably sleeping in their comforable bed waiting for a comfortable breakfast cooked by their maids.

I use to have friends like this when I was a teenager. I dont know how they live with themselves. Seeing as the way they talk to their maids and the cooks, I would never dare have a meal at their house. I will never <deleted> with the people who handle my food, but apparently they dont understand that.

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In line with this thread and it happens everywhere see this article about some high-so in the US that killed 4 pedestrians due to drunk driving and his lawyers got him off with probation and re-hab using an Affluenza defense

"Affluenza," the affliction cited by a psychologist to argue that a North Texas teenager from a wealthy family should not be sent to prison for killing four pedestrians while driving drunk.......


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The most curious part to me is...the apparently total silence of follow-up coverage on the case by any news media anywhere.

Haven't seen a single article anywhere asking...where is he now...and what's become of the case against him? Or what are the authorities doing about him?

Not that I expected a lot of news reporting on this... But at least I would have hoped some news outlet somewhere would have had the backbone to at least ask the pertinent questions and publish the answers received.

Tons of articles about it.

But every time one pops up, someone at the newspapers substitutes a Red Bull ad.

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The case of Vorayuth Yoovidhya represents everything that is wrong with Thai society. A good for nothing who can drive his flash car down Sukhumvit rd at 150kmh+ under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol - no-one will know which because no police officer is powerful enough to investigate- kill a policeman and then hide behind high-security gates until the effects have worn off and a friendly policeman can be paid off. Whether Vorayuths daddy paid 300,000 baht or 3 and a half million in compensation to the dead officers family, it is a drop in the ocean compared with the 150 billion baht that grandad was worth. In fairness to grandad (Chaleo), he worked (by all accounts) very hard for his money, but the kids of these Chinese rich, just exploit the ordinary Thais: 35 million or even 350 million, might have hurt a bit more. They are above and outside the law and can afford to pay anyone off who gets in their way.

Another case that predates this one is the case of the 16 year old (under age for driving) daughter of the Na Ayuthaya family who was allowed to drive a family car on route 32 and killed 8 people. Everyone was paid off and Im sure the girl has now been bought a place at a prestigious university and will absolutely undoubtedly emerge with a top class degree and without any shred of conscience for those she mangled up.

Newsflash, it just isn't Thailand. This is how it works the world over.

Just look at the case from yesterday in America. Teen kills 4 people in drunken hit and run.

Gets off on probation because his family is rich.

People who think this is just a Thai thing are ignorant and naive to how the world works. Only difference in Thailand is everything is a bit more transparent and the barrier to entry for benefiting off corruption is a lot lower.

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The case of Vorayuth Yoovidhya represents everything that is wrong with Thai society. A good for nothing who can drive his flash car down Sukhumvit rd at 150kmh+ under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol - no-one will know which because no police officer is powerful enough to investigate- kill a policeman and then hide behind high-security gates until the effects have worn off and a friendly policeman can be paid off. Whether Vorayuths daddy paid 300,000 baht or 3 and a half million in compensation to the dead officers family, it is a drop in the ocean compared with the 150 billion baht that grandad was worth. In fairness to grandad (Chaleo), he worked (by all accounts) very hard for his money, but the kids of these Chinese rich, just exploit the ordinary Thais: 35 million or even 350 million, might have hurt a bit more. They are above and outside the law and can afford to pay anyone off who gets in their way.

Another case that predates this one is the case of the 16 year old (under age for driving) daughter of the Na Ayuthaya family who was allowed to drive a family car on route 32 and killed 8 people. Everyone was paid off and Im sure the girl has now been bought a place at a prestigious university and will absolutely undoubtedly emerge with a top class degree and without any shred of conscience for those she mangled up.

Newsflash, it just isn't Thailand. This is how it works the world over.

Just look at the case from yesterday in America. Teen kills 4 people in drunken hit and run.

Gets off on probation because his family is rich.

People who think this is just a Thai thing are ignorant and naive to how the world works. Only difference in Thailand is everything is a bit more transparent and the barrier to entry for benefiting off corruption is a lot lower.

One big difference is that, at least in the States (sometimes called 'America') one does, at least, get arrested, get booked, get indicted and goes to court.

The case you cited, there was no corruption, just an insane judge!

Edited by Curt1591
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The income $ = is the outcome.

He paid 300,000 Baht to the family, end of story. I would have refused the money and demanded 25 years.


As far as I know he has never had (and I expect never will have) a trial. I believe he has ha two or three delays for various legal reasons, and I agree with another poster they simply intend to delay any trail until the statue of limitations runs out.

Then they will say, oh gee, we can't try him now since time has run out.

That's what money and influence can do in Thailand.

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