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We Always Seem To Scream The Loudest

Maejo Man

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We always seem to come out with some pretty harsh statements when a fellow expat is injured/killed, but how do you think the thai population in New Zealand are reacting over this killing of one of their own?

New Zealander admits killing Thai landlady

Wellington (dpa) - A New Zealand man admitted murdering his former Thai landlady when he changed his earlier not guilty plea part way through a trial in the Auckland High Court on Tuesday, according to news reports.

Dean Shepherd, 45, of Manurewa, near Auckland, was said to have owed Darunee Aphiromlerk, 49, about 2,500 New Zealand dollars (1,600 US dollars) in back rent when he killed her in October 2004.

The court was told he became angry after going to her apartment, and tied and gagged her before wrapping her in a duvet and throwing her in a river where her body was found 18 days later.

Police said they traced him through a rare large television set he stole from her apartment.

Darunee, who had lived in New Zealand for 13 years, was reportedly wealthy and owned nine properties in the Auckland region.

Shepherd, who faces a life sentence, was remanded in custody for sentence in September.


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i am sure the Thai community there will be shocked , but they can be confident that the accused will be given a fair trial , and that the police will have been professional in their investigation and questioning of witnesses and involved parties.

when a foreigner is murdered here , the lackadaisical approach to policing and investigation often means that the guilty can go free.

a lack of accurate information , and the abundance of conflicting information adds to the frustration of those trying to follow the story and hoping to see justice done.

compare the investigation , arrests , trial and life sentences given to two australian men found guilty of murdering two thai prostitutes in australia last year , with the justice free- farce that was the delayed capture and subsequent bail and trial of the kanchanaburi policeman eventually found guilty of killing two british backpackers.

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When a farang kills a Thai wow, there is nothing much worse in this country.

I worked with an Ozzie guy(24) who is serving life in jail for supposedly killing a Thai girl. He is said to have pushed her off a balcony many stories high. In fact it was another Thai and it came down to who the police believed. This guy was drunk so of course they belived the Thai who I think did it.

But the hatred and torture that he got and probably still gets was unbelievable. I would be very very surprised if he were still alive after 5 years of that treatment. I couldn't think of a worse country do get stitched up with murdering a local.

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When a farang kills a Thai wow, there is nothing much worse in this country.

I worked with an Ozzie guy(24) who is serving life in jail for supposedly killing a Thai girl. He is said to have pushed her off a balcony many stories high. In fact it was another Thai and it came down to who the police believed. This guy was drunk so of course they belived the Thai who I think did it.

But the hatred and torture that he got and probably still gets was unbelievable. I would be very very surprised if he were still alive after 5 years of that treatment. I couldn't think of a worse country do get stitched up with murdering a local.

Unless of course he was actually guilty.

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