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Where can I buy chlordane? Is there a brand name?

It's been banned in the US since 1983, probably available at your local farm outlet sad.png
I used it in the US and realize how well it works when used properly. In my experience there wasn't a good replacement for it. That's why when I saw it mentioned above I asked where to find it.


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I thought they dumped all the good shit to Vietnam.

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In Japan, we leave our shoes on the Genkan or otherwise known as the front porch, just before you step up into the house.

Had one sneak into my shoe once. Went to put my shoe on and felt something moving around.

I had never moved so fast in my life to get that shoe off and the surprise of what fell out!!

In Japanese, called "Mukade" 百足, "one hundred feet".

Makes sense.

"Centipede" literally means "100 feet" in latin. Centi = 100 and Ped = feet.

Wondering about the parallel evolution of "centipedes" etymology (not to be confused with the entomology) for both Japanese and English.


Centipede & Millipede Primer for noobs & old timers.

Millipedes are harmless and eat nothing but vegetables or decaying vegetation.

They'll even eat the moss that grows on the sides of cement structures...that's

why one can see those squiggly lines on the moss & wonder..."Gee...what did that?"

Now you know....millipedes did it. One species of millipede emits hydrogen cyanide

gas if handled or "disturbed"....it's the most common millipede in LOS save for the

red millipede and named the yellow spotted millipede...and it has no natural enemies.

I wonder why?! Millipedes are also slow movers....they crawl around slowly & fill their

tummies with vegies.

Millipede pictures....


attachicon.gifGiant millipede2.JPG

Centipedes are plain old nasty critters that bite anything they happen not to like

which usually means everything and anything that may or may not disturb them

anytime and anywhere. Centipedes are carnivorous....they be meat eaters

maties! And centipedes are very fast movers....surprisingly fast at that.

I can vouch that the bite from a centipede is extremely painful (read agonizing akin

to a severe toothache), which can last for days, will cause a huge amount of swelling,

may cause necrosis of the skin in the bite area (may turn black & rot but will eventually

heal....maybe), will bring extreme discomfort (HAH!) to the entire body and also...may

be fatal if you have a allergic reaction to the bastards venom. The only supposedly

centipede bite death happened in the Philippines to a young girl who was bitten on

the head and died 29 hours after the bite. However...be warned...you may end up

in hospital anyway if you get bitten so the best advice is to not get bitten.

Centipede Pictures...

attachicon.gifAsian House Centipede.jpg...bite is akin to a bee sting.

attachicon.gifSoutheast Asian Centipede.jpg...Nasty Bastard

attachicon.gifSoutheast Asian Red Centipede.jpg...Nasty bastard again but different.

A link to a lad who was bitten China...describes the ordeal pretty acurately too!


Best way to avoid centipede bites....Keep your home clean, don't go poking around

in old wooden crap or under long standing cans, logs etc outside & in dark cupboards.

And if you do get zapped....you'll most likely live to tell the tale...I did.

Best way to kill a centipede...my size 12 foot; with a shoe on it I should add.

Happy & Safe Holidays Y'all!

NB...edit to add stuff about speed of movement of the bugs.

That first picture captioned bite is akin to a bee sting is actually a silverfish bug , although quite ugly they are harmless and don't bite I have alot of experience with them . One interesting thing about them is if they cant find food they will eat there own skin to survive , YUCCKKKKK !


If you can get close enough the easiest way to tell the difference between Centipedes and Millipedes is Centipedes have only one pair of legs per segment, millipedes have two pairs. Although the millipedes literally means they have 1000 legs most have from 50-250 legs the number being dependant on which of the many millipede species they are and their sex ( females have less legs than males ). Centipedes usually have between 20-70 legs dependant on which species they are.


That first picture captioned bite is akin to a bee sting is actually a silverfish bug , although quite ugly they are harmless and don't bite I have alot of experience with them . One interesting thing about them is if they cant find food they will eat there own skin to survive , YUCCKKKKK !

No I think it actually is a house centipede. Here is one that was in my office.

He was about 20 centimeters. Silverfish are about 2 centimeters long aren't they?

Anyhow, if you check Google images for silverfish you get lots of pictures of house centipedes but also a lot of pictures of silverfish and although they don't look very similar, there must be a lot of confusion, or at some point someone must have started calling house centipedes silverfish and it caught on.



No way millipede's are "harmless"

Stepped on one in the dark and foot began burning-over next 2 days went numb all the way to the knee

See em not and there dead


Centipede & Millipede Primer for noobs & old timers.

Millipedes are harmless and eat nothing but vegetables or decaying vegetation.

They'll even eat the moss that grows on the sides of cement structures...that's

why one can see those squiggly lines on the moss & wonder..."Gee...what did that?"

Now you know....millipedes did it. One species of millipede emits hydrogen cyanide

gas if handled or "disturbed"....it's the most common millipede in LOS save for the

red millipede and named the yellow spotted millipede...and it has no natural enemies.

I wonder why?! Millipedes are also slow movers....they crawl around slowly & fill their

tummies with vegies.

Millipede pictures....


attachicon.gifGiant millipede2.JPG

Centipedes are plain old nasty critters that bite anything they happen not to like

which usually means everything and anything that may or may not disturb them

anytime and anywhere. Centipedes are carnivorous....they be meat eaters

maties! And centipedes are very fast movers....surprisingly fast at that.

I can vouch that the bite from a centipede is extremely painful (read agonizing akin

to a severe toothache), which can last for days, will cause a huge amount of swelling,

may cause necrosis of the skin in the bite area (may turn black & rot but will eventually

heal....maybe), will bring extreme discomfort (HAH!) to the entire body and also...may

be fatal if you have a allergic reaction to the bastards venom. The only supposedly

centipede bite death happened in the Philippines to a young girl who was bitten on

the head and died 29 hours after the bite. However...be warned...you may end up

in hospital anyway if you get bitten so the best advice is to not get bitten.

Centipede Pictures...

attachicon.gifAsian House Centipede.jpg...bite is akin to a bee sting.

attachicon.gifSoutheast Asian Centipede.jpg...Nasty Bastard

attachicon.gifSoutheast Asian Red Centipede.jpg...Nasty bastard again but different.

A link to a lad who was bitten China...describes the ordeal pretty acurately too!


Best way to avoid centipede bites....Keep your home clean, don't go poking around

in old wooden crap or under long standing cans, logs etc outside & in dark cupboards.

And if you do get zapped....you'll most likely live to tell the tale...I did.

Best way to kill a centipede...my size 12 foot; with a shoe on it I should add.

Happy & Safe Holidays Y'all!

NB...edit to add stuff about speed of movement of the bugs.

That first picture captioned bite is akin to a bee sting is actually a silverfish bug , although quite ugly they are harmless and don't bite I have alot of experience with them . One interesting thing about them is if they cant find food they will eat there own skin to survive , YUCCKKKKK !

Hi Clubber...

I must admit that the first pic is of a house centipede; it was around 10 cm long and the fangs were on the underside of the head

as all centipedes fangs are. I have seen a few silverfish and in comparison they're tiny...around a centimeter or so long and as

their name applies...silvery white. Now...I'm not a bug expert but have a lotta years dealing with trying to ID the interesting bugs

I come across in daily life in LOS...mainly scorpions, centipedes & spiders.

Below is a photo of what I know to be a silverfish and a wiki link about them. If you google "silverfish photos" you will get both

the silverfish and the house centipede. Note...the house centipede may not always live in your house either and it's best to

leave them alone and let em do their thing...they move faster than the red or SEA centipede do!


Wiki Link...



No way millipede's are "harmless"

Stepped on one in the dark and foot began burning-over next 2 days went numb all the way to the knee

See em not and there dead


For most people millipedes are harmless....HOWEVER...some folks do have an allergic

reaction to the millipedes self defense mechanism which is usually hydrogen cyanide

in the case of the yellow or orange spotted millipede. What other millipede's have for

a defense mechanism I haven't a clue but I do know that if birds eat the yellow or orange

spotted ones the birds die from cyanide poisoning fairly quickly. And yes...there is something

known as a "millipede burn" with accompanying numbness if some varieties are stepped

on in bare feet. I handle millipedes all the time to try and take photos of them and the only

thing I have to complain about is that after handling them the skin on the finger tips that were

used to pick a millipede up with smells like a cross between burnt almonds & ammonia...

which is hydrogen cyanide's smell. No numbness has ever happened since I've never

squashed one with me fingers or feet! I kinda like the little critters too much to do em in.

Google "millipede burns"...there's some good info on this out there.

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