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Renting a condo, to own name or girlfriend's?


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Scenario: Lets say one would be renting a condo with a long term (1 year) contract. Are there any points to consider about who signs the contract: oneself, one's girlfriend or the two of you together? Any benefits to sign yourself or have it on your gf's name?

In case of separation, she would be willing to transfer the contract to another name and move out as she wouldn't want to pay the rent (as the rent is much higher than your average Thai condo of the area), so that shouldn't be an issue.

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Well you see many relationships in Thailand and also many farangs who etc. etc. -- maybe you see too many.

Yes maybe, but at least I live my life based on my own beliefs... which is not having to financially support my GF and her family, for her to wanting to stay with me.

If I had to purchase my GF, I would rather stay single and just enjoy the women here on short term bases...

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Well as you say "She has her own money invested too ..." So you found a girl with her own money to invest. Great. That does narrow the field as there are probably more Thai women who might have the ability to generate their own funds but need a little help getting started. If you want to consider that purchasing a girl, up to you.

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In case of separation, she would be willing to transfer the contract to another name and move out as she wouldn't want to pay the rent (as the rent is much higher than your average Thai condo of the area), so that shouldn't be an issue.

Do u also believe in the TOOTHs fairy. Guys ...wake up and smell the som tam. You the farang you will pay no matter what....................lol.

Why would a girl sign on to something she cant afford? Maybe u 2 belong together.

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Which all just goes to show you that, even if your girlfriend is the most honest, devoted, loyal, caring, hardworking and trustworthy woman you've ever met, one still has to cover one's backside.

Well, to me any serious relationship, with true commitment similar to a business partnership. If only one of the partners take risk, then the partnership will most likely fail. It has nothing to do with trust over covering one's backside - it is about showing dedication and commitment to the partnership.

In our case, my GF has taken as much financial risk as me, in both our private and business life. She has her own money invested too, which shows me her devotion and commitment to our relationship.

I see many relationships in Thailand, that are built on the Farang paying everything and taking all the financial risks. Farangs pay for their GFs/wifes business ventures, their homes, car etc. And what happens in many cases? The GF/wife gives up the business venture after a short time, because she has risked nothing or throws the Farang out of the house, that he actually paid for. It is in many ways a win-lose situation.

I also see many Farangs being scared of asking their GF/wife to commit evenly. Well, I am not scared of asking my GF to also commit and she is also not scared of showing her commitment. That to me is a true relationship, based on shared commitment and dedication. Should we once break up, we will share everything 50/50, because we also built it 50/50.

Whers the COMMITment? you no have marriage certificate.

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You argue,

She calls the police and has you escorted from her condo, with just your personal effects.

All the stuff in the condo is hers.

Brilliant idea!

Well, at some point there was a poster here, who had problems with a girlfriend who had gone totally crazy. The condo was in his name, but she refused to move out.

I think he would have preferred the condo to have been in her name. Every case is different...

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Which all just goes to show you that, even if your girlfriend is the most honest, devoted, loyal, caring, hardworking and trustworthy woman you've ever met, one still has to cover one's backside.

Well, to me any serious relationship, with true commitment similar to a business partnership. If only one of the partners take risk, then the partnership will most likely fail. It has nothing to do with trust over covering one's backside - it is about showing dedication and commitment to the partnership.

In our case, my GF has taken as much financial risk as me, in both our private and business life. She has her own money invested too, which shows me her devotion and commitment to our relationship.

I see many relationships in Thailand, that are built on the Farang paying everything and taking all the financial risks. Farangs pay for their GFs/wifes business ventures, their homes, car etc. And what happens in many cases? The GF/wife gives up the business venture after a short time, because she has risked nothing or throws the Farang out of the house, that he actually paid for. It is in many ways a win-lose situation.

I also see many Farangs being scared of asking their GF/wife to commit evenly. Well, I am not scared of asking my GF to also commit and she is also not scared of showing her commitment. That to me is a true relationship, based on shared commitment and dedication. Should we once break up, we will share everything 50/50, because we also built it 50/50.

Whers the COMMITment? you no have marriage certificate.

Well, my GF is in no need or rush to get married. We have known each other for 4 years and lived together for 3 years now. Marriage would not really change anything, so no rush on that. We are having a baby together - I see that as a commitment...

Edited by khunpa
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Never put your livelihood or your residential status in a position where they are vulnerable to the whims of a woman.

That the guy feels the need to ask the question says enough, IMO.

IMO, the OP is smart by thinking this far and considering the future risks. After all separations and divorces can happen. At least smarter than not thinking at all and just spending all ones lifesavings on another person, to then later find out that everything is lost.

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Never put your livelihood or your residential status in a position where they are vulnerable to the whims of a woman.

That the guy feels the need to ask the question says enough, IMO.

IMO, the OP is smart by thinking this far and considering the future risks. After all separations and divorces can happen. At least smarter than not thinking at all and just spending all ones lifesavings on another person, to then later find out that everything is lost.

No the smart thing to do is to swerve the potential for all that <deleted> by living alone.

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Well as you say "She has her own money invested too ..." So you found a girl with her own money to invest. Great. That does narrow the field as there are probably more Thai women who might have the ability to generate their own funds but need a little help getting started. If you want to consider that purchasing a girl, up to you.

If a man finances 100% of his GF's new business venture, then I see it as a way for him to keep her or want to keep her "out of trouble". Same as some men purchase houses, cars, buffaloes etc. for their GF and supports the entire family, because the man deep down knows, that is the only way to keep her.

Why not ask the GF to get a normal job and save money instead? And then when she has saved a fair amount, she can invest that in "her" business and get some help from the BF. She is then committed with her own money and that is a big difference. Believe me, there are actually Thai-women out there, who do not mind doing that and also have the savings to do it. But there are also many, who just want it all the easy way and then give up as soon as they get "tired". In that case, the amount of new business ideas and ventures can be unlimited and go on forever - until the guy is broke.

Besides that, you actually get respect, if you show the woman that you are not stupid, when it comes to money. At least you get that from the "smart" women. And the "smart" women usually also have their own savings account and are ready to invest in their own business venture.

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It is funny how people in these countries don't realise you put an addendum into any contract. You can sign and make sure it says you are the controlling interest. That means basically you ask your landlord to honor your contract with him and not anybody else. In practical terms anybody that stays in that house other than you is for all intents and purposes just a house guest. I have done papers this way in Laos and they worked.

I have no idea if this works in Thailand or if the women has supreme reign. Your landlord wants steady business and it shouldn't be too hard to cut some crazy thai girl out of the equation if you are careful and perhaps use an agent. The level of writing when looking at contracts here is absolutely zero. Hire a lawyer for a day that you pay. Unless of coure you don't happen to trust your girlfriend. She won't even know what is going on unless her English is very good.

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Well as you say "She has her own money invested too ..." So you found a girl with her own money to invest. Great. That does narrow the field as there are probably more Thai women who might have the ability to generate their own funds but need a little help getting started. If you want to consider that purchasing a girl, up to you.

If a man finances 100% of his GF's new business venture, then I see it as a way for him to keep her or want to keep her "out of trouble". Same as some men purchase houses, cars, buffaloes etc. for their GF and supports the entire family, because the man deep down knows, that is the only way to keep her.

Why not ask the GF to get a normal job and save money instead? And then when she has saved a fair amount, she can invest that in "her" business and get some help from the BF. She is then committed with her own money and that is a big difference. Believe me, there are actually Thai-women out there, who do not mind doing that and also have the savings to do it. But there are also many, who just want it all the easy way and then give up as soon as they get "tired". In that case, the amount of new business ideas and ventures can be unlimited and go on forever - until the guy is broke.

Besides that, you actually get respect, if you show the woman that you are not stupid, when it comes to money. At least you get that from the "smart" women. And the "smart" women usually also have their own savings account and are ready to invest in their own business venture.

From the above: Why not ask the GF to get a normal job and save money instead?
From the David Mamet screenplay for The Verdict: Life's too short -- and I'm too f-ckin' old
Edited by JLCrab
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You argue,

She calls the police and has you escorted from her condo, with just your personal effects.

All the stuff in the condo is hers.

Brilliant idea!

What are you talking about, my girlfriend loves me, she would never do anything like that, when we go out we hold hands, haven't you seen us.

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Never put your livelihood or your residential status in a position where they are vulnerable to the whims of a woman.

That the guy feels the need to ask the question says enough, IMO.

IMO, the OP is smart by thinking this far and considering the future risks. After all separations and divorces can happen. At least smarter than not thinking at all and just spending all ones lifesavings on another person, to then later find out that everything is lost.

No the smart thing to do is to swerve the potential for all that <deleted> by living alone.

How is that smart?

By avoiding life...love and all the things that life has to offer?.

We all live and learn, that is our nature.

You want to live like Scrooge McDuck and spend you life in the money bin counting your cash...go for it.

No matter what life throws at me I still want to be able to hold the hand of someone that genuinely loves me as I draw my last breath and say goodbye.

Your life...your choice...up to you.

This isn't a comment on your choices..do whatever it is that satisfies you.

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Let us simplify it.....

Who will be paying the rent?

More specifically,

Who is the one paying the deposit which will never be returned?

Sorry if my post was not clear on this: It will be my condo and thus I will be paying for it.

This would be my first time renting in Thailand, that is the reason for the question.

And oh, since the topic has received some interest, I think I should mention that at the moment I am living in my girlfriend's condo and she pays the rent, I pay the food. When we move a bigger place, I will pay the rent because I want to live in specific kind of condo, of whose rent she could not afford by herself. Not that it is any of your concern really wai.gif

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Which all just goes to show you that, even if your girlfriend is the most honest, devoted, loyal, caring, hardworking and trustworthy woman you've ever met, one still has to cover one's backside.

"... if your girlfriend is the most honest, devoted, loyal, caring, hardworking and trustworthy woman you've ever met ..."

It is HIM who's already planning his exit strategy from this honest, devoted, loyal, caring relationship.


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