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Looking for bales of rice straw


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It's harvest season for the rice and only a few of the farmers have their straw baled. I've been looking around my neighborhood for the baling machine and haven't seen it yet, so I'm asking if anyone has seen it in their neighborhood, preferably near Doi Saket. Would like to buy around 8 bales depending on price, which I've heard is around 50thb/bale.

maybe it will lessen the smoke in the air from the annual burning season..................

thanks in advance..........

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Maybe try driving around. Could try along 1317 east & south of San Kamphaeng. Alternatively, try the small dairy farms, who probably buy the bales for winter feed. Lots of them SE of San Kampaeng. Maybe they'll sell a few?

Or if you just want the straw, fill your own sacks once they've cut the rice....

Edited by MESmith
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We have plenty of straw in the ricefield next to us and I get the neighbor kids to collect it for our chickens and garden mulch, but it takes up so much space that I would prefer nice neat compact bales and NOW is the time to look for it!! Would like to get it before they burn it!!

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Has anybody ever seen bailed rice straw in Chiang Mai?

Yes, I have seen army trucks loaded with hay and straw,in bales,

taking it to Cavalry unit at Rim Ping ,I would think,they

have a lot of horses there.

regards Worgeordie

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5baht to 10 baht a bale where i live so yes i will sell you bales at 50baht a pop haha

Is that the real price wig?? Seems more realistic, as it is gotten for free from the farmers. I was just basing my 50thb/bale on what a friend told me that he heard.

Also I have seen some used as a landscape feature and noticed that the size was rectangular at about a meter long and a half meter square. Is that standard?

Thanks for all the tips guys............

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