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Thai Govt readjusts response to protests; time for talk finished


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We can then take it that reconcilliation and consenus politics are out of the window? Great no olive branches just the same old Thai political shenanigans, just cant teach them anything or dont they want to learn?

Two things: First thing, do they ever think what the Asean or beyond think of Thailand? Obviously not.

Do they ever think of making Thailand better for the Thais?

These observations may not apply just to the current administration, as in other places in the world when people get elected they do what they want not what you thought they were going to do. Those that did not get elected will promise even more next time and you know what? Why do people still beleive them?

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The regime is trying hard to tighten it's grip. This can only end badly...

The bunker mentality is now setting in oblivious to the fact that they have lost all credibility to govern and that hatred of them amongst large swathes of the population is now palpable.

Presumably you were saying the same in 2010 when Abhisit was in his (literal) bunker.

Certainly others were:'"It's a very small group of people in his inner circle," said Michael Nelson, a political scientist at Bangkok Chulalongkorn University. "They've become isolated in the military compound and developed a bunker mentality. The only voices they hear are their own."

Edited by Emptyset
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Suthep's play is an all or nothing rally Monday morning ...... Will he fill the streets?

Hard to say, but I guess we will see how his speech are influencing people on Monday.

I would like to leave a lol to a part of his speech: "If the people don't come, I will go turn myself in, no more fight: Suthep Thaugsuban 9.59pm 6/Dec/2013"

I listened these words from him already 4 times since last week coffee1.gif

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Isn´t the 48 hours up in which suthep claimed he would have overthrown the current government? Weren´t he supposed to hand himself in after those 48 hours expired?

Hello Mr. government employee, go back to your boss and tell them that your very obvious attempts at government propaganda are not welcome here.....

:D to be fair he has missed a few of his own deadlines, must have been a software engineer in a previous life.

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Best to let him have the streets ( with toilets) on Monday, no strong response, if Bangkok closes for the day, so be it. Worst scenario is for an armed response. No teargas, no water cannons, just let them have the streets

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It would be a hard task for marchers to shut down the city, but if 20 cars were parked across every major intersection and tollway between 7-8 am on Monday morning it would ensure absolute chaos during the rush hour. Surprised they haven't come up with that. Wonder if there are enough people willing to give up their car for the cause.

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So much for Freedom of Speech and Assembly in Thailand!

Did the protestors not cut off the internet for awhile? That would be considered an act of terrorism in many countries. The policy in many countries is to never negotiate with terrorists. Name one democratically elected government in the world that would negotiate with people trying to overthrow them if they didn't have to. I am not taking sides or anything but the USA for example wouldn't negotiate with anybody accused of insurrection.

It will be an escalation for sure, but what is the alternative? Interminable period of stalemate?

They should arrest all involved that have done harm on both sides. As people said Thaksin should turn himself in and face the music so should Suthep. Funny how that works right? Maybe Thailand should scrap the idea of pretending to be a democracy and go back to an absolute state of rule by the you know who. I trust him more than any of these goons.

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A country cannot be taken hostage by a minority.

It is just normal that the government restores order.

A democracy cannot function with a political party actively supporting street protests and mobs aimed at toppling an elected government. Such a political party has no right to exist in a democracy. The dems should be banned from politics.

Just do it quick. It gets boring biggrin.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well that is all good and well however in Thailand, despite delusions to the contrary, we do not have democracy here. And the government has flouted and broken the law meaning that they do not follow the rules of democracy meaning they are unfit. Failed state. We need a government that will at least obey the rules of the land and not think and act like they are above the law and piss on the constitution when it suits them. The government of idiots is on the back foot and now they are trying to hide behind 'democracy' and 'the constitution' because it suits their needs. Hippocracy at its very worst...

Let us just tell it lie it really is. We have a democracy of a sort. much as you can have with the Parliamentarian system. But it is very corrupt and according to the recently released corruption findings it is getting worse ever since the PTP got in.

I finally figured gerry1011 out he is howling for the Democrats to be banned as he is afraid Yingluck might give in to the people and call for a new election and he is sure the Democrats would win.clap2.gif

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anyone seriously think this was not going to happen?

Apart from the stupid BMA threat, does anyone seriously think the government has done anything wrong here?

If you want an answer to that you best give us a time frame.

they change their mind constantly.

For instance this thread says they said this morning no more talking.

This Afternoon Yingluck was telling every one she would talk to any one.

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anyone seriously think this was not going to happen?

Apart from the stupid BMA threat, does anyone seriously think the government has done anything wrong here?

If you want an answer to that you best give us a time frame.

they change their mind constantly.

For instance this thread says they said this morning no more talking.

This Afternoon Yingluck was telling every one she would talk to any one.

I'm referring just to the actions stated in the OP of this thread...

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Yes, I do.

Going after BlueSky is a mistake and wrong. Falls straight into media intimidation. The added less visible threat to the rest of the media .... ":cover the rally and you are next"

Threatening legal action against those administering first aid is wrong and falls straight into a disrespect for humanitarian action.

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Well we will have a court decide upon that shortly, we hope. Unless Suthep gets his appointed PM to drop the murder charges. What do you think is the reason for Suthep organizing protests at this time? He can get rid of his sworn enemy and beat a murder rap, killing two birds with one stone. It has nothing to do with the good of the people. That should be obvious to all but the delusional by now.


The timing was perfect? That loathesome amnesty bill (which would have cleared Suthep -- so self-interest is ruled out of the equation) and the scandals and issues about the current government gave him his perfect storm. He had red shirts fighting the amnesty bill with him!

As far as the charges go against Suthep, he was not charged in the court that deals with political office holders. As an individual (and not as DPM) he could not issue any orders. You can expect the court to rule that they do not have jurisdiction in this case and to drop the charges. I do not know if there is "double jeopardy" in Thai law or if it would apply.Where I am from the one bite at that apple would be gone.

Now back to the topic. It is apparent that the caddy's ball-washer is blowing smoke right now with all of these charges! Where but Thailand would the government(national) be trying to arrest the government(capital)?

An arrest warrant has been issued now. I guess that mean he has been officially charged with criminal wrongdoing?

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Well we will have a court decide upon that shortly, we hope. Unless Suthep gets his appointed PM to drop the murder charges. What do you think is the reason for Suthep organizing protests at this time? He can get rid of his sworn enemy and beat a murder rap, killing two birds with one stone. It has nothing to do with the good of the people. That should be obvious to all but the delusional by now.


The timing was perfect? That loathesome amnesty bill (which would have cleared Suthep -- so self-interest is ruled out of the equation) and the scandals and issues about the current government gave him his perfect storm. He had red shirts fighting the amnesty bill with him!

As far as the charges go against Suthep, he was not charged in the court that deals with political office holders. As an individual (and not as DPM) he could not issue any orders. You can expect the court to rule that they do not have jurisdiction in this case and to drop the charges. I do not know if there is "double jeopardy" in Thai law or if it would apply.Where I am from the one bite at that apple would be gone.

Now back to the topic. It is apparent that the caddy's ball-washer is blowing smoke right now with all of these charges! Where but Thailand would the government(national) be trying to arrest the government(capital)?

I agree with you that the amnesty bill was loathsome and had it become law Suthep would have achieved 50% of his aims. But the price would have been the return of his biggest enemy to Thailand, a situation he simply could not accept. We are in a situation where both sides will not compromise. I think most people would have been happy with the defeat of the amnnesty bill and would have been prepared to get back to normal life. Suthep could have achieved this from within the Democrat party. But he quit the party because for him there can be no compromise. it's all or bust. It now looks that with the government saying talks are finished that they too, are digging in their heels. The suffering and the death continues.

Regardless of anybodies position on the amnesty bill, the charges Suthep faces now are after the fact and not applicable to this particular case anymore. He needs to turn himself in as does Thaksin. What's good for the goose. After all they both can afford a nice room in prison and won't suffer too much anyway.

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This is a mistake.

HUGE mistake, and going after the people providing the toilets? or water? The BMA has the responsibility to the community at large to do that. (They did it for the reds too!) Do you really want tens of thousands of people crapping in the gutters?

Going after Blue Sky is another huge mistake. It will simply look like stifling of the press (no matter how one biased that press is) .. it didn't turn out well when they Abhisit gov't went after the red channels. (this group is obviously less violent than the reds ... but they won't stay that way of pressured too hard! Not from incitement from the stages, but from the reaction to the sheer hypocrisy of a UDD backed PTP gov't playing this dangerous "double standards" game.

Agreed. (My two cents.)

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Hopefully all thai people have there peace in heart.
That's what makes this country so strong.
And the king called in his 86 year old birthday for unit and peace.
There is no reason to fight.
Or you like to divide Thailand?

Edit: and peace.
Edited by tomacht8
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So much for Freedom of Speech and Assembly in Thailand!

Did the protestors not cut off the internet for awhile? That would be considered an act of terrorism in many countries. The policy in many countries is to never negotiate with terrorists. Name one democratically elected government in the world that would negotiate with people trying to overthrow them if they didn't have to. I am not taking sides or anything but the USA for example wouldn't negotiate with anybody accused of insurrection.

It will be an escalation for sure, but what is the alternative? Interminable period of stalemate?

They should arrest all involved that have done harm on both sides. As people said Thaksin should turn himself in and face the music so should Suthep. Funny how that works right? Maybe Thailand should scrap the idea of pretending to be a democracy and go back to an absolute state of rule by the you know who. I trust him more than any of these goons.

Why would the protestors have any vested interest in cutting of the internet? The internet is the number 1 method for all the protestors to co-ordinate and inform each other as to what is going on, where and when, via social networking etc etc. Who has a vested interest in cutting off the internet??? mmmmmm.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Toilets, water, food, medical help are all humanitarian aid, should be exempt from prosecution.

That's nonsense, all of these protesters could just go home to have a shit if they need it. What country in the world allows a mob to invade government offices and start installing their own toilets?

The government allowed the protesters into some offices as remember and as much as I don't like the government I think that was probably a good decision to avoid conflict. The thing is very few of the protesters are violent or in government offices and are merely exercising their right to protest. If they had to go home to have a shit then that would effectively prevent any protests which would be unconstitutional.

I don't know for sure but the Metropolitan authority may be obliged to provide toilets.

The problem with the "very few" is that they end up getting people shot. I can't believe this debate has been reduced to the availability of porta-potties. lol

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Toilets, water, food, medical help are all humanitarian aid, should be exempt from prosecution.

That's nonsense, all of these protesters could just go home to have a shit if they need it. What country in the world allows a mob to invade government offices and start installing their own toilets?

Do you read the news? A whole s*#t pot full of them and many of them more deadly than the Thailand protests.

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