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Thai Tourism Ministry adjusts down the expected tourist arrivals due to political confrontations


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What those selfish potitians expected: get more money from tourists while they where protesting for their mascarade of democracy? Thailand is getting more like a banana republic, suspicious random acts of violence, corruption, unsafe traveling and more, over priced goods and more.Thai are making bad reputation on themself it's a shame. When I talk to people from Hong Kong, Laos or Vietnam always the same words comes: beautiful country but tricky people.

yes! no shady people in vietnam..........................lol.

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Like it or not but yes Viet are bit more educated and got less ripped off than When I came in Thailand. Tourism is growing in neighbors countries at Thailand expenses. And as far as I know (except Myanmar) there's no civil war going on like there is in south thailand with more than 5000 people killed in 10 years thanks to out brother's PM.

Edited by supashot
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Tourism Minister worries protests will drag down tourism sector growth
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Dec 7 -- Tourism and Sports Minister Somsak Pureesrisak expressed worry that ongoing anti-government protests would drag the tourism sector below 20% growth target.

Mr Somsak, on thethe weekly TV programme "Yingluck Government Meets the People, said that various factors, both international and domestic, have affected the growth of the tourism industry, particularly the impact of political turmoil.

He said the arrival of international tourists have declined by several thousands after the November 25 due to worry for their safety as the protests have intensified.

The minister said the expansion of the tourism business this year was expected to be lower than the 20 per cent growth target.

China’s new tourism law has also affected the number of tourists from China, he said.

The law, which came into effect on October 1, was aimed at promoting sustained industry growth.

The new law has also banned the rampant practice of "zero- or negative-fare tours" in the country, which refers to tour services sold by travel agents at or below cost in order to attract travelers, who are later forced to purchase goods or tip agents during their tours.

However, he said, Chinese tourists continued to lead the number of foreign travellers visiting Thailand.

Mr Somsak said that it was expected that 4.5 million tourists from China would travel to Thailand this year, lower than the 5 million tourists target.

He said the agencies concerned have jointly prepared promotional events to draw more foreign tourists.

It was also expected that the long holiday during New Year festival would encourage Thais to travel within the country, he said. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-12-07

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The Russians complain about poor road safety, the Chinese about tour agency rip offs the western government complain of tourist rips offs, corrupt police and everyone complain of double pricing and violence against tourists, but all that is OK.

Despite all this the TAT claim tourist number are rising, therefore they need no for action, but when its political..............

Edited by waza
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"The minister said the expansion of the tourism business this year was expected to be lower than the 20 per cent growth target."

Does anyone remember what the number was in 2012 so we can calculate what the 20% growth target would have been?

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Tourism Minister worries protests will drag down tourism sector growth

By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Dec 7 -- Tourism and Sports Minister Somsak Pureesrisak expressed worry that ongoing anti-government protests would drag the tourism sector below 20% growth target.

Mr Somsak, on thethe weekly TV programme "Yingluck Government Meets the People, said that various factors, both international and domestic, have affected the growth of the tourism industry, particularly the impact of political turmoil.

He said the arrival of international tourists have declined by several thousands after the November 25 due to worry for their safety as the protests have intensified.

The minister said the expansion of the tourism business this year was expected to be lower than the 20 per cent growth target.

Chinas new tourism law has also affected the number of tourists from China, he said.

The law, which came into effect on October 1, was aimed at promoting sustained industry growth.

The new law has also banned the rampant practice of "zero- or negative-fare tours" in the country, which refers to tour services sold by travel agents at or below cost in order to attract travelers, who are later forced to purchase goods or tip agents during their tours.

However, he said, Chinese tourists continued to lead the number of foreign travellers visiting Thailand.

Mr Somsak said that it was expected that 4.5 million tourists from China would travel to Thailand this year, lower than the 5 million tourists target.

He said the agencies concerned have jointly prepared promotional events to draw more foreign tourists.

It was also expected that the long holiday during New Year festival would encourage Thais to travel within the country, he said. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-12-07

Tour groups in caps. There they are, quality tourists

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6% of $366 billion is $26 billion, 25 million arrivals generate $1000 per tourist...cheap Charlie's , if 500,000 drop costs 25 billion baht then each tourist spends 50,000 baht. More reasonable but low. 50,000 X 25 million closer to $50 billion or 12% of the economy.

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maybe someone should get new calculators for them wink.png

the numbers presented not add up at all!

1580 Persons are not 30%

and assuming we have now peak time then the expected number should be arround 70.000 not 47.000 based on the target set.

if they use the target numbers to calculate the "loss" then well it is 40% wink.png

but based on real numbers its not even 5%

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won't scare the regulars away coz we just love it here anyway :) but alot of first timer's will defer until a later date they feel more suitable and then of course some will be completely put off and never end up coming so yes of course the figures will be down but every country will always have it's up's and down's ! :)..............thailand is still the best place on earth in my eyes but each to their own ! :)

cheers all :)

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Do not really know how i should describe the intelligentsia at TAT Tourist arrival figures and expected incomes jump around like pig pong balls with little or no supporting data excluding guess work and supposition from those least qualified to comment.

tourism is treated as the savior of the Thai economy only because it provides employment for those that the government have neglected. For this country to hang such importance on tourism only shows how truly lost they are.

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55 baht to the pound? Please tell me where I can get that rate.

With all this bad news when is the Baht really going to fall? So far it has only weakened.

Uk pound last year 44, today 55 baht to the pound and rising--not bad.

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Donuang is only one of the possible arrival points. Start adding in other airpots and border crossings and you could find the numbers far greater.

Once again you're seeing politicians manipulate the poorer masses as a means of hobbling the middle classes and small business, which will only make things worse for the poor, while allowing the rich to seize more assets.

Welcome to Amusing Thailand

Take away the number who are arriving from domestic points on their way to domestic points and the number of visa seeking renewing crossings and your figures would go way down.

Probably not true. The numbers quoted last year compared to this year, takes into account both domestic and foreign tourists.

So the numbers being being down 3.4 % is accurate if you believe the TAT. People have to understand there are both domestic

and foreign tourists. For example the #1 tourist destination country is France with 83 million arrivals staying at least one day.

Many more people are in transit to Spain, Italy, Germany, etc. However only 30% of Frances tourist revenue come from the

83 million foreign tourists, 70 % comes from domestic tourists. As for Thailand with a 3.4 % decline in numbers is that because

of the effort to restrict zero baht tourists from China? Who is more likely to cancel/postpone a trip a foreign long distance traveller

who planned and booked his vacation months before the unrest or domestic tourist who have not yet booked and can more easily

push dates back to a more settled time. Anecdotal evidence from a couple of bars were it is empty one minute and packed 20 minutes

later as patrons mill about checking out what is on offer from bar to bar is not a credible source of information to prove or disprove

the numbers. That is my opinion anyway.

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With all this bad news when is the Baht really going to fall? So far it has only weakened.

Uk pound last year 44, today 55 baht to the pound and rising--not bad.

Todays XE GBP is 52.6 Baht,and never been 55 baht to £1 this year!

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Don't worry....shortly after the current protests end the tourism folks will say that tourism quickly snapped back and Thailand will see another record tourism year. The tourism propaganda department already has that press release prepared...but they are still deciding whether to wait a whole week after the protests end or just release the following day. You can not hold back, stand in the way of Thailand tourism numbers--so don't even try!

The beauty with the Internet is that we, the "Soldiers on the ground", can post to various websites, blogs, etc. what the ground view of tourism is at our locations. Trip Advisor is a good example. I tend to believe ordinary peoples personal experiences rather than faceless technocrats that spew forth conflicting and self serving statistics.

Edited by Benmart
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With all this bad news when is the Baht really going to fall? So far it has only weakened.

The baht doesn't exist in a vacuum. Its value is compared to other currencies. The UK, The Euro, Germany, the US etc. are all deliberately keeping their bank interest rates low in hopes of stimulating exports and the economies. They pay between 0% and .5%, with most at .25%. Thailand can't go that low because it is perceived as riskier and it has to pay a premium to borrow money. Some are willing to take that risk and buy baht to put into Thai banks.

If the economies of the major countries listed above really are improving, they will raise rates and money will flow out of Thailand - baht being traded for other currencies. That would drive the value of the baht down. Thailand can't afford to raise rates much to compete, and the baht would drop.

So the answer is when Western countries raise rates they pay, or when the world discovers just how bad Thailand's finances really are and wants out.

Don't get your hopes up because a drop in baht value would be very inflationary in Thailand as the baht would buy less - 1 + 1 = 2. tongue.png

Even tourism wouldn't benefit because while foreigners could buy more baht with their own currency, the baht would buy less. We really don't need a drop in the baht because inflation is already bad in Thailand. The baht is "down" but people are complaining about price increases in things purchased with baht. Surprise?

Tourists really don't care about the value of the baht when their own money will buy them a better vacation in their home or a neighboring country in Europe or the US. Subtract air fare and ground transportation from a visit to Thailand and you can have a good time in beautiful Europe or the US. Look at all of the people who vacation in Europe. Thailand isn't even in the top 10 of destinations. Link

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