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Govt party rejects PM Yingluck's resignation, House dissolution


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Why waste time with the forum? It's not like you guys are going to listen anyway. This kind of fake crap is just a waste of taxpayer money. You might as well continue misruling this country and stealing from it until the next wave of protests.

That is provided you survive this coming Monday of course.

Another peoples day? Haven't we been here before? Give me a break. It is over.

Democracy Monument is dead apart from the empty stalls but all the people have left. They turn up on the weekends and then leave. Suck it up. The party is over TVGerry...

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I hope Thailand can end this conflict without any more fighting and also hope the Thai people can accept whatever government rules and move on happily.

Well it sounds wonderful.

End it with no conflict and go back to the government screwing the country.

Just a warm and fuzzy thought that is. All the people who tried to change it to a more honest government just wasted their time trying to bring a little more honesty into the government..

I am not recommending armed conflict but there definatly needs to be some conflict with in the government to bring about a change.

Like it or not Yingluck is not going get up some morning and tell her brother on their daily phone conversation she is the boss and start moving some of his scum out.

As we all know now Thailand has become more corrupt in the last two years than ever before.

check out Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 - Results

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Say all see all.. Continue as normal. Do nothing.

The government will win by doing nothing. The military will not intervene.

What will happen? Business will go elsewhere as they are looking now at other more "attractable" countries. And Thailand goes backwards to where they started from. The baht plummets. Foreigners find alternate places and the Thai people suffer again.

But who can have pity on them? They sold their souls to the devil for 500baht a vote.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Well, she may have adopted / learned this winning strategy from one of the more successful (as in staying in power) world leaders who just won her third term in office this year by habitually sitting out any affair/problem/conflict. I'm talking about the German Chancellor Angie Merkel. Angie too is always infuriating her political opponents by doing exactly zilch whenever the opposition / pressure groups / whoever demand the chancellor to take action. Most recent examples are overspending and related cover-ups in the defence ministry led by one of her proteges and her deafening silence on the whole NSA affair (well, until it became public her phone too was monitored/listened to). Yet, she remains on of the most popular politicians in Germany. So, who can blame Yingluck to emulate such a successful strategy?

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Say all see all.. Continue as normal. Do nothing.

The government will win by doing nothing. The military will not intervene.

What will happen? Business will go elsewhere as they are looking now at other more "attractable" countries. And Thailand goes backwards to where they started from. The baht plummets. Foreigners find alternate places and the Thai people suffer again.

But who can have pity on them? They sold their souls to the devil for 500baht a vote.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Well, she may have adopted / learned this winning strategy from one of the more successful (as in staying in power) world leaders who just won her third term in office this year by habitually sitting out any affair/problem/conflict. I'm talking about the German Chancellor Angie Merkel. Angie too is always infuriating her political opponents by doing exactly zilch whenever the opposition / pressure groups / whoever demand the chancellor to take action. Most recent examples are overspending and related cover-ups in the defence ministry led by one of her proteges and her deafening silence on the whole NSA affair (well, until it became public her phone too was monitored/listened to). Yet, she remains on of the most popular politicians in Germany. So, who can blame Yingluck to emulate such a successful strategy?

I think what your confusing here is that Merkel has a deliberate strategy while Yingluck is just pig ignorant and must wait for her brother to tell her what to say.

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Say all see all.. Continue as normal. Do nothing.

The government will win by doing nothing. The military will not intervene.

What will happen? Business will go elsewhere as they are looking now at other more "attractable" countries. And Thailand goes backwards to where they started from. The baht plummets. Foreigners find alternate places and the Thai people suffer again.

But who can have pity on them? They sold their souls to the devil for 500baht a vote.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Well, she may have adopted / learned this winning strategy from one of the more successful (as in staying in power) world leaders who just won her third term in office this year by habitually sitting out any affair/problem/conflict. I'm talking about the German Chancellor Angie Merkel. Angie too is always infuriating her political opponents by doing exactly zilch whenever the opposition / pressure groups / whoever demand the chancellor to take action. Most recent examples are overspending and related cover-ups in the defence ministry led by one of her proteges and her deafening silence on the whole NSA affair (well, until it became public her phone too was monitored/listened to). Yet, she remains on of the most popular politicians in Germany. So, who can blame Yingluck to emulate such a successful strategy?

She didn't learn or emulate anything. She is a vacuous puppet appointed, party listed and controlled by her big brother.

There is nothing impressive about this "I was unaware of that" dolly girl whatsoever. She doesn't even turn up to Parliament half the time.

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Say all see all.. Continue as normal. Do nothing.

The government will win by doing nothing. The military will not intervene.

What will happen? Business will go elsewhere as they are looking now at other more "attractable" countries. And Thailand goes backwards to where they started from. The baht plummets. Foreigners find alternate places and the Thai people suffer again.

But who can have pity on them? They sold their souls to the devil for 500baht a vote.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Well, she may have adopted / learned this winning strategy from one of the more successful (as in staying in power) world leaders who just won her third term in office this year by habitually sitting out any affair/problem/conflict. I'm talking about the German Chancellor Angie Merkel. Angie too is always infuriating her political opponents by doing exactly zilch whenever the opposition / pressure groups / whoever demand the chancellor to take action. Most recent examples are overspending and related cover-ups in the defence ministry led by one of her proteges and her deafening silence on the whole NSA affair (well, until it became public her phone too was monitored/listened to). Yet, she remains on of the most popular politicians in Germany. So, who can blame Yingluck to emulate such a successful strategy?

I think what your confusing here is that Merkel has a deliberate strategy while Yingluck is just pig ignorant and must wait for her brother to tell her what to say.

I'm not confusing anything, just merely hypothesizing whilst your bias clearly has got the better of you.

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The result of this party meeting appears to be nothing less than an all-out vendetta against anyone who opposes this government. They have rejected everything, including logical, peaceful options of resignation and house dissolution leading to new elections.

They are even going after Sukhumbhand for being involved in "protest-related activities", which we must assume refers to that 'outrageous' incident of providing toilet facilities in order to maintain hygiene and cleanliness at protest sites. I recall they were up in arms at such 'disgraceful' support for the demonstrators; we all know, however, that that's actually a lot less than the very same people did for their armed supporters three years ago, but of course that's all conveniently forgotten.

And an investigation into the financial support provided for the demonstrations ... give me a break! Like the PTP is squeaky clean...!! They even brought in paid snipers and potential arsonists for chrissakes...!!

This is a dangerous path that YL and the PTP have chosen, and it will be their undoing...!

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Say all see all.. Continue as normal. Do nothing.

The government will win by doing nothing. The military will not intervene.

What will happen? Business will go elsewhere as they are looking now at other more "attractable" countries. And Thailand goes backwards to where they started from. The baht plummets. Foreigners find alternate places and the Thai people suffer again.

But who can have pity on them? They sold their souls to the devil for 500baht a vote.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Well, she may have adopted / learned this winning strategy from one of the more successful (as in staying in power) world leaders who just won her third term in office this year by habitually sitting out any affair/problem/conflict. I'm talking about the German Chancellor Angie Merkel. Angie too is always infuriating her political opponents by doing exactly zilch whenever the opposition / pressure groups / whoever demand the chancellor to take action. Most recent examples are overspending and related cover-ups in the defence ministry led by one of her proteges and her deafening silence on the whole NSA affair (well, until it became public her phone too was monitored/listened to). Yet, she remains on of the most popular politicians in Germany. So, who can blame Yingluck to emulate such a successful strategy?

She didn't learn or emulate anything. She is a vacuous puppet appointed, party listed and controlled by her big brother.

There is nothing impressive about this "I was unaware of that" dolly girl whatsoever. She doesn't even turn up to Parliament half the time.

Having had no dealings personally with any of the Shinawatras, I will refrain from making any such bold claims as you do. Underestimate your opponents at your peril. Suthep and his minions were clearly outmanoeuvred last week though and if I were a betting man I would expect their so called 'D-Day' tomorrow to fall short of any tangible results, again.

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Say all see all.. Continue as normal. Do nothing.

The government will win by doing nothing. The military will not intervene.

What will happen? Business will go elsewhere as they are looking now at other more "attractable" countries. And Thailand goes backwards to where they started from. The baht plummets. Foreigners find alternate places and the Thai people suffer again.

But who can have pity on them? They sold their souls to the devil for 500baht a vote.

Sent from my RM-892_apac_laos_thailand_219 using Tapatalk

Well, she may have adopted / learned this winning strategy from one of the more successful (as in staying in power) world leaders who just won her third term in office this year by habitually sitting out any affair/problem/conflict. I'm talking about the German Chancellor Angie Merkel. Angie too is always infuriating her political opponents by doing exactly zilch whenever the opposition / pressure groups / whoever demand the chancellor to take action. Most recent examples are overspending and related cover-ups in the defence ministry led by one of her proteges and her deafening silence on the whole NSA affair (well, until it became public her phone too was monitored/listened to). Yet, she remains on of the most popular politicians in Germany. So, who can blame Yingluck to emulate such a successful strategy?

Germany is the 12 least corrupt country in the world with a score of 72. 100 being perfect

Thailand is the 102 least corrupt with a score of 35. 0 being the most corrupt.

No comparison.

Care to share any thing else you don;t know.

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This lets 'real-PM' Yingluck off-the-hook, for her previous offer to resign & hold new elections, as part of the solution to these protests, doesn't it ?

She doesn't have to do it now after all, 'her' brother party wouldn't dream of letting her, 'refreshers' all round chaps ! whistling.gif

Although it's still the best solution IMO, because it would finally kill the controversial 'suspended' Amnesty-Bill, and take away much of the support for Suthep on-the-streets.

How happy that not a single one of the PTP MPs disagreed with the orders to hang onto power at all costs proposal ! wink.png

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