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Does your partner know who Nelson Mandela was?

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While I totally agree 99% of Thais appear to have no knowledge of or interest in anything outside their country (and inside for that matter), my GF doesn't even know what Malaysia is, let alone where it is, is that so very different from most citizens of the Good Ol' US of A? Why else is it always "Paris, France" (Yes, I do know about Paris, Texas - hardly in the same league!) or "Rome, Italy"?


Marxist liberals cheering the downfall of their own race. Really sad to see.

This guy was nobody to respect. Just another black racist, a Mugabe who resented white economic success. Glad to see him go.


My GF had no idea who Madiba was. I find that most Thais have never heard of South Africa, never mind its most famous politician/freedom fighter. It does seem that the education system is very insular. Having said that, I also found people in the USA very ignorant of anything outside their borders. They seem to think that lions roam the streets of Johannesburg and most people live in mud huts. I was once asked by a young lady (not that young) in Baltimore where I came from. When I answered London she said "isn't that near the Eiffel tower?"

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My GF had no idea who Madiba was. I find that most Thais have never heard of South Africa, never mind its most famous politician/freedom fighter. It does seem that the education system is very insular. Having said that, I also found people in the USA very ignorant of anything outside their borders. They seem to think that lions roam the streets of Johannesburg and most people live in mud huts. I was once asked by a young lady (not that young) in Baltimore where I came from. When I answered London she said "isn't that near the Eiffel tower?"

Good post. Everyone is highly interested that you found "people in the USA very ignorant of anything outside their borders." No one has ever said that on Thai Visa before. Do you know where, Penistone Road, Streatham is. I have an uncle living there. He didn't know how to speak French, funny that eh?

Whenever I meet a Brit in Baltimore I tell em I'm Canadian what eh.


I made her watch the international news. And then, a font of all knowledge, she seemed to parrot some of the platitudes I had already opined in explanation of his magnitude!


Marxist liberals cheering the downfall of their own race. Really sad to see.

This guy was nobody to respect. Just another black racist, a Mugabe who resented white economic success. Glad to see him go.

What are you then, a White supremist, a KKK member? Your post is disgusting! Give me a here and now and I will be glad to see you go!

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Marxist liberals cheering the downfall of their own race. Really sad to see.

This guy was nobody to respect. Just another black racist, a Mugabe who resented white economic success. Glad to see him go.

This is not the thread to spout your racist vitriol - this about the Thai's awareness, or otherwise, of one the biggest icons of the last 100 years.

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Marxist liberals cheering the downfall of their own race. Really sad to see.

This guy was nobody to respect. Just another black racist, a Mugabe who resented white economic success. Glad to see him go.

Wow. That's some pretty bigoted, hateful, and racist remarks. I take it you're a big supporter of the Apartheid regime. Glad to know people like you are dying off.

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The passing of Paul Walker was also very sad, but who can miss the irony of him dying in a car crash, sad.png

Why? What has he done for the world? I did not even know who he was until he first got splattered all over a tree and then all over the press.

Do most young Americans, Brits, Germans, Aussies know who Mandela was? I doubt it.

Although not 100 % I would say a significant % and a much higher % then that of the thai population.

A fair % of thai's do not even know things about thailand that you'd imagine they would/should. Example; mention mahidol, thammasat, chulalongkorn, or assumption university and it is shocking how many never heard of it.

That's like brits that have no clue of oxford or cambridge. In addition a fair % of thais do not know aung san su kyi a world famous figure and their neighbor in burma/myanmar.

Thai education is rote learning without teaching the mind how to think; critical/analytical thinking along with nationalism. It is not in the interest of nationalism to teach about non thai leaders, prominent figures, scientists, etc etc. Learning about einstein, curie, mandela, JFK, King and the multitude of non-thai nobel laureates, etc etc might start the people to wonder why there are no thai's like that.

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Although not 100 % I would say a significant % and a much higher % then that of the thai population.

A fair % of thai's do not even know things about thailand that you'd imagine they would/should. Example; mention mahidol, thammasat, chulalongkorn, or assumption university and it is shocking how many never heard of it.

That's like brits that have no clue of oxford or cambridge. In addition a fair % of thais do not know aung san su kyi a world famous figure and their neighbor in burma/myanmar.

Thai education is rote learning without teaching the mind how to think; critical/analytical thinking along with nationalism. It is not in the interest of nationalism to teach about non thai leaders, prominent figures, scientists, etc etc. Learning about einstein, curie, mandela, JFK, King and the multitude of non-thai nobel laureates, etc etc might start the people to wonder why there are no thai's like that.

What country do you come from? What percent of the population has more than 12 years of education? Name one course in the first 12 years of education in your country that teaches the mind how to think?

No one wanted my opinion on anything in education till I got to graduate school and then most professors still said, "shut up and listen."

How many medical professors or aviation instructors do you want asking students how to perform brain surgery or land an airplane?

There is little censorship of international non Thai news in Thailand and it is easily available on TV and the INTERNET.

Freedom of the press? Canada #20, UK #29, Japan #53, Thailand #135, Indonesia #139, India #140, Singapore #149, Burma #151, Laos # 168, Cuba #171.



I think Nelson Mandela is familiar to most Thai's. The difference however is the fact that the anti apartheid movement didn't have anywhere near the coverage or popular involvement that it did in the west. Don't think there were anti apartheid marches on the streets of Bangkok, unlike London or San Francisco. So for most Thai's he has the same relevance as the Pope, know the name, but nothing past that


Or who was the Thai PM in 1930 , questions like that can be hard to answer for any expats .


Or who was the Thai PM in 1930 , questions like that can be hard to answer for any expats .

A very poor analogy.

A better reference point would be to Farangs who knew nothing of the King of Thailand.

Then you have a better sense of relevance and importance to the respective countries.


Although not 100 % I would say a significant % and a much higher % then that of the thai population.

A fair % of thai's do not even know things about thailand that you'd imagine they would/should. Example; mention mahidol, thammasat, chulalongkorn, or assumption university and it is shocking how many never heard of it.

That's like brits that have no clue of oxford or cambridge. In addition a fair % of thais do not know aung san su kyi a world famous figure and their neighbor in burma/myanmar.

Thai education is rote learning without teaching the mind how to think; critical/analytical thinking along with nationalism. It is not in the interest of nationalism to teach about non thai leaders, prominent figures, scientists, etc etc. Learning about einstein, curie, mandela, JFK, King and the multitude of non-thai nobel laureates, etc etc might start the people to wonder why there are no thai's like that.

What country do you come from? What percent of the population has more than 12 years of education? Name one course in the first 12 years of education in your country that teaches the mind how to think?

No one wanted my opinion on anything in education till I got to graduate school and then most professors still said, "shut up and listen."

How many medical professors or aviation instructors do you want asking students how to perform brain surgery or land an airplane?

There is little censorship of international non Thai news in Thailand and it is easily available on TV and the INTERNET.

Freedom of the press? Canada #20, UK #29, Japan #53, Thailand #135, Indonesia #139, India #140, Singapore #149, Burma #151, Laos # 168, Cuba #171.



Don't know what % have more than 12 years of school.

Discussions in class were common in grade school Jr high and high school.

Discussions about history and historic figures and why they did or didn't do things.

High school physics was superb and there was lote of interaction, debate, discussion and stimulus for critical thinking.

Perhaps you should have attended a different graduate school. Both my graduate and post-grad experience was more intellectually challenging and stimulating than the experience you describe.

It is quite normal for medical professors to do just that as well as interact and instruct and challenge students.

The internet is fairly open in thailand but the overwhelming bulk of knowledge is not in the thai language. Thais would need adequate command of a mainstream language and

intellectual curiosity enough to keep their attention and interest. I am not referring to exceptional thai's but to the masses.

"Unmotivated and incurious – a negative side of the Thai culture" http://thaiwomantalks.com/2012/03/23/the-sorry-state-of-thai-education-part-4-dismal-english-language-education/

from thai academic


My partner wouldn't know who he was just as I wouldn't know the majority of popular leaders in Asia, Australia, South America or the Middle East. It's not great we don't know these things, it's just that you have to focus on what affects your life. I read about the World Wars and Cold War leaders out of my own personal interest. Most people in the West wouldn't know most of these either. Ask a young westerner who was President of the US in the Early 60's and they'd still scratch their heads.


When I mention Cambridge Massachusetts not one Thai knows what I am talking about. But they know papaya salad and chili peppers.

Sent from my not so smart phone


I think it really comes down to the environment of the person.

Some have the opportunity while some are deprived.

Some by nature takes an interest while others will excel in other topics.

It is no doubt Madiba is a significant figure of our time and in the history of our civilization. But it is unfair to judge a person based on their knowledge about him as some have insinuated here.

Many in Asia are battling for basic survival, so knowing about Madiba is not material to them.


My partner wouldn't know who he was just as I wouldn't know the majority of popular leaders in Asia, Australia, South America or the Middle East. It's not great we don't know these things, it's just that you have to focus on what affects your life. I read about the World Wars and Cold War leaders out of my own personal interest. Most people in the West wouldn't know most of these either. Ask a young westerner who was President of the US in the Early 60's and they'd still scratch their heads.

Ask most young westerners who was the Prime Minister in Australia in the 60's and they wouldn't know either. Ask young Westerners who Nelson Mandela was and they can tell you. I went to School in Australia and we were taught about Nelson in High School. Actually in Australia we were taught about many things outside the country


I would imagine that countries like Australia and the US who had much more in common with South Africa in the treatment of blacks and indigenous peoples would know more about Mandela. Thailand never had any minority to discriminate against or any Europeans to be saved from.

"Who is Nelson Mandella (RIP)" But she knows the international money exchange rates, she also knows the bank account numbers of my accounts off by heart and the pin number (how she know that) anything else, well if it doesn't impact on her directly why should she care,, "don't want to think too much" or at all.

I bet, like my wife, she will also know the price of a baht of gold to two decimal places too!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


"Who is Nelson Mandella (RIP)" But she knows the international money exchange rates, she also knows the bank account numbers of my accounts off by heart and the pin number (how she know that) anything else, well if it doesn't impact on her directly why should she care,, "don't want to think too much" or at all.

I bet, like my wife, she will also know the price of a baht of gold to two decimal places too!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I said, "What's the price of gold?" She said, "I don't know but why Tutu not get invite to funeral?"


I would imagine that countries like Australia and the US who had much more in common with South Africa in the treatment of blacks and indigenous peoples would know more about Mandela. Thailand never had any minority to discriminate against or any Europeans to be saved from.

Tell that to the hill tribe tribe people who are considered as nothing at all by Thailand. They don't have a vote, no medical. no education and aren't even citizens even tho they have lived longer in Thailand than the Thai-Chinese Rulers.facepalm.gif Please someone slap him with a cold dead fish.

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I would imagine that countries like Australia and the US who had much more in common with South Africa in the treatment of blacks and indigenous peoples would know more about Mandela. Thailand never had any minority to discriminate against or any Europeans to be saved from.

Tell that to the hill tribe tribe people who are considered as nothing at all by Thailand. They don't have a vote, no medical. no education and aren't even citizens even tho they have lived longer in Thailand than the Thai-Chinese Rulers.facepalm.gif Please someone slap him with a cold dead fish.

You need to research when the hill tribe people came to Thailand and and when the indigenous people came to Australia and when the American Indians came to America. With America there is also the slavery issue. Blacks did not come to America of their own free will. Hill tribe people are migratory folk that started coming to Thailand and Burma a couple of hundred of years ago.

I realize your point is to demonize Thailand but it is a very complicated issue. There is not a common language or culture and the Hill Tribe people came of their own volition. It is not the same as South Africa. Also it is worth saying that the Hill tribe people are not black.


While I would agree that some people felt the passing of Paul Walker rated more interest, I have yet to meet anyone here in Thailand that expressed ignorance as to who Mandela was. I've had a number of discussions about him with Thais. With all the television and newspaper coverage, I would find it hard to believe that many people don't know about him now, even if they were a little fuzzy about him prior to his passing.

Now, some of the knowledge reiterated to me was basically along the lines that he was "an African leader," but I had some pretty detailed discussions about him as a strike leader, about his time in prison, about the fall of apartheid, and of course, about Winnie.


I would imagine that countries like Australia and the US who had much more in common with South Africa in the treatment of blacks and indigenous peoples would know more about Mandela. Thailand never had any minority to discriminate against or any Europeans to be saved from.

Tell that to the hill tribe tribe people who are considered as nothing at all by Thailand. They don't have a vote, no medical. no education and aren't even citizens even tho they have lived longer in Thailand than the Thai-Chinese Rulers.facepalm.gif Please someone slap him with a cold dead fish.

You need to research when the hill tribe people came to Thailand and and when the indigenous people came to Australia and when the American Indians came to America. With America there is also the slavery issue. Blacks did not come to America of their own free will. Hill tribe people are migratory folk that started coming to Thailand and Burma a couple of hundred of years ago.

I realize your point is to demonize Thailand but it is a very complicated issue. There is not a common language or culture and the Hill Tribe people came of their own volition. It is not the same as South Africa. Also it is worth saying that the Hill tribe people are not black.

They came because they were being terrorised in their own country, Burma. Do you know they were helped to settle by our King ? Do you know anything about Aung San Suu Kyi? Do you know that she became engaged in the country’s nationwide democracy uprising? The military regime responded to the uprising with brute force, killing up to 5,000 demonstrators on 8th August 1988. Facing increasing domestic and international pressure, the dictatorship was forced to call a general election, held in 1990. The National League for Democracy (NLD) won a staggering 82% of the seats in Parliament. The dictatorship never recognised the results of the election, and refused to hand over power.

Sounds just a little like Thailand?

What about the Muslims in Thailand's South?

If not all of these people are jet black, so what?

As far as South Africa is concerned, there is no one common language or culture in South Africa either.

In fact there are 11 official languages:

Ever heard of the tribal system? Put a team of Zulus and a team of Xhosa together down a mine shaft for a shift only one team will surface!

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