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DrayTek 2820VN router working on TOT ? / 13Mb ADSL Link

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Hi Guys well I have been trying to install the new firmware but it just keeps on timing out and I have no idea why as I printed out ,

How to Upgrade the Firmware


it looks very straight forward but as you can see from the sceen shots it looks ok , The lap top here is Windows 7 and I am using a Lan link to go from the computer to port 2 on the router .However as soon as you click send it runs for about 10 seconds then comes up with Time Out ?

Any thoughts


Make sure all heavy 'Hammer-like' objects are locked up or at least well out of reach.

Make sure you have WiFi turned off on the laptop.

Check the LAN setting (Status/Details on Win7), after connecting the cable, to verify that the DrayTek DHCP has issued your laptop Ethernet connection a good IP/Subnet address in the same subnet as the router.

Make sure that you can use a browser to enter the DrayTek web configuration page.

After these checks, run the update program

If the update program still times out, try using the [...] FIND ROUTER VIA SEARCH BUTTON to see if it finds the DrayTek.


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Hi RichCor

Yes the Wifi link on the other router is turned off , The lap top is connecting to the router because its asking for the User name and Password in Both cases it " admin " " Admin "

So the router is talking to the Lap Top however when your using the Dray Tek Firm ware Utility you sign in using the Utility program that all works fine as you can see in the picture it must be seeing it because it lets you sign in with the password " See this Firmware Upgrade Utility program Picture "

I am at a loss why it times out as you can see in picture 2

So I think over the weekend I will see if I can find a Shop or some local computer whizz kid if they dont have any luck then I think it will be used only with a bridge .

Thanks again





OK, here's one more link for you to read and try. This 2820n user had issues using the TFTP update utility on a Vista and Win7 OS computer. He gives easy instructions on how to solve the issue. (Basically, right click the update program and Run as Administrator)


Draytek also says you can upgrade from the router's own web interface (System Maintenance -> Firmware Upgrade) but since you've been instructed to try a number of firmware updates it would probably be best to use an external TFTP program to upgrade, and have that working as firmware flash path, just in case one of the firmware updates breaks the ability to enter the web interface.

Once more into the breach... you go

edit/add: It also suggests that your software firewall must be disabled if you get the timeout message.

ALSO, you have to launch the TFTP Update utility on your pc, then initiate the TFTP server on the 2820 System Maintenance >> Firmware Upgrade screen, THEN quick as you can click the button on your computer. (Many people are complaining about a short window in which to successfully initiate the process from the pc side)


Hi RichCor

Thanks for the other Link yes I will see what he has to say as for the ways to install the new firm ware . That link you gave me http://www.draytek.c...mid=293〈=en tell me there are 3 ways to install the new firm ware and I am useing the number one way which is with Dray Teks own loader .

But your thinking the same as me " Fire Wall " But before you use the loader firm ware installer it does ask " Do you wish to turn off your Fire wall " so you click on yes and as far as I know that turns it off . But if you think about it if you had no access to the Router due to it being blocked by your Fire Wall " Why can you give the password and enter the router so I do not think its the Fire Wall .My Fire Wall is

" Avast " so you can turn it off for a hour if required but I will try that over the weekend and see if it still times out .

My main problem is that I am not a IT guy so its very much a try and see , But thats all I can do but I will ask around I think if I was in Bangkok there are many computer places but in Hat Yai there are very few ..But even if they set it up in Bangkok that does not mean it will work in the south since there are over 18 versions of firm ware to install and it would seem that all over Thailand they use different Protocols .I wonder how the other Router makers get on ?

So next step is turn off the firewall and try again .



I downloaded the manual for your DrayTek to see what the process was for the TFTP Utility, and it looked like you had to initiate a TFTP Server service on the DrayTek first, before hitting the Send button on the TFTP application running on the PC.

I edited my previous post to say this might be the issue, but didn't do a good job of highlighting it.

So... back to you in the studio for the weekend update.


Hi RichCor

Just thought I would let you know how things were going on over here .Well I found out why I could not install the new firmware it was the Avast Firewall , So after spending most of sunday one by one I tried all 17 versions .However it would still not contact to the local TOT network .

So any body got any more ideas , Yes I know I can use it as a bridge but at some time I might move and want to use it on ADSL .

I have attached the settings that my current router is on .

The first thing I can see its not the same is Encapsulation is PPPoE but the Annex Mode is ANNEX_M on the Dray Tek its


As we all know there are only 2 PPPoE options on the Dray Tek PPPoE LLC/SNAP or PPPoE VC/MUX , While I was installing all the other firmware I did check if they had any more options but there the same as this one .

If you go to the BRIT down load site all the files under 2820 are all ANNEX A or B there is no firmware that does ANNEX_M so unless I have missed some thing its clear that without the right firmware installed ANNEX_M This UK spec Router is not going to work in Thailand.

Any thoughts




First, a couple of questions
1. What does your 2820 Status Screen show when you attempt to connect via aDSL?
2. What does the aDSL Status line show?
Note: the connection in the example is set to On Demand. These might not appear if connection type set to Always On.
The example screen here shows ( >> Dial PPPoE / >> Drop PPPoE / >> Release ) options. If you have these, can you click on them and see what happens?
a BEusergroup post shows a user writing: "To set up as "Annex M", access the router's web portal and navigate to WAN / Internet Access / WAN1, [under DSL Modem Settings] change the "Modulation" pull down option to "ADSL2+ annex M", click OK and wait for the router to reboot:"
So I'm assuming that once you've verified that the update applied the new firmware version, then the "Modulation" section should change to include the annex type (if that version of the firmware added it).
EDIT: apologies for the formatting of this post, TV decided to convert everything to /html code in the preview and I don't know if I got it all back out. Ugh.

Sorry for the delay in reply but TOT turned off the internet link and its only just returned .

1.Ok attached is a copy of my router Status when the ADSL cable is connected .The cable is fine since I use it on the TP Link router .
2. I have clicked a few times on the Dial PPPoE icon and nothing seems to happen ?
3. My ADSL Status is Blank , Then next to that its got Ready !
4. My modulation is set for ADSL2+annex M
5.I have also attached a screen shot of WAN1 settings from what I can see your one is set for bridge mode so some of your settings will not be the same as mine .
6.On the front of the router I have ACT Light on , WLAN Light on , Line light off , USB Light off , DSL Light Flashing , Phone1 Light off ,
CSM Light off , WAN2 Light off , Phone2 light off .
Now I did receive a new email from Brit Support in Bangkok they gave me some new settings to try however they seem to be the settings that I all ready have .
4. You can choose input your adsl value.
- Enable Profile.
- Channel 1
- VPI = 1 (TOT)
- VCI = 32 (TOT)
- Encap = LLC/SNAP
- Protocol = PPPoE
- Modulation (usually = multimode)
but you can try other like ADSL2+ annex M
So I will install once again 17 versions of available firmware and let you know however at this rate I think I will just drop the router into Brit in Bangkok and see what they can make of it .
Thanks again




I think we've hit all the major troubleshooting items.

The only other thing I would have you try would trying your login credentials as both 074 !!!!!!@platinumcyber and also try @tothome (even though @platinumcyber is known as working)

Also, is there anything about ADSL in the DIAGNOSTICS menu?


As you've installed the Draytek 'Router Tools', you may want to run the SYSLOG application and see if there are any clues there (CONNECTION and WAN tabs)


Hi RichCor

Yes like you say we are running out of things to try I did get a email from Dray Tek in Taiwan yesterday asking me what the update was and they gave me a link to some new firmware however when I checked the files were the same as I have all ready tried .



I had a email from Brit Support asking me to do this :-

Please plug in USB flash drive in to Vigor2820Vn USB port.
Then go to this menu.
1. System Maintenance > SysLog / Mail Alert.
2. Enable to Save SysLog
3. Try to setup your internet again.
4. Please send log to us after you try to setup your Vigor as the way we talk before,
then we'll send it to DrayTek Corp for analyze.
Thanks and Best regards,
BRIT Support
My reply was " its very clear that after trying to get this UK Spec Dray Tek 2820vn working in Thailand its far from straight forward and that the best way to sort this out was to take the router to there shop in Bangkok and let them sort it out " There reply was they needed 2 days , So that's the plan next month.
So if any other member of this forum is reading this and your thinking of bringing over a UK spec Dray Tek Router to Thailand think again .
So I will be heading up to Bangkok about the 20th next month and I will let you know what the outcome is .
Thanks again
  • 1 month later...

Ok well the update on this DrayTek Vigor 2820vn I took the router to Brit there place is not far from the old airport and just off the free way and way I gave the router to the guy and he tested it while I waited and it worked fine , He had to replace the ID and password but it worked first time with the firmware that was installed .

So why it does not work in Songkhla is a bit strange but when I have the time I will fire it up and let you know or just get one of the TOT guys in or if I convert to fiber I can use it just in bridge mod .

So thanks again for all the feed back and help .




If it doesn't work one first reconnect it might be necessary to call TOT and have them reset/reinitialize their DSLAM port on their end.

Hope it works.

  • 3 months later...

Is the overall view that bringing in a working router from overseas isn't worth it? I've got a Netcomm NB604N ADSL2+ router that seems to be somewhat better than anything I've seen online as standard Billion issue from True, but is ADSL in Thailand even ADSL2+ or are they back in the technology dark ages somewhere?


I think the issue is how well will the device deals with probable poor connection quality.

Sub101uk's (the OP) equipment wouldn't create a usable link at his home in Songkhla, yet reportedly worked fine when connected on a line in Bangkok.

I had been struggling with my aDSL connection for a year. Between TOT supplied routers overheating, replacement routers refusing to establish a link, and poor copper wire (if that) running next to every power transformer on its way back to the local substation, it was too much.

Switched everything out for newly laid fttx service. Now not one link issues. Hmm. No need to wonder why.

I'd say lack of infrastructure maintenance (on ANY lever here in Thailand) is your biggest worry.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. I'm moving to an apartment near Lumpini Park and a friend in the building reports few if any problems with his True connection. I was just wondering if my modem will work with Thai DSLAMs etc (is that the right term?)


From a 2007 ThaiVisa thread:

Posted 2007-09-24 23:21:38
Honestly.. TOT have told me flat out.. DLink doesnt work on thier system (maybe only here on Phuket)..

Posted 2007-09-25 09:04:58
I've been told the same [...] the tech even demonstrated. D-link wouldn't sync.

Posted 2007-09-25 16:10:09
So I called Dlink. This is what Dlink said ... TOT has too many different brands / kinds of DSLAM so compatibility could be an issue. Unlike True which uses a standard kind of DSLAM. So yes .. one could face a problem with Dlink on TOT.

I don't believe TOT has changed much in their purchase practices since then, so you won't know till you plug it in.

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