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Thai protesters vow to keep up fight despite election plan


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Yay! Keep destroying this fragile economy.

Really, that's your only concern? I'm not going to sling mud around but getting rid of a murderous, corrupt, disingenuous and hollier-than-thou group of family member's should be high on the list of item's to take care of.

Concern? No. I care about my ability to buy up some stuff and secure my position here as a foreigner when Thais are done damaging things. Currency drop will be splendid for me as I plan to buy a condo building along with some other guys. Be a lot easier once things fall apart.

I could not care less about Thais or Thailand as they certainly don't care about me. tongue.png

If your last statement is truly how you feel, why would you even want to stay here, own anything here or even post of a Thailand based forum? I feel sorry for you.

Most foreign countries would be the same, I imagine. It's human nature, isn't it? Doesn't mean I don't thoroughly enjoy the things I like, does it? Perhaps I'm quite wealthy and well looked after by some wonderfully attractive young ladies. Perhaps I travel extensively in my role here and so spend a good deal of time in Indonesia, Bali, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, etc. Perhaps I enjoy having resort-style vacations every other weekend.

Save your empathy for someone else, mate.

Edited by PaullyW
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Time for a long overseas shopping trip for Red Poo, Fat Daeng, Somchai and Loch Ness Monster Eyes Surapong.

I hear Sherborne School in Qatar is every bit as good as Harrow in Bangkok. Poo might like to consider this option for Nong Pike.

Edited by Dogmatix
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It's just a matter of time when Yingluck bows out. She has already said she would, if that's what it would take to return the country back to 'normal.' She doesn't especially need this job or the money.

But the person who made her wealthy and pulls her strings insists that she stay.

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Glad I left, the country is going to shit. So much blatant corruption starting from the very top to the very bottom.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I am also glad you left...thumbsup.gif

I am also glad you left...thumbsup.gifcheesy.gif ..........thumbsup.gif

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Yay! Keep destroying this fragile economy.

Really, that's your only concern? I'm not going to sling mud around but getting rid of a murderous, corrupt, disingenuous and hollier-than-thou group of family member's should be high on the list of item's to take care of.

Concern? No. I care about my ability to buy up some stuff and secure my position here as a foreigner when Thais are done damaging things. Currency drop will be splendid for me as I plan to buy a condo building along with some other guys. Be a lot easier once things fall apart.

I could not care less about Thais or Thailand as they certainly don't care about me. tongue.png

Congratulation for your obscenity coffee1.gif

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So if the government resigns, and is replaced by another "caretaker" government until the elections are held, who comprises that caretaker government? I just don't understand how this is supposed to work.

You are not alone.I have Thai friends who, though not marching today, are fully supportive of Khun Suthep and the Democrats' actions.Yet they are unsure and confused about the details of proposed next steps.I'm not entirely sure even the leaders have a clear road map.

In other words we are in completely uncharted territory and anyone who claims to know where Thailand is heading and how it will get there shouldn't be trusted.But these waters are also dangerous and Gramsci's famous comment is particularly pertinent.” When the old refuses to die, and the new is struggling to be born, monsters appear"

Hence Thaksin...... Well said Jayboy, I think its the most profound and though provoking comment I have ever read from you.

Thaksin, following the Gramsci line of thought, is certainly part of it...but not the end of it.Once revolutionary currents are flowing, the results are unpredictable.It may seem far fetched but it's not impossible in years to come the old elites (or those parts that have not already done so) might regret they didn't deal with Thaksin who is essentially wedded to the status quo.The next leader of the less privileged majority might be much more of a threat.

In circumstances like this one looks to men of calibre to rise to the occasion.I have been very critical of Abhisit but I recognise his quality.The latest indications (and I mean this morning) he has been backtracking on the question of participation in elections.That's a start but a long way to go still.

I agree Thaksin is todays demon, he perpetuates the corruption, greed, inequality and nepotism of the past and rules through discrimination and debt slavery. But to his credit he has taught the Thai people the power of numbers, unfortunately for him that power has been his downfall. Thailand can never go back to the past, the genie of democracy is out of the bottle and until an honest leader arises that can distil and give direction to that fever chaos will rein.

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Concern? No. I care about my ability to buy up some stuff and secure my position here as a foreigner when Thais are done damaging things. Currency drop will be splendid for me as I plan to buy a condo building along with some other guys. Be a lot easier once things fall apart.

I could not care less about Thais or Thailand as they certainly don't care about me. tongue.png

If your last statement is truly how you feel, why would you even want to stay here, own anything here or even post of a Thailand based forum? I feel sorry for you.

Most foreign countries would be the same, I imagine. It's human nature, isn't it? Doesn't mean I don't thoroughly enjoy the things I like, does it? Perhaps I'm quite wealthy and well looked after by some wonderfully attractive young ladies. Perhaps I travel extensively in my role here and so spend a good deal of time in Indonesia, Bali, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, etc. Perhaps I enjoy having resort-style vacations every other weekend.

Save your empathy for someone else, mate.

Nah, you need it "mate". Hopefully your "other guys" that you are investing in with care for you as it would suck knowing that you live in a country you don't care for, around people that you don't care for nor care about you.

OK, I'll play along.

How pitiful it must be for people like you who lack so much as a life that would prohibit them from becoming entangled and empathetic for absolute strangers on internet forums who they have never met and know nothing about. Maybe you will feel better if you take up a hobby?

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So if the government resigns, and is replaced by another "caretaker" government until the elections are held, who comprises that caretaker government? I just don't understand how this is supposed to work.

Suthep's "People Council".

That means, completely independent and uncorrupted people that he himself has chosen. He will be the "leader of the revolution", but not a politician. Sort of like Gaddhafi was in Libya.

Once he has implemented his new policies through the "People Council", then Thailand will never have to vote again and be completely Democratic. Just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK / North Korea). You see, you add "People" and "Democratic" in a sentence and it makes everything look so much better, even if it's complete dictatorship.

The masses without the ability to think for themselves on the streets won't notice until it's too late and by then he will have consolidated his power grip on Thailand and rule with an iron fist. He has already shown that he's not afraid of giving the orders to open fire on his own people and he won't be afraid to do it again.

Do you have ANY PROOF of this at all?

Any links to sites etc that can be trusted or are you as usual just spouting unsubstantiared rumours once again?

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Yay! Keep destroying this fragile economy.

Really, that's your only concern? I'm not going to sling mud around but getting rid of a murderous, corrupt, disingenuous and hollier-than-thou group of family member's should be high on the list of item's to take care of.


If u are married to a thai, the yellows are giving 1 thousand baht a day for pattaya residents to jump on a bus and go to Bangkok to protest.I think that is a jolly good thing to do,will make many thais very happy,and more than willing to vote for yellows,HOORAH TO THOSE NICE,RICH ELITISTS,FOR GIVING THEIR MONEY TO A GOOD CAUSE

Any proof, pictures etc? Links to sites TV and newspaper reports or are you spouting rumours?

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I have a few questions for those on here who are one eyed scarlet fever sufferers.

Did you not witness the government cheating with the Amnesty Bill wording and voting?

Did you turn a blind eye to the Senator Bill wording changes and cheating?

Did you overlook the cheating with the 2.2T loan voting?

How is parliament to exist if the opposition is not allowed to debate and the government cheats?

Do you really think that member after member of the Shinawatra family jumps into the PM role because of who their relatives are?

Democracy needs a mechanism for dealing with these issues.

I don't expect any answers from them as the questions hit too close to the bone. All they can do us accuse Suthep of dictatorship when he has outlined the only solution on the table

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Satit told protesters that House dissolution was a first victory but was not enough for achieving real democracy and the protests would continue.

He said the People’s Democratic Reform Committee wanted the people’s council to be formed and the caretaker Cabinet to resign. Tavorn said the protesters wanted the caretaker government to resign.

LOL Is this Satit serious does he even know what real democracy is ? a people council Mr Satit is NOT DEMOCRACY its called Communism where the majority peoples vote is ignored and a bunch of criminals rule the country with an iron fist.

GOD HELP THAILAND with idiots like these in charge.

Do you mean like the bunch of criminals that have been ruling Thailand for the last couple of years for the benefit of only one person?

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Yay! Keep destroying this fragile economy.

Really, that's your only concern? I'm not going to sling mud around but getting rid of a murderous, corrupt, disingenuous and hollier-than-thou group of family member's should be high on the list of item's to take care of.


If u are married to a thai, the yellows are giving 1 thousand baht a day for pattaya residents to jump on a bus and go to Bangkok to protest.I think that is a jolly good thing to do,will make many thais very happy,and more than willing to vote for yellows,HOORAH TO THOSE NICE,RICH ELITISTS,FOR GIVING THEIR MONEY TO A GOOD CAUSE

Do i need proof of marriage to claim my 1000 thb,


where have i said a farang can claim for a thai??,excuse me if i do not understand your ramblings

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Seems like Suthep wants to transition from democracy to dictatorship. If thats his end game the least he could do is come out and be honest about it.

Shouldn't you ask the same about the PTP?

if you had been paying attention I'd hardly call reform then referendum then elections a dictatorship - can anyone honestly say that reform isn't needed ????

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ok none of that is true, just more of Suthep's lies..

Yingluck has explained the situation to these idiots repeatedly, all she can do for the protesters is dissolve parliament and call new elections, she will be the caretaker PM, if she refuses to be the caretaker then some other Phua Thai MP will be the caretaker PM, and PT will most likly win the new election in 3 months. There is no 'clause' or chapter in the constitution that allows for Suthep to setup a peoples council. She cannot 'hand over power' to Suthep's people's council even if she was that stupid, it's against the constitution. If the protesters do not accept this plan there is nothing the PM can do for them, they can lobby the military to stage another coup; which it won't do because then the red shirts will be on the streets and in greater numbers.

If the protesters want to continue protesting that's fine, as long as they keep it to old bangkok and not storm buildings. But their putsch is not going to work.

this is now all about keeping the auditors out of the finance ministry - PTP will not step down they cannot otherwise they will be exposed and jailed for the grand theft of billions and billions of Baht - this is not going to end well

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Great post. What Suthep is trying to do is just a coup, nothing more nothing less.

His gibberish about People's Council is just a farce to cover a coup.

People can decide TV weir government by an election. That's the only fair way.

Sent from my Cynus T2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Great post. What Suthep is trying to do is just a coup, nothing more nothing less.

His gibberish about People's Council is just a farce to cover a coup.

People can decide TV weir government by an election. That's the only fair way.

Sent from my Cynus T2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

New election slogan: "Say no to elections, yes to unelected Council".

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100,000 on the streets in a country of 50,000,000.

A small minority trying to impose their will on a large majority.

When will Bangkokians learn that Thailand is much bigger than just Bangkok?

Bangkok is not Thailand. It's a part of Thailand.

Spamming the various threads with this. It seems you've run out of hyperbole.

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People on here still trying to defend the fascist People's Council seriously what is going on? We all realise Thaksin is corrupt to the core, the protests just forced his sister to dissolve the house, the momentum had shifted in Thai politics for the first time in years when he protests began about the amnesty bill, so why did the Democrats not just sit back wait for the house to get dissolved and go for broke in the new election?

Seriously why why why are people on here defending the People's Council it is pure and utter nonsense. Election reform can happen in a democratic system why are people trying to push this country back by 80 years?

I doubt that they actually want that. It's just an opening negotiating position for levering Shincorp out of power.

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People on here still trying to defend the fascist People's Council seriously what is going on? We all realise Thaksin is corrupt to the core, the protests just forced his sister to dissolve the house, the momentum had shifted in Thai politics for the first time in years when he protests began about the amnesty bill, so why did the Democrats not just sit back wait for the house to get dissolved and go for broke in the new election?

Seriously why why why are people on here defending the People's Council it is pure and utter nonsense. Election reform can happen in a democratic system why are people trying to push this country back by 80 years?

80 years ago it was a monarchy, now its a corrupt dictatorship of the majority. Tomorrow hopefully its a democracy.

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The dictator Suthep is now showing his true face.

Thais will only wake up when they are already under his full dictatorship. Then it will be too late to complain. He has already shown that he's not afraid of opening fire on the people of Thailand to keep his grip on power.

I think if you check your facts you may well find that it was the red shirt idiots such as yourself who keep opening fire on everyone else and killing whoever gets in the way....Suthep has said many times that he will not be a part of his proposed 'people's council' - I believe him a lot more than anything that comes from the mouths of PT and the reds who have lied and cheated and killed....

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