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Thai Government House now under siege by protesters


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Yes, there are plenty of MNCs and rich elites funding the Red Shirt terrorists. "Elite" nonsense.

Jackrich, you must be mighty in love with either Mrs. Yingluck or her whole set of ministers, the way you spray bile here on ThaiVisa.

So let's not forget to count into the 95% of the poor, that you mentioned the likes of Taksin Shinawatra, Charoen Siri-something, the liquer-baron (Mekhong, Saengthip (?), Chang beer etc.), who is also among the 10 richest people in Thailand, further on the owner family of the Imperial Department Stores and the likes, they all are part of Thailand's poor and thus helping out the red shirts since many years.

About Bangkok being the ass of Thailand, you should go out and tell that to the public on the street. And then see, what happens. And do remember the old saying (way old than Taksin's invovement in politics, or your being around here): The government is elected upcountry, but it is brought down in Bangkok.

Your last sentence makes sense if you consider that the government is elected by the poor majority and brought down by the rich minority. Thanks for confirming my statements.

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20.000 people...this is "the majority" ?

Yes, 20,000 telling 50,000,000 what to do.

Bangkokians think the country ends at the city limits and they don't give a shit what the rest of the country wants.

Bangkok is the heart of Thailand.

If Bangkok stop, Thailand dies.

Correct. Very easy for people to forget how important Bangkok is.

This is not a country where the capital city is no more than a tiny admin centre...

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Yes, there are plenty of MNCs and rich elites funding the Red Shirt terrorists. "Elite" nonsense.

Jackrich, you must be mighty in love with either Mrs. Yingluck or her whole set of ministers, the way you spray bile here on ThaiVisa.

So let's not forget to count into the 95% of the poor, that you mentioned the likes of Taksin Shinawatra, Charoen Siri-something, the liquer-baron (Mekhong, Saengthip (?), Chang beer etc.), who is also among the 10 richest people in Thailand, further on the owner family of the Imperial Department Stores and the likes, they all are part of Thailand's poor and thus helping out the red shirts since many years.

About Bangkok being the ass of Thailand, you should go out and tell that to the public on the street. And then see, what happens. And do remember the old saying (way old than Taksin's invovement in politics, or your being around here): The government is elected upcountry, but it is brought down in Bangkok.

Your last sentence makes sense if you consider that the government is elected by the poor majority and brought down by the rich minority. Thanks for confirming my statements.

It's not MNCs at all.

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If Suthep really has the majority of the country behind him, he should have no worries about winning the next election with a landslide. Why are the Democrats refusing the join the election then? Seems to me the easiest way to bring reforms is get elected and then pass your reforms since they would have an absolute majority, no?

Anybody who's lived long enough in this country and knows how any elections are handled here by the listed parties, especially upcountry and especially in the Isaan where absolutely most voters live, knows, that elections are a business. The party with the most resources will win. The farmers in the provinces (which form the absolute voting majority) don't care which party's going to win. It has always been this way and nobody can change that. This forms the major problem for clean elections. So now, ask yourself, how can Suthep's party win the coming elections?

Edited by Dario
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Today there were well over 100,000 Thais on the streets, telling Yingluck to resign.

It's all very well her saying her party scored 15 million votes compared to the Democrats' 11 million votes, but when she knows almost the entire middle class are against her and her family, it's time to go.

Are you real? You are aware this is 2014?

dam_n, when I went to bed last night it was 2013. No wonder I feel so rested

Always prepare your next excuse in advance.

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Yes very civilised by stealing computer equipment at the police complex. These computers contains evidence against crimminals that will now walk away due to the lack of evidence. Your dear leader and his close knitted bunch of thugs are leading well meaning people down an avenue that will ruin this country much more and much faster than what Thaksin can do. He is Thailands own Hitler and if you look at his gaurds that was brought in from the south you will see Thailands own brown shirts in the making. Thaksin is bad but Suthep is worse.

You obviously haven't received the memo. It is considered particularly bad form for his supporters to mention Thaksin and police computers in the same paragraph. Too many people have long memories, or know how to read, remember that he not only wrote the specs for a contract, but then won the right to supply police computers, while his FIL was CoP.

Of course this was only a minor milestone on his long road of corruption. Other items best not mentioned include asset declaration, capital gains tax, Myanmar telecommunications.............

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To the many people who say the Bangkokians, the elites, are depriving what the poor want, I must say that you people must be among the few who have escaped from your countries to come to Thailand in order to live "cheaply" whilst performing your salvation for the "poor". I wonder why couldn't you have done that in your own countries? It all sounds so hypocritical to me; but, hey, whatever makes you feel superior as compared to where you have escaped from and looked so ordinary! Fine to me! Thailand is not like what you have escaped from, but you want to transform it to what you have had been and escaped from?

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20.000 people...this is "the majority" ?

Yes, 20,000 telling 50,000,000 what to do.

Bangkokians think the country ends at the city limits and they don't give a shit what the rest of the country wants.

A member of TV for 7 days and 185 Posts (26 posts a day) are you on bonus work? or are you resurrected from a previous life?

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If Suthep really has the majority of the country behind him, he should have no worries about winning the next election with a landslide. Why are the Democrats refusing the join the election then? Seems to me the easiest way to bring reforms is get elected and then pass your reforms since they would have an absolute majority, no?

Anybody who's lived long enough in this country and knows how any elections are handled here by the listed parties, especially upcountry and especially in the Isaan where absolutely most voters live, knows, that elections are a business. The party with the most resources will win. The farmers in the provinces (which form the absolute voting majority) don't care which party's going to win. It has always been this way and nobody can change that. This forms the major problem for clean elections. So now, ask yourself, how can Suthep's party win the coming elections?

"elections are a business. The party with the most resources will win."

Unfortunately that is true of any country, certainly not limited to Thailand.

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So the 5% middle and high class is worth more than the 95% poor class?

That's what's fundamentally wrong with this country. The entire high so low so crap.

Let me give you some food for thought.

You marry into a Thai family. There are 4 people in that family, plus you, but you are the only one who is earning any money.

The family spends all the money you earn, barely leaving you enough to survive.

If you complain, you get told to shut up, as you're 1 against 4, so majority decides what to do with it, despite participating 0 into the budget.

Is the problem of that middle class on the streets getting clearer?

If that 95% (which is actually only about 60% according to polls) wants to be equal on everything - go ahead - be equal on taxes as well.

But as long as some pay 30% of their salaries every month just for the Shinawatra family and their close bandits fill their pockets and burn the money on those who didn't participate a dime, there will be unrest on the streets.

While majority of Thai people live for the day and could not care less what's going to happen in a few days' time, some do see what future populism is bringing.

Can you at least try to imagine what wasting 2-3 trillion baht per year will do to this country, in say 5 or 10 years? What am I talking about with all the indicators going to the toilet, Thailand will get surpassed by Burma by then.

How many people pay 30% tax in thailand?

Almost none. They certainly don't represent a voice big enough to demand the downfall.of a government.

Corruption sucks but your idea that 30%,tax payers in some way deserve a big voice is twaddle.

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If Suthep really has the majority of the country behind him, he should have no worries about winning the next election with a landslide. Why are the Democrats refusing the join the election then? Seems to me the easiest way to bring reforms is get elected and then pass your reforms since they would have an absolute majority, no?

Anybody who's lived long enough in this country and knows how any elections are handled here by the listed parties, especially upcountry and especially in the Isaan where absolutely most voters live, knows, that elections are a business. The party with the most resources will win. The farmers in the provinces (which form the absolute voting majority) don't care which party's going to win. It has always been this way and nobody can change that. This forms the major problem for clean elections. So now, ask yourself, how can Suthep's party win the coming elections?

But that is why the need for reform of the election system, to remove vote buying, because that is how Thaksin is keeping FULL control of this country.

That is why the Dems and Suthep will never accept these elections. They will never even participate, they will all be back on the streets in the days leading up the the elections. They will not leave and they will not accept a one sided and paid for elected bunch of crooks.

That is why this reform WILL happen, and it will be interested to see exactly who will win the first clean election.

The dems will not accept a bunch of stupid populist policies targeted at the rural voters only. They will contend those as indirect vote buying with more disasters for the economy on the horizon.

Anyone who still thinks these elections are going to just end up as deja vu of the past elections are pretty much wrong.

This is going to be a new era, and it is going to wipe away the way things happened so far in history. You mark my words.

If PTP puts YL up as leader for the next elections, but nobody is being paid, then the voters will have to use their brains for once and ask themselves, is this bimbo right for our future? The rurals may not be that well educated, but they are not stupid. This could be the first time that most get the chance to use their vote correctly, instead of just seeing it as a quick 500 baht.

I can predict that any proof of vote buying will result in party suspension from the election. It is not that hard to prove it.

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When you haven't won an election since 1992 you get your band of THUGS together and try and take over the elected government with a protest or a coup ignoring the FACT that the Thai People actually VOTED for the current government. But YOUR THUGS are better able to lead the country and fatten the wallets of YOUR ELITE.

Sounds a lot like some South American "democracy" in action.

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When you haven't won an election since 1992 you get your band of THUGS together and try and take over the elected government with a protest or a coup ignoring the FACT that the Thai People actually VOTED for the current government. But YOUR THUGS are better able to lead the country and fatten the wallets of YOUR ELITE.

Sounds a lot like some South American "democracy" in action.

My father always said that the first person to raise their voice was the first to lose the argument.

Wise man was my dad.

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When you haven't won an election since 1992 you get your band of THUGS together and try and take over the elected government with a protest or a coup ignoring the FACT that the Thai People actually VOTED for the current government. But YOUR THUGS are better able to lead the country and fatten the wallets of YOUR ELITE.

Sounds a lot like some South American "democracy" in action.

The PT govt caused the protests to kick off with their chicanery over the amnesty bill. This with other abuses of power led to the protests. Yes they won the election and any party that wins should be allowed to govern. However PT has ruled in a manner that has caused division in the country with their obsession to help mr T evade justice, with their attempts to stifle all opposition through their bully boy stormtroopers, by attacking and intimidating political opponents and the judiciary, with their use of the DSI as a weapon. They had a mandate to rule and they abused it, they are corrupt, incompetent and unable to tolerate opposition. I hope that if they win again, and they probably will, that this time they at least try to rule for the sake of Thailand and not themselves. We can but dream.

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"Several tens of thousands of anti-Thai demonstrators have laid siege to Government House with all its entrances and exits now sealed."

Anti-Thai demonstrators? Several tens of thousands?

Straight from the Thai PBS website, which calls itself "The Broadcaster You Can Trust."

A (ex-)government of liars and thieves, still lying and hoping to get away with their thieving.

Since you are obviously there, could you please count everyone and give us the accurate figure?

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Keep it up lads! Let's get that baht even weaker. thumbsup.gif

Actually it has strengthened on the announcement - as has the SET

So much for Kittirat

Buy on the rumor, sell on the facts. Yes, I noticed the baht gaining strength now that there is a chance of resolution. Damn it! I was looking for 33!

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"Several tens of thousands of anti-Thai demonstrators have laid siege to Government House with all its entrances and exits now sealed."

Well that says it right there - anti-Thai. They have a constituion and dont want to follow it, even when it was signed by His Majesty The King. They want to appoint a caretaker government and that means that is the only way suthep and the DEMOCRATS can get to lead the government. They could never win in a vote. Why they killed too many real Thai's in 2010

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Yippee! Time to start over, rebuild!

Do what Russia did to the old parliament building (with chalerm, shinawatra and all the communists inside) and start the dawn of a new era! Hell yeah. Hope it turns out something like that.

Karma and history show this group of thieves and scoundrels will meet their end to power; its the law of nature, the effect of karma. Its inevitable. Live by the sword........you will...........

I think you better jet a job. No one wants that to happen and if you do you must be a communist also. The communists are out side right now and are trying to rule Thailand again.

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20.000 people...this is "the majority" ?

Yes, 20,000 telling 50,000,000 what to do.

Bangkokians think the country ends at the city limits and they don't give a shit what the rest of the country wants.

Bangkok is the heart of Thailand.

If Bangkok stop, Thailand dies.

I don't really believe so. if you check it out - if there were no north and northeast there would be NO Bangkok. That is where 90 % of the workers come from.

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20.000 people...this is "the majority" ?

Yes, 20,000 telling 50,000,000 what to do.

Bangkokians think the country ends at the city limits and they don't give a shit what the rest of the country wants.

Today there were well over 100,000 Thais on the streets, telling Yingluck to resign.

It's all very well her saying her party scored 15 million votes compared to the Democrats' 11 million votes, but when she knows almost the entire middle class are against her and her family, it's time to go.

Are you saying there are only 100.000 + middle class in Thailand????? I think you should go back to school and re-learn you maths.

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Keep it up lads! Let's get that baht even weaker. thumbsup.gif

Actually it has strengthened on the announcement - as has the SET

So much for Kittirat

You're quite correct all this political unrest is actually strengthening the baht and pushing it up.

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Hardly a siege all the protestors are gathered outside in relative silence. Very little movement, talking and smiling amongst themselves. Now the reds laid siege to the Capital, this lot are pussy's in comparison.

Not 'pussy's' [sic], merely civilised thumbsup.gif

Yes very civilised by stealing computer equipment at the police complex. These computers contains evidence against crimminals that will now walk away due to the lack of evidence. Your dear leader and his close knitted bunch of thugs are leading well meaning people down an avenue that will ruin this country much more and much faster than what Thaksin can do. He is Thailands own Hitler and if you look at his gaurds that was brought in from the south you will see Thailands own brown shirts in the making. Thaksin is bad but Suthep is worse.

Unless they carried off the actual servers I don't think much has been lost, not much on the monitors and the hard drives are usually just shells in government offices.

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20.000 people...this is "the majority" ?

Yes, 20,000 telling 50,000,000 what to do.

Bangkokians think the country ends at the city limits and they don't give a shit what the rest of the country wants.

Today there were well over 100,000 Thais on the streets, telling Yingluck to resign.

It's all very well her saying her party scored 15 million votes compared to the Democrats' 11 million votes, but when she knows almost the entire middle class are against her and her family, it's time to go.

So the 5% middle and high class is worth more than the 95% poor class?

That's what's fundamentally wrong with this country. The entire high so low so crap.

It's indeed 2014 but sadly in Thailand they only have hunger for power and want to be in the center of attraction.

The middle and high class are without a doubt the minority and wouldn't care less for the poor class.

The reds going to win the elections again and let's do this all over again in a couple of years.

These people should get arrested and prosecuted according the law.

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It's indeed 2014 but sadly in Thailand they only have hunger for power and want to be in the center of attraction.

The middle and high class are without a doubt the minority and wouldn't care less for the poor class.

The reds going to win the elections again and let's do this all over again in a couple of years.

These people should get arrested and prosecuted according the law.

Your note about the middle class not caring for the poor is ridiculous. It is the taxes from the middle class that pay for the poor class to survive.

I just wish that my high taxes would go towards the education and well being of the lower class and not to sucky corruption schemes. Wish I could decide where my taxes to went.

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