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Suthep pushes on


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Bt350-bn water management plan likely to stay on course as projected following House dissolution Office of National Policy on Water,Flood Management

Bt2-tn infrastructure development bill will not automatically be dropped following House dissolution,Transport Minister said

Dissolution of the House will not interrupt continuity of rice pledging scheme,Internal Trade Department Director-General said

All the scams will not be hindered. So it makes it very understandable why the Thaksin regime needs to got rid of.

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Sounds good in theory, a non political council administering Thailand and implementing reforms to cement the rule of law and judicial reforms in place. This will provide a framework that reduces corruption and nepotism and builds a stable foundation for a functional democratic system to flourish


You've been drinking again haven't you - That is the last thing the Yellows want. They want the PTP Reds out and back to business as usual. But don't believe me, just watch if they actually take power, non elected of course.

And a Happy Constitution Day, to you too. biggrin.png


I'd avoid to offend other members just to push up your opinion...

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You cannot reason with an unreasonable pperson.

This guy has gone way over anything reasonable to be reason with. I'm really surprised to see people flocking around this clown. He is nothing but another megalomaniac like Taksin.

Taksin V 2.0 = Suthep

Actually, Suthep is not trying to be Prime Minister. So there is a big difference between the two.

Suthep is suggesting there should'nt even BE an elected prime minister OR an elected parliament for both are part of the democratic voting system, which he clearly wants scrapped.

In any other country you could call it what it is, a demand for a peoples republic or in Sutheps description, Demarchy, Unfortunately I fail to see in a constitutional Monarchistic country like Thailand how this could actually happen, unless it were to actually become................ work it out for yourself

Suthep is suggesting that there shouldn't be an elected Prime Minister AT THE MOMENT. He is suggesting appointed ministers while reforms are done. Then have elections.

I'm not saying I agree with it, but you should really read a bit more than the headlines.

There is no roadmap at all to elections just vague and wild statements.He is suggesting hand picked chosen ministers and just who do you suppose decides if these are appropriate ? sorry but I don't buy into this crap about reforms in the slightest.

I read plenty thank you and certainly not just TV.

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Sounds good in theory, a non political council administering Thailand and implementing reforms to cement the rule of law and judicial reforms in place. This will provide a framework that reduces corruption and nepotism and builds a stable foundation for a functional democratic system to flourish


You've been drinking again haven't you - That is the last thing the Yellows want. They want the PTP Reds out and back to business as usual. But don't believe me, just watch if they actually take power, non elected of course.

And a Happy Constitution Day, to you too. biggrin.png


No I am very sober, just because I don't agree with the "Sutheps a communist" fear squad doesn't make me a drunk. However, you try to spin your fear mongering you cant escape the fact that if an independent peoples council was put in place to implement reforms that cement checks and balances into the constitution, then those checks and balances would apply to whoever is in government.

It would however be highly unlikely to be the "yellows" as they are not a political party and the "PTP reds" consist of a very minor section of the Yingluck administration.

Perhaps you should try to moderate your alcohol consumption and you may sound a little more coherent and accurate.

First, you should avoid to insult other posters, as it's one of Thaivisa rules.

Second: You are talking about what? Independent People's Council? Wake up... It's Suthep's claque People's Council.

You still don't have clear what Suthep is doing right now, like millions of Thais still not understand.

Thaksin and all the Suthep alikes are the cancer of Thai democracy and society, but still have people praise them.

I really think the worst enemy of humans are... humans themselves.

Firstly, I didn't insult a poster I redirected his flame back at him.

Secondly, Suthep is trying to rid Thailand of the Thaksin influence, an influence that has been the catalyse of all public disunity for the last 10 years. That goal will not be achieved by dissolving parliament and electing another Thaksin proxy government, so he proposes another solution.

Thirdly the blanket amnesty bill which is the issue that started this round of protests is still in play and a freshly elected Thaksin proxy government could theoretically push it through immediately.........

"The rules say that a House dissolution does not render any petition invalid, and that the petitions can be dropped only if the complainants are dead, if the petition is withdrawn, or the judges deem the petition baseless."

Unlike you millions of Thai do understand and many support his solution as clearly demonstrated by the awe inspiring support he received both on the street and in the social media.

Unlike you I think the worst enemy of humans is ignorance and apathy.

Edited by waza
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There is no roadmap at all to elections just vague and wild statements.He is suggesting hand picked chosen ministers and just who do you suppose decides if these are appropriate ? sorry but I don't buy into this crap about reforms in the slightest.

I read plenty thank you and certainly not just TV.

I am sure the red shirt propaganda that you read gives you a really balanced view of what's going on.


The protesters demanded the government be replaced by a non-elected "people's council" and an interim administration that consists of no politicians. This proposed interim administration and "people's council" should implement political reform for one year or one-and-a -half years before being dissolved to make way for a general election, some protest leaders said.
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There is no such thing as neutral. Everyone has a political preference whether they make it public or not.

Stop dreaming and tell the kids to grow up.

Suthep is a clown.

They are all clowns. It's a very sad situation when the wise people of the country are not wise.

There are wise people in this country, but unfortunately they are not politicians.

And even if they were politicians, they would never be allowed to rule.

In order to get any kind of political power in Thailand, you must be a corrupt money hungry pig.

Yes, there are alot of NEUTRAL politians I can think of. Example are:

Anan P; Surayut, and even Prem T.

All these people are very very neutral, and they have their CV to prove it.

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Not sure how you would find neutral people to run a government ....

Who decides if they are neutral ? Who selects this council or interim government?

Also mentioned that these neutral folks who would now be in charge of government would need to change laws to make for a fair election.

What laws need to be amended?

If these people are neutral would they even agree with him that the laws need to be changed?

It is about time they find Farangs from Thai Visa Forum to lead them to the Promise Land

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Not sure how you would find neutral people to run a government ....

Who decides if they are neutral ? Who selects this council or interim government?

Also mentioned that these neutral folks who would now be in charge of government would need to change laws to make for a fair election.

What laws need to be amended?

If these people are neutral would they even agree with him that the laws need to be changed?

It is about time they find Farangs from Thai Visa Forum to lead them to the Promise Land

They would certainly fix the double pricing and visa issues and with Jingthing as transport minister he would have the baht busses running on time and to budget and Nam could head up the finance ministry.

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You've been drinking again haven't you - That is the last thing the Yellows want. They want the PTP Reds out and back to business as usual. But don't believe me, just watch if they actually take power, non elected of course.

And a Happy Constitution Day, to you too. biggrin.png


No I am very sober, just because I don't agree with the "Sutheps a communist" fear squad doesn't make me a drunk. However, you try to spin your fear mongering you cant escape the fact that if an independent peoples council was put in place to implement reforms that cement checks and balances into the constitution, then those checks and balances would apply to whoever is in government.

It would however be highly unlikely to be the "yellows" as they are not a political party and the "PTP reds" consist of a very minor section of the Yingluck administration.

Perhaps you should try to moderate your alcohol consumption and you may sound a little more coherent and accurate.

First, you should avoid to insult other posters, as it's one of Thaivisa rules.

Second: You are talking about what? Independent People's Council? Wake up... It's Suthep's claque People's Council.

You still don't have clear what Suthep is doing right now, like millions of Thais still not understand.

Thaksin and all the Suthep alikes are the cancer of Thai democracy and society, but still have people praise them.

I really think the worst enemy of humans are... humans themselves.

Firstly, I didn't insult a poster I redirected his flame back at him.

Secondly, Suthep is trying to rid Thailand of the Thaksin influence, an influence that has been the catalyse of all public disunity for the last 10 years. That goal will not be achieved by dissolving parliament and electing another Thaksin proxy government, so he proposes another solution. Unlike you millions of Thai do understand and many support his solution as clearly demonstrated by the awe inspiring support he received both on the street and in the social media.

Unlike you I think the worst enemy of humans is ignorance and apathy.

You replied insult with an insult. And that's never a good way... If he wanted to provoke, you just ate his bait.

And referring to your thought about what's Suthep doing. You never get rid of a problem with another problem.

So, you agree with Suthep's way?

Let's comment for example 2 of last rants he came out last night with:

- I summon government officials to report to us. They must choose either the people or Thaksin regime.

- PDRC asks people in every province to set up volunteer work force to replace police in keeping peace and order.

He stomped everything in actual constitution and officially took the power, without counting that "Royal Thai Police" has a meaning.

He also involved HM, definitely crossing the boundaries of Article 7, we all know what Suthep wants. He wants to rule the country with Dems.

If he really wants to reform country and get rid of Shin clan, he wouldn't try to instaurate HIS council...

I don't need to comment last two sentences, as we think in different ways. smile.png

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There is no such thing as neutral. Everyone has a political preference whether they make it public or not.

Stop dreaming and tell the kids to grow up.

Suthep is a clown.

Suthep is the clown who should be jailed.

Well yesterday was Victory Day so the mis informed rabble will go home and the BIB will be able to cuff him. Oh forgot again the protest goes on because yesterday was not the Day of Victory

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Jade Donavanik, of Siam University's Faculty of Law, said that with a House dissolution failing to satisfy protesters, having an election when the conflict was still simmering would only bring more problems to the country. He suggested the government resign as caretaker administration and pave the way for a neutral Cabinet to take over.

Maybe a better solution than Sutheps.

I wonder if Suthep would be happy with that? Seems he wants to control things a bit more than that!

You may have missed this little gem in your rush to condemn the idea.....

"The protesters demanded the government be replaced by a non-elected "people's council" and an interim administration that consists of no politicians."

Suthep has already stated he will take no part in the council.

There is no such thing as neutral. Everyone has a political preference whether they make it public or not.

Stop dreaming and tell the kids to grow up.

Suthep is a clown.

He may be a clown but he is far more popular and powerfull than the puppet PM and her criminal clown master. I am guessing he is the latest in a long line of men to bring Yingluck to her knees, maybe now she has pause to stand up for herself.

I agree everyone has a subjective political opinion but I am not as jaded as you, some people have the preference of empathy and community service rather than apathy and self service, as clearly demonstrated during the protests.

Last time round it was the army that stepped in, took about a year to come up with reform and a new constitution. Result? First election held, red shirt government elected.

This time, if I understand it correctly, it's proposed a civilian administrative body ( use of the word "peoples" is a complete misnomer) perform the same task in a similar time frame. Any guesses what the result will be?

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Bt350-bn water management plan likely to stay on course as projected following House dissolution Office of National Policy on Water,Flood Management

Bt2-tn infrastructure development bill will not automatically be dropped following House dissolution,Transport Minister said

Dissolution of the House will not interrupt continuity of rice pledging scheme,Internal Trade Department Director-General said

All the scams will not be hindered. So it makes it very understandable why the Thaksin regime needs to got rid of.

I can guarantee whoever gets in power, and especially Sutheps council will 100% continue these things and take their cut accordingly.

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Jade Donavanik, of Siam University's Faculty of Law, said that with a House dissolution failing to satisfy protesters, having an election when the conflict was still simmering would only bring more problems to the country. He suggested the government resign as caretaker administration and pave the way for a neutral Cabinet to take over.

Maybe a better solution than Sutheps.

I wonder if Suthep would be happy with that? Seems he wants to control things a bit more than that!

You may have missed this little gem in your rush to condemn the idea.....

"The protesters demanded the government be replaced by a non-elected "people's council" and an interim administration that consists of no politicians."

Suthep has already stated he will take no part in the council.

There is no such thing as neutral. Everyone has a political preference whether they make it public or not.

Stop dreaming and tell the kids to grow up.

Suthep is a clown.

He may be a clown but he is far more popular and powerfull than the puppet PM and her criminal clown master. I am guessing he is the latest in a long line of men to bring Yingluck to her knees, maybe now she has pause to stand up for herself.

I agree everyone has a subjective political opinion but I am not as jaded as you, some people have the preference of empathy and community service rather than apathy and self service, as clearly demonstrated during the protests.

Let make and example, TS is not in the government not but people are say he involve behind the scene. So can we say that you say "Suthep has already stated he will take no part in the council." can we say that he will be involve behind the council using the same way the opposition saying on the current government that they are TS puppet. So can we say that People Council is Suthep puppet. Grow up and don't be so innocent.

Then you mention on "POWERFUL", let you tell you a fact, power come with money and money come with power. Please learn some general knowledge before you take side.

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Bt350-bn water management plan likely to stay on course as projected following House dissolution Office of National Policy on Water,Flood Management

Bt2-tn infrastructure development bill will not automatically be dropped following House dissolution,Transport Minister said

Dissolution of the House will not interrupt continuity of rice pledging scheme,Internal Trade Department Director-General said

All the scams will not be hindered. So it makes it very understandable why the Thaksin regime needs to got rid of.

I can guarantee whoever gets in power, and especially Sutheps council will 100% continue these things and take their cut accordingly.

That will be very much wait and see. As bad as they maybe, tearing up the water, trains and rice project will I think be a priority of theirs.

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Sounds good in theory, a non political council administering Thailand and implementing reforms to cement the rule of law and judicial reforms in place. This will provide a framework that reduces corruption and nepotism and builds a stable foundation for a functional democratic system to flourish


You've been drinking again haven't you - That is the last thing the Yellows want. They want the PTP Reds out and back to business as usual. But don't believe me, just watch if they actually take power, non elected of course.

And a Happy Constitution Day, to you too. biggrin.png


Ah, Lomsak, the red zone. Most of Phetchabun isn't, but Lomsak is close to Isaan. What other opinions does your wife have? Have her type more nonsense. Invite her to come to the capital & meet Abhisit. He & Suthep are a lot more brave and intelligent than the feudal Isaan lords controlling farmers up there behind the mountain.

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The big problem here is that Suthep has nothing to lose by carrying on to the bitter end.

Under any sort of Thaksin regime, he's toast anyway, so why would he not go to any extreme to bring them down, even if it means trashing the country?

He should be offered a way out; two-year holiday in a salubrious spot like, say, Dubai, or Montenegro.

As Sun Tzu said: "When you surround the enemy, always allow them an escape route. They must see that there is an alternative to death."

A very good saying, that is why I don't understand why people still believe him. He don't even think of the benefit for the country and people living in it. There is always a way out for him, the matter is he do not want to go that way.

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I wonder if Suthep would be happy with that? Seems he wants to control things a bit more than that!

You may have missed this little gem in your rush to condemn the idea.....

"The protesters demanded the government be replaced by a non-elected "people's council" and an interim administration that consists of no politicians."

Suthep has already stated he will take no part in the council.

There is no such thing as neutral. Everyone has a political preference whether they make it public or not.

Stop dreaming and tell the kids to grow up.

Suthep is a clown.

He may be a clown but he is far more popular and powerfull than the puppet PM and her criminal clown master. I am guessing he is the latest in a long line of men to bring Yingluck to her knees, maybe now she has pause to stand up for herself.

I agree everyone has a subjective political opinion but I am not as jaded as you, some people have the preference of empathy and community service rather than apathy and self service, as clearly demonstrated during the protests.

Let make and example, TS is not in the government not but people are say he involve behind the scene. So can we say that you say "Suthep has already stated he will take no part in the council." can we say that he will be involve behind the council using the same way the opposition saying on the current government that they are TS puppet. So can we say that People Council is Suthep puppet. Grow up and don't be so innocent.

Then you mention on "POWERFUL", let you tell you a fact, power come with money and money come with power. Please learn some general knowledge before you take side.

What a nothing post, says nothing means nothing just an excuse to quote Scarface, next time try posting on the movie forum.

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I for one would like to see what Suthep plans are for the future beyond his soundbites. He is the only politician of any kind who has been brave enough to point out that any political reforms must be alongside reform of the police force, who to be honest behave like mobsters most of the time. Suthep at least seems to understand that any way forward to a new system of democratic government must also tackle corruption head on, and that means restructuring or removing the Police force as it stands, which is no small task to undertake.

It will be an interesting time in Thai politics and society over the next few months.

Edited by ourmanflint
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Actually, I believe that Thailand is in the birth-throes of legitimatizing a new form of government: Government by Coup

It would sort of work like this: Someone fans the flames of discontent in some faction of the Thai social strata; critical massed is reached; and an unelected government is establish -- rinse and repeat ad infinitum -- no elections needed.

However, in reality, elections will periodically take place in order to give the world the feeling that there is a semblance of democracy in Thailand (don't want to scare all the farangs away), and of course, for the purpose of income redistribution in the form of 500 to 1000 baht payouts at to poll booths in order to keep the toiling, poor masses in check from time to time.

Actually for Thailand, I think Government by Coup works pretty well. They have the history for it. They just need to do is a few more times to refine the form.

Someone should make a Wikipedia entry for it!!!rolleyes.gif lol

Edited by connda
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Sounds good in theory, a non political council administering Thailand and implementing reforms to cement the rule of law and judicial reforms in place. This will provide a framework that reduces corruption and nepotism and builds a stable foundation for a functional democratic system to flourish.

But given the nature of Thai society to be fragmented, factional and innately opposed to socialist ideals I cant see it happening without a very strong uniting force.

Isn't that what this is all about ?

This has always been Sutheps goal - don't believe half the garbage you read on here from the paid Taksin Rabble

and although I don't like repeating myself - PTP must hold on because once they let an independent Council into government the first thing that will be exposed is the level of corruption/theft that has taken place the last 2 years, right now they have 2 choices as I see it - refuse to step down or head straight to the airport as serious criminal charges will follow

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Sounds good in theory, a non political council administering Thailand and implementing reforms to cement the rule of law and judicial reforms in place. This will provide a framework that reduces corruption and nepotism and builds a stable foundation for a functional democratic system to flourish.

But given the nature of Thai society to be fragmented, factional and innately opposed to socialist ideals I cant see it happening without a very strong uniting force.

Isn't that what this is all about ?

This has always been Sutheps goal - don't believe half the garbage you read on here from the paid Taksin Rabble

and although I don't like repeating myself - PTP must hold on because once they let an independent Council into government the first thing that will be exposed is the level of corruption/theft that has taken place the last 2 years, right now they have 2 choices as I see it - refuse to step down or head straight to the airport as serious criminal charges will follow

Considering myself neutral, I would love to see how far Suthep will go, who he's backed up by, and who will be the people's council.

At now he did not give a clue who have this council be formed by. But he was so good to ask governement civilian servant report to his group since Wednesday, and recruit private police.

That's not a good beginning for a neutral council, imho...

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Not sure how you would find neutral people to run a government ....

Who decides if they are neutral ? Who selects this council or interim government?

Also mentioned that these neutral folks who would now be in charge of government would need to change laws to make for a fair election.

What laws need to be amended?

If these people are neutral would they even agree with him that the laws need to be changed?

I believe Suthep wants to hand pick the neutral people to runs things until he is again elected a politician and can then take over. Maybe that was democrats plan when the all resigned from the parliarment, they now consider themselves to be the neutral non politicians who can take over.

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Sounds good in theory, a non political council administering Thailand and implementing reforms to cement the rule of law and judicial reforms in place. This will provide a framework that reduces corruption and nepotism and builds a stable foundation for a functional democratic system to flourish.

But given the nature of Thai society to be fragmented, factional and innately opposed to socialist ideals I cant see it happening without a very strong uniting force.

And that non political council will be headed by the ex politician Suthep and the rest of his ex politician mates.

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You cannot reason with an unreasonable pperson.

This guy has gone way over anything reasonable to be reason with. I'm really surprised to see people flocking around this clown. He is nothing but another megalomaniac like Taksin.

Taksin V 2.0 = Suthep

Actually, Suthep is not trying to be Prime Minister. So there is a big difference between the two.

Suthep is not trying because he can never be a Prime minister with that much brain. His action is like a two year old throwing fits in a supermarket when he can't get what he wants.

Edited by jackptoke
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