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People power gets stronger: Special Thai report


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People power gets stronger

Veena Thoopkrajae
The Nation


March to government House shows that people don't always need leaders

BANGKOK: -- Walking along with the protesters yesterday was almost like deja vu, because the chant "Yingluck, Aok Pai" ("Yingluck, Get Out!") was just like the chant "Thaksin, Aok Pai!" that was heard back in 2006. This chant, matched with loud whistle blowing, was heard even though Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra announced earlier yesterday that she was dissolving the House.

Though this year's protest and the one in 2006 have similar aims, they aren't carbon copies. For instance, the weapon of choice this time is a whistle instead of a handclapper, and unlike the yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy-led protest in 2006, people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take. Most of the marching groups have one or two trucks announcing cheerful messages. My group, which started at Chulalongkorn University, had two trucks for the kilometre-plus rally.

Another major difference this year was the high, well-organised, volunteer spirit of the people. "I'm so impressed that there is a truck offering services to the people in the march," fellow protester Alongod Uabhaibool said. He was referring to the truck that was offering cool drinking water, band aids and was collecting garbage.

Booths offering drinking water also lined the street as protesters moved from different directions toward Government House via Phetchaburi Road. In fact, one vendor was generously handing out free water to thirsty passers-by.

On Sukhumvit Road, Yuttichai Veeravong, the owner of Pak Bakery on Sukhumvit 23, decided to close his shop and join his friends in handing out freshly baked pastries, food and medical supplies to passers-by. Another woman was seen riding around on her tricycle handing out sticky rice with salty shredded pork.

These people were in no way connected to the protest leaders, but were doing what they could to help.

Loud cheers greeted the protesters as they marched down the streets, and though under normal conditions, motorists would have cursed them, this time many rolled down their windows and greeted them by small Thai flags and whistling back.

Though some businesses were open, their staff members made it a point to come out and greet the protesters. Some even joined the rally, like the staff at Rajthevi Dental Station, who stood outside with a banner reading "Yingluck, Aok Pai".

With the traffic at an almost standstill at times, it was gratifying to see protesters directing cars and making way for them to pass through safely.

Though the protesters this time didn't appear to be too serious, what with them sporting all kinds of accessories and constantly taking "selfies" and group pics, it may be unfair to judge them on outward appearances. In reality, they are people with a high volunteer spirit taking part in something they believe in.

Whether they achieve their goal or not, at least this protest proves that we, as a people, have matured and now think about society rather than just ourselves.

-- The Nation 2013-12-10

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

It's called "CHANGE", that most are seeking.

But not "most" of the Thai people.

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Like every other time, there will be spin doctoring, from both sides.

So far, what really impresses me, is the lack of violence and the peaceful way, (for the most part), these huge demonstrations have gone so far. This is pretty much unheard of, in most other parts of the world and Thai People have my Respect, for carrying this out peacefully.

Regardless, which side takes credit, for a peaceful outcome so far, I'm just glad, it is going this way. Who knows, Thailand may become the roll model, on "how to get rid of a corrupt Government", peacefully. (In a Country, where democracy at the polls means nothing, because us vote buying and corruption)

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.

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All this is done has set a stupid precedent. Whoever the next Govt is, just bring 100,000 people and protest and they will have to dissolve and have elections again. I am pleased that people seem to be waking up to corruption, but i just cannot see the way forward from here. Elections> TS party elected>protest again> more people pushed towards TS party. I think Suthep really needs to just come clean on exactly what he wants and how it would work because it is all a bit confusing.You cannot just kick a family out of the country and if they do, i would recommend Suthep to watch his back or he might be the next one banished from these shores!

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

I think they know perfectly well why Yingluck and the whole Shinawatra clan must go!!

They are not 'thick buffalo's' that blindly follow a criminal fraudsters every word - they are intelligent people who have had enough of the rape and pillaging of Thailand and have let Yingluck know of their feelings on this with a massive turnout to right a wrong that has bedevilled Thailand for a decade!!

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !


Perhaps they can not or will not explain it to you but they know full well the negative impact caused by the lies and deception that both the Shiniwatra clan and the PTP. have perpetrated in order to protect their own personal rice bowl. If allowed to continue unabated they would run this nation into the ground and then bugger off and live the high life abroad.

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.

Actually, most thais listen only to "their side" medias. And nothing else. In general it is "red=evil" or "yellow=evil". Little effort is done to argue or build a coherent reasoning.

Most thais are aware that Democrats (and Suthep!) are just as corrupt. They just choose not to see it.

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.

But they also think that whoever comes next from their side will be remarkably better and less corrupt.

Now that really is thick.

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.

But they also think that whoever comes next from their side will be remarkably better and less corrupt.

Now that really is thick.

Your missing the point, if stronger checks and balances are put in place and the judiciary is strengthened then any later governments who try to corrupt public funds will be caught and tried and justice will prevail. So who ever comes next will be less corrupt because the rule of law will be equally applied to them.

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.
But they also think that whoever comes next from their side will be remarkably better and less corrupt.

Now that really is thick.

Your missing the point, if stronger checks and balances are put in place and the judiciary is strengthened then any later governments who try to corrupt public funds will be caught and tried and justice will prevail. So who ever comes next will be less corrupt because the rule of law will be equally applied to them.
That will all be good in theory. Let's see if it happens but I don't see too many sacrificing themselves for the greater good.

Yes. There are rumours of some serious legal changes. I'm not sure it's going to be that easy.

What's the point in being a politician if you can't make oodles of wonga.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.

But they also think that whoever comes next from their side will be remarkably better and less corrupt.

Now that really is thick.

Your missing the point, if stronger checks and balances are put in place and the judiciary is strengthened then any later governments who try to corrupt public funds will be caught and tried and justice will prevail. So who ever comes next will be less corrupt because the rule of law will be equally applied to them.

And pigs will fly, congrats on the most wishful thinking least likely to happen post of the day clap2.gif

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people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.

But they also think that whoever comes next from their side will be remarkably better and less corrupt.

Now that really is thick.

Your missing the point, if stronger checks and balances are put in place and the judiciary is strengthened then any later governments who try to corrupt public funds will be caught and tried and justice will prevail. So who ever comes next will be less corrupt because the rule of law will be equally applied to them.

And pigs will fly, congrats on the most wishful thinking least likely to happen post of the day clap2.gif

Indeed, it will take a greater man than Suthep or any of the army generals to really close the legal loopholes that allow corruption.

They can start with defamation and parliamentary immunity for serious criminal offence.

Anyone think they are really going to change that?

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