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I have done the best I could, Yingluck tells coalition partners


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The amnesty bill was not shelved, after 180 days Yingluck could have presented it to the King to sign.

The people protesting yesterday are not morons,they are Thai, most are educated and know the Shinawat family well.

So many have the same feeling, how can we teach the young to be honest when our leaders pass laws to forgive cases of corruption?

The atmosphere was joyous yesterday, the people were happy to play a part in forcing a terrible government to resign.

They are so sick of Thaksin cheating, going right back to 2001 when he was charged with hiding millions of baht in his servants' names for years.

Don't think so much about Suthep, he'll calm down once the excitement has worn off.

If the opposition wanted a spokesperson/leader to challenge the govt, they could not...in a thousand years...have selected a worse candidate than Suthep. Many, many Thais find him an embarrassment and I suspect there could easily have been more than the 70-100,000 there yesterday had someone with a shred of credibility been leading it. This Goering-like figure scares people. The stupidity of the choice is extraordinary

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And here's the thing

She won the no confidence vote. The dems wouldn't give up their hard evidence to the speaker because we were told it was secret.

I'm not surprised at the under reporting of this so called impeachment attempt because of course in the end all they had was innuendo, smears etc like the gag of producing a bag of rotten rice in parliament but then refusing to name where it came from.

The no confidence vote was won on party lines, as expected, and "winning" it proves nothing. It is a means for the opposition to point out and publicise her corruption and ineptitude, which by the size of the protest, worked quite well.

The democrats could have shown a video of her strangling an infant on prime time TV and she still would have 'won' the confidence vote, because any PTP member who didn't vote the party line would be out on his butt. any claim that "winning" it proves something is either very naive or inane.

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The rather scary thought, that seems not yet to have been addressed on TV, is who is behind Suthep, who is giving him the go ahead for these mendacious, irresponsible and damaging antics ( i hesitate to use the word treasonous, but no doubt others will use it) and cuo bono in the long term ??

The suspension of democracy is a very serious thing and all of you who think the Thaksin family are the real and blameworthy target, should perhaps think again.

They are but the excuse.

I detest Thaksin, but think Yingluck has done a creditable job since the last election and more importantly, has been getting better as she gains experience in the position.

Her handling of the last few days has been pretty good and very level headed, whilst Suthep ( and now the Democrat party ) are steering full on for something that could become close to civil war.

Some on here should consider the consequences of out right, full on, Thai on Thai violence.

Before Suthep that was unlikely but he now seems to be making it a certainty.

( And i am not talking about a few demos........)

There are now 15.5 million disenfranchised voters for one side, 11 million for the other, plus another 6 million for the other parties, and not all of them will be pleased to see their constitutional, legal and democratic rights to representation removed in an unlawful manner.

I read somewhere a couple of months ago that a war chest of up to 1.5 billion baht had been collected. This before the protests had begun
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The rather scary thought, that seems not yet to have been addressed on TV, is who is behind Suthep, who is giving him the go ahead for these mendacious, irresponsible and damaging antics ( i hesitate to use the word treasonous, but no doubt others will use it) and cuo bono in the long term ??

The suspension of democracy is a very serious thing and all of you who think the Thaksin family are the real and blameworthy target, should perhaps think again.

They are but the excuse.

I detest Thaksin, but think Yingluck has done a creditable job since the last election and more importantly, has been getting better as she gains experience in the position.

Her handling of the last few days has been pretty good and very level headed, whilst Suthep ( and now the Democrat party ) are steering full on for something that could become close to civil war.

Some on here should consider the consequences of out right, full on, Thai on Thai violence.

Before Suthep that was unlikely but he now seems to be making it a certainty.

( And i am not talking about a few demos........)

There are now 15.5 million disenfranchised voters for one side, 11 million for the other, plus another 6 million for the other parties, and not all of them will be pleased to see their constitutional, legal and democratic rights to representation removed in an unlawful manner.

fair comment

many TVF posters love to paint anyone against the elitist amart also loves Thaksin and THIS is a terrible mistake

many Thais I know vote PTP but also do not want Thaksin back and to blame Thaksin for everything is insane

HM has decreed an election so let's see what the people want (again)

If they don't want Thaksin back how can they vote for Yingluck whom he said is his clone, All her actions have been to please him.

Can Pheua Thai 'get over' the Shinawats? It seems not.

To borrow somebody's post,Today the Defence Minister cried on TV, a world first!

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Can Pheua Thai 'get over' the Shinawats? It seems not.

Yes, that would be more like true democracy, a major party 'of the people' not intimately connected with and serving the interests of our self-exiled multi-millionaire friend with the square face.

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All you have to do is compare the crowd to say a full Wembley stadium. sorry but there were 3 Wembley's out there.

How on earth can you expect all the country to be there ??? that's pathetic to go on percentages.

How many reds were there in the siege of BKK 3 years ago 60 million ??

Ah yes... the new standard of measurement, the Wembley. Is that for a World Cup qualifier or a friendly fixture?

Your post has to win the prize for most obtuse use of a statistic! So, in your estimation, if "only" 100,000 (lol) anti-government protesters turn up, THAT's the sum-total of support throughout the country for their cause? Everyone who opposed this government travelled to Bangkok for these rallies & marches, did they?

Well gee, what do thais even NEED elections for!? Just count those who come to Bangkok and march, and thanks to your well thought out theorem, they can just dispense with those pesky elections! And I guess that would pretty much eliminate the need for buying votes as well, which will certainly be appreciated by one current resident of Dubai (he'll still have the rent-a-crowd expenses though).

Oh please. Of course the other 60 million can't possibly come to Bangkok and show their dislike. However, beyond a few flag wavers around local government offices in Phuket, where was the NATIONWIDE show of dislike for this government? Even in the true blue Democratic strongholds elsewhere in southern Thailand, the apathy was underwhelming.

The fact that 0.02% of the nations population (that coincidentally live in Bangkok) took (yet another) day off work to whine about the fact that they can't (won't) accept change. But they haven't gotten their oh-so clever heads around the fact that there is NO CREDIBLE OPPOSITION until they actually take an interest in what ALL their elected officials chose not to do for them, then they are on a hiding for nothing. This demonising of Thaksin as the great bogey man and the root of ALL evil is just so wrong and paves a fine roadway for those that also wish to fill their boots at Thailands loss.

There's no denying that Thaksin started to run LOS as Thailand Inc. and possible grand schemes for a Republic and a Presidency when the right time came along. All this with the profits handily siphoned off to his cohorts and right-hand men and family so.... WHAT IS NEW?!

I will start to get worried when there's real grass roots dissatisfaction with any Thai government, with nationwide disruption of services. Not this piddling stroll in park sort of <deleted> while Suthep wallows in this shallow, Bangkok-based pit of what he thinks is appreciation for his deeds.

BTW, regarding elections. There's nobody from PTP saying that the country needs a 'special democracy' that needs to be spoon-fed to the great unwashed by an unelected committee of seriously bent money in Bangkok. Yingluck has reluctantly thrown the towel in to prevent LOSS OF LIFE and she's being pilloried for it. However, she is constitutionally bound to remain acting head of state until the elections are done and dusted.

There was a quote from some official mouthpiece of the Democrats earlier today along the lines that 'nobody here is thinking towards the elections right now'. With maybe 60 days to go before the election and it is 'too soon' to start working on it? They are the credible opposition? Or are they waiting for the other shoe to fall?

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All you have to do is compare the crowd to say a full Wembley stadium. sorry but there were 3 Wembley's out there.

How on earth can you expect all the country to be there ??? that's pathetic to go on percentages.

How many reds were there in the siege of BKK 3 years ago 60 million ??

Ah yes... the new standard of measurement, the Wembley. Is that for a World Cup qualifier or a friendly fixture?

Your post has to win the prize for most obtuse use of a statistic! So, in your estimation, if "only" 100,000 (lol) anti-government protesters turn up, THAT's the sum-total of support throughout the country for their cause? Everyone who opposed this government travelled to Bangkok for these rallies & marches, did they?

Well gee, what do thais even NEED elections for!? Just count those who come to Bangkok and march, and thanks to your well thought out theorem, they can just dispense with those pesky elections! And I guess that would pretty much eliminate the need for buying votes as well, which will certainly be appreciated by one current resident of Dubai (he'll still have the rent-a-crowd expenses though).

Oh please. Of course the other 60 million can't possibly come to Bangkok and show their dislike. However, beyond a few flag wavers around local government offices in Phuket, where was the NATIONWIDE show of dislike for this government? Even in the true blue Democratic strongholds elsewhere in southern Thailand, the apathy was underwhelming.

The fact that 0.02% of the nations population (that coincidentally live in Bangkok) took (yet another) day off work to whine about the fact that they can't (won't) accept change. But they haven't gotten their oh-so clever heads around the fact that there is NO CREDIBLE OPPOSITION until they actually take an interest in what ALL their elected officials chose not to do for them, then they are on a hiding for nothing. This demonising of Thaksin as the great bogey man and the root of ALL evil is just so wrong and paves a fine roadway for those that also wish to fill their boots at Thailands loss.

There's no denying that Thaksin started to run LOS as Thailand Inc. and possible grand schemes for a Republic and a Presidency when the right time came along. All this with the profits handily siphoned off to his cohorts and right-hand men and family so.... WHAT IS NEW?!

I will start to get worried when there's real grass roots dissatisfaction with any Thai government, with nationwide disruption of services. Not this piddling stroll in park sort of <deleted> while Suthep wallows in this shallow, Bangkok-based pit of what he thinks is appreciation for his deeds.

BTW, regarding elections. There's nobody from PTP saying that the country needs a 'special democracy' that needs to be spoon-fed to the great unwashed by an unelected committee of seriously bent money in Bangkok. Yingluck has reluctantly thrown the towel in to prevent LOSS OF LIFE and she's being pilloried for it. However, she is constitutionally bound to remain acting head of state until the elections are done and dusted.

There was a quote from some official mouthpiece of the Democrats earlier today along the lines that 'nobody here is thinking towards the elections right now'. With maybe 60 days to go before the election and it is 'too soon' to start working on it? They are the credible opposition? Or are they waiting for the other shoe to fall?

Good one and hope to see Suthep incarcerated soon, if only for his criminal stupidity.

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This women has no shame. Anyone with an ounce of pride and intelligence about themselves would tell big brother to get lost. However, the opportunity to enrich the odious and criminally led Shinafia was too good to turn down. She will never shake the image of being apuppet, even if her party wins the next election.

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Yingluck asks for justice? Louder cry for justice is made by Nicha HiranburanaThuwatham - wife of late Col Romklao Nicha : Have u provide justice for families of injured and dead soldiers in 2010? I've asked DSI to speed up the probe but to no avail.

Nicha: In your capacity as PM, you haven't given justice to all the people and worse, you supported the Amnesty Bill and told us to forgive.

Nicha: At least one family, the family of Col Romklao, has not received any justice from you.

Theres one family that wont be voting PT

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Looking and having watched this all unfold for the past months, while the losers from the last election have done there utmost to destabilise the present Government, Yingluck has shown a maturity of a positive leader. There hasn't been the raging violence of the past couple of encounters (yet). The Democrats have shown their true colors joining the marches ( a clear fear of losing their own support to Suthep ).

Once again Yingluck has at this point out maneuvered the opposition by saying lets get a new mandate from the sixty nine million not the two hundred thousand. This is what a democracy is and how it works contrary to the views of a few of the TV Forum subscribers?

I hope personally that the protesters now step back, work toward new elections and if they (the Thai people) want change they get it but let it be in the hands of the majority not the few!

Yingluck has "shown maturity" she has not been here half the time. The biggest problem and you know it, it's not so much the 48% majority government (with it's partners a#se licking with noses in the trough, in return for their joining. IT is the SHINAWATTA clan that all the problems have arisen from. just this select money ,greed driven lot drunk with power.

Any outsider looking at the situation disapproves of a convicted man on the run running a greedy government. That is the reason they should go, NOT so much the actual elected coalition.

When you have so much money, as the Shinawatra Family does the only other things you can pursue is "power and heritage".

As a government this lot have at least tried to head in the right directions....anti drugs, improving minimum wage, trying to improve the lot of the average Thai (things that are not popular with those who hire maids and want cheap labor) corruption is endemic in Thailand unfortunately and will take a long time to ever stamp out (and I mean generations) but Sutheps history tends to make me feel his piece of the TROUGH is no longer big enough and to get his snout firmly back in, it will require the decimation of the Shinawatra led parties.

It is for the good of Suthep he is leading this war on Shinawatra not for the good of Thailand this is only my opinion

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Looking and having watched this all unfold for the past months, while the losers from the last election have done there utmost to destabilise the present Government, Yingluck has shown a maturity of a positive leader. There hasn't been the raging violence of the past couple of encounters (yet). The Democrats have shown their true colors joining the marches ( a clear fear of losing their own support to Suthep ).

Once again Yingluck has at this point out maneuvered the opposition by saying lets get a new mandate from the sixty nine million not the two hundred thousand. This is what a democracy is and how it works contrary to the views of a few of the TV Forum subscribers?

I hope personally that the protesters now step back, work toward new elections and if they (the Thai people) want change they get it but let it be in the hands of the majority not the few!

Marcos and Suharto claimed the same kind of democracy. It most definitely is anything but democracy when all the decisions of a government are being made by a criminal fugitive who lives overseas, all the while continuing to claim that he has no interest in politics anymore. The Dems and Suthep are horrid in what they are doing, but the Shin clan are about as ugly and low as you can get and the country cannot and will not ever move forward until they are completely banned from ever having anything to do with politics here. If the Reds are so strong that they can win an election without paying people, why don't they just renounce the scumbag, give the Dems what they wish, and still come out on top? Looks like the only happy endings you get here are in massage parlors.

Do you believe the Dems don't pay for votes? One of the women in our village lost all her money going around paying for votes, after the Dems didn't get enough votes from the village they refused to repay her. Try to understand they are all as corrupt as each other. Power is what they are all fighting for not the good of Thailand!

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Were are all of the RED coats today??

Waiting for their daily briefing sheet to arrive rolleyes.gif, although we do have a normal spattering of the normal newbie low post count folks in ardent support of the reds. Spot a new name and it always is a new red supporter. Funny that!

Interesting observation. Many new names with low posts counts and often aggressive posts. I have been thinking about this too lately. Maybe there should be some kind of rule that you need to have a 1000 posts or so before you can comment on certain topics.

Q: How many posts does it take before one is wise and able to participate in any topic master.

A: How many is not the question, when your opinion is in line with mine like the wings of a butterfly you will be considered wise, and only then able to express your opinion as your own grasshopper.

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Looking and having watched this all unfold for the past months, while the losers from the last election have done there utmost to destabilise the present Government, Yingluck has shown a maturity of a positive leader. There hasn't been the raging violence of the past couple of encounters (yet). The Democrats have shown their true colors joining the marches ( a clear fear of losing their own support to Suthep ).

Once again Yingluck has at this point out maneuvered the opposition by saying lets get a new mandate from the sixty nine million not the two hundred thousand. This is what a democracy is and how it works contrary to the views of a few of the TV Forum subscribers?

I hope personally that the protesters now step back, work toward new elections and if they (the Thai people) want change they get it but let it be in the hands of the majority not the few!

Marcos and Suharto claimed the same kind of democracy. It most definitely is anything but democracy when all the decisions of a government are being made by a criminal fugitive who lives overseas, all the while continuing to claim that he has no interest in politics anymore. The Dems and Suthep are horrid in what they are doing, but the Shin clan are about as ugly and low as you can get and the country cannot and will not ever move forward until they are completely banned from ever having anything to do with politics here. If the Reds are so strong that they can win an election without paying people, why don't they just renounce the scumbag, give the Dems what they wish, and still come out on top? Looks like the only happy endings you get here are in massage parlors.

Do you believe the Dems don't pay for votes? One of the women in our village lost all her money going around paying for votes, after the Dems didn't get enough votes from the village they refused to repay her. Try to understand they are all as corrupt as each other. Power is what they are all fighting for not the good of Thailand!

now thats a made up story isnt it ,can you prove it,i think not ..what village is this by the way..

Edited by winstonc
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"Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

This has to be the most balanced assessment of a bad situation ever to grace the pages of TV....so much more preferable to other Tin Pot, Wannabe Armchair Politicians venting their 'intellectually impaired spleens' !

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She she should never stepped in the ring in the first place

When is that rat going to come out of hiding and be a man and face his problems

The army should ale some key changes to the constitution that no prime minister can change in order to benefit their situation

That's all I can say to that

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The army should ale some key changes to the constitution that no prime minister can change in order to benefit their situation

That's all I can say to that

Been there, done that. General Sonthi Boonyaratglin made sure that his particular putch's edit of the sad document that passes for Thailand's Constitution included a clause that coup leaders and their allies could never be prosecuted. Then he retired and slipped into politics and handily signed off on six of these reconciliation bills.

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She's behaved in a far more mature manner than Suthep and his clan.

But how did her clan behave during the 2010 riots? Much worse, IMHO. I'd take Suthep's approach any day over what happened back then.



The reds in 2010 were fighting for democracy and were responding to having the army set upon them.

Suthep and his thugs are fighting to overthrow a democratically elected government which has shown amazing restraint, no other government in the world would stand for such behaviour.

Shame on you!

and shame on you for supporting a one man megalomaniac who has no care for Thialand at all and has/is hell bent on making Thailand bios now one party police state totally controlled by himself his clan and cronies. Thank good ness at last some one has had guts to stand up against him and ability to raise enough support. What train and red thugs did in 2010 is not something to boast about and it had nothing to do with democracy.

Whoever wins this at least a decent stand has been taken against Taksin and Thais have shown to my surprise they wont just lie down and cow tow to a would be dictator.

You are pathetically brainwashed or deluded or stupid to compare Suthep and his followers who have been very peaceful against red thugs and their war cry if burn down Bangkok.

We will see but ax I've said this is now a tipping point and either Taksin wins and Thailand over next 5-10 years defends to a one party police state under big brother Taksin or can choice a better alternative which while uncertain is 100% better than 1 man and his megalomaniac out for power.

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yea enjoy kicking her

Thailand's first female premier broke the mold and I think she deserves credit

you guys might enjoy laughing at her now but PTP will win their 10th election because the majority of Thais support them - that's democracy folks! sorry you don't like it

Yea. Then elect a horse. That would also "break the mold", wouldn't it? Seriously, you have a very distorted and simplistic concept of electability. If they could, the Thaksinistas would elect a convicted felon and fugitive from justice. I'd prefer they elected the horse; it would do less damage to Thai democracy.

so you think overturning elected governments and seizing buildings is ok? maybe you support a 'local Police Force'? an unelected people's council? and all the rest?

What choice is there when the elected government lies, cheats, steals, acts illegally, refuses to accept the rule of law, tries to suppress free speech and openly cavorts with a criminal fugitive?

Most of the protesters may not support Suthep or his more extreme ideas - but they are united by their anger at the behavior of this puppet regime. Billions of baht have disappeared with little to show for it. The regime lies, twists and contradicts but never reveals the reality. This is why so many, from such different backgrounds and walks of life despise the Shin clan and their gang.

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And here's the thing

She won the no confidence vote.

That was hardly a surprise as her party with its coalition friends commanded a majority wink.png

And being a democracy, there it should have ended, but no, Suthep doesn't care one jot about democracy. Yingluck should have then ordered the police to clear the streets and pack the rabble off home.

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Were are all of the RED coats today??

Dont worry BillyBob, they will be out in force on election day, voting their party in ..........as usual.

...and preparing to introduce a fresh new Thaksin amnesty bill... as usual...

Aside from all the paranoia about Toxin etc etc ... blah blah......................... you do realise there are thousands who wish to return to Thailand and not a small amount are simply normal people wishing to go home... there are also many successful Thais that would love to return home and bring with them skills and business and investment that which would benefit the nation as a whole.

This constant crap peddling paranoia about one person when amnesty would cover thousands who more than deserve a reprieve.... so ban the guy from all form of politics... and dont give me the crap about pulling the strings from behind, according to stories hes already doing that form another country anyway so what is the difference ?

Really some need to look at the logic of their silly ideas.

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Were are all of the RED coats today??

Dont worry BillyBob, they will be out in force on election day, voting their party in ..........as usual.

...and preparing to introduce a fresh new Thaksin amnesty bill... as usual...

Aside from all the paranoia about Toxin etc etc ... blah blah......................... you do realise there are thousands who wish to return to Thailand and not a small amount are simply normal people wishing to go home... there are also many successful Thais that would love to return home and bring with them skills and business and investment that which would benefit the nation as a whole.

This constant crap peddling paranoia about one person when amnesty would cover thousands who more than deserve a reprieve.... so ban the guy from all form of politics... and dont give me the crap about pulling the strings from behind, according to stories hes already doing that form another country anyway so what is the difference ?

Really some need to look at the logic of their silly ideas.

Ahh yes. Right out of the red handbook. Why the amnesty bill had NOTHING to do with our famous foreign fatcat felon! Pure coincidence! C'mon now, nobody believes this crap. The reds who want him back at any cost certainly don't.

I love the paranoia bit. If you can't argue the issues, and find yourself having to defend a fugitive felon, accuse 'em all of phobia, eh? Lol. The "Thaksin haters" are now "Thaksinphobes". Well, keep trying. Maybe you'll stumble on something that'll stick.

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He said the former premier Thaksin, who is believed to be pulling the strings behind Pheu Thai Party, spoke to his sister Yingluck by phone on at least two occasions - on Saturday night and Sunday night - to prepare for House dissolution.

Another of Thaksin's close aides said he had never seen Thaksin lose. If the former PM felt like he may lose, he must turn to start a new game.

Says it all really doesn't it. Thaksin realized he can't win so he told his puppet to give up and he would try and plan a different strategy, the fugitives grip over his cronies continues and his grip on power continues until the new election, he has 3 months to make a new game play. Can he hold out till June when the government will be able to re-ram HIS amnesty through parliament regardless of what every other person in the entire country thinks about it ?!. This is the problem. A convicted criminal fugitive has NO say in politics except for a rich vindictive billionaire megalomaniac. No other country in the world would tolerate such billigerance. They have to be removed by any means necessary...

And just who is this "he said", the one whose non credited statement you base your rant on? the old The Nation favourite "a source".

Never ceases to make me laugh how easily you and others are manipulated by the non credited bs that riddles The Nation.

Ever heard about newspapers making up stories to fit their agenda

( http://www.imediaethics.org/News/4086/Bangkok_post_retracts_front-page_story__faked_quotes_from_former_prime_minister.php)

I was making an informed comment based on past performance and 7 years of reading the news daily about this country I live in. You however appear to be ranting because you don't like that the newspaper dared to tell the truth about your useless airheaded idol....cheesy.gif

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She's behaved in a far more mature manner than Suthep and his clan.

But how did her clan behave during the 2010 riots? Much worse, IMHO. I'd take Suthep's approach any day over what happened back then.



The reds in 2010 were fighting for democracy and were responding to having the army set upon them.

Suthep and his thugs are fighting to overthrow a democratically elected government which has shown amazing restraint, no other government in the world would stand for such behaviour.

Shame on you!

and shame on you for supporting a one man megalomaniac who has no care for Thialand at all and has/is hell bent on making Thailand bios now one party police state totally controlled by himself his clan and cronies. Thank good ness at last some one has had guts to stand up against him and ability to raise enough support. What train and red thugs did in 2010 is not something to boast about and it had nothing to do with democracy.

Whoever wins this at least a decent stand has been taken against Taksin and Thais have shown to my surprise they wont just lie down and cow tow to a would be dictator.

You are pathetically brainwashed or deluded or stupid to compare Suthep and his followers who have been very peaceful against red thugs and their war cry if burn down Bangkok.

We will see but ax I've said this is now a tipping point and either Taksin wins and Thailand over next 5-10 years defends to a one party police state under big brother Taksin or can choice a better alternative which while uncertain is 100% better than 1 man and his megalomaniac out for power.

"and shame on you for supporting a one man megalomaniac who has no care for Thialand at all and has/is hell bent on making Thailand bios now one party police state totally controlled by himself his clan and cronies."

Not me! I despise Suthep.

I support democracy, I shouldn't really as I come from the UK where democracy has failed, given that at this moment in time an unelected government is raping the country to pay the rich at the expense of the poor. Democracy isn't perfect, Thatcher, Bush, Blair, Brown and many others are solid proof of this, but I personally don't know of a better system.

"You are pathetically brainwashed or deluded or stupid to compare Suthep and his followers who have been very peaceful against red thugs and their war cry if burn down Bangkok."

"very peaceful"? did they very peacefully kill those four redshirts? did they very peacefully storm and occupy government buildings, police stations and even army HQ?

When you've been coming to Thailand as long as I have son, and seen the many times the establishment have slaughtered their people to keep their grubby mitts on the power, perhaps you'll grow up and understand things a little more.

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