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I have done the best I could, Yingluck tells coalition partners


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The army didn't start shooting until after they were blown up by grenades.

Abhisit was elected in the same way as Thaksin, Samak, Somchai (especially Somchai) and Yingluck. Just because they don't understand the parliamentary system doesn't give them the right to use violence to force him to step down.

Sent from my phone ...

Sorry to burst your bubble but he was in fact appointed by the Dems when they seized power and not elected at all .... biiig difference.

PS no im not a red supporter just get your facts straight.

You need some lessons is the Westminster parliamentary system.

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I see in the news today, another blow to Yingluck.

One of her crowd has got his comeuppance.

Appeals Court sentences Pheu Thai Party spokesman Prompong for slandering ex-Constitution Court president Wasan Soipisut for 1 year without suspension /MCOT

'Without suspension', go straight to jail Prompong.

If he hasn't already skipped the country.

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"So you surely applaud the mopping up of the red fortress in Bangkok in 2010 by the army"

Absolutely not, the reds came to reclaim democracy.

As for my understanding of democracy, I understand the government survived a vote of no confidence and that means shut up and <deleted> off home Suthep, but of course that means nothing to that psychopath as he wants an end to democracy.

In 2010, unlike the protestors today, the reds with their black shirts tried to VIOLENTLY overthrow the government. You call Suthep a 'psychopath' and yet neither him nor or any of his fellow protestors have made speeches about burning Bangkok to the ground and then actually tried doing it. Nor have the protestors today possess war weapons nor used them.

The no confidence vote was a waste of time seeing that parliament is filled with Shinawatra cronies. You call it ending democracy but others see it as ending the tyranny of the majority.

"In 2010, unlike the protestors today, the reds with their black shirts tried to VIOLENTLY overthrow the government"

No they didn't, it was a party atmosphere until the army started shooting. And anyway, so what if they did, the government was not elected by the people so <deleted> 'em.

"but others see it as ending the tyranny of the majority"

and replacing it with the tyranny of the minority, only fascists don't believe in democracy.

"it was a party atmosphere until the army started shooting."

No it wasn't, you made that up!

He was probably referring to the Molotov cocktails everywhere.smile.png

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"Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

This has to be the most balanced assessment of a bad situation ever to grace the pages of TV....so much more preferable to other Tin Pot, Wannabe Armchair Politicians venting their 'intellectually impaired spleens' !

Have readers noticed that all the Yingluck Is Really Lovely team members studiously blank out the Thaksin Clone angle?

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"Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

This has to be the most balanced assessment of a bad situation ever to grace the pages of TV....so much more preferable to other Tin Pot, Wannabe Armchair Politicians venting their 'intellectually impaired spleens' !

Have readers noticed that all the Yingluck Is Really Lovely team members studiously blank out the Thaksin Clone angle?

Have readers equally noticed that all the Suthep is a Good Guy team members studiously blank out the dictatorship bordering on lunatic angle?

Edited by Asiantravel
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"Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

This has to be the most balanced assessment of a bad situation ever to grace the pages of TV....so much more preferable to other Tin Pot, Wannabe Armchair Politicians venting their 'intellectually impaired spleens' !

Have readers noticed that all the Yingluck Is Really Lovely team members studiously blank out the Thaksin Clone angle?

The one thing I have noticed with the yellow shirt anarchy supporters here is how they keep harping on about Thaksin whilst ignoring the fact that not only is "Suthep the great" facing muder charges but they've all turned a blind eye or conveniently forgotten about Suthep's own corruption charges. He's as bent as a nine bob note.

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The one thing I notice about the lovers of "he who must be obeyed Suthep" is how they keep bleating about Thaksin whilst seemingly being proud their hero is facing murder charges and is as corrupt as Thaksin. He's as bent as a nine bob note

The problem for our friends in the red boiler room (welcome back lads!) trying to push the nonsensical line that it is not about Thaksin is that it was Thaksin himself that labelled Yingluck his clone and was running the government from afar. At the same time Yingluck denied (lied) that this was the situation as did the government ministers. So now we have the equally ridiculous suggestion from the forum red cheerleaders that it is Yingluck who is handling the current situation well. A classic case of trying to have your cake and eating it, but more to the point unabashed pushing of a clear porkie-pie. The tragedy is that if Yingluck had independently governed the country, de facto reconciliation would have prevailed, but Thaksin had to stick his oar in (not for the first time) and prioritise his own personal interests as those of the government and try to ram through the amnesty bill as the political be all and end all. The current demonstrations have been a response to the rotten body politic relentlessly pursued by Mr Thaksin Shinawatra. Yingluck is merely a pretty pawn in this game.

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"Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

This has to be the most balanced assessment of a bad situation ever to grace the pages of TV....so much more preferable to other Tin Pot, Wannabe Armchair Politicians venting their 'intellectually impaired spleens' !

Have readers noticed that all the Yingluck Is Really Lovely team members studiously blank out the Thaksin Clone angle?

The one thing I have noticed with the yellow shirt anarchy supporters here is how they keep harping on about Thaksin whilst ignoring the fact that not only is "Suthep the great" facing muder charges but they've all turned a blind eye or conveniently forgotten about Suthep's own corruption charges. He's as bent as a nine bob note.

Well, let's just see how much you've "noticed", and how much you haven't....

Thaksin: charged, tried, convicted, sentenced, and now a fugitive


Suthep: charged.

Suthep is merely leading a protest. Thaksin has been pulling all the strings of this thai government, mind-numbing thaksin rhetoric and endless damage control notwithstanding, and imposing his policy decisions by proxy.

You can thank Thaksin and his PTP, specifically including the Thaksin amnesty bill, for creating the Suthep machine and keeping it supplied with high octane fuel, and making him/it the poitical force it is today!

....but all you noticed is some "pending charges" against Suthep, who probably is as far from any possible PM candidacy as you are! He is an expression of the public outrage, and his alleged legal transgressions don't delegitimize that outrage.

Edited by hawker9000
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