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Suthep reportedly meets top brass

Lite Beer

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Is there any proof Suthep met with the top brass? Did the army relieve the police in guarding government house? Any pics of that?

If a quarelling side has no more options all it can do is spread rumours.

I think little sis gained some sympathy with her latest tv-appearance. So is the missunderstood fugitive winning again?

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Only in Thailand can a man with multiple warrants for his arrest meet with police, military, and other government officials and not be detained.

It's mai pen rai. biggrin.png You silly farang, you don't understand thainess.

I've come to realize that the true meaning of "Thainess" is simply that which no one can explain or make sense of. Anything beyond logic or understanding is Thainess. Otherwise, if it made sense, they wouldn't call it Thainess as it would not be special.

I think. blink.png

So you mean it's so stupid or childish that a rational human brain can't explain it.

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I think little sis gained some sympathy with her latest tv-appearance. So is the missunderstood fugitive winning again?

You bet she did!

Cry like a baby in Thailand and you'll get instant sympathy. No matter who you are or what you have done..

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I think little sis gained some sympathy with her latest tv-appearance. So is the missunderstood fugitive winning again?

You bet she did!

Cry like a baby in Thailand and you'll get instant sympathy. No matter who you are or what you have done..

Lol.... she didn't get any sympathy from me, and she didn't get any sympathy from the anti-shin online lot, and my wife laughed and said 'fake'.

She certainly had no sympathy from the TVF members on the various 'tearful YL' threads.

She got no sympathy from Suthep or the Dems.

So who gave her sympathy then?

Basically, it is just another screw up in a whole succession of screw ups.

Straight from the orders of Thaksin, and he knows less than her, because he is steering her every move.

Go to the Bangkok Post website, it is running a good 'crocodile tears' story.

The nation wouldn't run that sort of story, as they are quite 'on the red side' if you know what I mean. I also believe that Thaivisa is also there with them. Read the selective posting on the 'Thailand Live' threads. They never reported the red shirt violence in Prachin Buri the night before it kicked off in RU on that fateful night... The TV reporting was quite one sided all that weekend too I noticed.

BP all the way if you want a bit more balanced reporting.

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We shouldn't make too much out of this. Especially as it is not yet confirmed, that the meeting took place at all.

And if, they maybe just told Suthep, not to overdo it and keep things peaceful.

I doubt the military is keen to produce another coup. That would also be the start of a massive red shirt uprising against the military.

Quite frankly I dunno, what is coming next. Clearly Suthep and most Bangkokians want the Shin clan (and Wongsawats) to get out of politics, but formally Yingluck is correct, that somebody has to be the caretaker, until the next govt is in place. That is, unless you subscribe to Sutheps point of view, that her being in office is illegal already since the amnesty plunder and the charter change plunder.

You shouldn't talk bad about other people, but I think the best for this country would be, if Taksin gets too sick to keep meddling in Thai politics...

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I think there must be something wrong with my computer - did you just say that The Nation was on the side of the Reds???


I meant that they lean towards the red side, obviously because they don't want to be punished by the current government. They will swing over when the Dems get into power. Same with this place.

BP is a lot more impartial.

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We shouldn't make too much out of this. Especially as it is not yet confirmed, that the meeting took place at all.

And if, they maybe just told Suthep, not to overdo it and keep things peaceful.

I doubt the military is keen to produce another coup. That would also be the start of a massive red shirt uprising against the military.

Quite frankly I dunno, what is coming next. Clearly Suthep and most Bangkokians want the Shin clan (and Wongsawats) to get out of politics, but formally Yingluck is correct, that somebody has to be the caretaker, until the next govt is in place. That is, unless you subscribe to Sutheps point of view, that her being in office is illegal already since the amnesty plunder and the charter change plunder.

You shouldn't talk bad about other people, but I think the best for this country would be, if Taksin gets too sick to keep meddling in Thai politics...

I think you can get a free pass on that one, he is not human, he is an animal.

He has massive amounts of blood on his hands and is indifferent to it.

He would have annihilated every Muslim in the south if he thought he could have got away with it. Same with his war on drugs. He is indifferent to killing his Thai people. He would kill more if he gets the chance. He would not even stop at creating a civil war in Thailand, even if it led to millions of deaths. It is just the kind of scum that he is, and there are many out there who are happy to serve him, and help him at every turn.

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The problem is that they are all Chinese, not Thai!


My wife from Nong Khod outside Nakhon Sawan is Thai, and the Chinese live in NS, sucking the blood and money out of the locals.


That´s the ultimate problem and conflict in Thailand.




Split up, make two: Red and a yellow / Thai and Chinese.


- or there will be blood, I guarantee you...



And what about the red Chinese, and yellow Thai?

Sent from my phone ...

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So the hint is out.

This 'convenient' leak has hit the street.

The tongues are wagging.

This is a nice little discreet shot across the bows for YL and the PTP.

'It's your move'.... we suggest you take this opportunity to step down and say it is in the people's interests to stop the protests... I am doing this for Thailand'... That's it... there's a good girl, now you look good in defeat. Just the PTP to follow suit, then it's time for the overhaul.

Well done Suthep, I knew you were cunning from the start. I take my hat off to you.

You win.

I dont think there'll be any winners if the ptp supporters think the army are sticking their noses in and dropping "hints" to yingluck. Not everybody wants her out.

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...a massive red shirt uprising against the military...somebody has to be the caretaker...

you mean "a massive red shirt uprising against the military" like in 2010, when they tried to burn down bangkok & sacrificed dozens?

yinglack without luck could easily resign & install any successor as caretaker, as long as his name is NOT shinawatra

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The army have been central to this whole thing from the beginning. They have been orchestrating everything from.minute one.

The people council is to elegant for Suthep to have thought up alone. The army and Suthep have been marshalling this along from the first moment.

Yep. Especially Gen Prawit. The plan was likely put in place before Suthep got involved. That was just a happy (but entirely necessary) coincidence. Although Prayuth's position has been uncertain. I'd assume tacit backing is being given to the demonstration, but they're not willing to go all the way with a coup. That's partly the reason this 'people's coup' is necessary (from the POV of the anti-govt people) really. The army is too scared of the red shirts and international opinion to intervene overtly as they have done so often in the past.

I'm actually surprised they need to meet physically. Don't they have Skype? I'd guess there's a 24 hour line open between Suthep and those who're strategising behind the scenes.

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^ Interesting stuff. But now that Yingluck called for a new election, doesn't that kill their whole plan?

No way Suthep and his friends (the generals) can get this "people-council-thing" going, without using armed military force..

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"Unpaid rice farmers threaten roadblocks in 26 provinces"

Best headline of the day from one of the other English language newspapers.

The government hasn't got the money to pay the farmers because they haven't sold enough of the overpriced rice.

Maybe an own goal coming up.

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^ Interesting stuff. But now that Yingluck called for a new election, doesn't that kill their whole plan?

No way Suthep and his friends (the generals) can get this "people-council-thing" going, without using armed military force..

Well, always take Sean Crispin with a pinch of salt since his stuff is often based on rumours, but he does seem to have good sources. So...

'According to one international mediator, the NACC has fast-tracked its investigations and could rule in the coming days. Some royalists reckon that could open a political and legal vacuum that allows for the formation through court order of a royalist People's Council. Behind-the-scenes moves are being made in that direction. One list of proposed People's Council members reviewed by Asia Times Online bids to balance known royalists with once-Thaksin allies who switched political sides after the 2006 coup.

The list includes: Privy Councilor Palakorn as prime minister; former Thaksin ally cum coup maker General Anupong Paochinda as deputy premier for security; former Thaksin-appointed commerce minister Somkid Jatusripitak as deputy prime minister for economics; hard-line anti-Thaksin royalist General Saparang Kalayanamit as defense minister; Thaksin-era foreign minister and royally connected Surakiart Sathirathai as foreign minister; former Thaksin and coup-appointed finance minister Pridiyathorn Devakula in the same role.'

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So the hint is out.

This 'convenient' leak has hit the street.

The tongues are wagging.

This is a nice little discreet shot across the bows for YL and the PTP.

'It's your move'.... we suggest you take this opportunity to step down and say it is in the people's interests to stop the protests... I am doing this for Thailand'... That's it... there's a good girl, now you look good in defeat. Just the PTP to follow suit, then it's time for the overhaul.

Well done Suthep, I knew you were cunning from the start. I take my hat off to you.

You win.

Sorry but you know nothing... this is anything but over and certainly not a win. It's a loss for the people of this country, one of many since 2006 and beyond.

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Then go find that one, OK?!!


There were two famous Prem-Thaksin photos.

The one in the post above is old and previous to the two famous ones - it's from 2005.

There's the following one which is from 2008 when Thaksin met Prem and gave Prem a 15 second wai, during which Prem did not return the wai, or offer one, and said nothing. Thaksin was reported to have said "i'm sorry for everything." Then after more silence, Thaksin left. Note the daggers in Prem's eyes.


The more famous photo is pre-coup and is of Prem giving Thaksin a wai either at the navel or slightly below the navel. I've seen that photo too, more than once.

However, I too can't find the wai at the navel photo at either Google or Yahoo search engines, still trying to find it somewhere but don't know where as it seems to have disappeared.

Still searching.

Lots of pictures and videos have gone "missing" online it seems, including many of those from the 2010 riots.

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