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Wifes developed asthma...


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It appears since she has moved to Australia to live, she has developed asthma or something like it. Our house is down south and the air is quite dry compared to Thailand so maybe that has started it?

Anyone else had this happen?

Any ideas?(sensible please)

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I was diagnosed with Asthma when I was 5, we got a pet cat and it turns out I am allergic to all animals with fur and dander, to various degrees.

Cats meant a few trips to the hospital to get a needle full of adrenaline or other such substance to shock my lungs open, yay vomiting a uncontrollable shaking. In elementary school I was using a nebulizer (the machine that vaporizes liquid meds) 5 times a day. My asthma got better in High school and college but it still stuck around. until I went from 93kg to about 70 (I'm 173cm). A change is weight was like night and day and I have not had a problem even while running out doors here in Thailand. I firmly believe the healthy lifestyle helped me put my asthma into dormancy.

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Adult onset asthma can be triggered by many things, particularly in a change of environment. Pollens is an obvious thought, things like carpet, pets, dust mites. Many , many causes, triggers. That can, should , be assessed in sensitivity testing concurrent with symptomatic treatment. I am not an MD. You should get treatment ASAP, adult onset is scary for the sufferer and is a serious matter. Good luck with it.

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Thanks for the thoughts guys. She had a cold about 7ish weeks ago now and it's like it kind of continued with the cough. Tonight she has been coughing a fair bit and a lot of early mornings is particular. She doesn't smoke. She has had a chest xray yesterday and saw a dr a while back when she had the cold, got antibiotics etc. Tomorrow she is seeing an asthma specialising dr, so see how that goes. It is a bit odd. She has never had asthma before. I always thought it was something younger people got.

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I had a similar situation when I visited the folks in Houston. I'm convinced it was mold growing in their lakeside house. (Old folks that rarely ran the A/C in 95% humidity) I'd have to leave after a few days because I felt so bad, coughing, wheezing, eyes watering and generally run down.

A few days on the road, West Texas, Colorado and Wyoming and I was good as new. Even going back to north China was an improvement- and that air is horrid.

Definitely take her to see the doctor.

But you may also want to try a geographical experiment to see if it's something about your (very) local environment. Take her on a nice trip, stay in well kept places, feed her good food and see if it helps. (She didn't pay me to suggest that, either)

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I had asthma as a child and it never really went away until I started routine jogging a couple of miles every day. Every time I stopped jogging it would return and of course I would start again. I firmly believe if you keep your lungs healthy then despite the horrible weather you will be ok. Now the second part of the story is when i went to work in Saudi Arabia. My asthma went away completely even though I was no more jogging. However as soon as I went back to UK or Belgium on leave it would be back immediately. I have remained in the middle east working for the past 20 years and never a sign of my asthma except one time when I really got overweight. As soon as I dropped the weight (Through sports) it went away again. Now I am working in UAE and intend to never go back to Europe. Probably I will retire in Thailand next year. When I am in Thailand I don't have the problem even I got a little overweight again.

I would suggest that once she can get over this bout she takes up some form of exercise to strengthen her lungs. Or move back to Thailand.

Hope this Helps


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I had a similar situation when I visited the folks in Houston. I'm convinced it was mold growing in their lakeside house. (Old folks that rarely ran the A/C in 95% humidity) I'd have to leave after a few days because I felt so bad, coughing, wheezing, eyes watering and generally run down.

A few days on the road, West Texas, Colorado and Wyoming and I was good as new. Even going back to north China was an improvement- and that air is horrid.

Definitely take her to see the doctor.

But you may also want to try a geographical experiment to see if it's something about your (very) local environment. Take her on a nice trip, stay in well kept places, feed her good food and see if it helps. (She didn't pay me to suggest that, either)

Impulse, This is a well known problem in Houston. It's caused by an allergy to the pine cones which are apparently in abundance in that area. Many many people are allurgic especially the ones with asthma.


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I nearly died from asthma when I was young but grew out of it at 13, still get hayfever pretty bad and asthma like reactions. I had asthma when we lived at Apollo Bay in Victoria, doctors said it was the cold air/moisture causing it. I would spend 6 months plus in hospital each year(usually on oxgen) but when we moved to Geelong it slowly dissapeared. She may be having reactions to various pollens/dust/grass seeds etc, and may find that using a puffer with one of the various sprays helps. If you are in the south then cold air could also be cauing it, pneumonia also has similar symptoms but a good doctor should be able to sort it out quickly. At worst she may need to be in a warmer climate, good luck.

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For what it's worth mate, my daughter (19) has only recently gotten over something similar, at one stage I thought she had developed whooping cough, 6 weeks, got her to the qauck, antibiotics seemed to sort it, but hopefully your misses hasn't got asthma , could be climate, Doc should sort it. Hope she get better mate

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Per post #5, she has seen several and now been referred to a specialist. And apparently the term "asthma" has been used.

OP if she has no prior history of this, suggest she see an allergist as well as the pulmonary doc. It is likley being triggered by something she wasn't exposed to in the past but is now.

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I booked her in to have whats known as a Spirometry test or maybe aka lung capacity test. So hoping this will help start to shed some light on the issue. Chest xray's have been done and sent to our GP.

She has now lived in Australia for the last 2 or so years full time and various other stays and never had any issues. Our house is only 5 years old and has floor tiles so no like old paint or mould type issues and always kept nice and clean plus vaccumed everyday mainly cause the baby crawls around looking for anything it can off the floor. She's not coughing at the moment but guaranteed later tonight it will start again. Poor thing.

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