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I was cured from my gluten intolerance


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Maybe whatever it was that ailed you has stopped of its own accord. Gluten intolerance is a highly dodgy diagnosis in the first place....a "fad" disease. Every quack in the book loves to diagnose this.

"The idea that gluten sensitivity is real and widespread goes far beyond the current scientific evidence, and the well-established facts of celiac disease."

​Chronic deceases don't last forever.

BTW - Celiac is an autoimmune decease, not an allergy or intolerance.

Edited by wilcopops
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Yes it leads to very serious life threatening diseases (typically cancer) if you don't know you have it and you don't radically change your diet. Of course many people are living in socio-economic environments where living on a 100 percent gluten free diet (which is what actual celiacs need) is basically impossible. Such people will know they are in distress but just might not ever know why (lack of good medical care) and cause severe permanent internal damage. So yes it kills but of course not if you totally avoid gluten. Again, statistically this is very rare compared to gluten intolerance. BTW, my understanding is the only way to get a definitive diagnosis is for a doc to actually have a look INSIDE. Many people who think they have celiac never go that far and don't really know whether they are actually celiac or not. I think if you are going to radically alter your diet for life, you really NEED to know that it is necessary.

I was not diagnosed as Coeilac even after three endoscopies. So we did a simple test, a weekend eating bread, Pasta and drinking beer the result was the symptoms I stated in my first post. Next was staying free of all products containing gluten. Result fine no problem.

Coeliac's/gluten intolerant you can believe me, you know when to alter your diet.


Hi JB1.

It seems if you have a gluten intolerance/Coeliac disease then it really is a very mild form. On a flight over here I ordered a Gluten Free meal. I was assured the bread roll given to me was ok for my diet. Within 3 hours I was violently sick followed a couple of hours later by foul smelling diarrhoea. If you did not have any symptoms within a few hours of eating bread or pasta then your intolerence level is really very low. I would warn you that should you go down a strict Gluten Free diet then your tolerance level will increase dramatically so no mistakes can be afforded when eating or drinking as the reaction will be much worse. Incidentally a Gluten Free diet is recommended for other disorders such as Irritable Bowl Syndrome.

I am very surprised that after 4 Endoscopies (to take a biopsy taken fom the small intestine for those who do not know what an endoscopy is for) that you still think it is Coelic Didease as this is the ultimate test as to whether you have this disease. Blood tests, even though perfected a lot since I was diagnosed, do not always confirm the presence of Gluten intolerance.

To expand a little on what I said earlier in this post. I advise anyone who needs a Gluten Free diet never to trust what is given to you on a flight. On 8 seperate journeys I ordered a Gluten Free diet and never received one. A Gluten Free meal should have a tray with every item clearly marked 'Gluten Free' and then the tray should be sealed until given to you. My experience has lead me to believe that not everyone in the catering departments (especially those not fom the UK , USA or larger European counties) have a clue what a Gluten Free diet is and the cabin staff definetely are not well informed. I would hazzard a guess that the bread roll I ate was added to the tray by the stewardess handing out the meal. So if you have a dietary problem I suggest you prepare something yourself to eat on the flight.

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before, when I was not insanely careful about my diet, I would scoff down any thing.

I would sit at my computer eating a bag of salt and vinegar chips, double cheese burger pizza, a whole bar or chocolate and 2 litre of orange juice

the resulting side effects were truly bone chilling

besides the horrible acne I also had

-severe severe anxiety

-horrible depression

-foul foul smelling diarrhea

-very bad BO

-foul smelling white shit constantly coming off my tonsels

-extreme nervousness

-a very low iq and I couldnt concetrate

-my confidence was so bad I could barely walk in public

-I used to dream my insides where rotten and hollow

im pretty much cured now, but boy do I have a deep loathing for older people and doctors, society is truly arrogant and not humble enough, just putting a name like coeliac on an illness doesnt describe every microscopic event going on inside the human body.

I recently caught a flight some where and recieved a in flight meal, I didnt want to eat it but I hate to waste it. it was a huge mistake to eat it. I had the worst uncontrollable fear/anxiety it was incredible, i nearly broke down into tears, I went to the bathroom on the plane and my eyes werw all glassy.

I felt so panicky because airports are like nazi processing camps and I get nervous enough already when I have to go through them.

I had a big box of donuts I bought for my wife and children, but my wife got angry at me when I called her for some reason.

I arrived in perth went through customs and ended up sitting in the rain waiting for my family to come pick me up but they never came.

worst day of my life

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before, when I was not insanely careful about my diet, I would scoff down any thing.

I would sit at my computer eating a bag of salt and vinegar chips, double cheese burger pizza, a whole bar or chocolate and 2 litre of orange juice

the resulting side effects were truly bone chilling

besides the horrible acne I also had

-severe severe anxiety

-horrible depression

-foul foul smelling diarrhea

-very bad BO

-foul smelling white shit constantly coming off my tonsels

-extreme nervousness

-a very low iq and I couldnt concetrate

-my confidence was so bad I could barely walk in public

-I used to dream my insides where rotten and hollow

im pretty much cured now, but boy do I have a deep loathing for older people and doctors, society is truly arrogant and not humble enough, just putting a name like coeliac on an illness doesnt describe every microscopic event going on inside the human body.

I recently caught a flight some where and recieved a in flight meal, I didnt want to eat it but I hate to waste it. it was a huge mistake to eat it. I had the worst uncontrollable fear/anxiety it was incredible, i nearly broke down into tears, I went to the bathroom on the plane and my eyes werw all glassy.

I felt so panicky because airports are like nazi processing camps and I get nervous enough already when I have to go through them.

I had a big box of donuts I bought for my wife and children, but my wife got angry at me when I called her for some reason.

I arrived in perth went through customs and ended up sitting in the rain waiting for my family to come pick me up but they never came.

worst day of my life

Is this a troll post ? coffee1.gif

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before, when I was not insanely careful about my diet, I would scoff down any thing.

I would sit at my computer eating a bag of salt and vinegar chips, double cheese burger pizza, a whole bar or chocolate and 2 litre of orange juice

the resulting side effects were truly bone chilling

besides the horrible acne I also had

-severe severe anxiety

-horrible depression

-foul foul smelling diarrhea

-very bad BO

-foul smelling white shit constantly coming off my tonsels

-extreme nervousness

-a very low iq and I couldnt concetrate

-my confidence was so bad I could barely walk in public

-I used to dream my insides where rotten and hollow

im pretty much cured now, but boy do I have a deep loathing for older people and doctors, society is truly arrogant and not humble enough, just putting a name like coeliac on an illness doesnt describe every microscopic event going on inside the human body.

I recently caught a flight some where and recieved a in flight meal, I didnt want to eat it but I hate to waste it. it was a huge mistake to eat it. I had the worst uncontrollable fear/anxiety it was incredible, i nearly broke down into tears, I went to the bathroom on the plane and my eyes werw all glassy.

I felt so panicky because airports are like nazi processing camps and I get nervous enough already when I have to go through them.

I had a big box of donuts I bought for my wife and children, but my wife got angry at me when I called her for some reason.

I arrived in perth went through customs and ended up sitting in the rain waiting for my family to come pick me up but they never came.

worst day of my life

Is this a troll post ? coffee1.gif

Very much sounds like it to me!

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before, when I was not insanely careful about my diet, I would scoff down any thing.

I would sit at my computer eating a bag of salt and vinegar chips, double cheese burger pizza, a whole bar or chocolate and 2 litre of orange juice

the resulting side effects were truly bone chilling

besides the horrible acne I also had

-severe severe anxiety

-horrible depression

-foul foul smelling diarrhea

-very bad BO

-foul smelling white shit constantly coming off my tonsels

-extreme nervousness

-a very low iq and I couldnt concetrate

-my confidence was so bad I could barely walk in public

-I used to dream my insides where rotten and hollow

im pretty much cured now, but boy do I have a deep loathing for older people and doctors, society is truly arrogant and not humble enough, just putting a name like coeliac on an illness doesnt describe every microscopic event going on inside the human body.

I recently caught a flight some where and recieved a in flight meal, I didnt want to eat it but I hate to waste it. it was a huge mistake to eat it. I had the worst uncontrollable fear/anxiety it was incredible, i nearly broke down into tears, I went to the bathroom on the plane and my eyes werw all glassy.

I felt so panicky because airports are like nazi processing camps and I get nervous enough already when I have to go through them.

I had a big box of donuts I bought for my wife and children, but my wife got angry at me when I called her for some reason.

I arrived in perth went through customs and ended up sitting in the rain waiting for my family to come pick me up but they never came.

worst day of my life

Is this a troll post ? coffee1.gif

Very much sounds like it to me!

honestly I think a lot of normal people just cant imagine the world that people with chronic illness live in, thr disease gets into your brain

its not a troll post

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Maybe whatever it was that ailed you has stopped of its own accord. Gluten intolerance is a highly dodgy diagnosis in the first place....a "fad" disease. Every quack in the book loves to diagnose this.

"The idea that gluten sensitivity is real and widespread goes far beyond the current scientific evidence, and the well-established facts of celiac disease."

​Chronic deceases don't last forever.

BTW - Celiac is an autoimmune decease, not an allergy or intolerance.

Please do not post quotes without giving your source.

While I agree that non-celiac gluten sensitivity is an unclear entity and something of a "fad" diagnosis, true celiac disease is actually underdiagnosed and not all that rare - about 1 person in 140. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22850429

As to people who do not have celiac disease but have bowel symptoms that improve on a gluten-free diet, it is unclear at this point what is going on, though recent research suggests that something in wheat other than gluten may be involved. In any case, there are many people who have GI problems which improve on a diet that restricts foods high in gluten and I wouldn't discount their experience just because we do not yet know exactly what the mechanism is. It is possible there is more than one mechanism and that in at least some cases people are allergic to something in wheat (or commonly added to wheat products) other than gluten.

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I don't look at this forum often, but noticed this thread while heading for the farming forum. I'm a tree surgeon, not a medical practitioner. I have used TCM dietary medicine, preventive herbal prescriptions and patent medicines, and occasional acupuncture treatments for over 40 years of my 67, and attribute this to staying relatively healthy. I've had some injuries, but I don't get the heavy colds or flu or other health problems that so many people do.

Regarding celiac and gluten issues --- Traditional Chinese Medicine takes into account a possible "spleen chi deficiency". Diagnosis can be done by a TCM practitioner. I noticed a pinned topic on acupuncture. Some acupuncturists are that only, and treatments won't necessarily produce long term benefits. But some are practicing both branches of the clinical system, herbs and acupuncture; the body and the strength of TCM is in the herbs and dietary medicine recommendations; thermal properties of food, yin and yang and meridian influences, etc. Check it out.


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I don't look at this forum often, but noticed this thread while heading for the farming forum. I'm a tree surgeon, not a medical practitioner. I have used TCM dietary medicine, preventive herbal prescriptions and patent medicines, and occasional acupuncture treatments for over 40 years of my 67, and attribute this to staying relatively healthy. I've had some injuries, but I don't get the heavy colds or flu or other health problems that so many people do.

Regarding celiac and gluten issues --- Traditional Chinese Medicine takes into account a possible "spleen chi deficiency". Diagnosis can be done by a TCM practitioner. I noticed a pinned topic on acupuncture. Some acupuncturists are that only, and treatments won't necessarily produce long term benefits. But some are practicing both branches of the clinical system, herbs and acupuncture; the body and the strength of TCM is in the herbs and dietary medicine recommendations; thermal properties of food, yin and yang and meridian influences, etc. Check it out.


" "spleen chi deficiency". - QED - totally without any evidence to support it - what the HELL is "chi" meant to be????

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hi OP here , I would like to update u on the progress of my gluten intolerance cured story.

bad news

I started eating cakes and bread rolls again. I am truly thankful that I dont get cystic pimples any more but I unfortunately do suffer from a very bad sore brain!!!!

its pretty annoying if I eat a lot of bread now I get like some kind of wheat hang over, its not exactly a headache, its like a sore brain

and im really tired

ftw (the old meaning of the abbreviation)

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The title of the OP is problematic in the first place - "cured" implies some outside substance or agent had had an effect on you - this is unlikely as many chronic conditions ca "clear up" or lessen.

Is it established you have "intolerance" and by whom?

One wonders also whether your diet has changed - The staple in Thailand is rice which as I understand it is gluten free, so your intake may have gone done, if however you then return to western "comfort foods" you may have increased your gluten intake.

Edited by wilcopops
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I don't look at this forum often, but noticed this thread while heading for the farming forum. I'm a tree surgeon, not a medical practitioner. I have used TCM dietary medicine, preventive herbal prescriptions and patent medicines, and occasional acupuncture treatments for over 40 years of my 67, and attribute this to staying relatively healthy. I've had some injuries, but I don't get the heavy colds or flu or other health problems that so many people do.

Regarding celiac and gluten issues --- Traditional Chinese Medicine takes into account a possible "spleen chi deficiency". Diagnosis can be done by a TCM practitioner. I noticed a pinned topic on acupuncture. Some acupuncturists are that only, and treatments won't necessarily produce long term benefits. But some are practicing both branches of the clinical system, herbs and acupuncture; the body and the strength of TCM is in the herbs and dietary medicine recommendations; thermal properties of food, yin and yang and meridian influences, etc. Check it out.


" "spleen chi deficiency". - QED - totally without any evidence to support it - what the HELL is "chi" meant to be????

Chi or qi is life energy, prana or ki in other traditional medical and health practices.

The evidence is in the practice, modern science hasn't found laboratory analysis yet for everything that makes up our being. Try Chi Kung practices, Tai Chi Chuan or Hatha Yoga. You may like it and learn something profound about self healing and healing of others.

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I don't look at this forum often, but noticed this thread while heading for the farming forum. I'm a tree surgeon, not a medical practitioner. I have used TCM dietary medicine, preventive herbal prescriptions and patent medicines, and occasional acupuncture treatments for over 40 years of my 67, and attribute this to staying relatively healthy. I've had some injuries, but I don't get the heavy colds or flu or other health problems that so many people do.

Regarding celiac and gluten issues --- Traditional Chinese Medicine takes into account a possible "spleen chi deficiency". Diagnosis can be done by a TCM practitioner. I noticed a pinned topic on acupuncture. Some acupuncturists are that only, and treatments won't necessarily produce long term benefits. But some are practicing both branches of the clinical system, herbs and acupuncture; the body and the strength of TCM is in the herbs and dietary medicine recommendations; thermal properties of food, yin and yang and meridian influences, etc. Check it out.


" "spleen chi deficiency". - QED - totally without any evidence to support it - what the HELL is "chi" meant to be????

Chi or qi is life energy, prana or ki in other traditional medical and health practices.

The evidence is in the practice, modern science hasn't found laboratory analysis yet for everything that makes up our being. Try Chi Kung practices, Tai Chi Chuan or Hatha Yoga. You may like it and learn something profound about self healing and healing of others.

The question was rhetorical

Chi or qi is life energy, prana or ki in other traditional medical and health practices.

We can measure energy from stars that are light years away the absolute minutest traces of energy, yet chi and ki and aslk the other energies claimed by these doctrines are completely nonexistent - so their whole credo is based on an illusion.

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I don't look at this forum often, but noticed this thread while heading for the farming forum. I'm a tree surgeon, not a medical practitioner. I have used TCM dietary medicine, preventive herbal prescriptions and patent medicines, and occasional acupuncture treatments for over 40 years of my 67, and attribute this to staying relatively healthy. I've had some injuries, but I don't get the heavy colds or flu or other health problems that so many people do.

Regarding celiac and gluten issues --- Traditional Chinese Medicine takes into account a possible "spleen chi deficiency". Diagnosis can be done by a TCM practitioner. I noticed a pinned topic on acupuncture. Some acupuncturists are that only, and treatments won't necessarily produce long term benefits. But some are practicing both branches of the clinical system, herbs and acupuncture; the body and the strength of TCM is in the herbs and dietary medicine recommendations; thermal properties of food, yin and yang and meridian influences, etc. Check it out.


" "spleen chi deficiency". - QED - totally without any evidence to support it - what the HELL is "chi" meant to be????

Chi or qi is life energy, prana or ki in other traditional medical and health practices.

The evidence is in the practice, modern science hasn't found laboratory analysis yet for everything that makes up our being. Try Chi Kung practices, Tai Chi Chuan or Hatha Yoga. You may like it and learn something profound about self healing and healing of others.

It is a totally false argument to suggest that because science "can't explain everything" some baseless dogma must therefore be true.

What we can do is test the efficacy of these therapies and they always fail to live up to their claims.

Edited by wilcopops
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