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What's The Worst Thing You've Done While Drunk?


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Worst thing I ever did when drunk was in Patong, Phuket. I knew a Thai girl for 18 months, decided to marry her, bought a ring and took her to our favorite bar (she was not a bar girl) where I proposed. Had many tequila shooters thereafter. Wandered off in a drunken haze to the toilet which was some way from the bar. Came out and got lost. Ended up at another bar drinking tequila with a girl. Took her (or she took me) back to hotel where started to have fun. Meanwhile my girlfriend, worried when I not come back, start looking for me and eventually came back to hotel. She opened the door to find me going at it. Oh shit. Worse to come - found out the girl was my girlfriend’s cousin. What an engagement party!

My girlfriend and I married 2 years later and have lived very happily for 5 years since in Isaan. She occasionally mentions that night with laughter but I cringe inside. Never touched tequila since then.

I'll bet...Is that as bad as getting it with your roommates ex girlfriend??

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Worst thing I ever did when drunk was in Patong, Phuket. I knew a Thai girl for 18 months, decided to marry her, bought a ring and took her to our favorite bar (she was not a bar girl) where I proposed. Had many tequila shooters thereafter. Wandered off in a drunken haze to the toilet which was some way from the bar. Came out and got lost. Ended up at another bar drinking tequila with a girl. Took her (or she took me) back to hotel where started to have fun. Meanwhile my girlfriend, worried when I not come back, start looking for me and eventually came back to hotel. She opened the door to find me going at it. Oh shit. Worse to come - found out the girl was my girlfriend’s cousin. What an engagement party!

My girlfriend and I married 2 years later and have lived very happily for 5 years since in Isaan. She occasionally mentions that night with laughter but I cringe inside. Never touched tequila since then.

I'll bet...Is that as bad as getting it with your roommates ex girlfriend??

Ok, this story reminded me of some stories from my heritage. oh and Khall told me I had to post actual stories, not comments here.

2 Close calls from the college days.

I shared a apartment with 2 other summer hires for a oil company in California. The gig was, we rotated who got to sleep in the bedroom for each week. The other 2 slept in the living room area on the couch and the floor. The living area and the bedroom were connected by a 2 door bathroom shared by all. What can I say? We were cheap college students and the living pickings were slim in that beach community. One night, I was drunk. one roommate went to San Francisco and the other was working overtime offshore. I called the girlfriend of the guy who was working offshore and told her to come over. I went outside the locked gate and waited for her (2 beers in hand). As I was waiting, the roommate drove up. I tried to hide. He stopped and asked me incredulously what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for a friend and I thought he was a cop. He laughed and drove in. 3 minutes later, his gf showed up and I told her we had to be careful when entering. While he was in the bathroom, I hustled his woman into the bed - my bed. She and I went at it long time. The trick was to keep her quiet as she had a distinctive voice. In the morning I woke up and had to find a way to get her out without getting caught and before he saw her car in the parking lot. For a while we were trapped so we did it some more. I went out and verified the dude was watching TV. I then snuck her out.

Story #2

I was in a frat and had a pretty good looking gf for the engineering school I went to. She was in a sorority and she did not like the other girls in the other sorority. One night, we had a social with the other sorority. One of the girls she did not like came to my room to talk and get free cocktails from me. After 3 of those (I had several before and I was on my way) , we were naked in my bed and were being very friendly in the biblical sense. I heard knocking on my door. I stopped midpump and tried to be quiet. My gf was knocking on my door and calling for me. Thank God the door was locked. But, she kept knocking and calling for me. The door had a weak lock and she knew how to break in because she often broke in for together time. Sure enough she found her way in. I got off the other girl but did not have time to dress and get out the bed. My gf came to the bed and found me and the other girl lying there naked. I expected the worst but tried to explain we were only talking about her problems and then we were massaging each other. My gf bought it or must have had a date with some other guy because she left with minimal hassle. Me and the other girl looked at each other then "massaged" each other some more before joining the party upstairs. I got drunk that night.

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I've had my fair share of bodily function disasters etc after a surfeit of alcohol, but the most shameful thing I have ever done was drink-related. I still blush when I think of it now.

I was about 18 and thought I was Jack the biscuit. I was with a few mates in the pub one lovely summer's evening and got pissed. Also in the pub was a selection of the local hard lads, who had never caused me a problem and who I never caused problems to. No probs. Easy.

One of them, the wit of the bunch, said to me "how come you're so fat?" to which I replied "because every time I ###### your wife, she gives me a biscuit." Now under normal circumstances this would have been ok, as there was always a lot of banter between our respective groups. However, it so happened that I had indeed being having a bit of a thing with his wife, and the alcohol told me it was a really good idea to tell him exactly what she liked, how she like it,what she did and so on, so that he was in no doubt that I had first-hand experience.

Thereafter, the guy gave me a real hiding. Not only did I fully deserve it, but my mates didn't do too much to stop it, such was their disgust.

Since then, I have never, ever messed about with an attached woman.

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  • 8 months later...

What seems like a good idea with a few beers inside you-

Went out with mates and drunk too much. Was supposed to stay at mates place but plans changed and staggered home at 4am to pester my gf. She had assumed I would stay out for the night and double locked the door. Called cell, banged door and window, a row of terraces, no way around. Was quite warm and decided to sleep on the step, it started to rain, tried to get under my car in the drive, it was only a ford so very low and only half of me fitted under. Yes these things seem like good ideas when drunk. Glanced over a neigbours drive, they have a family a one of those mini vans for all the kids. Good ground clearance. So crawled under and passed out. Next morning woke as engine of this van was started up, banged head and very confused. The guy reversed pretty quick and i dont think it was good sense but slow reactions as i lay still and he smoothly moved over me. Then he saw me and started laughing so much that his whole family came out plus my gf and a few curtain twitchers. I must have looked so rough anyway, a sore head from the booze and the bang and bits of dry grass and stones stuck to my face. Never really did live that one down until we moved.

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Well, it seems the imagination had been working overtime with some of these stores. The bullsh*t-ometer went off the chart wile reading oneeyedjohn s account of public indecency and urinating on a seat in first class on an airplane. In the 'real world' he would have been arrested and imprisoned. Got any more fairytales for us john?

Perhaps you were drunk when you made that story up?

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On China Beach in Vietnam, about 15 years ago. Bought a cheap bottle of vodka and got pissed on the beach. The beach hawkers, all young kids, were hanging around us trying to speak English and what have you. I felt a ripper of a fart coming up, so I got one of the kids to pull my finger just as I let rip. Unfortunately all that happened was I shat myself and had brown tracks running down down the insides of my legs... the looks on the kids' faces! I ran down to the water and stayed in for the next couple of hours, until it was dark enough for me to leave incognito.

:o:D:bah::D:D:D good one, started to laugh before finished reading.

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I have to relive my moment of shame quite often as it happened at the company Christmas party. Was an extremely bad few months leading up to it, so when the time came, I let loose. Playing dice for shots, which were usually Jose Cuervo or Wild Turkey. Needless to say, I got quite sick. The bathroom was covered in vomit...what's worse is after that...I passed out. I woke up mostly naked wrapped in toilet paper.

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