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Govt hires US firm to lobby US govt to set up naval base in Thailand: US Department of Justice


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"The US lobbyist was also hired to lobby for US military assistance in establishing a safe harbor zone around Thailand's waters."

​Safe from who exactly? Which begs the question... Who in the world is safe from the U.S.?

It actually makes Thailand a lot more 'unsafe'.

Thailand will just become more of a target if and when the US attacks North Korea and uses Thailand as a jumping platform.

Won't take long for a couple of NK subs to get here with a couple of nukes for the new base and BKK.

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"The US lobbyist was also hired to lobby for US military assistance in establishing a safe harbor zone around Thailand's waters."

​Safe from who exactly? Which begs the question... Who in the world is safe from the U.S.?

Read the news....... China ..

So am I safer with the Chinese running the show or the US? The answer is neither... it's all about big business protecting their own interests. Read the news. The governments that send armies and navies around the world to fight don't care what you think or who dies in the process, it's all about the money.

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There has been an American armed forces presence in Korat for quite some time. They train pilots and assist in mock combat sorties. US and British naval ships have made calls at Thai ports for many years.

I cannot believe such an expenditure was made until there is a response from the US government about this document. The US news services will pick this up and check on it, too. the one thisng US news services do consistently is to love airing people's dirty laundry.

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The government spent some money without asking parliament. I was under the impression that the relativity small amount would almost be a petty cash chit with most governments.

$20k would not get much lobbying Washington, is not Bangkok. You would need to spend more than 10 times that amount to get any sort of result.

10 times that amount ? Did not realise the US was so corrupt .................................

$20,000 will not get them through the first luncheon. The US is perhaps the most corrupt on earth, it just stays at the top, whereas in Thailand it is equal opportunity corruption.

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This document supposed to be coming from the DOJ.

Agreement is signed but Thai Foreign Ministry is denying it made payments. Maybe somebody else made payments on their behalf?

That document is from the FARA website - if I understand it correctly - and not the DoJ, it really doesn't imply that the Embassy has acted on anything, more so hearsay than anything else from Davenport McKesson, which if you have a look at the link I posted earlier it paints a less than flattering picture of them. Check their website out as well, hardly any information about exactly who they are. Which, for a supposed lobbyist firm, is a bit strange.

I'd be more inclined to believe it if there was a signed document from the Ambassador supporting the above assertions from Davenport McKesson.

Since the Thai Foreign Minister is not denying the agreement but says no payments were made by them, I don't know if I agree with you.


That's an article from 2012...

Regarding today's farce. The Foreign Ministry has denied an agreement exists between the Government and Davenport McKesson. Nothing signed by the Ambassador on behalf of the Government, it's an alleged phone conversation. Hardly concrete evidence to back up claims by Davenport McKesson.

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"The Yingluck government has paid US$20,000 to a US firm to lobby Washington to build a naval base in Thailand without seeking approval from the Thai parliament first, according to a piece of document from the US Department of Justice."

I don't buy this story, why would Yingluck or the man in Dubai try to hire a US firm in this matter without get approval from the parliament first? And where is the proof? Why not post the so called "piece of document"?

"The US lobbyist was also hired to lobby for US military assistance in establish a safe harbor zone around Thailand's waters."

Now this make perfectly sense clap2.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

If you had bothered to read the OP you would have noticed that the document WAS posted on Nadaprapai Sucharitkul facebook page.

I think also the pointg isn't that they spend 20.000$ without seeking parliament approval first, but the fact that they made action where parliament approval was required without following the rules.

This is just one example that has come above water, but there are probably more of them but they are better hidden.

So it is clear that Thaksin this government just do as it feels pleased.

I did bother to read the OP and yes I checked Nadaprapai Sucharitkul facebook page witch btw. was all in thai so I did not find any document what so ever, maybe you can be so kindly and get it for all of us who want to read it?

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Worth quoting the first part of the link Grant posted:

'CLIENTS: WE NEVER HIRED DAVENPORT MCKESSON: Two “clients” of a company calling itself Davenport McKesson have denied ever hiring the firm. In late November, Davenport filed lobbying registrations with the Department of Justice and the U.S. Senate to represent the University of Maryland and the government of Thailand. (PI reported on both off the public documents.) The problem? Both clients tell PI the registrations are fake and that they never engaged Davenport McKesson on any lobbying business.

“The assertion that Davenport McKesson Corporation is representing the University of Maryland as part of a contract with the state of Maryland is a complete fabrication. I don't know the nature or intent of their false filing, nor do I know why this person or people chose the University of Maryland, but we contacted the secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records, to alert them,” Andy Clark, assistant vice chancellor for government relations, told PI.

Similarly, according to a Thai embassy official: “The embassy has not engaged any service from Davenport McKesson nor is it aware of any Thai government agency doing so with the company."'


Presumably the University of Maryland would have little reason to lie about this.

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hearsay propaganda and just plain BS. they kicked out nasa not so long ago so why would they stoop to this even lower depth.

US justice dept has the repudiation lower than of a bunch of marauding street thugs so why would you believe anything they spin

I think many people would repudiate what the U.S. Justice Dept says since they have a poor reputation?

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Another dictator Suthep story to discredit the democratic government...who knows with what he comes up next.

Spot on, that is my gut feeling. The timing a vague story payments denied, a fishy lobby group.

Misinformation that is eaten up by the pro Suthep media will reinforce the corrupt and unconstituional practices of the dissoloved Govt.

Pandora's box is being opened but what is actual fact and just created for the days ahead is another story.

Snowden would know

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This is strange development considering Thailand just squashed both the U.S. military weather station and the NASA project at U-Tapao.

Not to mention that Thailand asked the US to withdraw its forces from Thai soil in 1975. From Wiki:

The United States ended its involvement in Southeast Asia by treaty and disengagement rather than by military victory. After the fall of Saigon in 1975, relations between Washington and Bangkok turned sour. In May 1975, the Royal Thai Government asked the United States to remove all of its combat forces (27,000 troops, 300 aircraft) by 1976.

The USAF bases were closed and the last USAF personnel left Thailand in June 1976.

Probably no basis in fact but I find it amusing to hear that the Thais want the US back. I bet China would be happy to oblige :)

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It's the first time in a while where a country is asking the US to build a military outpost in their country. Another way of begging for money.

Except for Vietnam and the Philippines in this region alone. And that is ignoring the rotation of Marines in Australia.

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so she spend her daily lunch money budget for something like this

next is : US buys land of former PM to build .....

20,000 USD would barely cover lunch with the big lobbyists. These are the people who engage in vote buying in western countries but we use a nice euphemism

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"The US lobbyist was also hired to lobby for US military assistance in establishing a safe harbor zone around Thailand's waters."

​Safe from who exactly? Which begs the question... Who in the world is safe from the U.S.?

It actually makes Thailand a lot more 'unsafe'.

Thailand will just become more of a target if and when the US attacks North Korea and uses Thailand as a jumping platform.

Won't take long for a couple of NK subs to get here with a couple of nukes for the new base and BKK.

Oh come on. The N. Koreans could barely get a missile across the Sea of Japan.

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There are some very naïve or just plain stupid people on TV.

Thailand does not need this it is insane, and considering Thaksin has employed 7 US lobbying firms while on the run it comes as no surprise…this is the follow up to the cancellation of the planned US MILITARY WEATHER STATION (cheesy.gif ) at Sattahip.

Next you will be telling me the TPP is a great idea also

These are all steps into a UN one World army..that many again will say whats wrong with that.

The US Army will morph into the UN World Army within 15 years, why do you think Chinese, Russian and Romanian troops are all on joint activities in the US at the moment

While the people sleep the biggest crimes are committed

Tin foil helmet alert!!

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The government spent some money without asking parliament. I was under the impression that the relativity small amount would almost be a petty cash chit with most governments.

$20k would not get much lobbying Washington, is not Bangkok. You would need to spend more than 10 times that amount to get any sort of result.

Read again, The article states it was $20 million. of tax the country's revenue without approval.

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Interesting putting this together with the info that Thaksin is backed by the USA. Maybe this is a way of the PT party trying to curry more favour with the US government to help with the international propaganda to cover up what is really going on here. At least we know the truth ( well, some of us do anyway ), let's try and help educate those who don't...

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