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Yingluck denies she's taking leave


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"Please tell me how it should be done. I see that the politics should be reformed. But how should it be done to win acceptance from all sides? I agree with Senior Citizen Doctor Prawase Wasi who said there is inequality in our society. We must bring about fairness in the country instead of changing the government or fighting. We must turn to talk to one another," Yingluck said.

( Buzzer sounds ) Wrong answer ! The government HAS TO change as the government IS THE PROBLEM. The Shin regime must come to an end.

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Please tell me how it should be done.

Invent a time machine, go back to school and come back with proper qualifications.

Based on my experience of politicians she is admirably qualified. Liar, cheat, corrupt what more could you ask? She could fit into Government anywhere in the world.

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Mudcrab post # 33.

Based on my experience of politicians she is admirably qualified. Liar, cheat, corrupt what more could you ask? She could fit into Government anywhere in the world.

However in the real world of politics one has to serve a political apprenticeship unlike Yingluck who was given a new set of strings by the puppet master then placed upon the stage as the stand in stooge for the absent lead villain who took the position of ''puppet master and ventriloquist.

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How does she get 2 seats to herself while there are all those people are having to stand at the back ?

Surely it could be seen as divisive that she has been allocated an extra luxury first class carriage, while ordinary Thai people would have to travel on the usual cattle trucks....

That is a first class carriage, isn't it?

Nobody actually paid for a ticket anyway, nobody in the photo has ever paid for a ticket on Thai airways, so why would they pay for a train ticket?

Edited by bangon04
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Please tell me how it should be done.

Invent a time machine, go back to school and come back with proper qualifications.

Just remember Ronald Regan was a "B" actor with Alzheimer's and many consider him the

greatest Republican president of the 20th century. Really all she needs is vision and integrity.

Unfortunately those qualities seem lacking in any Thai politician so far. sad.png

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"He said the Constitution stipulates that the election must be held within 60 days after the lower House is dissolved, in this case, Feb 6 is the last day to hold election as the king endorsed the royal decree on House dissolution on Dec 9. Postponing the election beyond February 6 is unconstitutional, he said, no matter if the dialogue to find a way out of the nation's crisis will conclude in time or not."

This statement will upset the TVF Thaksin fan club members, they always claimed that the military overthrew Thaksin while he was a democratically elected PM. However, in reality he was a caretaker PM and now according to Chuchai Ratanachaicharn, secretary-general of the Council of State, he was an unconstitutional caretaker PM..........

"Thaksin announced on 4 April 2006 that he would not accept the post of Prime Minister after Parliament reconvened, but would continue as Caretaker Prime Minister until then............In the evening of 19 September 2006, while Thaksin was visiting New York City, US, to attend a United Nations summit and speak at the Council on Foreign Relations, the army took control of Bangkok."

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"Please tell me how it should be done. I see that the politics should be reformed. But how should it be done to win acceptance from all sides? I agree with Senior Citizen Doctor Prawase Wasi who said there is inequality in our society. We must bring about fairness in the country instead of changing the government or fighting. We must turn to talk to one another," Yingluck said.

( Buzzer sounds ) Wrong answer ! The government HAS TO change as the government IS THE PROBLEM. The Shin regime must come to an end.

This time I think there is sincerity in her words because of what is happening

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"Please tell me how it should be done. I see that the politics should be reformed. But how should it be done to win acceptance from all sides? I agree with Senior Citizen Doctor Prawase Wasi who said there is inequality in our society. We must bring about fairness in the country instead of changing the government or fighting. We must turn to talk to one another," Yingluck said.

( Buzzer sounds ) Wrong answer ! The government HAS TO change as the government IS THE PROBLEM. The Shin regime must come to an end.

This time I think there is sincerity in her words because of what is happening

Sincerity is the key. Once a politician learns to fake it they can deceive any number of gullible fools.

A "sincere perjurer" is the ultimate oxymoron.

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how can it be done, lets see.

1. Issue an arrest warrant for your brother.

2. Cancel his passport

3. Stop all the graft/corruption you are supervising with the ptp(rice scam, flood/water work, 2 trillion loan).

4. Stop trying to change the charter so the ptp can do as they like and let all the red shirts/thaksin/corrupt ptp grafters facing trial off.

5. Stop trying to change the laws to suit and stop putting ptp puppets in charge of the investigations.

6. Let the judges do their jobs unhindered.

7. Not allow any politician that has been convicted of crime/s become a member of parliament.

8. All members of parliament cannot maintain their former work positions/ranks once elected.

This would be a great start and easily done. Oh, make it compulsory that the PM must attend all parliament sittings unless overseas on Govt business.

So problem solved they will have NO politicians! Many have been covicted of various crimes. If not it is only because they are wealthy enough to pay their way out of trouble.

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I think the PM has shown the Thai people how serious she is in her responsible position. She has deligated chairmanship on committees she holds, to others, the weekly tv show has had most of the cabinet on it several times but the PM was absent most of the time. Dozens of foreign trips with a escort of dozens. Disappears from public view at times of critial votes, or debate. This week she is on a homevisit, claiming work on problems for which other ministers are responsible. I am reminded of a young child, short attention span, with the need for constent supervision, someone to clean up the mess they make, Maybe she should have been sent to a boarding school instead of leader of the country

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"Ok everyone, we are going to have a forum to try and resolve this mess, Im just sneaking out to Chiang Mai for a smoke!"

Seriously, if you are the leader of a country in turmoil you don't delegate the task to a subordinate. You lead!

This circus is a joke and deserves all the sarcasm it gets!

Edited by wonder6281
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So the PM initiates a forum to solve the crisis, then let someone else do the talking for her.

Only in Thailand Pheu Thai .

Does there need to be any more proof that Yingluck isn't capable for leading this government.

It's fair to suggest she is doing this because she recognises that she is a divisive figure. I doubt that she is scared of the goose stepping bully boy and in any event he doesn't have the guts to attend.

Divisive - no one takes her seriously do they? Its the family name that's divisive.

Almost agree with your second sentence. Thaksin doesn't have the guts to attend but I do think he scares her thumbsup.gif

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Wow, with that avatar and your generally strident PTP/Thaksin apologism/trollism, and you dare infer lunacy in others? Pot, meet kettle.

No, it is better that it proceeds in her absence. If she were there, it would degenerate into a feral frenzy. I hope the people who do attend are able to come up with some sensible proposals . Thailand runs the risk of being shunned by the international community if the lunacy of the people's committee gets legs

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"Please tell me how it should be done. I see that the politics should be reformed. But how should it be done to win acceptance from all sides? I agree with Senior Citizen Doctor Prawase Wasi who said there is inequality in our society. We must bring about fairness in the country instead of changing the government or fighting. We must turn to talk to one another," Yingluck said.

( Buzzer sounds ) Wrong answer ! The government HAS TO change as the government IS THE PROBLEM. The Shin regime must come to an end.

This time I think there is sincerity in her words because of what is happening

Would you care to share your rationale for your statement.

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