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Yingluck's face stamped at Thammasat library


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"As Thammasat University is known for its democratic and liberal values, students of Thammasat have found the librarian's PM-stamping habit extremely inappropriate ..."

Can someone explain to me the logic in here?

I think the attitude of the librarian a bit childish, but the University might consider teaching students some about democratic and liberal values as well ermm.gif

As I am sure you know the history of Thammasat and its place in momentous political events in 1973, 76 and to a lesser extent, 92, then I would have thought the librarian's action was a sign of continuing political dissent by one of the most silent, silenced and powerless occupations there is in Thai bureaucracy. She was probably only acting out what little power she felt she had left to show her views on the current PM. A good practical example of what James Scott termed a "Weapon of the Weak" - those little acts of defiance and insurrection, often done in private or behind the boss's back, to get back at "the system". Harmless stuff in the greater scheme of things and hardly worth anyone being investigated, much less losing their job.

I agree. Another storm in a tea cup. Students irritated by the librarian for this would be better off turning their attentions to the Rector who shut the whole university down in support of the protests, or the Vice Rector who threatened to trample Aum Neko because he was angered by her political stance. As you say, challenge people with actual power, not a librarian who simply wants to express her views with some minor irreverence towards Yingluck's image. All rather silly, really.

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Perhaps the librarian was being considerate by using the stamp on Yinglucks photo images to disguise'' The egg on Yinglucks face.''whistling.gif

I made a vow to my wife that unlike what I used to say and do in my homeland, I will refrain from commenting on Thai Politics, as I am a guest in this country and want to maintain that situation.

But there are just SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES going begging!

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Defacing public property. The librarian should be terminated from Thammasat.

...no I don't actually think one can class a newspaper as public property, and I am certain that, no matter which side of the political zipper you dress, the PM's face is not public property either.

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