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400,000 tourists cancel travels to Thailand


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Can have little sympathy with the Thai's at this time,and certainly can't blame the tourists for being frightened off.Maybe when it starts costing lots of baht,then maybe they'll learn to adopt a more mature attitude regarding their politics,for the good of the country,but maybe i'm just dreaming.

dead right john....also with the troubles its forced people to look at other aisan options,,once they go back and tell family and friends how nice and unspoilt the beaches were ..it will continue to hurt thailand,though they wont admit it ..bit like benedorm maybe done it to death then move on...coffee1.gif

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Well as TAT have said in another thread they are still confident of meeting their target and smashing records again this year. Just need 200+ extra tourists per week on top for the rest of the yeah.

Nothing to worry about TAT always reach their objective without fail.

P.S TAT, Tourists haven't simply put of their travels to Thailand, they have gone elsewhere in S/E Asia and it's a growing trend with cleaner beaches, less assaults and scams etc.

always been an avid believer that thaland has so much to offer and would eventually see a reasonable level of common sense and less short sighted and greedy but starting to think otherwise.. What's Vietnam like????

vietnam is light years behind thailand. 2-3 days there youll be wishing u were in bangkok again.

So what you're saying, is that it's still the good old days in Vietnam?

Like Thailand was back in the '70's and '80's?

Hmmm. Food for thought.

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So, being out in the sticks, it's not the electric that is unstable in my little town, it's the interweb. My wife called ToT at 9 a.m. to ask why the net was down, and was told the fibre-optic cable broke when a sugar tree truck struck a utility pole, and 3 provinces were without the net. It just came back at 4 p.m. - amazing in that they usually won't do repairs on the weekend.

So reading this interesting thread brings to mind a question about ASEAN: how will the political turmoil affect our relations with the other members of that group?

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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.

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the biggest threat to tourism in Thailand is thai people themselves... because once you know themwhistling.gif

Then you do not know many Thai people

My thoughts also. I know many, and find them to be genuine, hard-working, and honest. A pleasure to spend time with. Leave the beer bar for a few days and visit the small towns. You will meet many nice people.

My thoughts also. Lovely people. Cross sections of communities have those individuals to avoid. Probably less in Thailand from my experience.

I try not to make condescending comments like, "A pleasure to spend time with" and "Lovely people" but....From my experience, you will meet sociable Thais in Pattaya, Phuket anywhere in Thailand if you socialise. However, you are more likely to get into trouble in one of the Thai bar behind Big C in Ubon, than in any bar in Pattaya. Its all relative, but in general I find the Thai women the most genuine, hard working and honest, the Thai guys have a lot of attitude.

Edited by waza
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Just wait till Myanmar is discovered, unspoilt beaches!

... and poor roads, dodgy airlines, unreliable electricity, expensive accommodation, rampant corruption, dual pricing, military oppression, antiquated banking system &c. &c..

And that's overlooking moral issues such as slavery, oppression of minority groups, and the fact that much of your money ends up in the hands of the military elite and their chums.

Much as I love Burma and its people, I think it's going to be a long time before it's going to represent a significant threat to Thailand's tourist industry.

From your description above, it is difficult to decide if you are describing Burma or Thailand? It seems that the 2 countries are converging quickly - Thailand sees Burma as a role model, while Burma sees Thailand as a role model...

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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.

Jeez, man. Lighten up.

A lot of us are working in Thailand, getting paid a big salary bump as a "hardship location". Every time the company starts making noises about doing away with the hardship differential, I just show them a few rants from Thai Visa here. And every time, they back down, sometimes even offering to sweeten the deal.

We got a good thing going. Don't mess it up for us.

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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.


I have to disagree!

I am not a guest here, I am a sponsor and would like to betreated like one.

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Thailand would be better off without all the apologists always telling other farang to go home. Status quo does not help a third world country. People offering advice for betterment are worth billions if the leaders would listen.

Sent from my not so smart phone

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As someone who had to change travel plans when Bangkok airport was closed due to protests, who had to cancel an operation in Bangkok because of shooting outside the hospital, who experienced the Coup . . .

And none of these episodes seemed to affect tourist numbers at all. Is there something about this latest state of affairs that is spooking the tourists? After all, the disagreement is still the same and this time there seems to be less violence.

Perhaps it is the straw that broke the camel's back? Perhaps the tourists have more places to go, in Cambodia and Vietnam, for instance. And soon Myanmar.

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As someone who had to change travel plans when Bangkok airport was closed due to protests, who had to cancel an operation in Bangkok because of shooting outside the hospital, who experienced the Coup . . .

And none of these episodes seemed to affect tourist numbers at all. Is there something about this latest state of affairs that is spooking the tourists? After all, the disagreement is still the same and this time there seems to be less violence.

Perhaps it is the straw that broke the camel's back? Perhaps the tourists have more places to go, in Cambodia and Vietnam, for instance. And soon Myanmar.

Good questions and I believe the tourist numbers are down because of the new laws in China outlawing "zero dollar" tours, and the fact that 5000 Russian travel agents have threatened to send their customers elsewhere if Thailand doesn't get its act together with regard to Russian tourists.

But the powers that be can kill 2 birds with one stone. Blame their own failures on the protesters, and get everyone who counts on the tourist industry hacked off at their political enemies- just in time for February's elections.

Edited by impulse
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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.


I have to disagree!

I am not a guest here, I am a sponsor and would like to betreated like one.

Good luck with that, it ain't never gonna happen and you know what Misab? There's a whole lot of Thais are most definitly going to mind when I go back home next week but that's just the way it goes!

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vietnam is light years behind thailand. 2-3 days there youll be wishing u were in bangkok again.

What's your definition of 'behind' in that context? I reside in Thailand, but I take breaks by going to Laos or Burma. Both are probably 'behind' Thailand in terms of late model cars and shopping malls, but that's the appeal for some of us. Whenever I cross the border back in to Thailand, I feel a bit like I did during High School daze, after the long weekend of partying, I'd have to go home again and check in with the parents.

In 'behind' countries, between late afternoon and night-time, you'll find gobs of locals communing out on the streets. They'll be laughing, gossiping, hailing each other, and carrying on like one big community. In Thailand, it's back inside individual houses or off to the mall in tight little social units - with florescent lamps and Air-Con all around - westernized and glistening with whitening cream and fake smiles.

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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.

They might not mind, but they'd much prefer you hang out and keep going to the ATM to spend that 20k daily maximum.

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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.

Perhaps you should review the title of the thread. Here you wish foreigners who are already here to

go back home, and yet Thailand is panicking about foreigners who have not even come here yet.

So you are exacerbating the problem...... Thailand is clearly facing competition in the tourism market,

so it will just be a matter of solving some fundamental problems in order to get the tourists back.

A stable government, and the end of the pathetic jet ski and jewelry scam would be a great start.

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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.

Perhaps you should review the title of the thread. Here you wish foreigners who are already here to

go back home, and yet Thailand is panicking about foreigners who have not even come here yet.

So you are exacerbating the problem...... Thailand is clearly facing competition in the tourism market,

so it will just be a matter of solving some fundamental problems in order to get the tourists back.

A stable government, and the end of the pathetic jet ski and jewelry scam would be a great start.

The Jet Ski problem is like the ravens in the Tower of London (if they should ever go the Crown will fall and the Tower with it) - if this is ever properly addressed it will be a sign that at long last corruption and all the grift that goes with it is at an end. Such a Thailand will surely rise up the economic league tables, become more prosperous - putting an end once and for all to the 'cheap' destination that so many of us white-skins appreciate this may go hand in hand with a desire to clean up its notorious international sex tourist reputation. This will be the beginning of the end for may of the farangs now in Thailand and that in turn means many of the posters on TVF.

Edited by beautifulthailand99
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mabey the thais attitude towards tourists is finally showing through...smiles just dont cut it anymore...that, and most of the tourist destinations in thailand are over run with tour coaches, and scammers.tourists are tired of getting tired of breathing deasel fumes and getting hearded, and treated like cows..thailand is not a great destination any longer and the thais cant see that,they blame it on politics...then again what can you expect,the tourist industry is staffed with uneducated children.....from jet ski rental staff to drugged out taxi drivers......amazing romantic thailand...but it is my home,it is just a shame to see it getting over developed and run into the ground,it was once the jewel of east asia...

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Maybe they heard of Bali. thumbsup.gif

or Vietnam.

Having been a regular, twice a year, visitor to Phuket since 1996 I gave up on the place three years ago and am so glad I did.

For a city break Saigon beats Bangkok hands down with amazing architecture and some of the best and reasonably priced French resteraunts ever, and the beaches around Da Nang area are hastle free and beautiful.

Another major advantage is an hours less flying from HK.

Da Nang beach....

attachicon.gifP1140104.JPG The view from my 500 baht per night suite



What are prices like for food, transportation, and entertainment at Da Nang?

Edited by connda
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mabey the thais attitude towards tourists is finally showing through...smiles just dont cut it anymore...that, and most of the tourist destinations in thailand are over run with tour coaches, and scammers.tourists are tired of getting tired of breathing deasel fumes and getting hearded, and treated like cows..thailand is not a great destination any longer and the thais cant see that,they blame it on politics...then again what can you expect,the tourist industry is staffed with uneducated children.....from jet ski rental staff to drugged out taxi drivers......amazing romantic thailand...but it is my home,it is just a shame to see it getting over developed and run into the ground,it was once the jewel of east asia...

I live here, but never holiday here since years. And when people ask me, i advice to travel to other SE Asian destinations. Almost everwhere more pleasant, more friendly and cheaper too.

For example Vietnam: compare Nha Trang beach, which is clean, beautiful, still being built up on the way to a high end destination with Thailands number one dump Pattaya. And everything roughly half price of Thailand.

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i believe 400 000 is the number for this month alone.

I also have a feeling this number is much higher, as it does not include those who could not cancel and those who changed plans by NOT staying in Thailand but only to pass through to neighboring countries.

Judging by the amount of people on the streets and hotel occupancy's i would guess this month took double the quoted number hit

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"More strange numbers, the president of the Association of Domestic Travel ( Yoothachai Sunthornratanavej) says tourists have now dropped by over 20%....or up to 400,000 have cancelled travels to Thailand."

That would indicate that 2,000,000 overseas tourist were expected

However, he reports in the Jakarta Post that......."The tourism industry has felt the pinch of the protests since last month. The number of foreign arrivals between the end of November and mid-December was 400,000 short of the normal figure for this time of year. Normally, the monthly arrival figures are about 2.5 million during this period."

Then we have this media release from TAT..........."Sugree Sithivanich, deputy governor for marketing communications at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), said its overseas offices had reported no trip cancellations to Thailand, though offices in Europe have yet to send their reports."

Seems one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing.

Never did never will.

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vietnam is light years behind thailand. 2-3 days there youll be wishing u were in bangkok again.

What's your definition of 'behind' in that context? I reside in Thailand, but I take breaks by going to Laos or Burma. Both are probably 'behind' Thailand in terms of late model cars and shopping malls, but that's the appeal for some of us. Whenever I cross the border back in to Thailand, I feel a bit like I did during High School daze, after the long weekend of partying, I'd have to go home again and check in with the parents.

In 'behind' countries, between late afternoon and night-time, you'll find gobs of locals communing out on the streets. They'll be laughing, gossiping, hailing each other, and carrying on like one big community. In Thailand, it's back inside individual houses or off to the mall in tight little social units - with florescent lamps and Air-Con all around - westernized and glistening with whitening cream and fake smiles.

I Take my holidays in Vietnam but live here in Hua Hin, in my opinion not as bad as Phuket or pattaya but heading there fast! however it is one of the ugliest towns in thailand due to the advertising hoardings.

Love Vietnam much more civilized.

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To all of you, who have responded negatively to this topic, please be aware that you are all guests in this country, and you should behave accordingly. If you do not feel comfortable her, no one keeps you, and I am sure most Thais wouldn't mind if you returned to your home country.

they are entitled to an opinion, that's what TV is for, or should we ask you what you want us to say before posting? by the way, I love it here, but i will say whatever i feel....can i have permission to sign off now?....cheers.
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Came through Suwanna on Thursday night from the Dam via Abu D and it was "Chocker" both the aircraft and the Airport and noticed that a large number of visitors appeared to be western families...so much for the troubles.

Now all we need is AOT to rip out the RIP OFF Bank ATMs and replace them with EAONs and we might be able to re introduce the motto LOS again.

Went up to arrivals as usual to get a taxi but noticed that "they" have installed one way revolving gates.

Didnt stop wife however and she even got the security guy to help hoist the luggage over the barriers...then we climbed over...all Smiles...NICE to be back....

How did she manage to do that?

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Maybe they heard of Bali. thumbsup.gif

or Vietnam.

Having been a regular, twice a year, visitor to Phuket since 1996 I gave up on the place three years ago and am so glad I did.

For a city break Saigon beats Bangkok hands down with amazing architecture and some of the best and reasonably priced French resteraunts ever, and the beaches around Da Nang area are hastle free and beautiful.

Another major advantage is an hours less flying from HK.

Da Nang beach....

attachicon.gifP1140104.JPG The view from my 500 baht per night suite



What are prices like for food, transportation, and entertainment at Da Nang?

Da Nang is easy to get around on foot, but like everywhere there are good people and sharks. The real taxi service is good and cheap but the fake taxi service is a rip off, their cars look almost identical just one letter in the name changed. Food and beer prices are cheaper than Thai but there are upmarket places that are more expensive. Overall, it compares favourable to Pattaya prices, just very few Bar girls/taxi girls. The train from Siagon to Da Nang was $20 for a twin sleeper.

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