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Key Visa relocated ?


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  • 7 months later...

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The actual address of Key Visa.

  • 565/88, Moo10 , (next to BIG C South Pattaya)
  • And why wouldnt anyone want to use this agency for 1 they do a nice id sealed card of passport page, handy for not wanting to carry passport within thailand easily slips into wallet and if stolen/lost well hey you still got passport.
  • 2 they do a confirmation of income service,
  • 3 Arrange visit visas for thai wife/gf.
  • 4 New premises no more stairs to climb if you want to see darren.
  • So yeah i use his service and appreciate what he does.for the expats club. etc outside of working hours.
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Do you actually need a visa agent?

Many people can do it themselves, for more information on visa for countries outside Thailand suggest you look at this thread:


One of its sponsors is highly recomended and offers a free initial consultation.

Why do you assume he wants a visa to another country - he may want info on a myriad of things.

Pension letter


etc etc

Then after saying many people can do it themselves you mention a sponsor? who I assume is an agent.

Edited by pontious
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