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is here any Biker in or near Bangkapi

My zumo do not longer identify my motorcycle Mount

so I have to make a cross test to found out, is the Problem in the zumo or in the mount


I have a Zumo 660, and have had it a long time. Love it. However, earlier this year, the audio kept intermittently disconnecting while on the motorcycle mount. I use it for listening to audio books and Music while I ride. The GPS function worked fine and the unit stayed powered up, only the audio would pop on and off. I eventually replaced the mount (cost $75 from the US) and the problem was gone. I am in Phitsanulok.

If you bought your Zumo new, it came with two mounts, motorcycle and car. Did you try it in the car mount? Mine worked fine in the car mount which is part of what led me to believe my motocycle mount had gone bad. The difficult part of the trouble shooting was that the cable going into the motorcycle mount was under no strain, not kinked, and looked good. I could find no visible evidence that would suggest a reason for the intermittent audio disconnecting (like a loose wire). Also, I thought it odd that the audio would disconnect, while power an everything else was fine.

But after eliminating every other possibility, I replaced the motorcycle cradle and and now it works fine again. Perhaps you have the same problem, only instead of an audio wire failing, it is a power wire or some other one (I think their are 7 or 8 wires in that cable).

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