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Farang Pricing At Its Worst.


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I keep seeing this now and again.

This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by kikoman.

Just shows he is waffling to himself.

If there are people you don't like because they are just so full of hatred and over the top Thai apologist BS with no real debate rather than to be venomous to other members at any cost, you can simple add them to the list and it's like they never existed.

Take away their audience and they just waffle to themselves.

There must be over 100 posts in this thread relating to farang who have been over charged and still these fools dig their heels in and mock them, so to assure us all that they are so wise about everything in Thailand. The rest of us are just a bunch of idiots I suppose..... lol

You couldn't make it up.

Edited by Nibbles48
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Agree with UG

But on the 0.0001% chance it is not a troll post

so must pay falang price if they are for him

Why didn't your wife just say...No these pants are not for the falang

He only buys good pants

These are for my dad

Perhaps because that would have been lie. Perhaps because she has empathy and sensitivity. Perhaps because if the story is true, two wrongs don't make anything right. Stop dwelling on money, money, money . . . it will be all over you like flies. That is actually natural law. The last statement. . . about flies and money. Lift up your heart.

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I keep seeing this now and again.

This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by kikoman.

Just shows he is waffling to himself.

If there are people you don't like because they are just so full of hatred and over the top Thai apologist BS with no real debate rather than to be venomous to other members at any cost, you can simple add them to the list and it's like they never existed.

Take away their audience and they just waffle to themselves.

There must be over 100 posts in this thread relating to farang who have been over charged and still these fools dig their heels in and mock them, so to assure us all that they are so wise about everything in Thailand. The rest of us are just a bunch of idiots I suppose..... lol

You couldn't make it up.

You can not even use the ignore list properly, you have chosen to post only a part of it , the part you did not post was (View it anyway??) obvious you still viewed the post, As you responded to it, so if you are in fact going to ignore the truth about double pricing then you need to ignore it, that is how that function works, I have used that option successfully for over 5 years.

If you have the grey matter to use it properly, wallow in your own ignorance!

Do not over rate yourself most of the post are related to other posters, and not to your statements!


Edited by kikoman
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the only time I ever got really annoyed was with tuk tuks charging double (when they haven't sussed I'm with my gf until we are about to jump in), so now I just don't use them ever.

Also National Park scams, especially around the islands around Koh Lipe, where the longtails take you to a beach and suddenly a man appears with a ticket book and charges you and gf near 200 baht just to be there for 30 minutes, then on top of that you find its double the thai charge. That was the last time i went to Lipe, the island went downhill anyway with over development.

Edited by fish fingers
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Agree with UG

But on the 0.0001% chance it is not a troll post

so must pay falang price if they are for him

Why didn't your wife just say...No these pants are not for the falang

He only buys good pants

These are for my dad

Perhaps because that would have been lie. Perhaps because she has empathy and sensitivity. Perhaps because if the story is true, two wrongs don't make anything right. Stop dwelling on money, money, money . . . it will be all over you like flies. That is actually natural law. The last statement. . . about flies and money. Lift up your heart.

Sorry there was no tongue in cheek emoticon :)

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I keep seeing this now and again.

This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by kikoman.

Just shows he is waffling to himself.

If there are people you don't like because they are just so full of hatred and over the top Thai apologist BS with no real debate rather than to be venomous to other members at any cost, you can simple add them to the list and it's like they never existed.

Take away their audience and they just waffle to themselves.

There must be over 100 posts in this thread relating to farang who have been over charged and still these fools dig their heels in and mock them, so to assure us all that they are so wise about everything in Thailand. The rest of us are just a bunch of idiots I suppose..... lol

You couldn't make it up.

You can not even use the ignore list properly, you have chosen to post only a part of it , the part you did not post was (View it anyway??) obvious you still viewed the post, As you responded to it, so if you are in fact going to ignore the truth about double pricing then you need to ignore it, that is how that function works, I have used that option successfully for over 5 years.

If you have the grey matter to use it properly, wallow in your own ignorance!

Do not over rate yourself most of the post are related to other posters, and not to your statements!


Give him a break he's only been on here two weeks. wink.png

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I have run into the two prices at some of the parks... One price for the wife different for me... She also encourages me to get lost when she is shopping in the clothes area in Udorn...

I wouldn't need any encouragement to get lost whilst a lady is shopping for clothes. biggrin.png

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The op is bored,with nothing to do but perpertrate myths that never seem to happen to people that have been here for yonks.Either that or him and his missus have sucker stamped on their forehead.

Really? Seems to me that you are the one really bored, and with a stamp of stupidity in your postings.

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I don't see a problem with variable pricing.

I sell my services to make a living. And I try pretty hard to figure out the customers ability and willingness to pay before quoting a price. It's called commerce.

The situation the OP describes is different though. Surreal, really. Surely somebody misunderstood somebody somewhere there...

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I got charged 2 baht to go to the toilet once...pretty sure the real price for locals was 1 baht.

Thats 100%.

Justified of course because white foreigner poo bigger and smellier. Didn't you know? OK, so you didn't poo. Who knew? Is this Haikoo?

Edited by Jingthing
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I cannot believe some of the retorts here on this subject! I read a book, sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I suffer it, sometimes I puts it down and forget it. I seldom post-analyse it for its content. I have some doubts about a lot of these posters who say "I've been here for xxx years ." I've been regularly visiting the Far East from the early fifties - honestly - and throughout the area the "Farang" or whatever he is called in whichever country, has always been asked to pay more than the locals. In those far off days I was advised that it was always wise to bargain, and I've been chased out of a market and followed to others, for being to "clever" at it! Farangs have always, and will always be cheated, in whatever market place they go to, but the answer is to be as clever as the seller! Even in the Malls I bargain, and in most cases win! If I dont get a reduction, I go somewhere else. I walked away from "Van Hueson" shirts and been chased through the market to clinch the deal. Better a lost profit than a lost sale! Keep the3 "tales" coming, they are good entertainment!

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I cannot believe some of the retorts here on this subject! I read a book, sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I suffer it, sometimes I puts it down and forget it. I seldom post-analyse it for its content. I have some doubts about a lot of these posters who say "I've been here for xxx years ." I've been regularly visiting the Far East from the early fifties - honestly - and throughout the area the "Farang" or whatever he is called in whichever country, has always been asked to pay more than the locals. In those far off days I was advised that it was always wise to bargain, and I've been chased out of a market and followed to others, for being to "clever" at it! Farangs have always, and will always be cheated, in whatever market place they go to, but the answer is to be as clever as the seller! Even in the Malls I bargain, and in most cases win! If I dont get a reduction, I go somewhere else. I walked away from "Van Hueson" shirts and been chased through the market to clinch the deal. Better a lost profit than a lost sale! Keep the3 "tales" coming, they are good entertainment!

I have lived here over 25 years true, and I have had Thai's try to scam me more times than I care think about and blatantly. One time I got the wife to book a hotel in BKK they told her the price and then asked her what time we would be arriving she ask me in Thai I replied in English.

Hotel Oh you have an English husband yes was her reply well the price would now be 500bt a night more we always charge farang's more than Thais, is that so wife replies well stick your hotel where the sun doesn't shine just one of the thing's I have taught her and turned off the phone. 5 min: later they had the cheek to phone her back to see if we still wanted the room. I never got the full meaning of what she said as was to quick but I think the hotel got the message.

To all the Idiots that think it doesn't go on I would like to know what planet your on.

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I cannot believe some of the retorts here on this subject! I read a book, sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I suffer it, sometimes I puts it down and forget it. I seldom post-analyse it for its content. I have some doubts about a lot of these posters who say "I've been here for xxx years ." I've been regularly visiting the Far East from the early fifties - honestly - and throughout the area the "Farang" or whatever he is called in whichever country, has always been asked to pay more than the locals. In those far off days I was advised that it was always wise to bargain, and I've been chased out of a market and followed to others, for being to "clever" at it! Farangs have always, and will always be cheated, in whatever market place they go to, but the answer is to be as clever as the seller! Even in the Malls I bargain, and in most cases win! If I dont get a reduction, I go somewhere else. I walked away from "Van Hueson" shirts and been chased through the market to clinch the deal. Better a lost profit than a lost sale! Keep the3 "tales" coming, they are good entertainment!


To all the Idiots that think it doesn't go on I would like to know what planet your on.

They are on the thai apologists planet, and will NEVER believe one negative word about a thai. They are pathetic, period.

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Something similar happend to me few years ago (I guess in 2009). I went out for dinner with my Thai gf and her familiy. We decided to check out one of the Mukata-Places in Nakhon Sawan. The all you can eat price was 90 Baht per person. My gf suddenly had a strong discussion with one of the waiters. And we all left the place. They got told to pay 120 Baht for me. Reason: I´m a farang and I eat more then Thais. The funny point, as we went many times for mukata: My (ex) gf knew very well, I even not eat half of what she could eat, whenever we went for dinner.

Her whole family (really great people) were extremely upset about this. But as I lived for about one year in Nakhon Sawan, and as Mukata always was one of our favorites, we went from that time to the restaurant next door. And whenever we had to pass that one place and they tried to get us inside, my ex gf told them no, including the reason. I guess, at the end they were more pissed off, as we went few times per week for Mukata :D

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I wudda paid the extra baht only if the sales assistant agreed to join me & the wife in a 3some.

Do you mean at the beauty parlor? Why would you want to have a threesome with someone who needs to go to a beauty parlor?

No .

What's a beauty parlour got to do with the price of a pair of kecks?

Assumptions are the mother of all <deleted>.

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Perhaps it has more to do with where you are living. In Udon, I have not yet seen dual pricing, neither for clothes, food, or haircuts. My wife goes to the beauty shop down the street and gets a 200 baht doo.

However, it does stand to reason that we are handicapped when haggling at an open market. I have seen this in many countries, not only Thailand. There are greedy people and good people all over the world, by the way.

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Reason: I´m a farang and I eat more then Thais.

laugh.png Right! When I used to work in the hotel industry in Thailand these young girls who must have weighed about 45 kilos soaking wet used to put away 3 plates of khao pad in the staff canteen without breaking a sweat. I've only got to look at an Indian curry and I add about a kilo in weight.

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Reason: I´m a farang and I eat more then Thais.

laugh.png Right! When I used to work in the hotel industry in Thailand these young girls who must have weighed about 45 kilos soaking wet used to put away 3 plates of khao pad in the staff canteen without breaking a sweat. I've only got to look at an Indian curry and I add about a kilo in weight.

Has the opposite effect on me, I lose about a kilo in weight but after eating one...bah.gif

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Reason: I´m a farang and I eat more then Thais.

laugh.png Right! When I used to work in the hotel industry in Thailand these young girls who must have weighed about 45 kilos soaking wet used to put away 3 plates of khao pad in the staff canteen without breaking a sweat. I've only got to look at an Indian curry and I add about a kilo in weight.

Has the opposite effect on me, I lose about a kilo in weight but after eating one...bah.gif

I hear you mate. Bangalore Phal - Lord Of The Ringstings.

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I always get the opposite. If i take the missus to a restaurant, they will give us free melon or ice cream after i have checked the bill, local shop will give me some of whatever she's cooking when i go for my cigs in the morning etc. Even last night i was given a whisky in my local bar.

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Something similar happend to me few years ago (I guess in 2009). I went out for dinner with my Thai gf and her familiy. We decided to check out one of the Mukata-Places in Nakhon Sawan. The all you can eat price was 90 Baht per person. My gf suddenly had a strong discussion with one of the waiters. And we all left the place. They got told to pay 120 Baht for me. Reason: I´m a farang and I eat more then Thais. The funny point, as we went many times for mukata: My (ex) gf knew very well, I even not eat half of what she could eat, whenever we went for dinner.

Her whole family (really great people) were extremely upset about this. But as I lived for about one year in Nakhon Sawan, and as Mukata always was one of our favorites, we went from that time to the restaurant next door. And whenever we had to pass that one place and they tried to get us inside, my ex gf told them no, including the reason. I guess, at the end they were more pissed off, as we went few times per week for Mukata biggrin.png

Funny I live out side of Nakhon Sawan for eight years have eaten at Mukata many times and have not had that problem. I was never asked or paid more for eating there then the Thai's that were with me. I have shopped all over the city with no problems, as there are very few Falangs in the city.

Maybe it was the waiters call?


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Funny I live out side of Nakhon Sawan for eight years have eaten at Mukata many times and have not had that problem. I was never asked or paid more for eating there then the Thai's that were with me.

There is also a problem with farangs who misunderstand what is said, but automatically assume the worst. When I first got here, I made all kinds of mistakes, because I assumed people were trying to rip me off. Now, I am very careful before coming to that conclusion and usually they are not.

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