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Child murderer apologizes to Nong Cartoon’s parents

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Why Thai folks have all these weird things like apology ceremony, reenactment of rape, murder etc..pointing a finger at each other?

What's wrong? Nobody is home?


All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

Actually, turns out there is no such thing as karma. It is a product of wishful thinking. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, and vice versa. But if the parents' hearts aren't brewing with vengeance, good on them. Their daughter was extremely unlucky to get in the way of a psychopath, but the offender was also extremely unlucky to have the genetic makeup of a killer.

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There is no karma lol!! Where did you get that? Karma means action..in real life it means that you are going to face the consequences of your actions no matter what. Everything comes back on you tenfold, good or bad doesn't matter. That's not wishful thinking that's just the way it works. What happens to you is a very different thing and has nothing to do with luck. Luck is the stuff that has never existed. But we always need to name the unknown so when something happens to someone and we cannot explain it we can say oh he was lucky. Lucky my ass.

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So this man rapes and kills and he's allowed to meet the parents and say "sorry"??? THAT is disgusting

Is it disgusting that in some American court cases the relatives of a victim address the killer of their loved one in court after he's been found guilty?

The relatives seem to feel a mixture of emotions- anger, hatred and disbelief that a human could do such terrible things to another innocent human.

They often seem to be at a loss as to how someone can behave in such an evil way and seek answers, they want an apology from the victim, some acknowledgement of the wrong he has done.

Sadly the culprit is often a psychopath, devoid of any conscience.

As with the mother yesterday, she asked the suspect if her 6 year old daughter had begged for her life before he killed her, her meaning clearly, 'How could you do such a thing? It was terrible to watch

Buddhism teaches you to let go of destructive emotions, free yourself from anger. That doesn't mean the culprit will escape punishment, far from it, no one can escape the wheel of karma, every action causes a reaction, we reap what we sow.

No sudden convenient conversion will erase the consequences, but peace of mind can only come from letting go of hatred. Is that so different from what Jesus taught?

One of the core teachings of Buddhism teaches about mindfulness, how we must be aware of the tricks our minds play on us, how easy it is to get attached to such things as the internet for instance!

How easy it is to see in one's own life, when I was a child our family only had a black and white TV and some books but we were perfectly happy, no need for the internet or mobile phones, but take them away now and I might get upset!


The guy was like a cowering dog, confused and in fear.

He is kaput and the whole case involves great suffering all round, the victim and all parties involved, including the murderer.

I don`t enjoy seeing people suffer whoever they are, although of course the guy deserves it. Very sad and heartbreaking to watch

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All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

I have read some crap over the years on TV, some funny some not so.

Too be perfectly frank, this takes the biscuit, what worries me even more, I believe you actually believe this nonsense.

What next, you will be trying to tell us, its just an illussion, please dont bother with the, all human life is suffering mantra.


I would kidnap him and take deep into the forest, string him upside down, give him a good battering with a baseball bat....... all over his body and specifically his nuts.

Then poor honey,sugar over his nuts and body for nature to start eating him slowly. "Justice from courts are to good" for pedophiles like him. Give me a call if you know of a pedophile living near you and I'll give them the treatment they all deserve.

Nah...sugar and honey's not so good on the outside...after you strung him up, I'd put a hose down his rectum and poor honey in there and leave the hose in for an easy entry point.


If Thai Buddhisim teaches calmness, forgiveness etc. why do so many people carry guns and don't hesitate to use them ?

because few who declare themselves Buddhist actually practice the five precepts...


All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

Buddhist, Christian or Satanist, apparently you have no children.

I do have children...and if it happened to them I would know it is because of the past karma of my children to suffer and die in this way. Also my own past karma to cause me to lose a child and suffer any mental anguish.

The Buddha said...'if you are being attacked and beaten by a bunch of people, and they are trying to kill you, do not feel anger or hate towards them, since that only makes you the same as them, but you should feel compassion for them, since they will surely suffer much in the future because of the karma they are creating for themselves.' ....certainly not an easy thing to do or easy mindset to have in such a situation. Life is not easy...nor is living it in peace and truth.


All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

Actually, turns out there is no such thing as karma. It is a product of wishful thinking. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, and vice versa. But if the parents' hearts aren't brewing with vengeance, good on them. Their daughter was extremely unlucky to get in the way of a psychopath, but the offender was also extremely unlucky to have the genetic makeup of a killer.

LUCK or unlucky are terms used by those who do not know the truth. The real cause for things is karma. It is a natural law which keeps the whole universe working, and its rules apply to ALL beings, whether they know about it, understand it, believe in it , or not.

Simple really.

Those who shut their eyes and refuse to believe in it, are just adding to their own future and present suffering.

The buddha said..'the reason we are all reborn over again and again, and have to suffer yet again in each existence, birth, sickness, old age, death, is because of ignorance. Ignorance of the truth. The truth of rebirth, karma, other realms such as heaven realms, hells, hungry ghosts etc. which although not apparent to a normal human being do really exist, and can be perceived by one who will train his mind....'

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As much as the accused is cause for concern, some of the proponents on this thread of lynching/torture/rape concern me more. Mobs hell bent for blood are not in a position to argue the subject of justice. If this mentally ill man is guilty, then the court will pass judgement accordingly. Thailand does have the death penalty. If drug trafficers can be executed, I would expect that the death penalty would be requested in this case. Aside from satisfying some people's blood lust, I would expect that the community will be safer as this alleged serial rapist/killer will not be able to hurt anyone else.

I do find the anger somewhat puzzling. We all know of the child prostitute brothels, and we all know about the violent/porn porn that makes its way out of Thailand involving people of questionable ages and intellectual capabilities. And yet, many people are less moved to speak out. Unfortunately, such activity promotes the erosion of taboos that discourage violent sexual crimes. Something to munch on.

Political correct nonsense.

If this was your daughter, you would want to kill him in a very violent way...much like I would (and do).

BTW, I don't know about the "child prostitute brothels, and we all know about the violent/porn porn that makes its way out of Thailand involving people of questionable ages and intellectual capabilities".

Ok, I'll try again.

The bloodlust expressed in this thread is disturbing because it reveals the very primitive nature of some. The effort taken to offer various tortures and other barbaric forms of "revenge" indicates that some people are not too far removed from the mobs that would gather to cheer public executions.

I am in no way expressing support for this accused murderer, nor diminishing the horror of the crime. However, some cultures use forgiveness as a means of healing and moving forward with life. I offer the example of Charles Roberts who 7 years ago barricaded himself inside an Amish schoolhouse near Lancaster, tied up 10 girls and opened fire, killing five and injuring five others before committing suicide as police closed in.

The Amish responded by offering immediate forgiveness to the killer - even attending his funeral - and embracing his family.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2520819/Family-Amish-schoolhouse-shooter-shares-story-forgiveness.html#ixzz2nspn9EsG

The Amish set a powerful example. They were not without pain or hurt, but they had the strength and conviction to show compassion and humanity.

The Thai ceremony of asking forgiveness, gives the victim of an injustice a starting point from which to begin healing. Giving forgiveness is a powerful act, and restores a measure of control to those who had none at the time of the event. People who scurry about demanding vengeance will never heal, and need to come to grips as to their motives for the bloodlust. The appropriate place to deal with the accused is in court. Lynching or torturing people without due process erodes our own civilisation and reduces society to ancient times where mob rule held sway.

In response to your feigning ignorance of child brothels and the associated trafficking of young boys and girls to be used in the sex trade, is unbelievable. Unfortunately, Thailand is a country where it occurs and it often involves refugees from strife or from economic hardship regions. Often it is Thais preying upon Thais or Cambodians or Burmese. In Pattaya, we have been treated to multiple raids on bars where children are employed. For example, last year the child protection agency and police freed 15 year old boys from the Pattaya sex bar where they worked. When we allow the continuous abuse of children, they eventually grow up into some seriously disturbed and violent sex offenders. As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and society in general seems to allow the continual degradation and sexualisation of children to the point where they are objects to be used and discarded by some people.

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Sayan Petchdon, the father of the victim revealed he would not forgive Nui until the man dies just like his daughter.

And good on him IMO, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, but I hope if and when he does die it's far more painfull than Nong Cartoons death...

It's nearly xmas and creeps like the alledged perpertrator beg for forgiveness....Sometimes apologies just don't work...


As much as the accused is cause for concern, some of the proponents on this thread of lynching/torture/rape concern me more. Mobs hell bent for blood are not in a position to argue the subject of justice. If this mentally ill man is guilty, then the court will pass judgement accordingly. Thailand does have the death penalty. If drug trafficers can be executed, I would expect that the death penalty would be requested in this case. Aside from satisfying some people's blood lust, I would expect that the community will be safer as this alleged serial rapist/killer will not be able to hurt anyone else.

I do find the anger somewhat puzzling. We all know of the child prostitute brothels, and we all know about the violent/porn porn that makes its way out of Thailand involving people of questionable ages and intellectual capabilities. And yet, many people are less moved to speak out. Unfortunately, such activity promotes the erosion of taboos that discourage violent sexual crimes. Something to munch on.

Political correct nonsense.

If this was your daughter, you would want to kill him in a very violent way...much like I would (and do).

BTW, I don't know about the "child prostitute brothels, and we all know about the violent/porn porn that makes its way out of Thailand involving people of questionable ages and intellectual capabilities".

Ok, I'll try again.

The bloodlust expressed in this thread is disturbing because it reveals the very primitive nature of some. The effort taken to offer various tortures and other barbaric forms of "revenge" indicates that some people are not too far removed from the mobs that would gather to cheer public executions.

I am in no way expressing support for this accused murderer, nor diminishing the horror of the crime. However, some cultures use forgiveness as a means of healing and moving forward with life. I offer the example of Charles Roberts who 7 years ago barricaded himself inside an Amish schoolhouse near Lancaster, tied up 10 girls and opened fire, killing five and injuring five others before committing suicide as police closed in.

The Amish responded by offering immediate forgiveness to the killer - even attending his funeral - and embracing his family.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2520819/Family-Amish-schoolhouse-shooter-shares-story-forgiveness.html#ixzz2nspn9EsG

The Amish set a powerful example. They were not without pain or hurt, but they had the strength and conviction to show compassion and humanity.

The Thai ceremony of asking forgiveness, gives the victim of an injustice a starting point from which to begin healing. Giving forgiveness is a powerful act, and restores a measure of control to those who had none at the time of the event. People who scurry about demanding vengeance will never heal, and need to come to grips as to their motives for the bloodlust. The appropriate place to deal with the accused is in court. Lynching or torturing people without due process erodes our own civilisation and reduces society to ancient times where mob rule held sway.

In response to your feigning ignorance of child brothels and the associated trafficking of young boys and girls to be used in the sex trade, is unbelievable. Unfortunately, Thailand is a country where it occurs and it often involves refugees from strife or from economic hardship regions. Often it is Thais preying upon Thais or Cambodians or Burmese. In Pattaya, we have been treated to multiple raids on bars where children are employed. For example, last year the child protection agency and police freed 15 year old boys from the Pattaya sex bar where they worked. When we allow the continuous abuse of children, they eventually grow up into some seriously disturbed and violent sex offenders. As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and society in general seems to allow the continual degradation and sexualisation of children to the point where they are objects to be used and discarded by some people.

I'm primitive and proud, I stand my corner and give my view, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.... Oh and by the way google Amish MAFIA....


All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

Actually, turns out there is no such thing as karma. It is a product of wishful thinking. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people, and vice versa. But if the parents' hearts aren't brewing with vengeance, good on them. Their daughter was extremely unlucky to get in the way of a psychopath, but the offender was also extremely unlucky to have the genetic makeup of a killer.

LUCK or unlucky are terms used by those who do not know the truth. The real cause for things is karma. It is a natural law which keeps the whole universe working, and its rules apply to ALL beings, whether they know about it, understand it, believe in it , or not.

Simple really.

Those who shut their eyes and refuse to believe in it, are just adding to their own future and present suffering.

The buddha said..'the reason we are all reborn over again and again, and have to suffer yet again in each existence, birth, sickness, old age, death, is because of ignorance. Ignorance of the truth. The truth of rebirth, karma, other realms such as heaven realms, hells, hungry ghosts etc. which although not apparent to a normal human being do really exist, and can be perceived by one who will train his mind....'

Buddhism does not preclude punishment for those that do wrong - that is karma also - but this thread is not about karma right or wrongs

This man's despicable and heinous act deserves full weight of punishment - in my view death (and that would be his karma too)


All the typical reactions by WASP readers who do not understand the Buddhism here. Hate, revenge, desire for violence, wishing ill-will upon someone.

The man has committed a crime and cannot escape the karma which will bring him much suffering, in this life and the next.... satisfied?

By hating and wishing for him to suffer...you only create bad karma for yourself....a bad kind of mindset to have.

The father of the child is also wrong to have no forgiveness in his heart.

Buddhist, Christian or Satanist, apparently you have no children.

I do have children...and if it happened to them I would know it is because of the past karma of my children to suffer and die in this way. Also my own past karma to cause me to lose a child and suffer any mental anguish.

The Buddha said...'if you are being attacked and beaten by a bunch of people, and they are trying to kill you, do not feel anger or hate towards them, since that only makes you the same as them, but you should feel compassion for them, since they will surely suffer much in the future because of the karma they are creating for themselves.' ....certainly not an easy thing to do or easy mindset to have in such a situation. Life is not easy...nor is living it in peace and truth.



The guy was like a cowering dog, confused and in fear.

He is kaput and the whole case involves great suffering all round, the victim and all parties involved, including the murderer.

I don`t enjoy seeing people suffer whoever they are, although of course the guy deserves it. Very sad and heartbreaking to watch

One of the better posts in this thread on this tragic and heartbreaking story.


The guy was like a cowering dog, confused and in fear.

He is kaput and the whole case involves great suffering all round, the victim and all parties involved, including the murderer.

I don`t enjoy seeing people suffer whoever they are, although of course the guy deserves it. Very sad and heartbreaking to watch

One of the better posts in this thread on this tragic and heartbreaking story.

Disagree. The man took pleasure in the killing of children. He is nothing more than a mad dog that

needs to be put down, so he cannot be pardoned in the future and kill again. If you wish to convey

sorrow and sympathy, save it for one his many victims, not this animal.

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How dare they parade this sick freak around; even more angering to me that he be taken in front of the parents with flowers, just days after taking their defenseless daughter's life; in the most unimmaginable way. I wouldn't expect the father to forgive him. Not to mention, all of the other little innocent lives he has stolen, and ruined. In my opinion, the humane thing to do would be to put him to sleep; He can't be trusted around human's. He will have to be locked away from anyone living, for the rest of his life; except to be studied if that's possible. Personally, I don't think you can ever come to understand someone who is this sick; or would even care to.

@FABIANFRED, it's fine to voice your opinion, and attempt to educate us all; but I don't understand your opening: "typical reactions by WASP readers" I would think most people would find these types of acts sickening and unforgivable; certainly the father of this child. Your statements describe you as a devout Buddhist, and then you label people because of the colour of their skin, with a derogatory word. Am I a WASP?

But anyway; If you're suggesting that we Westerner's (WASPS), are ignorant and confused in the practices of Buddhism here, so confused are the vast majority of the Thai people; or they just don't care?

I can list 5 big ones if you want; I'm sure you know what they are.............

P.S. I hope you can forgive me!

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