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DSI to freeze bank accounts of Suthep and 16 other protest leaders


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800b for BKK protesters from BKK.

2000b for BKK protesters coming in from outside BKK.

Rate per day.

You sir are absolutely full of crap they are being paid nothing.

Full of crap.

Numerous people from our BKK village joined and/or were asked to joined (including our household) for 800b.

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If it's not too much to ask! could they also trace back and freeze the accounts of the one who paid for the Bangkok riots in 2010,and who paid out the cash that financed the 3 month ransom and burning of Bangkok! among other places in Thailand?

I hope you are not like one of the idiotic Red eyed mob on here who ask for a link when one says something because I do go and get them (but for this one I cannot be bothered), but then one asks them the same and they can not provide one, but in other threads carry on making the same demands.

But that aside from my memory and having followed the events very closely yes the Abhisit government did look to freeze the accounts of the Red and Black terrorists and arsonists backers, real and suspected. But that would not have made an iota of difference as Thaksin for example already had vast amounts of cash safely out of the country.

You miss the point old chap it's the DSI who is doing the freezing of accounts of Suthep and 16 others,when at the unfolding of the unrest in Bangkok 2010 for 3 months,which was being paid for,by a source controlling events,who was not even in the Country.And it wasn't about your statement "Thaksin for example already had vast amounts of cash safely out of the country" It was in fact the amount of money coming back into Thailand that was used to finance the overthrow of a Democratic Government, (The Democrats) as well you know!

Which you also Know the DSI did nothing to control the inflow of funds, for purposes of illegal activities of Arson,violence, and insurrection! designed to bring down the Government! which in this instance they now see fit to Freeze Bank accounts. But in 2010 it would seem the DSI did not think freezing Bank accounts was necessary!

Maybe they have gone through reforms since ? it is the fashion these days apparently whistling.gif

Or maybe Majic is just wrong and isn't aware that 83 suspected red funders were blacklisted by the DSI in 2010.

Remember it from the time because many were apparently surprised to find themselves blacklisted. This from 10 seconds on google:

'DSI director general Tharit Phengdit said he could not tell whether the blacklisted 83 people whose assets had been frozen by the CRES were taking part in the movement. “We will look into their connections with the antimonarchy movement, but we cannot tell now how close they are to each other,” he said.'


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800b for BKK protesters from BKK.

2000b for BKK protesters coming in from outside BKK.

Rate per day.

You sir are absolutely full of crap they are being paid nothing.

I know this for a fact for my MRs was there for 20 days using her own savings, her friends who were also there have been paid nothing.

They paid their own way to get there and she and a friend will be going back Saturday because they know the country needs urgent change before it becomes unlivable for ordinary people.

She has no love for Suthep and no hate of Thaksin but she has watched the corrupt and self serving antics of the PT excuse for a government and now wants to be there helping in any way she can to expedite the changes needed to get the country back to a place she can be proud of.

I also know for a fact that several people I know who attended red shirt rallies in 2010 didn't receive a dime. And a couple of them don't even like Thaksin much at all. Of course these are all middle class people from Bangkok. Yet there were also reports about people up country funding themselves in much the same way as your Mrs. Sometimes with the whole village chipping in to send one or two people etc.

Doesn't also mean others didn't get paid... it's not unknown for protest movements to target lower income groups around BKK with a bit of extra cash to come to these things. I've heard anecdotes similar to the poster above about both Suthep's group and the reds. But either way, you can't deny that both movements are based on a genuine strength of feeling. Money definitely isn't the main reason that there were thousands of people on the streets.

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800b for BKK protesters from BKK.

2000b for BKK protesters coming in from outside BKK.

Rate per day.

You sir are absolutely full of crap they are being paid nothing.

Full of crap.

Numerous people from our BKK village joined and/or were asked to joined (including our household) for 800b.

Then they obviously went to the reds for they are the ones who must pay to get attendance.

Yes full of crap.

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The police and DSI work for 1 family and THAT'S what's destroying Thailand.

That is the big pitty, Thailand can look forward to years of political strife when PTP win and make an even bigger mess then they have already. It's too late for a peaceful approach. Not that I think certain individuals want a peaceful solution.

I can see why both sides would want violence, but for different reasons. There is however only one person who wants Thailand to pay for his miss deeds! He will destroy Thailand if he doesn't get to come home a free man!

Many westerners seem to be siding with the Protesters, why do so many frown on an election ,simply because they know Yingluck's party will win one, as the Democrats have not won an election in 20 years, in a Democracy the majority rules, why is that not a good option for Thailand,

I for one do not care for Thaksin, but the more I hear about, setting up an un-elected government, the more I reconsider my wishes for Yingluck to step down from her elected position, to hand over power to people that do not embrace the democratic, process of a free election that the majority votes decide who will be the new government.

Majority rule as in any free Democratic country?


Because Thaksin and his cronies rig the poles, his parties have been found guilty and banned for doing so 3 times, and every time the stupidly short 5 year bans end the same old lap dogs are welcomed back to whatever version of the Shin regime is in place at that time to do the same again. He has so many cronies who pick his crumbs from round the table that whenever one group is banned there is another coming off the ban to take over like a relay race. Thaksin somehow manages to avoid it. 'Teflon Thaksin' - nothing sticks to him, except his criminal conviction he is running away from...I said many times, there can nver be a clean and fair elecction when the Shin regime is involved...Also if the election is delayed then the 2.2 trillion loan is delayed and the payments to the rice farmers that would be made from that loan ( as there is nothing left in the government coffers, the Shin vultures have picked the bones bare and could use their swindled gains to pay the farmers but won't ) are delayed meaning some of them MIGHT start to understand what the Thaksin clan has done to this country's economy...Meanwhile PT are off to Isan to start brainwashing farmers all over again and blame the protestors for the non payment I am sure...

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The police and DSI work for 1 family and THAT'S what's destroying Thailand.

That is the big pitty, Thailand can look forward to years of political strife when PTP win and make an even bigger mess then they have already. It's too late for a peaceful approach. Not that I think certain individuals want a peaceful solution.

I can see why both sides would want violence, but for different reasons. There is however only one person who wants Thailand to pay for his miss deeds! He will destroy Thailand if he doesn't get to come home a free man!

Many westerners seem to be siding with the Protesters, why do so many frown on an election ,simply because they know Yingluck's party will win one, as the Democrats have not won an election in 20 years, in a Democracy the majority rules, why is that not a good option for Thailand,

I for one do not care for Thaksin, but the more I hear about, setting up an un-elected government, the more I reconsider my wishes for Yingluck to step down from her elected position, to hand over power to people that do not embrace the democratic, process of a free election that the majority votes decide who will be the new government.

Majority rule as in any free Democratic country?


... and the rabid anti-Thaksisnistas go: " You do not understand Kikoman; it's a matter of principles!"

Principles? What and whose principles?

It is obvious that the Bangkokian elite "feels" superior to the rest of the country. They feel and are convinced that Bangkok IS Thailand. Never mind that they are deeply disliked by the 50 million people outside Bangkok. Democrats, the world over feel to be the blessed and anointed ones to run a country.

Here, they foment conditions for a coup, They hope that the armed forces would back them up. They court and try to sell their act to the military in the hopes that a coup will repeat the rise of Abhisit and company.

If it is a matter of democratic principles, why are democrats (alleged democrats) so afraid of upcoming elections?

Why don't they try to connect with the reality of the country as a whole, with the people?

Lastly, please, fellow expats, stop talking about the rice pledge scheme. It is pitiful to read your comments and seemingly forget the Palm Oil Scam of Abhisit and company. To adhere to a party simply because in our respective countries we were Labor, Liberal, Democrat, Republican, etc. is ludicrous. Thai politics have been turbulent way before Thaksin became PM. Coups, rebellions, rigging of elections, assassinations, vote buying and much more, have been the environment of Thai politics. If you identify with any of those situations I just mentioned then you deserve to be an honorary Thai... one that cannot legally vote.

The red brainwashing propaganda machine has worked it's magic on you too mr. farang red sheep. Must have a very weak mind to be turned this far. This whole 'amart' thing and 'people in Bangkok think everyone else is stupid' is rubbish made up by Thaksin, it is a false enemy. Thaksin has turned half the country against the other half for his own gain. Dispicable !bah.gif

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800b for BKK protesters from BKK.

2000b for BKK protesters coming in from outside BKK.

Rate per day.

You sir are absolutely full of crap they are being paid nothing.

Full of crap.

Numerous people from our BKK village joined and/or were asked to joined (including our household) for 800b.

Then they obviously went to the reds for they are the ones who must pay to get attendance.

Yes full of crap.

What would it take to convince you both groups do the same thing? Why did they pay people to attend Democrat campaign rallies if it's easy to get people to come for free? Again, I'm not saying that most protesters or rally attendees aren't genuine. Far from it. It's rather you that continually makes that claim about the red shirts.

'Nevertheless, one party not connected to the red shirts tried to capitalise on the easy democratic virtue of Bang Khen residents. A dozen or so campaigners from this big party made a single cursory visit to the slum areas. Small posters were distributed and many of these got fixed to dwellings.

This party was, however, more active when it came to seeking out residents to attend its campaign rallies. It recruited volunteers – some from adjacent government housing – for a highly-spirited session at North Bangkok University on June 10 at which Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva presided. A similar affair was staged at Rajabhat University on June 24 for a candidate from the big party. The event was presided over by Bangkok Governor MR Sukhumbhand Paribatra.

Sources say adults received 300 baht but the children were not compensated.'


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800b for BKK protesters from BKK.

2000b for BKK protesters coming in from outside BKK.

Rate per day.

You sir are absolutely full of crap they are being paid nothing.

Full of crap.

Numerous people from our BKK village joined and/or were asked to joined (including our household) for 800b.

BKK village?

Where is that?

I also know a couple of thaifriends, neighbors and businesspeople here from the southern islands driven to Bangkok.
Some have Resorts, Shops, travel agencies or some business.
I do not know if they got money as is claimed here, I simply do not asked them,
but one thing I know for sure:
In their absence from business, many have lost serious money!
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800b for BKK protesters from BKK.

2000b for BKK protesters coming in from outside BKK.

Rate per day.

You sir are absolutely full of crap they are being paid nothing.

Full of crap.

Numerous people from our BKK village joined and/or were asked to joined (including our household) for 800b.

BKK village?

Where is that?

I also know a couple of thaifriends, neighbors and businesspeople here from the southern islands driven to Bangkok.
Some have Resorts, Shops, travel agencies or some business.
I do not know if they got money as is claimed here, I simply do not asked them,
but one thing I know for sure:
In their absence from business, many have lost serious money!

Middle class housing estate between Chaeng Wattana and Songprapa.

Village = Housing Estate. Not as in an actual village (small town).

Edited by Hoven
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What a joke. I'm sure Suthep has all his money in his local Bangkok Bank branch. Everyone knows Singha and other establishment companies are funding Suthep. Why not call them to account?

Suthep i s no worse or no better than Thaksin,very wealthy men and very corrupt too.Will be very intersting to see how much he has paid the anti government protestors

For your information the anti-government protester DO NOT need to be paid !!! Are you sleeping or what? read this write up :'Truth'

What is happening so far in Thailand


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Less than 10 years ago, when T was PM, he ordered clandestine investigations of bank accounts of people and organizations which had the audacity to criticize Him. He made one mistake at that time: He investigated Nation newspaper, and the bosses at Nation weren't happy about that. T relented and backed down when exposed.

Mark Twain had a succinct quote: 'Never pick an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel.'

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Less than 10 years ago, when T was PM, he ordered clandestine investigations of bank accounts of people and organizations which had the audacity to criticize Him. He made one mistake at that time: He investigated Nation newspaper, and the bosses at Nation weren't happy about that. T relented and backed down when exposed.

Mark Twain had a succinct quote: 'Never pick an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel.'

"Mark Twain had a succinct quote: 'Never pick an argument with a man who buys ink by the barrel.'" and who, with a few of his friends, controls the army!

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To get a 'clearer' picture how the Thaksin-Regime actually works ?


a "must-read" for good men !


Interesting read, it's written in typical conspiracy theory style with verifiable facts paired with unverifiable conclusions, but having noted the misleading pro-Thaksin information purported by the foreign media, I wouldn't be all that surprised if much of it turns out to be true.

I stopped reading at the point where they described him using a dozen cellphones - why would he need more than one? I mean, I have no doubt that Thaksin is every bit as bad as they say, but if the writer needs to make up stuff like that it casts in doubt the credibility of the whole article.

Sorry to disagree, but personally I find it very credible, that a former telecoms-company owner constantly on-the-move might have several phones.

One for his sister (who's his current nominee-PM at home), one for other close family (ex-wife, siblings & children) or current friends, one for senior political-lieutenants in his political-party and his P.R. advisers & lawyers, one for his people in the UDD/Red-Shirt movement, one for all his many other business-affairs & subordinates, and so on.

The alternative would require a personal-assistant in the class of a 'Miss Moneypenny', to help him arrange his very-varied affairs, both here in Thailand & world-wide, as he jets round doing deals & meeting people or simply playing golf, and I would have thought we'd have heard of anyone playing such a key role in his life ?

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