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Snow in in Thailand claim kicks up storm among weathermen


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Such mountaintop snow - possibly this month and in January - would result from an approaching "Little Ice Age" and reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, which had last taken place 800,000 years ago.[\quote] this guy knows stuff others don't, we should listen to him.

Yep, so much for all the rubbish about Global Warming!

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Both are valid. Polarity reversal has happened before and will happen again. They just have no real idea when.

And what they like to call a mini Ice Age happened (in the UK) for around 300 years up to around 1870. Average winter temps were 2 degrees less than normal. Rivers froze and skating became a popular pastime. Lately average winter temps have been dropping slightly leading to a belief that we are entering another 'Little Ice Age' which is more accurately described as 'a bit colder than usual'

However, there is no connection between the two. Polarity reversal will not cause Arctic weather to appear in Thailand, nor will it make the Arctic a tropical paradise.

I think the temperature drops you refer to were a bit more than 1 or 2 degrees.

'....the Great Frost of 1683-4......the Thames was completely frozen for two months, with the ice reaching a thickness of 28cm.

The first recorded Frost Fair was in 1608. In the previous century, King Henry VIII travelled by sleigh to Greenwich during the winter of 1536, and Queen Elizabeth 1 went shooting on the ice in the winter of 1564.' http://www.deptfordis.org.uk/2011_12_01_archive.html

Quite correct - there were several years where the winters were very severe, but the average winter temp was only 2deg down.

I live in North Suffolk and up to the early 1960s there was an annual skating race from Oulton to Beccles. Try it now and all you get is wet feet. The average winter temp though is only slightly higher.

The information is fresh in my mind as there was a TV programme about ice on last night (the solid water type..) and the subject of cold Victorian winters was well covered. They even invented a special way of skating known as the 'Victorian way'.

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Such mountaintop snow - possibly this month and in January - would result from an approaching "Little Ice Age" and reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, which had last taken place 800,000 years ago.[\quote] this guy knows stuff others don't, we should listen to him.

Yep, so much for all the rubbish about Global Warming!

The global warming enthusiasts seem to be pretty quiet recently 5555555555555555555.

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There is a shop in my village (Mae Chan, Chiang Rai) that has an old black and white picture of their establishment taken in January 1955. It shows deep snow banks on the side of the road, probably just shovelled there to clear the road. They said it had all gone by midday.

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I think Piyacheep should get a job with the Daily Express. wink.png

For those non-Brits who don't know this paper, with the utmost regularity it provides "shock, horror" headlines about the weather in UK, e.g. "heatwave coming in BBQ summer!" or "coldest winter for 100 years forecast", and invariably it is wrong. But people still buy this rag and don't seem to mind the inaccuracy of its forecasts. In fact, there seems to be a large market for inaccuracy about weather and climate predictions in the West, as much as Thailand. rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

Yep! we have had the news of 150 mph winds,(never recorded before in History) One of the Daily Express favourites (on a slack news day)is Medical Breakthroughs. Recently it's been a cure for Arthritus,which around 25% of the population have. it's been on the front page 3 times, but not quite the same breakthrough,each time,one of which they claim would cost only £1 a day in medication,to end their suffering. And of course it sells Newspapers,but up to now,hasn't done anything for the sufferers!

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Such mountaintop snow - possibly this month and in January - would result from an approaching "Little Ice Age" and reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, which had last taken place 800,000 years ago.[\quote] this guy knows stuff others don't, we should listen to him.

Yep, so much for all the rubbish about Global Warming!

The global warming enthusiasts seem to be pretty quiet recently 5555555555555555555.

My last reply has somehow got included with the previous posters reply. I said "The global warming enthusiasts seem to be pretty quiet recently 5555555555555555555."

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