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Russian repays cross dresser’s hotel-room surprise with broken nose

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"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


They are a very nice couple.

One tourist from quality part facepalm.gif

and one very nice lady from man part wub.png


and this Russian man's fashion clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Is that a cape he's wearing? Is that the new fashion statement from Vladivostok? coffee1.gif

Russkies need to realize this isn't Russia here where it is encouraged to violently assault sexual minorities.

He should of told him he was a man with a penis

What does he expect when he has deceived him/

I really dont see why they dont tell, i mean it must be a huge risk sometimes going with a man because you dont know how he is going to react when he finds out. If you dont have the post op surgery its a slippery slope for those lady boys.

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serious question regarding the side issue raised here, a few times, as to wether a ladyboy or a person that does the naughty with a ladyboy is actually gay.

so: if i came home to find my room mate and best friend ( a man) fellating a ladyboy would i be wrong to assume he was gay. i mean he is man and a man that would fellate another man would be gay or bisexual in my opinion. if you would not consider him gay then waht would you consider him?

of course if i came home to find my girlfriend fellating a ladyboy then i wouldnt consider her a lesbian. appart from refering to her as a cheating slut wht would be the PC term? See how complicated it gets when the PC brigade attempt to push new terms down our throats

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He needs to drop all charges and get out of Thailand fast. Ladyboys tend to be vengeful in a very violent way.

He will be charged with assault or worse so i guess it would be difficult to drop charges laid against him. did you actually read the story. obviously not

Of course I read the story. They both got charged. That's how the police do it in Pattaya.

Have you read the story?

Have you ever been in the Pattaya police station and pressed charges?

I have to both of the above.

If he agrees to drop the charges against his assailant, and the transvestite agrees to same, then after some negotiations inside the police station, which will probably involve him having to pay something for the ladyboy's nose repair, he'll have a chance to get out of "Dodge City" and he'd better do it quick.

Why? One of many examples: Circa '89 while I was living in Phuket, 5000+ horny drunken Marines came ashore. One of them took a very sexy feminine looking ladyboy home and once he discovered she was a he-she he beat him/her nearly to death. The next day a group ladyboys came to his bungalow and stabbed him multiple times to death and fled the island never to be seen again.

He needs to drop all charges and hopefully the police will help him convince the ladyboy to do the same.

I read the article and they were both charged with fighting and what I describe above is exactly how it's going to go down if he doesn't get out of Thailand fast.

The Russian Association of Travel Agencies is already threatening to completely boycott Thailand.

...and all of this is truly high quality tourism.


Another stupid russian monkey...Guys, I lived in Russia for several years) I know all about this country. When you think that the Russian - stupid - you're wrong! They're not just stupid! They SUPER-MEGA-STUPID!)) There is no one dumber them russians. I wonder how they can to live up to 30-40 years, with their sub-zero intellect ...

what do we have here, angry Ukrainian, I guess?


They must be Stupid. Would you pay 50 Million for Torres. lol whistling.gif



I do not care if someone is straight gay bi or transgender to talk to but if I intend to take one home I would only do so with a straight girl. I do believe that in the case that the person is not as they seem should be communicated prior to making arangements to be accompanied home. In a commercial arangement I would consider it fraud.

I do not condone the violence but it will continue until Thailand decides that honesty is the best policy in these cases.



some-one told the transgender (man ->woman) is not gay.

BUT this means there is not any gay in the world, cause when man likes man as a woman likes man must to be transgendered blink.pngblink.png cause only a woman can like the man basically, so if man likes man, he must to feel himself as woman, so he is transgendered .... etc blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

I'm getting bored so much about homophobe-phobe people giggle.gif

and the ladyboy is really cute in picture, and some-one who likes his not gay, and if she already changed his gender, he is she already, so if some-one takes her, some-one is not gay.

And what do you say if a tom takes a ladyboy ??? They are one man and one girl, so they are a full normally couple. Aren't they ?wub.png



And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

True transgenders are not gay by definition, however, in your higher intellectual plane how would you define a male transgender who has a disposition to perform sexual acts on another male. In your deliberating please do not forget that the vast majority of male transgenders still posses male genitalia.

  • Like 1

As a side issue i consider the term ladyboy a little bit indelicate. i mean many transgender men are actually in fact men and not boys.

An english colloquilism for a girl or lady is the word 'bird' - so why no refer to transgender men as 'ladybirds'. i mean ladybirds are lovely things and totally inoffensive creatures.

ladybird covers all age groups. i mean surely a 50 year old transgender man would feel uncomfortable being refered to as a boy (as in ladyboy)


He needs to drop all charges and get out of Thailand fast. Ladyboys tend to be vengeful in a very violent way.

He will be charged with assault or worse so i guess it would be difficult to drop charges laid against him. did you actually read the story. obviously not

Of course I read the story. They both got charged. That's how the police do it in Pattaya.

Have you read the story?

Have you ever been in the Pattaya police station and pressed charges?

I have to both of the above.

If he agrees to drop the charges against his assailant, and the transvestite agrees to same, then after some negotiations inside the police station, which will probably involve him having to pay something for the ladyboy's nose repair, he'll have a chance to get out of "Dodge City" and he'd better do it quick.

Why? One of many examples: Circa '89 while I was living in Phuket, 5000+ horny drunken Marines came ashore. One of them took a very sexy feminine looking ladyboy home and once he discovered she was a he-she he beat him/her nearly to death. The next day a group ladyboys came to his bungalow and stabbed him multiple times to death and fled the island never to be seen again.

He needs to drop all charges and hopefully the police will help him convince the ladyboy to do the same.

I read the article and they were both charged with fighting and what I describe above is exactly how it's going to go down if he doesn't get out of Thailand fast.

The Russian Association of Travel Agencies is already threatening to completely boycott Thailand.

...and all of this is truly high quality tourism.

i think it is a bit extreme to leave thailand asap as you suggest. why not simply leave town or even simply avoid the area where the lb hangs out. im sure the story you relay about Phuket is accurate but - well i wouldnt be leaving the country based on some past event in 1989 or even last week. i mean ferangs are killed on buses and motorbikes and boats and cars and walking the streets (in fact thailand was recently voted the 3rd worst place on the planet for road deaths). no disrespect but you seem a bit of a drama queen.


And to reply to one post , transgenders are not gay , they are transgenders ... Or is it maybe to hard to understand from very narrow minds .

True transgenders are not gay by definition, however, in your higher intellectual plane how would you define a male transgender who has a disposition to perform sexual acts on another male. In your deliberating please do not forget that the vast majority of male transgenders still posses male genitalia.

Well put Halion. See my post no. 70 which goes in to a little more detail. laurenbkk should too as i would like her opinion. she seems to think people are narrow minded if the don't agree with her. but what does she actually consider a man that felates another man .. well please laurenbkk see my post no. 70


any friend of Batman's is a friend of mine... What a helmet though, must have been his first day in Thailand or something. If the headline had read "Russian man pinches Thai man" nobody would read the article I guess.. It's not like he thumped a woman is it?

Oh and that makes it OK does it!

He should have read up on Thailand before coming and left his Russian homophobia back home!

Next time he should look at the top half, or close his eyes, and enjoy a "happy ending"

I don't understand why being pissed off about a ladyboy's lies is homophobia... It's not.

I'm straight... I don't "understand" what makes a person be transgender... or gay for that matter... but I don't discriminate against people based on their orientation. They should have the same rights as everybody else.

But, in my view, if you are a man (pre-op or post-op) and you dress like a woman and go out to places where you try to pick up, or be picked up by, straight men, by passing youself off as a woman, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

If you are honest about who you are, fine. Everybody knows what they are getting.

I think ladyboys should have to wear a "Scarlett L" on their clothes or something.

The problem isn't that they are gay, or transgender... the problem is that they intentionally decieve people about something most people are pretty deeply emotional about. So when they find out they have been decieved, especially after a few drinks, what do you expect is going to happen next?

That isn't homophobia... It's a normal, emotional reaction to having someone decieve you about a closely held personal value that is core to our being....

couldn't agree more


Off topic posts about Sugar Daddies and Chinese tourists removed. Please stop trying to Hijack the topic. Thank you

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


I hope her nose can be repaired.

Her (??) - this is where you and many others have this all wrong - a "he" is a "he" and cannot be changed with a knife - get a grip and call a spade a spade and stop allowing those who want to hide behind a mask of deception in life to expect the rest of us to accept their changes.

So I suppose those "butch' girls can now be called a "he" and their drivers license reflect the same as well - those are doors that really should be kept closed.

  • Like 1

I hope her nose can be repaired.

Her (??) - this is where you and many others have this all wrong - a "he" is a "he" and cannot be changed with a knife - get a grip and call a spade a spade and stop allowing those who want to hide behind a mask of deception in life to expect the rest of us to accept their changes.

So I suppose those "butch' girls can now be called a "he" and their drivers license reflect the same as well - those are doors that really should be kept closed.

... and the "Easy Going Tolerance Award" for 2013 goes to............

  • Like 1

any friend of Batman's is a friend of mine... What a helmet though, must have been his first day in Thailand or something. If the headline had read "Russian man pinches Thai man" nobody would read the article I guess.. It's not like he thumped a woman is it?

Oh and that makes it OK does it!

He should have read up on Thailand before coming and left his Russian homophobia back home!

Next time he should look at the top half, or close his eyes, and enjoy a "happy ending"

I don't understand why being pissed off about a ladyboy's lies is homophobia... It's not.

I'm straight... I don't "understand" what makes a person be transgender... or gay for that matter... but I don't discriminate against people based on their orientation. They should have the same rights as everybody else.

But, in my view, if you are a man (pre-op or post-op) and you dress like a woman and go out to places where you try to pick up, or be picked up by, straight men, by passing youself off as a woman, you deserve to get your ass kicked.

If you are honest about who you are, fine. Everybody knows what they are getting.

I think ladyboys should have to wear a "Scarlett L" on their clothes or something.

The problem isn't that they are gay, or transgender... the problem is that they intentionally decieve people about something most people are pretty deeply emotional about. So when they find out they have been decieved, especially after a few drinks, what do you expect is going to happen next?

That isn't homophobia... It's a normal, emotional reaction to having someone decieve you about a closely held personal value that is core to our being....

This is 100% spot on. Be honest who you are. If not, don't be a sissy cry baby when you get what you deserve.

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I hope her nose can be repaired.

DNA says he but you say her. You are as confused as he (the nose) is. And the nose was broken due to fraud, plain and simple. Not the best handling of being defrauded but perhaps somewhat understandable. Otherwise, your compassion is commendable.

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The "girl" was a guy. As a JT Lemming you should know this. Your IT got what HE deserved.

Cmon, find a nice ladyboy, you know you want to!


any friend of Batman's is a friend of mine... What a helmet though, must have been his first day in Thailand or something. If the headline had read "Russian man pinches Thai man" nobody would read the article I guess.. It's not like he thumped a woman is it?

Oh and that makes it OK does it!

He should have read up on Thailand before coming and left his Russian homophobia back home!

Next time he should look at the top half, or close his eyes, and enjoy a "happy ending"

and enjoy a "happy ending"

Better than sheep cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifwub.png


I hope her nose can be repaired.

Yes, and quicker than he will repair his pride.

This Russian obviously has issues with disappointment.

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