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Man killed by 'jealous boyfriend' in Trang


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Jealousy and handguns, a deadly combination around the world. coffee1.gif

Face is a worldwide attitude but perhaps more pronounced in Asia not just Thailand.

I worked in Hong Kong for 20 years from the mid-70s and face was a big issue there too. There were many fights, stabbings etc over what was known in police jargon as ' staring affairs ' or in other words look at someone the wrong way and ... ! The look could be innocent but if not taken that way then anythig could happen.

This was most prevelent amongst the younger set, gang members and those who were, or thought they were, triad members and all needed to prove / assert themselves. Needless to say a potential sotuation became more incendiary if females were present.

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Let me see if I understand this: one guy goes and talks (only talks) with girl, gets in a fight and is separated by staff. Not happy with that, fighter A shoots at talker/fighter B who runs away and is not hit. Fighter A figures Mr. P, being a friend of Mr B is a fair target and shoots him??? <deleted>? I would guess 9mm equals BIB. Knows that no punishment will happen, let alone being brought in. Maybe he will just "hear' and "acknowledge" the charges, as DSI seems to think is enough. Only in Thailand. Amazing Thailand. Can't wait for some idiot to post "but it's worse in USA".

This is an editorial thing. This sort of thing happens everywhere. The murder rate is not particularly high in Thailand. Not by world standards. It really reflects the sort of story the editors think will create good blog material. That's what comes to the fore. It's grain of salt time.

Its a good story from an editor's point of view. It is bound to create heat amongst a bunch of wanke_rs with nothing better to do than scoff at each other's opinions. OK OK

I'll say it before you do. Self included.

We don't even have the benefit of a bar to do it in.

If you really believe that statement maybe you should check this link!


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There must be more to the story between the lines somewhere

Perhaps the shtter was hopped up on something other that beer or has a few crews loose

or maybe hos GF is a serial cheater or serial FB sex chatter .. makes no sense to me

Sad waste of life , RIP to the one who left far too early

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Strangely, these lunatics manage to get a girlfriend 19x18xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.RBppOEA width=19 alt=whistling.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3700464609>

Thai women seems to be attracted to thai guys who do anything to "protect" her from friends she is flirting with on facebook, that 4 bullets hit the wrong person, just my opinion whistling.gif

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It gets worse! I live there and have seen the local news. The police actually caught the two murderers yesterday and did the standard parade them routine. The guy who did the shooting (witnessed by one person who called the police) is the son of a rich guy, and guess what,,,,, he was released on bail shortly after his arrest yesterday. Absolutely unfrakkingbelievable. This must be the only country in the world where you can get bail when you have committed murder. The photo of the rich kid in the local media shows the sob actually with a smile on his face whilst being paraded.

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Let me see if I understand this: one guy goes and talks (only talks) with girl, gets in a fight and is separated by staff. Not happy with that, fighter A shoots at talker/fighter B who runs away and is not hit. Fighter A figures Mr. P, being a friend of Mr B is a fair target and shoots him??? <deleted>? I would guess 9mm equals BIB. Knows that no punishment will happen, let alone being brought in. Maybe he will just "hear' and "acknowledge" the charges, as DSI seems to think is enough. Only in Thailand. Amazing Thailand. Can't wait for some idiot to post "but it's worse in USA".

This is an editorial thing. This sort of thing happens everywhere. The murder rate is not particularly high in Thailand. Not by world standards. It really reflects the sort of story the editors think will create good blog material. That's what comes to the fore. It's grain of salt time.

Its a good story from an editor's point of view. It is bound to create heat amongst a bunch of wanke_rs with nothing better to do than scoff at each other's opinions. OK OK

I'll say it before you do. Self included.

We don't even have the benefit of a bar to do it in.

Interesting point and I would have agreed if not for this link ( posted in the general forum discussion by someone else), on cause of death by violence ( excludes suicide and vehicle accidents). According to these figures, Thailand is about 50% higher than the USA and more than 600% higher than UK and Australia. Death, not violent crime without fatality. http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/violence/by-country/

I was anticipating this reply. I have researched these figures many times mainly due to the controversies of this website

and from this same map and others. I am happy to see you have included a link to that site for others.

I meant the Thai rates are comparatively low in world terms, including the most violent, like Africa and South America which is why I

said "world standards".

You are comparing Thailand with 1st world countries, which, unfortunately, it clearly is not, but not too far off. It even fares relatively well against the most populace country in the area Indonesia, despite the influence of alcohol here, which is a problem they don't have.

On the world map it comes in at 75th out of 192 countries and 1/7th as violent as the worst. Which is one reason it is as popular as it is, for retirees, despite the weird language and incomprehensible writing.

According to the map, it is only a third more violent than America not 50% higher, and I would not mind seeing the figures that separate the locals from the farangs. This is only my opinion, but I would bet they are favourable for us.

This map is fascinating. It opens up all sorts of other references we could make to the dominant religions in those areas and the influence of poverty and population density.

It may be that both Islam and Buddhism have a moderating influence on the national psychology where they dominate.

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"According to the map, it is only a third more violent than America not 50% higher," huh? 20k shot dead vs 9k in USA which has almost 6x as many people? Another difference is that police in USA keep actual records of crimes, vs "pay off police and forget it" or "never charge the bugger because he paid off family". I would even guess that actual number of homicides with firearms is higher here, just like traffic fatalities. If you don't die on the spot, you don't get added to the total. Not good for Thailand's image you know.....

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Let me see if I understand this: one guy goes and talks (only talks) with girl, gets in a fight and is separated by staff. Not happy with that, fighter A shoots at talker/fighter B who runs away and is not hit. Fighter A figures Mr. P, being a friend of Mr B is a fair target and shoots him??? <deleted>? I would guess 9mm equals BIB. Knows that no punishment will happen, let alone being brought in. Maybe he will just "hear' and "acknowledge" the charges, as DSI seems to think is enough. Only in Thailand. Amazing Thailand. Can't wait for some idiot to post "but it's worse in USA".

This is an editorial thing. This sort of thing happens everywhere. The murder rate is not particularly high in Thailand. Not by world standards. It really reflects the sort of story the editors think will create good blog material. That's what comes to the fore. It's grain of salt time.

Its a good story from an editor's point of view. It is bound to create heat amongst a bunch of wanke_rs with nothing better to do than scoff at each other's opinions. OK OK

I'll say it before you do. Self included.

We don't even have the benefit of a bar to do it in.

If you really believe that statement maybe you should check this link!


How can two stat sources be so opposed. Thank you for the link. I have always kept my head low.

Being a surfer looking for interesting destinations I have been talking about Morocco to some friends.

With view to staying there.

That country fares much better than I would have expected. How interesting.

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