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Expat Experience and Confirmation Bias


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Everybody has conformation bias as you put it. Freedom of choice and freedom of speech and being open to interpretation. There will always be a left wing and a right wing and somewhere in between, and hopefully these attributes will remain strong for generations to come, long after we've gone.

Btw, I appreciate the way you think GH :)

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You haven't posted lately guesthouse....thanks....good to hear from the old posters who talk straight when needed and give us a laugh on other occasions. That's what helps new comers....Something missing lately here on TVF....Remember when we could log on and have a laugh? I miss that.

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This is not an instance of confirmation from what I can tell. To show that it is, you'd have to demonstrate that the people who have negative attitudes towards Thailand interpreted the wreath differently and that both groups had the same starting knowledge. I don't this in the original thread. I think it's simply a cultural misinterpretation. It's quite possible that 'thai-negatives' would have the same (apparently wrong) interpretation of the wreath ... we simply don't know.

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Too Long, i couldn't read it all but i do like reading the replies, i think soooosloooow so i read short bit's. i like this forum because of the broad range of people that write on it,, keep going, write bullshit if you have to it just means you are contributing, blah blah blah oh how the life goes on.

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You haven't posted lately guesthouse....thanks....good to hear from the old posters who talk straight when needed and give us a laugh on other occasions. That's what helps new comers....Something missing lately here on TVF....Remember when we could log on and have a laugh? I miss that.

The problem with wanting to have a laugh is people have different senses of humour, what someone thinks is funny, is offensive to someone else, the flaming starts and some of us end up on holiday.

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Nice piece of work.

Its difficult to generalize and I am sure that there are certain aspect of bias from a mindset that has 'settled' - into somewhere unhealthy.

However there are also those that see the headline and contribute - Not because they are 'settled', but rather they are active in a thought and the subject is real and happening to them right now or they are fearful that it might happen to them or even worse It has happened to them.

Everyday on this forum we all see subjects that talk to us directly that are real: rejected visa (or related), problems with our Thai girlfriends , cheating, dual pricing and scam etc.

I am not sure that all the conflict and reasons used for reading one type of a particular subject is just about a poorly constructed or an unhealthy bias, but rather it might be because of hurt and fear and then respond within anxiety in the pursuit of real change. It is probable that some people on this forum select their subjects and write their words not because they have become damaged, but more because they are human and care enough to figure this thing out to ensure they can keep on taking the chances they do.

Edited by spambot
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A rambling rant fuelled by the lager of loquacity.

Wars occur when rich and wealthy people of different countries have opposing views and settle those views by using the wretched masses as cannon fodder setting them upon each other murderously by using intense dogma and propaganda to rob the wretched masses of their humanity, sanity, reason and rationality.

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Take for an example two expats who have differing views of life in Thailand, the one loves his life in Thailand, the second has fallen out of love with his life in Thailand. Both will experience their day to day life in Thailand through their own window of confirmation bias.

Confirmation Bias, watch out for it, we all suffer it, and it colours the view every single one of us have of our life as expats (and much more beyond).

But how is the bias derived to begin with?

Some people are generally positive, happy, content people who have a bias that enables them to look at most things, not just things in Thailand, in a positive way, while others will always be cynical and see every glass half-empty no matter if it's filled to the brim.

For those who seem to be primarily positive or negative about life in Thailand, the bias may have developed because we are genuinely pleased with life in Thailand or because our experience has been mainly negative, so the bias arose from valid personal experiences. Hardly a reason to "watch out for it."

There are any number of essentially negative posts about some aspects of life in Thailand that are stated in reasonable, balanced terms and to which I would not react since I am well aware that life here is not perfect.

On the other hand I will respond to some of the endless whining about trivial issues in Thailand especially when the posters seem to operate on the assumption these things only happen in Thailand and would never happen back in farangville. Those posts are generally irrational and absurd and usually an emotional reaction to some isolated incident that they then whip into a gross generalization, so my response is not motivated by a blinding bias that leaves me unable to see things from a balanced perspective, but because the comments made in a particular thread are overwhelmingly negative and should not be left unchallenged.

And, despite what some people contend, there are numerous posts that are simply racist. Saying all Thai people are this or that and all Thai people hate all farang etc. deserves a response and also deserves "likes" for posts that react to such nonsense. That doesn't imply that I think all Thai people are saints and geniuses.

In your example regarding the wreath, you have no idea why people responded positively to certain posts, but because your explanation fits your agenda you conveniently and unjustifiably use those "likes" to illustrate your point. As Bookman's has shown, he wasn't blinded by the bias you fabricated to bolster your thesis, but because he simply liked or agreed with something an individual said.

I do agree that some people are inclined to see a glass half full while others will look at the same glass as half empty and that that may need to be kept in mind when making important decisions, but it's not that difficult for most non-institutionalized adults to distinguish between posts that are over the top in either direction. Since the balance on TV tends to tilt toward the foaming at the mouth irrationally negative rants, I'm pretty much always going to go the other way, not because I see everything here through rose colored confirmation bias, but because there needs to be some foaming at the mouth positive rants to regain some balance.

Depending on Wikipedia as a reference will probably introduce a few biases or lapses as well.

Edited by Suradit69
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I don't see anything in that what you have sad which does not fit with what I have said.

Though you are missing the point about my reference to the 'likes' in the post I refer to. The post I refer to is factually wrong, making a point by reference to a complete misunderstanding of a Thai cultural norm. Perhaps you are right and I am reading too much into those 'likes', maybe people who liked it, liked the complete misunderstanding of a Thai cultural norm that it was based upon.

I do agree, some people are predisposed to seeing life from the positive angle while others are predisposed to seeing life from the negative angle. And I absolutely agree that our original point of bias comes from our own past personal experience played against the predisposition (positive or negative) that we have.

Though it is clearly a mistake to believe that this predisposition is fixed and unchanging - I've seen people change their outlook in both directions following experiences of life - hence term 'life changing experience'. It happens.

As to the response of 'haters' well they are the outliers, the people at the black and white margins - as I clearly state, most of us are not out there, we are in the grey area in between, our views oscillating about the middle.

I wonder though what you imagine my 'agenda' to be. I regard my views and outlook as liberal, incase Americans reading that misunderstand, that's not political liberal, its liberal in the sense of allowing people to express opinions AND to challenge opinions. If they can do so with reasoned argument rather than personal attacks and calls to emotion all the better.


Which brings me back to 'Haters'.

My definition of 'Haters' is not people who hate Thai people, Thai language or Thai culture.

Its people who hate others expressing opinions they themselves do not agree with.

Those sitting at the black and white fringes of opinion about life in Thailand and Thai people share one thing in common, their hatred of other people expressing opinions which challenges their own position.

The argument that all Thai people are (insert negative comment) is as ridiculous as the argument that all Thai people are (insert positive comment).

Any well balanced individual in possession of developed and functioning frontal lobes is able to understand life in Thailand as a balance between positives and negatives, not simply good, not simply bad but a balance.

The sad thing is, that it is these haters who dominate the discussion, prowling the forum ready to pounce on anything that affronts their world view.

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