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girlfriend hunting on the net part 2


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I like dating sites. If nothing else they are entertaining.

But they are also the best way for me to meet a school teacher, a nurse... I like educated and smart women which I don't find at 7-11 or the mall or cutting my hair.

I troll the banks and post offices and similar places where the gals are educated, have good jobs and regular hours.

No matter how you approach it in Thailand, meeting women is fun. But who wants to meet one with a 3rd grade education for more than one night, 555.

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Personally if she's flipped out on you once already it's hardly the most auspicious of starts, I'd steer well clear and head back to the bars. At least then you can see the goods and establish a rapport (of sorts) before you move on with things.

I can't understand this internet dating thing. At least in a bar you can have a good drink and a laugh; the end result always seems to be the same.The internet thing seems to be popular with blokes who would rather say they met their hooker I mean girlfriend anywhere but in a bar....you know the type who will spend several hours convincing anyone who listens their lass is ''different'' before she skins him to the bone as they're so wrapped up in the fact she's not a bar girl, they develop a false sense of security and their guard is down.

From what I can gather, this internet dating caper is as fraught with exactly the same risks as pulling a dolly from a bar as most of these lasses seem 'too good to be true'' until the poor sap, finds out they're not what they seem or the "nice sweet "educated" lass (no kids) he's been carousing with online for the last few weeks has had more cock than Bernard Matthews (if you'll pardon the coarse turn of phrase) and has popped out more offspring than the average soi dog....usually when it's way too late and they wind up with egg all over their face....

The dating game can be fun, why not go for it in the real world?

whats up with the bars? Are you actually thinking that you cannot meet a gal someplace else? And the internet is a joke as well. Just live your life here, and you will have many opportunities. If you only frequent the bar, then you are missing out a better relationship elsewhere.

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U mean that some of this girls are not virgins?? What a disappointment. BTW is disappointment the same as canceling an appointment at the dentist?

To hear some of the lads who drag a GF off the internet, you'd think they were....

whats up with the bars? Are you actually thinking that you cannot meet a gal someplace else?

How on earth can you divine that from my post? I think maybe you've spent the afternoon in a bar and forgot how to say 'when'

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One of the nice things about living in Thailand is one doesn't have to look for women. They do the looking. All you have to do is speak Thai and know how to raise your eyebrows. Women with a 3rd grade education? Who cares. My first wife had 3 PhD's, 2 MA's and more students than I could count. She was a legend at the university where she taught. To bad she wasn't a legend for her academic prowess. My second wife dropped out of high school to open a business and by the time she was 20 she was making more than the President of the US. She had talent. I have discovered the only people who care about an education are those who don't have one. My wife who dropped out of high school was always impressed by my degrees. My kids who have degrees of their own think I'm less than perfect.

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My first wife had 3 PhD's

She must have been knocking on a bit seeing as it takes around 4-6 years for each.....

Only took her 20 minutes each. She was not into long time. I didn't think my post was that cryptic.

Edited by thailiketoo
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One of the nice things about living in Thailand is one doesn't have to look for women. They do the looking. All you have to do is speak Thai and know how to raise your eyebrows. Women with a 3rd grade education? Who cares. My first wife had 3 PhD's, 2 MA's and more students than I could count. She was a legend at the university where she taught. To bad she wasn't a legend for her academic prowess. My second wife dropped out of high school to open a business and by the time she was 20 she was making more than the President of the US. She had talent. I have discovered the only people who care about an education are those who don't have one. My wife who dropped out of high school was always impressed by my degrees. My kids who have degrees of their own think I'm less than perfect.

Not everyone wants the ones 'doing the looking' for foreigners. Huge red flag.

We are trying to seperate the wheat from the chaff and get ones who are not on the game or will cause troubles down the road, financially or otherwise.

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One of the nice things about living in Thailand is one doesn't have to look for women. They do the looking. All you have to do is speak Thai and know how to raise your eyebrows. Women with a 3rd grade education? Who cares. My first wife had 3 PhD's, 2 MA's and more students than I could count. She was a legend at the university where she taught. To bad she wasn't a legend for her academic prowess. My second wife dropped out of high school to open a business and by the time she was 20 she was making more than the President of the US. She had talent. I have discovered the only people who care about an education are those who don't have one. My wife who dropped out of high school was always impressed by my degrees. My kids who have degrees of their own think I'm less than perfect.

Not everyone wants the ones 'doing the looking' for foreigners. Huge red flag.

We are trying to seperate the wheat from the chaff and get ones who are not on the game or will cause troubles down the road, financially or otherwise.

Some men see many women looking for men and some men see few, smile.png

Who is We in, "We are trying to seperate the wheat from the chaff and get ones who are not on the game or will cause troubles down the road, financially or otherwise."

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I met my wife on the old Matematcher website. I don't go to bars nor church, and I worked at the time in a small town outside of Bangkok. I joined the website, met probably 20 women over the course of a year. Some were looking for a sugar daddy. One or two might have been pros. Four or five were nice women with whom I spent time getting to know. Two had their own businesses and one made more money than I did.

The woman I married was looking for support and security, no question about that. But we hit it off and enjoyed each other's company.

She's a lazy woman who can't cook and won't clean. She works part time and keeps that money for herself while I pay for the mortage, the utilities, the food, etc. BUT, she makes me laugh, we watch tv each night cuddling on the couch or in bed, we go on vacations together where her curiousity on the world is gratifying. She takes care of me when I'm sick. She's smart. And while not that important, she's easy on the eyes. She may not be "perfect," whatever that is, but we are a good match.

Could I have met someone without the internet? Sure, this is Thailand. But for my personality and schedule, it was far easier to do an initial screening online, then set up a first date. After that first date, it wouldn't matter how we met. Everything is back to ground zero.

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I used to think that internet dating was good for those who, perhaps, don't operate well in bars, clubs or other normal social situations but since even the fattest, baldest and most socially inept jokers can land a hottie in this country, I'm inclined to believe that more than a few men simply use internet dating as a way to obtain the validation they imagine comes from having sex with many different women.

Another string to the bow, I guess

I'd say most of us don't care about the validation we just like to have sex with lots of different girls and online dating makes that very easy.

My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ....

Many are not though. The hookers are easy to spot.

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Don't you think that sometimes bargirls may take to the internet to lure in a customer?

I've seen more than a few good men fall into the "pit" because they thought (wrongly) the 'nice' lass they'd met online turned out to be bargirls in all but name, with the same, often greater demands than the real thing.

How hard can it be to work out your missus is a bar girl / hooker? Some people are just clueless.

Sexual predators such as yourself deserve to be caught, castrated and deported.

Your attitude and behavior creates resentment of foreigners in this country, and all of the associated consequences.

You're not getting laid are you?

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I like dating sites. If nothing else they are entertaining.

But they are also the best way for me to meet a school teacher, a nurse... I like educated and smart women which I don't find at 7-11 or the mall or cutting my hair.

I troll the banks and post offices and similar places where the gals are educated, have good jobs and regular hours.

No matter how you approach it in Thailand, meeting women is fun. But who wants to meet one with a 3rd grade education for more than one night, 555.

Has it ever occurred to you, that a woman who works in a 7-11 or any other job that you feel is below your standard, may be very intelligent and smart

just never had the money to get a better education.

Unlike our home countries money buys an education here.

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I used to think that internet dating was good for those who, perhaps, don't operate well in bars, clubs or other normal social situations but since even the fattest, baldest and most socially inept jokers can land a hottie in this country, I'm inclined to believe that more than a few men simply use internet dating as a way to obtain the validation they imagine comes from having sex with many different women.

Another string to the bow, I guess

I'd say most of us don't care about the validation

Not consciously coffee1.gif

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I like dating sites. If nothing else they are entertaining.

But they are also the best way for me to meet a school teacher, a nurse... I like educated and smart women which I don't find at 7-11 or the mall or cutting my hair.

I troll the banks and post offices and similar places where the gals are educated, have good jobs and regular hours.

No matter how you approach it in Thailand, meeting women is fun. But who wants to meet one with a 3rd grade education for more than one night, 555.

Has it ever occurred to you, that a woman who works in a 7-11 or any other job that you feel is below your standard, may be very intelligent and smart

just never had the money to get a better education.

Unlike our home countries money buys an education here.

hahahah I know so many 7-11, dish washers etc workers that have a degree!!

bjggest scam on the planet is education

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Personally if she's flipped out on you once already it's hardly the most auspicious of starts, I'd steer well clear and head back to the bars. At least then you can see the goods and establish a rapport (of sorts) before you move on with things.

I can't understand this internet dating thing. At least in a bar you can have a good drink and a laugh; the end result always seems to be the same.The internet thing seems to be popular with blokes who would rather say they met their hooker I mean girlfriend anywhere but in a bar....you know the type who will spend several hours convincing anyone who listens their lass is ''different'' before she skins him to the bone as they're so wrapped up in the fact she's not a bar girl, they develop a false sense of security and their guard is down.

From what I can gather, this internet dating caper is as fraught with exactly the same risks as pulling a dolly from a bar as most of these lasses seem 'too good to be true'' until the poor sap, finds out they're not what they seem or the "nice sweet "educated" lass (no kids) he's been carousing with online for the last few weeks has had more cock than Bernard Matthews (if you'll pardon the coarse turn of phrase) and has popped out more offspring than the average soi dog....usually when it's way too late and they wind up with egg all over their face....

The dating game can be fun, why not go for it in the real world?

The hooker bars are hardly the real world but I agree with your comparison of the 2.

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I like dating sites. If nothing else they are entertaining.

But they are also the best way for me to meet a school teacher, a nurse... I like educated and smart women which I don't find at 7-11 or the mall or cutting my hair.

I troll the banks and post offices and similar places where the gals are educated, have good jobs and regular hours.

No matter how you approach it in Thailand, meeting women is fun. But who wants to meet one with a 3rd grade education for more than one night, 555.

ive found education not the be all and end all,

as you know im not the brightest, but ive done alright for myself,

getting on in life can be just a lot of luck, being in the right place at the right time, ive had many jobs like that,

my wife did go to high school and she is very inteligent, she can talk to me about most things, she watches the world news and tells me things that are going on that i didnt know,

inteligence isnt just about education,

my wife has taught herself so much about keeping pigs, she knows far more about them then i do now,,lol,

im proud of my wife for what she is,

a beautiful caring wife and mother,

also pig farmer, and shes only 37 kilo,,,lol, most of the pigs are bugger then her,,,lol


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I like dating sites. If nothing else they are entertaining.

But they are also the best way for me to meet a school teacher, a nurse... I like educated and smart women which I don't find at 7-11 or the mall or cutting my hair.

I troll the banks and post offices and similar places where the gals are educated, have good jobs and regular hours.

No matter how you approach it in Thailand, meeting women is fun. But who wants to meet one with a 3rd grade education for more than one night, 555.

Has it ever occurred to you, that a woman who works in a 7-11 or any other job that you feel is below your standard, may be very intelligent and smart

just never had the money to get a better education.

Unlike our home countries money buys an education here.

OK, to all who reacted to this, it's about the hours she works and the days she has off. A school teacher or a 35 y/o nurse will have not more than 40 hours of work, weekends and evenings off, and she might drag down a decent salary so that I don't feel I leave her uncared for.

It's not about the education per se.

Jake, your situation is different. You chose to marry, have a child, build a house, so for you that works fine. I will never get married and I had surgery and tests to be sure I won't have kids.

Jake, your wife is beautiful and sweet as is your child, and if I were your age wanting what you want, I would go for it too.

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I don't how you guys find the time to date on these web-sites. Nowadays, I would never waste even 5 minutes trying to date a Thai woman. From these web-sites, I've met crazies and I've met those who appear fairly normal at first pass. But in every case, they have either been jealous nutters or are simply looking for money.

I've lived here for 12 years and have a few Thai lady friends, but just friends since they fit into the latter category of only doing something if they can get money or status for it.

When I've worked in Laos and Myanmar, I had lady friends who exhibited none of the childish antics of Thai women.

I'm quite happy with a cold beer and a good book, thanks very much. Ain't got time to waste with Thai females :)


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Nice avatar, Jake. You always manage a Christmaassy spirit, no matter what time of year.

Personally, I'd not go sharking on the internet any more than I'd go looking for drinking buddies on the internet. And my recommendations would be the same: Learn enough about each other to make sure your opinions and prejudices are not going to clash, sort out a common sporting event that you can both attend, and ensure that the Princess Royal gives herblessing, no matter how distressed with the result she is

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I like dating sites. If nothing else they are entertaining.

But they are also the best way for me to meet a school teacher, a nurse... I like educated and smart women which I don't find at 7-11 or the mall or cutting my hair.

I troll the banks and post offices and similar places where the gals are educated, have good jobs and regular hours.

No matter how you approach it in Thailand, meeting women is fun. But who wants to meet one with a 3rd grade education for more than one night, 555.

Has it ever occurred to you, that a woman who works in a 7-11 or any other job that you feel is below your standard, may be very intelligent and smart

just never had the money to get a better education.

Unlike our home countries money buys an education here.

OK, to all who reacted to this, it's about the hours she works and the days she has off. A school teacher or a 35 y/o nurse will have not more than 40 hours of work, weekends and evenings off, and she might drag down a decent salary so that I don't feel I leave her uncared for.

It's not about the education per se.

Jake, your situation is different. You chose to marry, have a child, build a house, so for you that works fine. I will never get married and I had surgery and tests to be sure I won't have kids.

Jake, your wife is beautiful and sweet as is your child, and if I were your age wanting what you want, I would go for it too.

sorry i misunderstood neversure,

didnt think it was like you,, now i understand were your coming from,,,,lol,,,, more time on there hands,,yehhhhhhh,,,lol

have a good one all, christmas that is,,



ive said it before there is a few on here i would meet for a beer, or if they were down near our ranch they would be welcome,


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My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

Sexual predators such as yourself deserve to be caught, castrated and deported.

Your attitude and behavior creates resentment of foreigners in this country, and all of the associated consequences.

Over-react much ? Are you 100% confident that he wasnt simply taking the piss, and even if he isnt I dont see his attitude as being a whole lot different to many who trawl the Net looking for easy sex. Unless we are talking minors, he's not doing anything illegal much less worthy of castration. I dont endorse his attitude at all - its as sad as the 'I've got game' brigade - but castration ? Get a life, Ayatollah.

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I don't how you guys find the time to date on these web-sites. Nowadays, I would never waste even 5 minutes trying to date a Thai woman. From these web-sites, I've met crazies and I've met those who appear fairly normal at first pass. But in every case, they have either been jealous nutters or are simply looking for money.

I've lived here for 12 years and have a few Thai lady friends, but just friends since they fit into the latter category of only doing something if they can get money or status for it.

When I've worked in Laos and Myanmar, I had lady friends who exhibited none of the childish antics of Thai women.

I'm quite happy with a cold beer and a good book, thanks very much. Ain't got time to waste with Thai females smile.png


Boom - for me, this post nails it,. Kudos to simon for putting it so eloquently.

I've bolded the part about 'jealous nutters of just looking for money', and I honestly prefer the latter. You can say 'no' to the women who just want money, but a jealous Thai women is a force to be reckoned with. I had one demand to see emails from my sister, absolutely convinced that she wasn't my sister but another woman who - clearly - I must be sneaking away to have sex with. She went through my phone, rang every number in my call log and gave them some insane rant ('stay away from my man') and I had to go cap-in-hand and apologise to each of those folk when I finally managed to extricate myself from her. One thing with Thais - they've grown up around crazy, jealous women - something else again for non-Thais - you have to explain that you were silly enough to hook up with a mental patient :(

Women who just want money are the women I dream of, compared to finding myself in the clutches of another psycho. I completely get avarice - it afflicts most of us to some degree - but any woman who will be sitting outside your apartment at 4am with a carving knife simply isnt a woman you want to get involved with - the classic Fatal Attraction. I'll add Filipinas to his list of nationalities where the women dont usually lose the plot shortly after they leave a toothbrush at your place. The only advice I can give anyone here is to treat any attempt to start leaving clothes in your closet very seriously - that's how it starts, and it ends with her chasing you down Soi 22 with the aforementioned carving knife. Good times ;)

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Personally I wouldn't want to pick up a "working" girl, but I could care less if others do.

My point is that many of the girls on these sites are exactly that ...

"working girls" are not really so very different from any other girls. Keep them all at a distance and try to budget what you spend on them. I have not kept to my own advice here for the past 3 years and I am trying to end a relationship which has cost me a very large chunk of my savings / capital base.

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I don't how you guys find the time to date on these web-sites. Nowadays, I would never waste even 5 minutes trying to date a Thai woman. From these web-sites, I've met crazies and I've met those who appear fairly normal at first pass. But in every case, they have either been jealous nutters or are simply looking for money.

I've lived here for 12 years and have a few Thai lady friends, but just friends since they fit into the latter category of only doing something if they can get money or status for it.

When I've worked in Laos and Myanmar, I had lady friends who exhibited none of the childish antics of Thai women.

I'm quite happy with a cold beer and a good book, thanks very much. Ain't got time to waste with Thai females smile.png


Boom - for me, this post nails it,. Kudos to simon for putting it so eloquently.

I've bolded the part about 'jealous nutters of just looking for money', and I honestly prefer the latter. You can say 'no' to the women who just want money, but a jealous Thai women is a force to be reckoned with. I had one demand to see emails from my sister, absolutely convinced that she wasn't my sister but another woman who - clearly - I must be sneaking away to have sex with. She went through my phone, rang every number in my call log and gave them some insane rant ('stay away from my man') and I had to go cap-in-hand and apologise to each of those folk when I finally managed to extricate myself from her. One thing with Thais - they've grown up around crazy, jealous women - something else again for non-Thais - you have to explain that you were silly enough to hook up with a mental patient sad.png

Women who just want money are the women I dream of, compared to finding myself in the clutches of another psycho. I completely get avarice - it afflicts most of us to some degree - but any woman who will be sitting outside your apartment at 4am with a carving knife simply isnt a woman you want to get involved with - the classic Fatal Attraction. I'll add Filipinas to his list of nationalities where the women dont usually lose the plot shortly after they leave a toothbrush at your place. The only advice I can give anyone here is to treat any attempt to start leaving clothes in your closet very seriously - that's how it starts, and it ends with her chasing you down Soi 22 with the aforementioned carving knife. Good times wink.png


Sounds like you have some interesting stories to tell MRWW

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My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

Sexual predators such as yourself deserve to be caught, castrated and deported.

Your attitude and behavior creates resentment of foreigners in this country, and all of the associated consequences.

I'd say a winner for 'Post of the year - Overreaction Category' laugh.png

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My goal is to minimize the steps from email to bed. It's not even about the sex, it's the challenge to see how fast and easy I can get it. There's some things in life I don't want to work or pay for...

Sexual predators such as yourself deserve to be caught, castrated and deported.

Your attitude and behavior creates resentment of foreigners in this country, and all of the associated consequences.

I'd say a winner for 'Post of the year - Overreaction Category' laugh.png


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I'm quite happy with a cold beer and a good book, thanks very much. Ain't got time to waste with Thai females smile.png


Excellent. However, many of us want something warm, wet, and inviting, as well.

There's also the central question of your dotage: who will change your diaper?

Edited by JSixpack
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Excellent. However, many of us want something warm, wet, and inviting, as well.

Me too. But given the choice between a Thai, Lao and Myanmar lady, the Thai would be at the bottom of my list (generalisation of course).

With few exceptions, I've found them to look pretty on the surface, but totally lacking in morals and honesty underneath.

Most of them also seem to have a screw loose somewhere, in some examples a whole box of screws.


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