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Tough routine for 'Kamnan Suthep'


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Tough routine for 'Kamnan Suthep'
Budsarakham Sinlapalavan
The Nation


Longterm MP who has quit politics now aims to end rival's career also

BANGKOK: -- "Kamnan Suthep" (Tambon headman) has become Suthep Thaugsuban's popular alias after he decided to step down from public office and lead protesters against Yingluck Shinawatra's government.

Observing a march of the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee in Bangkok yesterday, Facebook user Amm Anyama, posted that the hottest TV stars had nothing on Suthep at this point: "Even if we throw 10 Nadech [Kugimiya] and James Ji [Jirayu Tangsrisuk] on Silom Road right now, Uncle Kamnan is more popular, I'd say."

It has been nearly two months since Suthep started the protest against the amnesty bill at Samsen train station before changing and expanding the rally to sites such as Democracy Monument, the Finance Ministry, the Government Complex at Chaeng Wattana and Nang Lerng intersection.

Over this period the protest has morphed into a demonstration to try to oust the "Thaksin regime", as Suthep has drawn increasing moral support from people in Bangkok and other protesters.

The former Democrat has given his all to the protest. Staying at the rally site, Suthep's daily activities begin after he wakes up at about 6am and walks around the site to inspect the protest environment.

Around midday Suthep has a meeting to check the situation for whatever is on the day's agenda. In the evening, he is usually up on stage, speaking to supporters - speeches that are usually relayed to a far wider audience via the Blue Sky TV network. They can be long days and he often doesn't get to bed till about 2am.

On November 26, Suthep had just an hour's sleep because of rumours that police were set to arrive and arrest him. And on November 27, he led protesters rally to the Government Complex in the north of the capital.

Most days Suthep has a group of fans that crowds around him all time, both when he's in public or resting in a private room. They like to take photos with the protest leader and when he appears in public some protesters are liable to scream out when they see his now famous tanned face.

The longer he has led the rally the more than popular he has become (although the opposite could be said about the feeling of those politically at odds with the man and his goals). One thing seems sure, and that is that Suthep has a down-to-earth personality and doesn't need the frills of the well-to-do - he's comfortable sitting on the street and eating from a foam box.

Some fans said they felt lucky to meet him. And they have given him special souvenirs - such as a gold whistle, dolls in his likeness and even a Suthep key ring.

Suthep is 64. A graduate with a bachelor's degree from Chiang Mai University, he also has a master's in political science from Middle Tennessee State University, from 1975.

After he returned to Thailand, he registered as a headman candidate at tambon Tasaton in Surat Thani province. He won the election to be tambon headman at the age of 26.

Suthep was elected as a Surat Thani MP in 1979 and has won a seat in every of general election since - till he decided to resign this year.

Despite his age and the tiring routine the protests entail, Suthep remains healthy, partly because he has had good care from his wife Srisakul Promphan. She appears at the back of stage every night to give him moral support. She has also brought her son and daughter, Akanat and Teerapa Promphan, to be close allies at the rally site.

Akanat is a spokeman for the protest movement and Teerapa a coordinator for Suthep.

Teerapa said Suthep was very healthy despite having less time to sleep. Her mother, Srisakul, helps by preparing vitamins for him.

But every coin has two sides. Even though Suthep look like a star when he leads the protesters, his opponents make a mental note of his every move.

Several times on stage Suthep has said there is someone who wants to nail him - someone who wants a sniper to shoot him. Not surprisingly, he is surrounded by security guards - no less than 40 people on the inner and outside circle.

For the protesters he is a superstar, but for his opponents, he is the man most wanted.

-- The Nation 2013-12-21

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While I disagree with most of what Sutehp says nowadays, we can thank him for keeping the Shinawat Regime in check. Without Suthep's sometimes looney actions over the last several weeks, Thaksin would probably already be back here in Thailand, with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.

Suthep exposed YL and her regime in a bright bright spotlight, revealing warts and all to the Thai people. I don't know what the endgame will look like, but as long as YL is trying to get brother (daddy?) back in power, she'll be needing to look over her shoulder, and we need brave (crazy?) people like Suthep to be there smiling and poking her in the back.

shouldn't the Democrat party be doing this in Parliament and not this loose canon on the streets?

Retires from politics? I think he is after Prem's job.

Your point is well made but the Dems did nothing in Parliament because of the majority against them and an ' in the pocket ' speaker who was most definitrly not independent and running debates in a neutral manner.

Suthep now frightens me because he has take his well made points to a dangerous level and smells blood.

Hope that will only be figuratively.

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tominbkk, on 21 Dec 2013 - 07:05, said:snapback.png

While I disagree with most of what Sutehp says nowadays, we can thank him for keeping the Shinawat Regime in check. Without Suthep's sometimes looney actions over the last several weeks, Thaksin would probably already be back here in Thailand, with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.

Suthep exposed YL and her regime in a bright bright spotlight, revealing warts and all to the Thai people. I don't know what the endgame will look like, but as long as YL is trying to get brother (daddy?) back in power, she'll be needing to look over her shoulder, and we need brave (crazy?) people like Suthep to be there smiling and poking her in the back.

shouldn't the Democrat party be doing this in Parliament and not this loose canon on the streets?

Retires from politics? I think he is after Prem's job.

They have been trying but are just ignored and in some cases not even allowed to speak by the neutral speaker.

They have exposed rampant corruption in the rice scheme in the censure debate and been laughed at by PT who believed that having a majority of seats and therefor voting power in the house that they could do anything they liked.

Suthep and the crowds that are coming out in his support are proving to them beyond any doubt that they can not.

What Robby says. Demos try to work within the system but are being bulldozed by the PT.

Lest you forget, "Thaskin Thinks and PT acts". This has been their motto since the beginning, and all Tahskin thinks is that he wants to come home. The PT party cares nothing for democracy, but only to get the shining leader of the reds back onto the throne.

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he's comfortable sitting on the street and eating from a foam box.

BlueSky shoulda done the decent thing and vaselined the sight of him stuffing his gob with moo kratiem and yakult. There was a guy sitting behind him yesterday picking teeth with his forefinger. How down to earth is that?

Anyway, what's next? Feeding from a trough?

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..., with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.


Like before? We certainly can't have that happening again can we???

Thaksin has no qualms about extrajudicial execution. Look at his record as PM, thousands of people killed without trial or recourse. Something you cannot deny.

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he's comfortable sitting on the street and eating from a foam box.

BlueSky shoulda done the decent thing and vaselined the sight of him stuffing his gob with moo kratiem and yakult. There was a guy sitting behind him yesterday picking teeth with his forefinger. How down to earth is that?

Anyway, what's next? Feeding from a trough?

Maybe he should be stuffing his craw with Dom Perignon and Beluga? Oh wait, you have to be in a castle in Dubai to do that!

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While I disagree with most of what Sutehp says nowadays, we can thank him for keeping the Shinawat Regime in check. Without Suthep's sometimes looney actions over the last several weeks, Thaksin would probably already be back here in Thailand, with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.

Suthep exposed YL and her regime in a bright bright spotlight, revealing warts and all to the Thai people. I don't know what the endgame will look like, but as long as YL is trying to get brother (daddy?) back in power, she'll be needing to look over her shoulder, and we need brave (crazy?) people like Suthep to be there smiling and poking her in the back.

shouldn't the Democrat party be doing this in Parliament and not this loose canon on the streets?

Retires from politics? I think he is after Prem's job.

How can you fight them in parliament after they tried to old back end sweep for amnesty at 4am?

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While I disagree with most of what Sutehp says nowadays, we can thank him for keeping the Shinawat Regime in check. Without Suthep's sometimes looney actions over the last several weeks, Thaksin would probably already be back here in Thailand, with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.

Suthep exposed YL and her regime in a bright bright spotlight, revealing warts and all to the Thai people. I don't know what the endgame will look like, but as long as YL is trying to get brother (daddy?) back in power, she'll be needing to look over her shoulder, and we need brave (crazy?) people like Suthep to be there smiling and poking her in the back.

shouldn't the Democrat party be doing this in Parliament and not this loose canon on the streets?

Retires from politics? I think he is after Prem's job.

Truth, The opposition tried to do Their job in parliament but on many important issues were denied their right to speak. Here lies the many problems we are facing. Bill rushed and pushed through without debate is NOT democracy-especially when as you keep saying they were democratically elected then are/were not governing democratically.

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..., with his black-shirted goon squads taking away his opposition at night.


Like before? We certainly can't have that happening again can we???

Yes and some goons support that style, hence the reason for this turmoil, but carry on defending them.

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Why am I reminded of Jack Nicholson's portrayal of The Joker?

AN idiot who thinks he can win, but will fail cause Thaksin has more money to buy the rest of Thailand's voters....wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Buying their votes by showing them some respect? Nobody forces people to vote for them.

All parties pay people before voting. One side shows some respect to the poor, one side cannot bring itself to, guess which side has fairly won every election in over a decade. whistling.gif

Edited by Beet
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Yingluck is a puppet. Suthep is a puppet. We all know this. They did not even use transparent filament, like the street magicians use. They used black rope and have told everyone to stop looking at the bonds.

If you really buy wholeheartedly into either camp, you have stapled these very thick threads to your own independence and willingly joined the show. This is not a simple situation.

Sometimes mixed metaphors work.

This is a coup, orchestrated by the same people who abused the military to do it the last several times. They have a point, and this government has gone too far. That is so obvious that even children know it. The demonstrators also refuse to support reforms that would prevent this cycle from continuing, or allow discourse.

The price of this will come in blood, unless the word Compromise becomes part of the political dictionary here. I go to the wat now, to pray for my Thai wife and child, my friends, my Thai colleagues at this fine university, and for the Great man they call King.

Resume rants. I am resuming my own good intentions.

Edited by FangFerang
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Buy their votes by showing them some respect. Nobody forces people to vote for them. All parties pay people before they vote. One side shows some respect to the poor, one side cannot bring itself to, guess which side has fairly won every election in over a decade. whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn

If you tell a lie often enough people will start to believe you.

Works all right.

Look at what the Dems did for the poor when they were in power before you make statements.

Just 2 of the things they did were ;

Increase the age of free education, they also put education reforms in place which were dumped when PT came to power. Instead the kids got, or didn't get tablets.

Pay a subsidy directly to rice farmers cutting out the middle man and preventing most of the corruption, this cost the country about 60 billion for their term in office.

This subsidy was dumped in favor of rice pledging which so far has cost the country over 400 billion (going on independent figures).

Try looking around and you will find more, but be warned none are in the red bible.

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Will Suthep and Aphisit both run in the same seat?

If they will both run, I can bet now my few Bahts and predict the sure winner. Yingluck, Suthep or Abhisit.

Or Suthep is doing the protest for Abhisit to win the election?

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