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Tile Cleaner Recommendation


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We have a tiled border round the house, typical non slip tiles used for bathroom floors, 1.5 to 2 meters wide. On all borders water / rain run off goes onto lawn, veg patch, etc.

The tiles are very dirty, tried cleaning with kitchen type detergent and stiff brush but it needs something stronger to dislodge the dirt and stains.

Problem is the run off; dirty run off and rinsing water going into the lawn / garden etc.

Any recommendations of a more heavy duty cleaner that won't harm the garden much appreciated. Thanks.

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I have a product by HG tiles.

1 litre of cement, mortar and efflorescence remover.

Its for cleaning ceramic tiles, paving flags, slate, granite and essentially its a weak hydrochloric acid solution.

Dependent on how stubborn your stain is you dilute it 1:4 to 1:10.

For your need 1:10 would be sufficient....for old mortar droppings a stronger mix.

Got mine from Global, well because I practically live there but you can find similar in home pro.

Not cheap, around 400bt but it will last you forever its that good.

Gloves and scourer pad or stiff brush, leave it 2 minutes and rinse off.

Run off into the lawn is ok, its biodegradable and if its a weak mix, but do it when the sun is out so it evaporates if you are concerned.

Sent via tin can and string after pigeon shot


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Oxalic acid will do it for sure. It is sold in home improvement stores as a wood and deck cleaner, and it makes those look new. It is a powder you mix into warm water.

A product that is powdered and sold near Comet and such cleaners is called Bar Keeper's Friend. It too contains oxalic acid and will make quick work of your problem.

That's if you can find either product. It is one step better than hydrochloric acid for the purpose, and will also dissolve rust from chrome.

Here's where I simply soaked and rinsed an old bicycle wheel in it - no scrubbing, and it will do the same for tile and toilet stains.


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