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weak thai baht please, NO WEAKER

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This site should be renamed thai-retirement-visa.com. There are a few couples living here who are married to Europeans, Americans, Japanese etc. Not everyone fits in to this stereo typical model of old farang, young money grabbing thai who cant speak English.

I'm thinking less than 1% of the foreigners in Thailand don't fit into my model.

I only actually know 1 couple in CM, NancyL and her husband, and a few single women.

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I don't understand how people are better off.The baht loses value so imports cost more, and that includes the raw materials or parts for manufacturing. Look around and everything seems to cost more in the stores. Even the street sellers surprised me with smaller portions, less meat or fish or lower quality in the dish.

The Thais get a raise in the minimum wage but things begin to cost more to pay for it. Go to the market and buy a week's worth of groceries and ask yourself it they cost more.

Maybe I am dreaming, but I think prices are rising as fast as the baht is falling. Maybe someone who already has everything he needs such as a condo and car or scooter and furnishings, etc. will see some temporary relief until he needs to replace it.

Yes, I can buy more baht with dollars, but will those baht buy more in the long term when they are worth less?

Just asking...

in Thailand prices are rising with the Baht getting stronger, prices are rising with the Baht getting weaker and prices are rising with the Baht going sideways.

basis of my claim: 40 (forty!) years of Thailand experience dry.png

That's what a poor government does for you, a decline in standard of living for the masses.

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in Thailand prices are rising with the Baht getting stronger, prices are rising with the Baht getting weaker and prices are rising with the Baht going sideways.

basis of my claim: 40 (forty!) years of Thailand experience dry.png

That's what a poor government does for you, a decline in standard of living for the masses.

It's what every government in the world is doing, the masses are hurting worldwide.

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The weaker the Thai Baht, the more Foreign Tourists will come here and spend money to keep Thai Nationals Employed.

And in another similiar thread, there is a guy who thinks people like me & you are selfish coz we are hoping for the baht to sink. As the guy mentioned, we are only thinking of ourselves.

Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

But who is not thinking of themselves? Even the most altruistic "save the world" person is thinking of themselves - for if they save the world are they not saved (in one form or another) also? Survival is a selfish trait - however most of us would like some company on the journey. coffee1.gif

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Basically it's all about luck and timing, up and down.Take advantage if it falls, if you can..I am looking for 57...This isn't a moral issue it's just a period in time of a fluctuating economic cycle..which will for a short time favor the west ( it would seem),

sry its about production, highs and lows represent the rarity of commodity. a commodity that is plentiful will have a low price and a rare commodity will be expensive.

the highs and lows you are referring to today represent the tsunami of fiat money rushing around the world into computer reciepts for a physical commodity. basically the market today reacts violently to the central bank and the speacial bank who can borrow drectly from the cental banks printing/lending the money.

there is another element to this that adds a very dangerous mechanism to the game, its related to interest rates.

you are right, you can make money using these highs and lows.

but there is a really evil problem growing, you can see the progressive stages of this in backwards countries all over the world.

People need to be preparing and educating their children because each generation will have an extremely harder time to live the same quality of life like the previous generation.

usually a person in a high position will pull the plug accidently cause a massive spike in interest rates exposing the game any way... but people will still blame the jews or something

Unfortunately even though your logic is sound commodity is all too often not governed by demand anymore. It's governed by people playing the markets. For example, why does fuel rise in pricing so much? There is still gas at the pumps and people can still buy fuel but when it becomes more popular as more cars appear on the road the price rises,, this doesn't fit with your logic.

The sad state of affairs is that speculation and sentiment is effecting global prices more then actual demand on a lot of commodity products. The people playing the markets get richer of course but the man in the street will see the consequences of the manipulation of the markets, usually in higher pricing.

This is fundamental issue in stock markets today, too much gambling and not enough real trading.,, why? because it can generate huge amounts of money very quickly.

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This site should be renamed thai-retirement-visa.com. There are a few couples living here who are married to Europeans, Americans, Japanese etc. Not everyone fits in to this stereo typical model of old farang, young money grabbing thai who cant speak English.

I'm thinking less than 1% of the foreigners in Thailand don't fit into my model.

I only actually know 1 couple in CM, NancyL and her husband, and a few single women.

The 2011 figures say that 47% of expats moving to Thailand were over 55, this number has been dropping since then, I don't have the figures for 2013 but I would imagine they are closer to 36%. around a third of expats in 2012 were under 32......

Just saying this site is for all of us and we are not all here under the same circumstances.

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This site should be renamed thai-retirement-visa.com. There are a few couples living here who are married to Europeans, Americans, Japanese etc. Not everyone fits in to this stereo typical model of old farang, young money grabbing thai who cant speak English.

I'm thinking less than 1% of the foreigners in Thailand don't fit into my model.

I only actually know 1 couple in CM, NancyL and her husband, and a few single women.

The 2011 figures say that 47% of expats moving to Thailand were over 55, this number has been dropping since then, I don't have the figures for 2013 but I would imagine they are closer to 36%. around a third of expats in 2012 were under 32......

Just saying this site is for all of us and we are not all here under the same circumstances.

Link/source else it's not true, please.

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Inflation has been on a tear in Thailand these last 3 or 4 years with an extremely strong baht.

5 years ago, 3 large chang classic with a bucket of ice was 129bht.

Today it's 139bht ........ not much inflation there.

Diesel 30bht, same now.

Gas cylinder 300bht, 320bht last week.

I'm not seeing this inflation, where are you guys shopping?

Pork 80 Baht kg now 130

Rice 27 Baht now 40

Chicken 85 now 130

Tin tuna 19.50 now 32

Loaf bread 24 now 37....the list is endless of 50% increases over the past 5 years.

Easy answer move to the sticks with your girl friend/boy friend 5555555555

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This site should be renamed thai-retirement-visa.com. There are a few couples living here who are married to Europeans, Americans, Japanese etc. Not everyone fits in to this stereo typical model of old farang, young money grabbing thai who cant speak English.

I'm thinking less than 1% of the foreigners in Thailand don't fit into my model.

I only actually know 1 couple in CM, NancyL and her husband, and a few single women.

i am quite glad that i don't fit into your model tongue.png

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Weak currencies always make the local population poorer, be they US, UK, German or Thai citizens. Weak currencies buy less stuff from the countries with strong currencies. A weak currency is good for exporters. Increased exports = more jobs for Thais; therefore, some would argue that it (weak currency) is good for the locals. I don't buy that argument. Give me a currency stronger to the other guys any time smile.png

I think most countries prefer a not too strong currency

The strong currency benefits the few locals

Not too strong benefits the many

Remember the majority of Thai's are not reliant on import products from other countries

But they are reliant on selling/exporting theirs.

Did China become strong by having high priced goods sold/exported to the rest of the world?

Does any country become stronger from importing cheaper goods from others?

I see average Thais buying gasoline and diesel fuel all the time smile.png A weak baht = increased fuel prices.

Increased fuel prices = increases in many products the average Thai purchases.

Yes but Thailand has stabilized and subsidized energy prices for decades.

You need a wider view than just fuel/energy

Edited by meechai
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This site should be renamed thai-retirement-visa.com. There are a few couples living here who are married to Europeans, Americans, Japanese etc. Not everyone fits in to this stereo typical model of old farang, young money grabbing thai who cant speak English.

I'm thinking less than 1% of the foreigners in Thailand don't fit into my model.

I only actually know 1 couple in CM, NancyL and her husband, and a few single women.

The 2011 figures say that 47% of expats moving to Thailand were over 55, this number has been dropping since then, I don't have the figures for 2013 but I would imagine they are closer to 36%. around a third of expats in 2012 were under 32......

Just saying this site is for all of us and we are not all here under the same circumstances.

We are here for cheap sex, age of customer not relevant.

99% of the guys here, are single or were single when they arrived.

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This site should be renamed thai-retirement-visa.com. There are a few couples living here who are married to Europeans, Americans, Japanese etc. Not everyone fits in to this stereo typical model of old farang, young money grabbing thai who cant speak English.

I'm thinking less than 1% of the foreigners in Thailand don't fit into my model.

I only actually know 1 couple in CM, NancyL and her husband, and a few single women.

The 2011 figures say that 47% of expats moving to Thailand were over 55, this number has been dropping since then, I don't have the figures for 2013 but I would imagine they are closer to 36%. around a third of expats in 2012 were under 32......

Just saying this site is for all of us and we are not all here under the same circumstances.

We are here for cheap sex, age of customer not relevant.

99% of the guys here, are single or were single when they arrived.

Utter tosh, are you TommoP by the way?

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Never mind the Thai people , a weaker Baht is good for me . I'm British and I'd be happy if I got 70baht to the pound sterling again , but the present

53baht is better than 45baht earlier in the year . From the Thai point of view it should help exports .

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The weaker the Thai Baht, the more Foreign Tourists will come here and spend money to keep Thai Nationals Employed.

And in another similiar thread, there is a guy who thinks people like me & you are selfish coz we are hoping for the baht to sink. As the guy mentioned, we are only thinking of ourselves.

Sent from my GT-I9200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

He is probably teaching English in the middle of nowhere for 20k a month and is now trying to figure out how he will afford to fly home to avoid Songkran

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Listen and talk sense. Currencies are world controlled depends on the countries government, exports, imports, banking contrôls, and many other stuff. Look at the UK currency devaluation, the Euro, the us$. Most problems are caused by the big banks. You cannot stop it.

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Utter tosh, ........

Are you claiming your partner isn't Thai?

can't speak for Chiang Mai but last time i checked my wife (of 34 years) was not Thai. that was an hour ago. but if you ask me nicely i will check again and report the result.


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This site should be renamed thai-retirement-visa.com. There are a few couples living here who are married to Europeans, Americans, Japanese etc. Not everyone fits in to this stereo typical model of old farang, young money grabbing thai who cant speak English.

I'm thinking less than 1% of the foreigners in Thailand don't fit into my model.

I only actually know 1 couple in CM, NancyL and her husband, and a few single women.

The 2011 figures say that 47% of expats moving to Thailand were over 55, this number has been dropping since then, I don't have the figures for 2013 but I would imagine they are closer to 36%. around a third of expats in 2012 were under 32......

Just saying this site is for all of us and we are not all here under the same circumstances.

Link/source else it's not true, please.

Will put something together later on, off out now. All this info is very easily obtained.

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Well when I arrived here 10 years ago the Baht was around 45 to the dollar,everyone was employed and had money in their pockets. Unfortunately because of the dispute with Cambodia (over the area in the Gulf of Thailand)Thailand hasn't got a lot of it's own oil reserves. Around that time the price of oil was starting to skyrocket and I was told by an executive in an oil company that as long as the price remained above .40c a barrel they would just "keep throwing money at it". It has been a lot higher than that for a long time, and there is no shortage of oil. It is not being priced high because of an excess demand there is more than enough to go around and natural gas, well I've seen so much of it just burned off and wasted it is criminal, but the money is in the oil. The way I see it this is what is really hurting the Thai economy (and I've no doubt other countries too), the price of gasoline and diesel in Malaysia is subsidized too but to a greater extent than Thailand, because they have greater oil reserves. Thailand can't afford to subsidize oil, build better roads, improve the school system simply because hardly anyone here pays tax, and if they do they are diddling it. I even know of accounting firms that have 3 separate business identities and only one of them is registered for taxation purposes. Manufacturing companies are leaving Thailand because the costs have escalated to the point where they are no longer competitive. A hamburger in Thailand now cost around 250 Baht, that's pushing $8.00, that's not cheap. Yes you could live off Som Tam if that's your thing but I didn't come here to live like a pauper, I came here to enjoy my life and" live like a king" which I couldn't do in my own country. I bring all of my money into Thailand and spend the majority of it here (I do buy things off the net I can't get here). A lowering of the Baht would be a good thing IMHO as long as you could control the price of oil and it's products.

Just my .2c worth

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Utter tosh, ........

Are you claiming your partner isn't Thai?

I'm claiming that your previous post, "We are here for cheap sex, age of customer not relevant.

99% of the guys here, are single or were single when they arrived", is utter tosh and totally inaccurate!

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Utter tosh, ........

Are you claiming your partner isn't Thai?

I'm claiming that your previous post, "We are here for cheap sex, age of customer not relevant.

99% of the guys here, are single or were single when they arrived", is utter tosh and totally inaccurate!

And I'm claiming if your bed partner is Thai, you would have great trouble refuting my claim.

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Utter tosh, ........

Are you claiming your partner isn't Thai?

I'm claiming that your previous post, "We are here for cheap sex, age of customer not relevant.

99% of the guys here, are single or were single when they arrived", is utter tosh and totally inaccurate!

And I'm claiming if your bed partner is Thai, you would have great trouble refuting my claim.

Heads up Tommo, the nationality, age, gender and preferences of my partner is nobody's business but mine - your statement is wrong and does not stand up to any scrutiny and cannot be supported, sounds like projectionsim to me, just because you are doesn't mean everyone else is. BTW, weren't you banned and supposed not to be here?

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the nationality, age, gender and preferences of my partner is nobody's business but mine

I carefully worded my statement to avoid gender, and have expressly excluded age.

I didn't even consider preferences, but as you brought it up, I suspect that would be mainly "money"..

Is it time to put me back on "ignore" yet?

Edited by FiftyTwo
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the nationality, age, gender and preferences of my partner is nobody's business but mine

I carefully worded my statement to avoid gender, and have expressly excluded age.

I didn't even consider preferences, but as you brought it up, I suspect that would be mainly "money"..

Is it time to put me back on "ignore" yet?

No way, now the coin has dropped as to who you are and your motives, you're hugely irrelevant and not not even worth the ignore button, byeee, again!

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I don't understand how people are better off.The baht loses value so imports cost more, and that includes the raw materials or parts for manufacturing. Look around and everything seems to cost more in the stores. Even the street sellers surprised me with smaller portions, less meat or fish or lower quality in the dish.

The Thais get a raise in the minimum wage but things begin to cost more to pay for it. Go to the market and buy a week's worth of groceries and ask yourself it they cost more.

Maybe I am dreaming, but I think prices are rising as fast as the baht is falling. Maybe someone who already has everything he needs such as a condo and car or scooter and furnishings, etc. will see some temporary relief until he needs to replace it.

Yes, I can buy more baht with dollars, but will those baht buy more in the long term when they are worth less?

Just asking...

in Thailand prices are rising with the Baht getting stronger, prices are rising with the Baht getting weaker and prices are rising with the Baht going sideways.

basis of my claim: 40 (forty!) years of Thailand experience dry.png

That's what a poor government does for you, a decline in standard of living for the masses.

perhaps you'd care to give an example anywhere in the world at any time in history when COL goes down?

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