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what do you want to ask Thai people ?


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I want to ask, "Why every single Thai person I meet asks me, "How long have you been in Thailand?"".

Thank you.

Or some other tired boring question such as:

"Do you like Thailand?"

"What do you like about Thailand?"

I tend to answer them with something like:"Sometimes I like Thailand, sometimes I don't like Thailand."

That throws them completely off balance. I feel like I'm I'm North Korea when speaking to most Thais for the first time (especially those who have had limited exposure to the world outside tiny Thailand).

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Well 99% of what I want to know about Thailand I ask Thai people.

If I want to know about cheap beer, bars, hamburgers etc I ask farangs.

Of course it does depend on which Thais you ask which questions of (and which farangs too for that matter).

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If you want to ask them something try this.

"Do you as a Thai person love Thailand, and if so do you see anything wrong with Thailand, do you ever express frustration about the things you see wrong in Thailand and if so does expressing those frustrations detract from your love of Thailand?"

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