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what do you want to ask Thai people ?


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Why do they all ask me where i live?

Because where you live can tell a lot about you. For example, if you live in the village, it won't take long for them to accept/admire you because life in the village is tougher than life in the city. For some reason, people tend to think the foreigners are spoiled and cannot take the rural life. If you live in the city, they think you like the city life style, partying and pampering.

Get this. When I live in the village here, this is my 'luxury' time. When I'm in the UK I live in conditions you wouldn't put a dog in.

To me this is the Ritz.

But most Thai people do not know that and your wife can confirm this.

I can confirm MJP's, statement.

But I cannot confirm your assumption, somrisonphimai.

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Why do they all ask me where i live?
Because where you live can tell a lot about you. For example, if you live in the village, it won't take long for them to accept/admire you because life in the village is tougher than life in the city. For some reason, people tend to think the foreigners are spoiled and cannot take the rural life. If you live in the city, they think you like the city life style, partying and pampering.

Get this. When I live in the village here, this is my 'luxury' time. When I'm in the UK I live in conditions you wouldn't put a dog in.

To me this is the Ritz.

But most Thai people do not know that and your wife can confirm this.

I can confirm MJP's, statement.

But I cannot confirm your assumption, somrisonphimai.

Not an assumption! It is a fact. My task for you is to go ask Thai people what do they think of Farangs who live in the village vs live in the city.

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Not an assumption! It is a fact. My task for you is to go ask Thai people what do they think of Farangs who live in the village vs live in the city.

Thank you.

This was one of my tasks, last year, I have already tried to ask, this. And to be more objective: I didnt have to ask. When living with the same people for awhile you don't have to ask. You feel how they think.

My conlusion is people who live in the village and the people who live in the city tend to form similar opinions about Farang.

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Not an assumption! It is a fact. My task for you is to go ask Thai people what do they think of Farangs who live in the village vs live in the city.

Thank you.

This was one of my tasks, last year, I have already tried to ask, this. And to be more objective: I didnt have to ask. When living with the same people for awhile you don't have to ask. You feel how they think.

My conlusion is people who live in the village and the people who live in the city tend to form similar opinions about Farang.

Being ?

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Not an assumption! It is a fact. My task for you is to go ask Thai people what do they think of Farangs who live in the village vs live in the city.

Thank you.

This was one of my tasks, last year, I have already tried to ask, this. And to be more objective: I didnt have to ask. When living with the same people for awhile you don't have to ask. You feel how they think.

My conlusion is people who live in the village and the people who live in the city tend to form similar opinions about Farang.

Being ?

Both think the same about judging someone(farang). When they feel someone has a good heart they will respect this.

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Not an assumption! It is a fact. My task for you is to go ask Thai people what do they think of Farangs who live in the village vs live in the city.

Thank you.

This was one of my tasks, last year, I have already tried to ask, this. And to be more objective: I didnt have to ask. When living with the same people for awhile you don't have to ask. You feel how they think.

My conlusion is people who live in the village and the people who live in the city tend to form similar opinions about Farang.

Being ?

Both think the same about judging someone(farang). When they feel someone has a good heart they will respect this.

How, in ur opinion, do they perceive "a good heart" ?

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the same about judging someone(farang). When they feel someone has a good heart they will respect this.

How, in ur opinion, do they perceive "a good heart" ?

It's too difficult to judge because the term, perception, seems too trivial. Perception is conditioned untill the point someone has realised this.

Personally, I like to study Socrates's discussions in order to manifest a base for my ability to judge. Or to put it in other way: to de-trivialise "a good heart".

Because we are all human, I assume they percieve, and share a similar feelings of empathy.

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Not an assumption! It is a fact. My task for you is to go ask Thai people what do they think of Farangs who live in the village vs live in the city.

Thank you.

This was one of my tasks, last year, I have already tried to ask, this. And to be more objective: I didnt have to ask. When living with the same people for awhile you don't have to ask. You feel how they think.

My conlusion is people who live in the village and the people who live in the city tend to form similar opinions about Farang.

I can say the same thing about the foreigners' perception of Thailand and Thai women. As soon as they see Thai women with Farangs, they think the women are hookers, right?

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Not an assumption! It is a fact. My task for you is to go ask Thai people what do they think of Farangs who live in the village vs live in the city.

Thank you.

This was one of my tasks, last year, I have already tried to ask, this. And to be more objective: I didnt have to ask. When living with the same people for awhile you don't have to ask. You feel how they think.

My conlusion is people who live in the village and the people who live in the city tend to form similar opinions about Farang.

I can say the same thing about the foreigners' perception of Thailand and Thai women. As soon as they see Thai women with Farangs, they think the women are hookers, right?

Its all in the eye of the beholder.....the knowledgeble and the ignorant do not hold the same views.

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Mrs Blether why did you get a big FO tattoo on your thigh, would a normal riap roy Thai girl get one?

I met a girl today she had one, why were the Bkk snobs telling me, "that lady no good"?

I have a friend with a Ph.D in Biomedical Science with tattoos all over his body. Are you implying people with tattoos are low life? I also have a tattoo in Chinese that says 'family' on my hip smile.png

Are you implying having a degree makes someone immune from being a low life? You must be Thai.biggrin.png

No. But you have to agree that some degrees is better than no degree at all.
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Mrs Blether why did you get a big FO tattoo on your thigh, would a normal riap roy Thai girl get one?

I met a girl today she had one, why were the Bkk snobs telling me, "that lady no good"?

I have a friend with a Ph.D in Biomedical Science with tattoos all over his body. Are you implying people with tattoos are low life? I also have a tattoo in Chinese that says 'family' on my hip smile.png

Are you implying having a degree makes someone immune from being a low life? You must be Thai.biggrin.png

No. But you have to agree that some degrees is better than no degree at all.

Yes , to a certain degreetongue.png

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I read this thread all the home from Samui yesterday. What an awesome video channel this would make on YouTube. If you had someone who could speak perfect Thai translate the questions for random Thais on the street and do subs on the video....OMG great entertainment. I do have one question and one question alone...

Why will Thai people bust their ass at the farm doing rice, rubber, or fruit with the family for a few hundred baht a day, but when asked to do an actual job for real money, they are extremely lazy? Between the taxis turning down fares or sleeping at the queues and not wanting a fare, sales people sleeping or hiding from cameras on Facebook, police not ever working, ever, or the people who want jobs, then turn down the offer because it wasn't enough money, or it was too much work? These same people will turn around and use every excuse why they don't have money and complain all the time that they never have money.

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I read this thread all the home from Samui yesterday. What an awesome video channel this would make on YouTube. If you had someone who could speak perfect Thai translate the questions for random Thais on the street and do subs on the video....OMG great entertainment. I do have one question and one question alone...

Why will Thai people bust their ass at the farm doing rice, rubber, or fruit with the family for a few hundred baht a day, but when asked to do an actual job for real money, they are extremely lazy? Between the taxis turning down fares or sleeping at the queues and not wanting a fare, sales people sleeping or hiding from cameras on Facebook, police not ever working, ever, or the people who want jobs, then turn down the offer because it wasn't enough money, or it was too much work? These same people will turn around and use every excuse why they don't have money and complain all the time that they never have money.

Is there an actual question in there?

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I read this thread all the home from Samui yesterday. What an awesome video channel this would make on YouTube. If you had someone who could speak perfect Thai translate the questions for random Thais on the street and do subs on the video....OMG great entertainment. I do have one question and one question alone...

Why will Thai people bust their ass at the farm doing rice, rubber, or fruit with the family for a few hundred baht a day, but when asked to do an actual job for real money, they are extremely lazy? Between the taxis turning down fares or sleeping at the queues and not wanting a fare, sales people sleeping or hiding from cameras on Facebook, police not ever working, ever, or the people who want jobs, then turn down the offer because it wasn't enough money, or it was too much work? These same people will turn around and use every excuse why they don't have money and complain all the time that they never have money.

To keep it real, would you say the same with American, Australian British, French, or German people? There are certain sectors of population that are begged, lazy and on government cheese. Thank goodness, there is only a handful of them otherwise how the country can function properly if there are more of them? You know I can give you many good examples of hard working Thai people, but I don't want to bore you with them.

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Mc is the "world's number 1 Restaurant ....


sorry girl,

yes may be they are the world's number 1 Restaurant in the "who can sale more hog-wash" competition.

24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, Who laugh now boy? cheesy.gif When you have some cash come see me poor boy. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Oh ye, I still laugh, cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif LOL LOL LOL,

and tell you why, try to follow dear smart over educated girl.

When people talk about "good restaurant" "best r." "number1 r." or "world's n. 1. r" they talk about FOOD, SERVICE andother circumstances, and don't talk at all about earning or number of brances in franchise.

By your logic billgates or other jewish the world's number 1 man, but not at all.

Kaochai mai?

Off course I have anytimes some cash to go see you, if you are 18-25, nicer than smart, and if you have boobs cause these are rather rare around here.wink.png

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Aint Thailand great, no freeloaders here, now welfare scroungers, dole bludgers or illegal immigrants, thankfully theres none of the farang PC BS we dont have to call them "undocumented".

Well done Thailand, way to go, should have moved here sooner.

Maybe some of those bankrupt Euro socialist failed paradises or tax dodging states could pay heed.

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I have not replied because some people are talking about sex.

You haven't replied cause you have no idea what you would reply.

You only made a show business here with your naked (BUT WHITE) back wub.pngwub.pngwub.png and this topic is over your level.

Something like this Baby, hello kitty w00t.gif is your level.

Edited by Loles
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In a country where almost everyone considers hisself as a devote Buddhist and wais to every single wat they come along, how come people still live in a way that couldn't be more un-Buddhistic (torturing dogs, ripping off people, being crazy about money, ...)? In a society where manners and rituals are so crucial, how come there're so many situations in which they behave like people from the 18th century?

So you are an expert on Buddha? You do know the Buddha deserted his wife and child? Maybe back to the books eh?

No he did not desert them at all.

The sons name ball and chain was not because he was annoying,it was because he was struggling to break free from his son to go out and do his work.

He finally set out on his journey for himself,his family and others.

He returned later to that region and his son became a student and he to reached enlightenment.

He went to find himself,to help others once he did and in doing so gave his son the greatest gift,that was part of the plan.

Leave the family now to benefit them far far more in the long run,they were also left in a wealthy palace not in a slum.

Research before you judge,you asked if he is an expert on Buddha then proceeded to tell a misinformed story that is commonly taught by non Buddhists who dabble in reading a few words of his history.

The first thing people always screw up are the reasons he left his family and the truth behind the sons name.

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In a country where almost everyone considers hisself as a devote Buddhist and wais to every single wat they come along, how come people still live in a way that couldn't be more un-Buddhistic (torturing dogs, ripping off people, being crazy about money, ...)? In a society where manners and rituals are so crucial, how come there're so many situations in which they behave like people from the 18th century?

So you are an expert on Buddha? You do know the Buddha deserted his wife and child? Maybe back to the books eh?

No he did not desert them at all.

The sons name ball and chain was not because he was annoying,it was because he was struggling to break free from his son to go out and do his work.

He finally set out on his journey for himself,his family and others.

He returned later to that region and his son became a student and he to reached enlightenment.

He went to find himself,to help others once he did and in doing so gave his son the greatest gift,that was part of the plan.

Leave the family now to benefit them far far more in the long run,they were also left in a wealthy palace not in a slum.

Research before you judge,you asked if he is an expert on Buddha then proceeded to tell a misinformed story that is commonly taught by non Buddhists who dabble in reading a few words of his history.

The first thing people always screw up are the reasons he left his family and the truth behind the sons name.

Whatever you say. The question was not directed at you and makes no sense unless you also think Thais riding around in song taus wai Wats. Do you think Thais wai Wats?

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Mc is the "world's number 1 Restaurant ....


sorry girl,

yes may be they are the world's number 1 Restaurant in the "who can sale more hog-wash" competition.

24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, Who laugh now boy? cheesy.gif When you have some cash come see me poor boy. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Oh ye, I still laugh, cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif LOL LOL LOL,

and tell you why, try to follow dear smart over educated girl.

When people talk about "good restaurant" "best r." "number1 r." or "world's n. 1. r" they talk about FOOD, SERVICE andother circumstances, and don't talk at all about earning or number of brances in franchise.

By your logic billgates or other jewish the world's number 1 man, but not at all.

Kaochai mai?

Off course I have anytimes some cash to go see you, if you are 18-25, nicer than smart, and if you have boobs cause these are rather rare around here.wink.png

Sorry I believe your post is anti Semitic and I'll not be responding to you any more.

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In a country where almost everyone considers hisself as a devote Buddhist and wais to every single wat they come along, how come people still live in a way that couldn't be more un-Buddhistic (torturing dogs, ripping off people, being crazy about money, ...)? In a society where manners and rituals are so crucial, how come there're so many situations in which they behave like people from the 18th century?

So you are an expert on Buddha? You do know the Buddha deserted his wife and child? Maybe back to the books eh?

No he did not desert them at all.

The sons name ball and chain was not because he was annoying,it was because he was struggling to break free from his son to go out and do his work.

He finally set out on his journey for himself,his family and others.

He returned later to that region and his son became a student and he to reached enlightenment.

He went to find himself,to help others once he did and in doing so gave his son the greatest gift,that was part of the plan.

Leave the family now to benefit them far far more in the long run,they were also left in a wealthy palace not in a slum.

Research before you judge,you asked if he is an expert on Buddha then proceeded to tell a misinformed story that is commonly taught by non Buddhists who dabble in reading a few words of his history.

The first thing people always screw up are the reasons he left his family and the truth behind the sons name.

Whatever you say. The question was not directed at you and makes no sense unless you also think Thais riding around in song taus wai Wats. Do you think Thais wai Wats?

So, the proof that you're wrong "makes no sense" because it comes from another person? And yeah, they don't wai wats, that was a stupid mistake. What about the rest? Or am I still not allowed to have an opinion different to yours because I rarely contribute to this topic? How old are you, 12?
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Whatever you say. The question was not directed at you and makes no sense unless you also think Thais riding around in song taus wai Wats. Do you think Thais wai Wats?
So, the proof that you're wrong "makes no sense" because it comes from another person? And yeah, they don't wai wats, that was a stupid mistake. What about the rest? Or am I still not allowed to have an opinion different to yours because I rarely contribute to this topic? How old are you, 12?

The only thing I was disagreeing with was riding around and wai Wats. My point was he didn't know much about Buddhism and Thai people. I'm not wrong about anything. The Buddha left his wife and children and Thais don't ride around and wai Wats. Both of those statements are true.

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Mc is the "world's number 1 Restaurant ....


sorry girl,

yes may be they are the world's number 1 Restaurant in the "who can sale more hog-wash" competition.

24$ billion every year, 35,000 restaurants, Who laugh now boy? cheesy.gif When you have some cash come see me poor boy. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Oh ye, I still laugh, cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif LOL LOL LOL,

and tell you why, try to follow dear smart over educated girl.

When people talk about "good restaurant" "best r." "number1 r." or "world's n. 1. r" they talk about FOOD, SERVICE andother circumstances, and don't talk at all about earning or number of brances in franchise.

By your logic billgates or other jewish the world's number 1 man, but not at all.

Kaochai mai?

Off course I have anytimes some cash to go see you, if you are 18-25, nicer than smart, and if you have boobs cause these are rather rare around here.wink.png

Sorry I believe your post is anti Semitic and I'll not be responding to you any more.

Don't do that, don't torture me please bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif Baby, please!

I change, OK?

....billgates or other person from USA ...

is it acceptable for your sensitive soul?


so may I come by some cash ?

wait, wait! wait a minute. just recognized, you have not boobs and this reason for your Zionism.

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Whatever you say. The question was not directed at you and makes no sense unless you also think Thais riding around in song taus wai Wats. Do you think Thais wai Wats?

So, the proof that you're wrong "makes no sense" because it comes from another person? And yeah, they don't wai wats, that was a stupid mistake. What about the rest? Or am I still not allowed to have an opinion different to yours because I rarely contribute to this topic? How old are you, 12?

The only thing I was disagreeing with was riding around and wai Wats. My point was he didn't know much about Buddhism and Thai people. I'm not wrong about anything. The Buddha left his wife and children and Thais don't ride around and wai Wats. Both of those statements are true.

But you were insinuating he was bad for deserting his children right.

When in fact he was helping them.

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