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CAPO chief Surapong defends use of tear gas at registration venue


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CAPO defends use of tear gas at registration venue

Photo : Thai PBS

BANGKOK: -- The Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) on Thursday defended the police's use of tear gas on anti-government protesters who tried to force their way into a stadium to prevent registration of candidates for the February 2 election.

Surapong, who is also foreign minister, said that police started firing tear gas and rubber bullets at the protesters at about 7.20am, as the registration was due to start at 9am.

Surapong said police had used full restraint in dealing with the protesters as they understood the protesters' rights in demonstrating their opposition.

However, the government and police could no longer tolerate their illegal actions as the country has laws that should be respected by all.

He insisted that the handling of the situation met international standards.

However Nation reporters at the scene reported that police gave only one warning to the protesters before firing the tear gas.

-- The Nation 2013-12-26

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Protesters hurt as police tear gas halts poll venue intrusion
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Dec 26 - Police fired tear gas this morning to prevent anti-government protesters from storming into Thailand's elections registration venue to obstruct the party numbers lots-drawing session, injuring a number of protesters.

The Network of Students and People for the Reform of Thailand (NSPRT) led by Uthai Yodmanee, a splinter group of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), brought some protesters and three sound trucks from the protesters base at the Chamai Maruchet Bridge near Government House to the Thai-Japanese sports stadium.

The protesters tried to break into the stadium as the election party number lots-drawing session was underway inside the building.

They defied police warnings, using bolt cutters to break the chain locking the gate. Some hurled objects at police and then police started firing tear gas at them around 7.30am.

Tear gas fired intermittently by police forced protesters to flee and sought cover in nearby buildings, and many protesters were injured by the gas.

Three police officers were also hurt by teargas fired by fellow officers and sent to Police General Hospital.

Inside the gymnasium, the venue for registration of party-list candidates, the Election Commission completed the election party number lots-drawing session.

Representatives form 32 political parties attended the process.

In a national televised address, Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, in his capacity as director of the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), said police needed to use tear gas to protect election candidates and state officials as the protesters tried to obstruct the party-list candidacy registration.

Mr Surapong said the protest was not peaceful as claimed earlier by protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban. He emphasised that the police applied international standards in carrying out their duties and protecting state property from being vandalised. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-12-26

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Had these idiot students actually gotten close to getting into the the registration centre before the BIB opened fire on them? How close were they to the police lines? Was there any chance of them disrupting the number drawing (or whatever was going on)?

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Nowherman60 post # 6

Oh what a shame. xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

We can but only presume from the tone of your post and the emoticon that you were no doubt expelled from the Gestapo in response to your sympathy to its victims.whistling.gif .

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This action could well prove to be the greatest mistake that could have been made by the authorities.

The tide of public feeling which may have been ebbing regarding the anti government demonstrations leadership may well start to turn and swamp C.A.P.O . Thaksin, Yingluck and the P.T.P..

We have seen a certain amount of restraint from the authorities to date, now it seems as if the true face of the current caretaker administration is coming into public view and indeed it is an ugly face pitted with the acne of desperation from events in time past to the current event

Again we see students being targeted as they have been in previous years and those students became the targets and victims of the previous oppressive regimes.

This action does not bode well for the future as past historical track records so visibly show us.

All this bloodshed and loss of life on all sides are due to one creature and its relentless quest for revenge and power at any price, indeed that creature is wallowing in the blood of innocents whether it is those bough pawns that the creature enlisted as cannon fodder so as to achieve his aims or the anti creature and anti government demonstrators.

I don't think so...these people who are interested are already as anti-Thaksin as possible. The others will continue watching soap operas.

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Injuries from teargas firing rise to 15: Public Health Ministry, one policeman reportedly injured
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- As of 11.00 am Thursday, the Public Health Ministry reported that 15 anti-government protesters were sent to hospital after have been injured from tear gas fired by police surround compound the Thai-Japanese Stadium.

It said 13 injured protesters were sent to Rajvithi hospital while one protester was sent to Ramathibodi and and another Pramongkut hospital.

It was also reported that a policeman was shot at his right shoulder by live bullet during the clash. He is now undergone surgery at General Police Hospital.

-- The Nation 2013-12-26

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CAPO says why it has to use force against protesters


BANGKOK: -- The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) head Surapong Tovichakchaikul announced today that the police have to enforce law after angry protesters tried to storm into the election registration venue at Din Daeng.

He said over TV Pool nationwide live broadcast that protesters used a truck to ram into the front gate of the stadium where a lot-drawing for party numbers was being held in their bid to obstruct the election.

He said protesters also intended to intrude the place with force which showed that the protest was not peaceful as the People’s Democratic Reform Committee secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban has pledged to be peaceful.

The CAPO head said Suthep’s repeated wrongdoings prompted the police to enforce the law to protect the government property and ensure safety of the people. But he assured that the police would abide by the international standard to deal with protesters.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/capo-says-use-force-protesters/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-26

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Two men shot and at least seven injured at Din Daeng


BANGKOK: -- Two men, including a policeman, were shot and injured believably by a “man in black” who was later captured by protest guards in Din Daeng.

Seven protesters were also injured by tear gas fired by police inside the Thai-Japanese youth centre as the protesters from the Network of Students and People for the Reform of Thailand tried to break into the compound to disrupt the drawing of election numbers for party list candidacy staged by the Election Commission. They were sent to Rajvithi, Rama and Phra Mongkut hospitals for treatment.

Meanwhile, it was reported that protest guards had captured a man who allegedly opened fire into the crowd of protesters, injuring one of them. The man wore a black T-shirt, a gas mask and a green scarf. His identity was unknown at press time.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/two-men-shot-least-seven-injured-din-daeng/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-26

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Erawan Emergency Medical Service Center revives injury figure to 23

BANGKOK: -- Metropolitan Administration (BMA)'s Erawan Emergency Medical Service Center reported at 11 am that 23 protesters received hospital treatment for injuries inflicted by teargas firing by police at the Thai-Japanese Stadium Thursday morning.

It said 17 injured protesters were sent to Rajvithi Hospital while three were sent to Police Hospital, two to Ramathibodi Hospital and another to Pramongkut Hospital.

-- The Nation 2013-12-26

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"It was also reported that a policeman was shot at his right shoulder by live bullet during the clash. He is now undergone surgery at General Police Hospital."

Funny that, BIB act in a manner that draws criticism and all of a sudden we hear that one of them is undergoing surgery. Did the report say which side "shot" him?

Edit: just read report that "man in black" opened fire on protesters (presumably hitting the BIB) and was caught by protest "guards". So which side was he from them?

Edited by Bluespunk
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Two men shot and at least seven injured at Din Daeng


.Meanwhile, it was reported that protest guards had captured a man who allegedly opened fire into the crowd of protesters, injuring one of them. The man wore a black T-shirt, a gas mask and a green scarf. His identity was unknown at press time.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/two-men-shot-least-seven-injured-din-daeng/


-- Thai PBS 2013-12-26

So nobody reacted before he opened fire??


So this a normal outfit for the average middleclass peaceful protester?

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Two men shot and at least seven injured at Din Daeng


.Meanwhile, it was reported that protest guards had captured a man who allegedly opened fire into the crowd of protesters, injuring one of them. The man wore a black T-shirt, a gas mask and a green scarf. His identity was unknown at press time.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/two-men-shot-least-seven-injured-din-daeng/


-- Thai PBS 2013-12-26

So nobody reacted before he opened fire??


So this a normal outfit for the average middleclass peaceful protester?

Noo but it might be what you'd have ready if the police had opened fire on you with tear gas on previous protests.

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CAPO: Officers forced to use teargas and rubber bullets

BANGKOK, 26 Dec 2013 (NNT) - The Center for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) says police officers were forced to use rubber bullets and teargas against the protesters who were trying to force their way into the Thai-Japan Youth Center compound.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul, as head of CAPO, made a televised announcement following clashes between police officers and anti-government demonstrators, saying it was necessary that officers use force against the protesters who attempted to break into the Thai-Japan Youth Center, currently held as a registration venue for the upcoming general election.

Clashes between the protesters and the officers broke out around 7:20am this morning. Teargases and rubber bullets were fired at the protesters.

According to Mr. Surapong, the demonstrators did not follow the rule and the rallies were not staged in a peaceful manner as they had claimed.

Lastly, he reiterated that the officers had been patient and using restraint with the protesters as all measures were in line with the international rule of law.

-- NNT 2013-12-26 footer_n.gif

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Filthy dirty scum trying to block democratic elections, how sad to see how much power this little band of fascists seem to wield

Yes, so lets hope the resign and democratic elections will be possible in a year or so.

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bkkgooner post # 23

Filthy dirty scum trying to block democratic elections, how sad to see how much power this little band of fascists seem to wield

You've hit the nail on the head squarely and described the plans and actions along with the future election format of Thaksins puppet P.T.P. government to a T.

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"However, the government and police could no longer tolerate their illegal actions as the country has laws that should be respected by all."

Does "all" also include his cousin Thaksin?

And does it also include the rulings of the constitutional court?

Or is Surapong just a great comedian?

Puppet comedian perhaps.

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32 injured, one critically in today’s clashes at Din Daeng

BANGKOK: -- The Public Health Ministry announced at noon today a total of 32 people were injured in today’s clashes between anti-riot police and protesters at Din Daeng area.

The ministry said of the 32 injured, mostly from tear gas and rubber bullets, one person was critically wounded when he was shot in the head with live ammunition.

X-ray was being conducted to examine his condition. 25 injured people were admitted to Rajavithi hospital, five at Ramathibodi, and the rest at private hospitals.

Meanwhile the Center for the Administration of Peace and Order said four policemen were also injured as a ping pong bomb was thrown at them.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/32-injured-one-critically-todays-clashes-din-daeng/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-26

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"The ministry said of the 32 injured, mostly from tear gas and rubber bullets, one person was critically wounded when he was shot in the head with live ammunition."

So who was shooting? As this quote is from the PT mouthpiece, Thai PBS, their silence on this aspect of the story leads to suspicions on my part as to who may be responsible.

Of course that is speculation on my part, both sides have their share of nutters.

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"The ministry said of the 32 injured, mostly from tear gas and rubber bullets, one person was critically wounded when he was shot in the head with live ammunition."

So who was shooting? As this quote is from the PT mouthpiece, Thai PBS, their silence on this aspect of the story leads to suspicions on my part as to who may be responsible.

Of course that is speculation on my part, both sides have their share of nutters.

And on both sides could be nutters that shoot own people....

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This action could well prove to be the greatest mistake that could have been made by the authorities.

The tide of public feeling which may have been ebbing regarding the anti government demonstrations leadership may well start to turn and swamp C.A.P.O . Thaksin, Yingluck and the P.T.P..

We have seen a certain amount of restraint from the authorities to date, now it seems as if the true face of the current caretaker administration is coming into public view and indeed it is an ugly face pitted with the acne of desperation from events in time past to the current event

Again we see students being targeted as they have been in previous years and those students became the targets and victims of the previous oppressive regimes.

This action does not bode well for the future as past historical track records so visibly show us.

All this bloodshed and loss of life on all sides is due to one creature and its relentless quest for revenge and power at any price, indeed that creature is wallowing in the blood of innocents whether it is those bough pawns that the creature enlisted as cannon fodder so as to achieve his aims or the anti creature and anti government demonstrators.

"Again we see students being targeted as they have been in previous years and those students became the targets and victims of the previous oppressive regimes."

What a gross response - how can you have the temerity to compare these "Students"


with these


Have you no shame?

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