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Why and at what age did you come to Thailand?

i claudius

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1976 first experienced the delights of bangkok in every way possible only 7 days but my eyes had been opened to the world. 1986 came for 2 weeks bangkok just as good. 2014 came back on holiday Pattaya (lost wife to cancer needed a complete break) stayed love it here married again now life's good again

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I came here at the age of 38.

Why did I come here? I had been involved in a startup venture for several years, which eventually failed. Myself and my two business partners had invested our entire savings in to the business, and lost pretty much everything.

I took a look at my bank account, and figured I had enough to disappear somewhere for a year, get my head together, and try and make some sensible plans on how I was going to move forward again, starting from scratch.

I found a website with long term rentals available on Koh Phangan, rented a nice house with a private beach for a year, and booked a flight to Bangkok.

Apart from wandering off to work very occasionally, I have been here ever since, although I no longer live down on the island.

Edited by Cam Khao
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First visit was 2001(41 yrs old) on business prospecting where to move operations for the company I worked for. Ended up in Pathum Thani (Rangsit). Had many trips back and forth setting it all up. 2005 Ended up being relocated to Thailand for the company to oversee operations. During that time I had tons of free time to research and travel around. The place grew on me, I had moved operations to the Philippines and SZ China and neither of the places ever grabbed me. 2009 decided to retire and relax in Thailand. for 2 years I moved all over, North to south and decided this is where I want to live. I had been dating a gal and we decided to get married. Built a house up north and that's that.

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Showed up Dec/89. Moved here Jan/91. Life is good, but the gov'mt is making my thoughts wander. Have a happy Thai family. Thai Gov'mt theu all the years it has never been easy to live here. Might run for Gov'mt if they ever have another election.

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I came over when I was 36 for a holiday with mates to BKK and Samui. Was mainly planning beer and girls. Thats what I did.

I found the place new and exciting. I work month on month of so decided to rent out my flat and come accross.

Met a girl and been here ever since. No ex wife, kids back home so looks like I will be here a while. Currently 8yrs. Very settled in a small village in Chonburi.

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Well I scrolled through this chestnut from December 2013 because I couldn't remember if I had posted -- I didn't -- but I did notice that there were +/- 10 now banned members who did decide to post on this topic and some have left idiosyncrasies that now appear in the musings of current posters.

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64 years old.

Don't know why. Was on phone confirming air fare price to Puerto Rico and out of the Blue said how about Bangkok. Came liked it went home came back for a six month trip went home divested my self of all physicl responsabilities there and came back to a new life. don't regret it one bit.

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Well I scrolled through this chestnut from December 2013 because I couldn't remember if I had posted -- I didn't -- but I did notice that there were +/- 10 now banned members who did decide to post on this topic and some have left idiosyncrasies that now appear in the musings of current posters.

You sparked my interest so had a quick look and saw 13 banned members. Pretty impressive but I wonder how many are still posting and stirring things up under new names. It seems some people just don’t play well with others but insist on coming back for more.

I too was uncertain as to whether I had posted but it didn't take long to find that I had.

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Age 21.... which was 19 years ago as of this December. Fresh out of college, didn't feel like working for Dell (UT-Austin grad). Moved over to 'take care' of my parents who were recently retired from 30 years of running a first gen immigrant style supermarket (followed up with the immigrant style chain of mini marts, restaurant and misc. etc.) Thought that the doors of opportunity would open but sorry... BA degree and no job experience has about the same value here as it does back in Texas... also, my parents decided to allow me only a subsistence living (honors in parenting they deserve for that one).

Ended up teaching English at AUA for just under 2 years, saved up to start a small pet fish exporting biz.... lucked into the Baht devaluation era of 1997 to... (well, it's never really gone back to pre 1997 numbers), started importing artemia/shrimp feed from Utah, parlayed that into my first piece of real estate (a shop house on Ramkhamhaeng 184) at age 29, put some money on the street (as they say on the Sopranos) through family pawn shops, then a 2nd building, 3rd, and never loooked back. Got a local master's degree where I learned little on paper but a lot more about local thought processes and group tendencies (which IMO has allowed me ot stay slightly ahead of them in a lot of business ventures). Got married, kids, framework for generation 3 is all set up and paid for.... just have to focus on raising kids who aren't too soft/spoiled to handle it (and to avoid the 3rd generation 'Chinese' failure trap)....

It's been a great ride.

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Get a life.what possible interest could a sane person have in such a topic. .?

So here we are 2 years later and people are still posting,so we must all have a life,lol and two years later I me still for one as happy as a pig in it

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